Balance and Harmony

The vertigo is back. And so is a mysterious unexplained rash I struggled with last year. It’s coming to the surface again, making me feel a bit off kilter.

I reflect. It’s nearly August and here we are, masked up, restricted in our movements, in a crazy mixed up world where emotions are high. Maybe I shouldn’t be surprised at my physical symptoms. After all, don’t our inner thoughts often manifest in our body

Like everyone I’m quietly getting on with life, however I’ll admit to feeling the uncertainty and worry. It’s unavoidable, and only human, to mourn what we’ve lost and the freedoms we once took for granted. Yet despite this, each day I wake to another gift of life and I feel inexplicably blessed.

I can’t travel BUT I can meditate. A few nights ago I did a meditation by Dr Joe Dispenza which transported me. It took me on a journey, out of my worries and into a state where I felt peace and wonder at the earth and all of living life here.

I imagine the trees that I walk amongst every day, that change with the seasons and prove how resilient we can all be in the shedding and releasing of old ways.

I remember the oceans that I’ve swum in and the shores that I’ve walked along, marvelling at the tides, both gentle and strong, continual forces of nature that ebb and flow.

I dream about the desert, the vastness and awe of the ancient landscapes of Mungo, the rugged grandeur of places like Arkaroola and the spiritual heart and soul of the Red Centre in Australia. Where whispers of the past become part of our present.

I picture our green pockets of nature breathing in life through rain-forests of replenishing beauty, signs that life renews and thrives even after fire, loss and devastation.

I imagine the Earth as being part of us. Slowing down. And, as we live in harmony, we’re all becoming tuned in to her new rhythm and vibration.

Perhaps once we start healing our inner world these physical manifestations, our ailments, my vertigo and rash, pain and conflict, they might restore into balance. When fear is replaced by faith there is a shift.

Perhaps once we change our inner selves we’ll see the changes that we want in our outer world: love, kindness, compassion, understanding over judgement and visions of a better world.

Perhaps if we keep the earth close to your heart we can let our love for life heal all of life. When we move in harmony we ARE in harmony.

“Every time you open your heart the earth notices.”

“Every time you give, it notices.”

“Every time you give thanks, it feels you.”

When we feel awe for a sunset or the force of the ocean or a midnight sky full of stars, when you feel that gentle breeze that caresses your cheek as you walk, these moments, big and small connect us to something greater. I stopped the other day, mesmorised by a flower. Or perhaps it was a weed. It didn’t matter, it was so beautiful it made me pause.

Let these moments lift you up. “Bless it, give thanks to it. Admire it and celebrate it. Care for it. Appreciate this earth we’re all a part of.”

Although I have no control over what’s happening in the outside world I can control what I focus on. Love, peace and acceptance. Maybe if I hold these in my mind enough, just as I held the images of mountains, oceans and deserts in my mind during meditation, the world will right itself.

Solutions come when we’re peaceful inside. And when we shift our mindset.

Here’s to being positive, forward thinking and resilient. My hope is that we lose the need to control what we can’t control and instead lean forward into love and faith.

Let’s all unite and raise our vibration. Love and gratitude will always triumph over fear. We will get through this.

Stay strong, healthy, sane and happy.

In love and light

A weed or a moment of wonder – it’s all in our perspective
Click here to access my interview and eight other inspiring conversations.
Recorded and airing until 30 July 2020

108 thoughts on “Balance and Harmony

  1. Best wishes to you Miriam, it’s a bugger feeling off kilter, and I hope you find some stability and peace again soon. I haven’t had a chance to listen to your podcast yet but I will do soon. Sending good vibes 🙏

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    1. Thanks Glenys, appreciate those good vibes! Meditation and daily walks are making a difference but I do miss the travel. Keep soaking up that Murray River magic, for me too! 😊

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  2. This has totally made me want to do a Joe Dispenza meditation. I’ve heard such great things about his work and this makes me even more excited. It’s so true that we can travel other worlds through meditation, and even if we don’t travel physically, we can totally travel mentally, however, I’ll take both experiences please hehe 😉 And so true about how our inner world manifests into our physical reality when it comes to health, and everything really! That’s why I truly believe we have the power to heal ourselves too! This is one of the most perfect posts I have ever read, and I agree with you. The more I focus on peace, love and harmony too, the more I expect to see that reflected in the physical world. Thank YOU for sharing ❤

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    1. So glad you enjoyed my post. I nearly linked the Joe Dispenza meditation that I did but figured he has so many online that it’s easy to find one that’s perfect for your mood. I’m sure you’ll find one that suits you. They’re all pretty amazing. I loved the YouTube video of “Its a wonderful world” that I included, it almost felt like a meditation in itself. 🎵💜 Enjoy. Sending peace and love to you and thanks so much for your lovely comment. 🙏

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        1. Vertigo is horrible. I guess you’ve tried that exercise – I can’t remember the name of it -that dislodges platelets in the ears. It worked for me but I have friends who hve tried it with no success.
          Your writing is very beautiful and the sentiments you express are quite profound. I hope you feel a bit better next week. The past week has been very stressful and exhausing on an energetic level. All the best – Suzanne

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        2. Thanks Suzanne, it’s interesting because the vertigo isn’t bothering me half as much as this mystery rash/dermatitis. But I’m sure it will go eventually.
          Yes, it’s strange and stressful times for sure. I try to let it go but it’s hard sometimes. And I’ve always been a bit of an over-thinker. Very draining. Take care and stay well.


        3. Skin stuff and dermatitus are directly related to stress but you probably know that! One of my sons got a terrible rash in year 12. The doctor told him to eat carrots and use vitamin E cream. It helped quite a bit.
          Yes, detaching from all the news and public opinion is hard. I keep getting caught up in it too. The negativity is like a vortex at present. I can’t always meditate either. I do stuff like slow stitching or printing out old photos. I find it relaxing. I can’t get out much because I can’t breathe very well in a mask. Take care 😊

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        4. The masks are really suffocating, I agree. When I’m out in nature I simply wear a scarf and if I see someone I wrap it over my face. It all feels emotionally draining. The media, I hate it, but it draws me in sometimes, hard not to get sucked in at times but I think I need to pull back.
          Carrots and Vitamin E … I’ll have to remember that. Thanks Suzanne. You enjoy your slow stitching and take care. xx

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  3. I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling with health issues, Miriam. In the past, my father has had issues with vertigo. I don’t recall the type of doctor he saw, but they did some sort of manipulation with his neck that seemed to help. Take care and thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos and the podcast. ❤

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    1. Thanks Jill. I had this benign positional vertigo last year that cleared with exercises, if it’s the same thing. The rash however is a mystery. 🤭 Hope you’re well. xx

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  4. Couldn’t agree with you more, Miriam. What a delight you are! I absolutely love the way you perceive life! I will share with you something a woman suggested to me which I am putting into my daily life. Whenever I do go out now I “see” in my mind’s eye me leaving a trail of light behind me and around me which connects to the energy and stays there. In so being, I am anchoring light and love wherever I go! How cool is that? I “know” I do this but to really focus on that is ever so more powerful! What we put our energy into becomes that more powerful.
    To hear you are not feeling well again saddens my heart. Perhaps while meditating you can ask what the foundational problem is, if this is a physical “problem” or something else. Is it the stress you are experiencing setting this off? Or again is it something else? I will keep you close in my heart with the “intent” you will receive understanding and know what to do about your symptoms. Sending you big hugs and a huge thank you for this beautiful post that really made my day today!! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Hi Amy. I love what you said about seeing a trail of light behind you which connects to energy. That’s such a profound and beautiful way of feeling into making a difference. I know that sometimes I’ll intentionally and inwardly “bless” people as I pass them on my walks, even if they don’t look at me. Kind of like an acknowledgement of our connection to humanity! I’ll try your suggestion cos you’re right, what we put our energy on becomes more powerful. ✨
      Thank you and thank you also for your kind words and well wishes. I’ve had some tests and hopefully will know more next week. Maybe in the meantime I’ll soak in a bath of Epsom salts. Can’t hurt!
      Hope all’s well with you my friend and your week has been a peaceful one. Hugs and love back. xx

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      1. Take good care, dear friend. Please know in your heart that all is as it needs to be. That is at times so not easy to swallow. There will be many blessings coming from this situation for you. There always are!! xo

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        1. Yes, I believe so too. Thank you lovely lady, for your encouraging and kind words at this time, and especially your friendship across the miles. xxxx ❤️

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  5. Thank you so much for this beautiful post of yours, Miriam. Do take utmost care of your health and I completely agree with you. We all have become bogged down with what is happening in our world right now. Nice of you that you are doing daily meditation and walks in this beautiful place.

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  6. I’m sorry to hear about the rash and the vertigo.
    Thanks a lot for this, Miriam. I really needed to hear this today. I’ve been having a really bad day..a bad couple of days actually. This virus has affected us in so many ways. I just hope that this ordeal ends soon. Take care, Miriam. I hope you feel better

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    1. Aww Shweta, thanks and I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been having some bad days. It can be hard to keep a positive perspective when things seem overwhelming. Feel into your heart and the gratitude for even the simplest things. It helps me. Take care and sending you big virtual hugs. xx


  7. Hi Miriam! This is lovely, and I agree. We have to take what we have now and appreciate it. Hope you feel better. I have trouble with my skin as well. Unfortunately, I think unrest and anxiety will manifest itself one way or another no matter how hard we try to control it, and given the state of the world, such symptoms are hardly surprising. We are only human. I wish you peace and joy, my friend. Stay safe and well. 🙂

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    1. Hi Laura, thanks for your kind words. I’m sorry to hear that you’re also having issues with your skin. I think you’re right, the current anxieties bring many things to the surface and so maybe it’s not surprising. Here’s to both of us feeling more centred and at peace soon. Sending love and hugs. 💜

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  8. Thank you for the beautiful and timely reminders Miriam. I got off track this week fighting the covid madness. Thankfully today I’ve had numerous reminders to hold the sacred space for love and harmony. Clearly, you’re doing the same. May we continue to hold the space for love and harmony to anchor ourselves, others, and life on the beautiful planet. 💞 🌍

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    1. Hi Brad, it’s so easy to get off track, I totally get it. I had a few days of wasted energy, reading the wrong things and getting sucked into the madness before I realised I was giving my energy to the wrong things. Thankfully we always have a choice to turn back towards the light. Yes, here’s to love and faith being our guiding point and learning to trust ourselves in these days of uncertainty. Sending love. 💕✨

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  9. My heart goes out to you, Miriam! I always think of you on my solo walks and now that our part of the world is being threatened by an uptick in cases, I’ve been worrying that the fragile freedom we’ve just been given might be taken away by groups of people who feel the pandemic is behind them…just last night I was thinking that I must practice more meditation, your beautiful post is a timely reminder. I hope your symptoms resolve, my thoughts are with you….

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    1. Hi Kim, I’m glad my post was a reminder for a bit more meditation. Some days I’m lax with my practice but my daily walk is something I rarely miss. Stay well my friend and keep enjoying your own beautiful walks in nature. They’re a gift in these times. Sending love and peace. x

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  10. A beautiful post, Miriam. I’m sorry about the vertigo and physical response to all this stress, but the meditation and mantras are lovely and balancing and peaceful. Being compassionate and kind and loving isn’t only a state of mind and heart, but something we can actively do to bring about the necessary shift into a new and different world. Your message is empowering.
    I feel a little like a metronome, clicking between peace and a fog of disorientation that makes me want to crawl back in bed. I know now that it’s something that I have to manage, and CAN manage by deciding where to put my energy. I wish you health and peace, creativity and laughter. ❤

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    1. Hi Diana, I can fully understand that feeling of being like a metronome, alternating between feeling peace and then getting wound up. It’s not always easy to swing back is it. I guess that’s where meditation, self compassion and being kind to ourselves helps. Yes, we CAN manage it when the fear and uncertainty becomes overwhelming.
      Thank you for your wonderful comment and your kind words and well wishes. I wish you the same back. With love and hugs xx ❤️

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  11. It never occurred to me, but ought to have, what a disaster this must be for, say, a travel blogger. Oh, Miriam, your soul is meant to fly! But yours is a stark reminder that this fate, the locked-in one, isn’t a Redding thing, or a Cali thing, or a US thing, or a Northern Hem thing, but a worldwide freakin’ thing. Stay safe, and let those thoughts take you everywhere you cannot go, just yet. We’ll stay home, don masks, and wash up over here – half a world away – for you. Can’t imagine a better reason. Feel better!

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    1. Hi Tom, great to hear from you. Yep, it’s a worldwide thing that’s for sure, none of us are exempt. But I do consider myself blessed. I have my home, my family, my health and a whole lotta love around me. And, you’re right, in my mind I can go anywhere! Take care my friend. 😍

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  12. I suffer from recurring vertigo too, so I feel your pain. And yes, these are such stressful times and it is so hard to have our movement restricted. It does help to know it’s all over the world (although in the States, our news media keeps telling us that the rest of the world has beaten the pandemic and we’re the only country struggling), and to draw strength from each other. Turning inward does help, and so does knowing that this won’t last forever and that the world has been through this before. Hand in there, Miriam!!! You will travel again someday soon, and so many people are looking forward to reading about it!!

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    1. You’re right Ann, the world has gone through this before and we’ll get through it again. Not with any help of the MSM though, whose main intent I sometimes think is to keep us in a state of fear and confusion. Here’s to keeping up a positive attitude and to eventually travelling and hugging each other again! Take care and stay happy. xx

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  13. I’m sorry about the vertigo, Miriam. I had it years ago and it was terrible and uncontrollable. There was nothing I could do about it. I simply couldn’t get up and out of bed. My world turned 360 degree sideways. I had an MRI but nothing wrong physically. So the doctor asked me to take Bonine, something for seasick. It just treated the symptom. But somehow the vertigo didn’t come back after two episodes.

    I appreciate your post and thank you for sharing your meditation experience with us. This is a stressful time for many of us. We do need this for us to get through the uncertainty.

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    1. Thanks Miriam. Sorry to hear you’ve experienced the vertigo as well. Though I’ll be honest it’s the strange dark rash that has me more puzzled than the vertigo. Still, I take it one day at a time, trying to stay positive and away from the fear perpetuating main stream media. Being outside in nature and meditation certainly helps. Hope you’re keeping well. Take care. x


  14. What beautiful words and images of strength and hope. I have a feeling that your physical symptoms have begun to subside by now. Nature, even when conjured in the mind during meditation, is the best healer. I have been taking refuge there when I can’t physically immerse myself.

    Your photos made my heart take flight. Australia is such a mystical place. Funny, I was just listening to Gurrumul, an aboriginal musician. Maybe you’ve heard of him?

    I’ll take weeds (wildflowers) over well-behaved gardens any day.🙂 They are the very symbol of defiance. Hope you are feeling better. 💖

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    1. Thank you Julie and you’re right, my symptoms have slowly begun to subside. So lovely to read your comment from another like minded nature lover.
      Glad you enjoyed my photos and the mystical music of Gurrumul. I love what you wrote about weeds being like defiance. Yes to that! Sending love and warmest wishes from my side of the world. xx 💕

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  15. Hi Miriam, I’ve been thinking of you and wishing you well. It’s not an easy time but your words are lovely and positive as always. You make me smile with your words. Stay well xx 🙂

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  16. Hello my sweet friend Miriam! I am sending you a trillion heart-felt hugs and blessings for health, ease, and peace. It is a challenge to completely ward oneself off from what´s going on in the collective at times, and I applaud your light and radiance as it keeps shining so beautifully! It takes inner work to consciously refocus on the positive and people who do it are my favorite type of people, aka, love ya! 💖 I loved your words and sentiments here as per se! I concur that inner change is what it´s all about. Your blog is the best example for it – your light and inspiration ripples out and reenforces vibes of peace, love, and trust. Thank you, from my heart to yours! We ARE the change we want to see in the world, hey? Also loved your quotes here!! “Every time your heart opens, the earth notices” Sigh. You always touch my soul with your beautiful, beautiful writing. So much love and big hugs 💖💖💖

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    1. Hello cara Maria, how I love hearing from you, my beautiful, like minded soul sis from across the ocean. We are very aligned and I know that you too feel and share the positive vibes and light that are so needed now. Thank you, from my heart to yours, for your kind words, your sentiments and your dear friendship. Yes, we ARE indeed the change. Sending you also lotsa love and big warm hugs. xx 💕🌸

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      1. Queridisima amiga, same here! I literally just breathed a sigh of joyful relief when I read your lines. See, its working:) Thank you for your loving words here my querida rockstar lioness!! So grateful for you and our amicizia. So much love and warm cuddly hugs xx 💕🌸 You rock xoxo

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  17. What a beautiful journey you took yourself on Miriam… see… we don’t really have to travel anywhere! AND hopefully our mind will get used to believing we’re really traveling when we’re imagining, just like we can tease the body and lessen our stress that’s is a natural part of being in this absurd happening worldwide!
    You’ll find lots is resurfacing now, old wounds of ours and ancestral. The trick is to not claim it, only embrace and breathe it through the body and mind until it’s done it’s job. Time to love and care for ourselves deeper. I too have had skin issues as my body was both detoxing old wounds and receiving updates of light… AND the more conscious we allow ourselves to be more light/radiation enters to transform our makeup! Nothing to do but ride it out, accepting everything it brings up, relaxing and sleeping more and before we know it, it goes. Take care Miriam and I look forward to reading your next inner journey❤️🌈🧚‍♀️ Love Barbara x

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    1. Thank you so much Barbara for your wonderfully encouraging words. I think you’re right, old wounds are definitely resurfacing, I’ve been feeling this for awhile detoxing old wounds so as you said I’m trying to ride it out in these crazy times.
      I love what you said about travelling in the mind. Imagination is a wonderful thing right now and, if we can only train our mind to stay in the positive and the good, rather than getting caught up in the fear, we can go anywhere and achieve anything can’t we. Thank you for being here Barbara sharing your wisdom and shining your light. I appreciate you. xx ❤️🙏

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  18. These truly are difficult times Miriam. Keep up the meditation, I believe our minds need as much nurturing as our waistlines are getting.😉 although we have managed to get away it is still incredibly stressful and weighs on our minds constantly. Stay safe and savour those sunrises.

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  19. I’m sorry to hear that you are dealing with vertigo and a rash, Miriam. I hope that you feel better soon. That song is just beautiful. I’ve taken time to notice the little pops of beauty in recent times. The other morning the dew on the black grill cover caught the early morning sun and looked like a bed of crushed diamonds sending rainbows scattering. It was so simple and yet so stunning. Sending you much love, my friend. xx

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  20. Hi Miriam! Sorry to hear about your vertigo and rash. Hope you’re feeling better soon. Loved your post, it gave me peace just reading it. Life is so strange, uncertain, frustrating, anxiety-filled these days. I’m striving for peace. It’s wonderful to start catching up with your blog. I’ve been away from blogging for months now. Nice to be back! Stay safe, take care. xo

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    1. Jenny! I actually went to your blog the other day wondering if you were back and how you were. So lovely to hear from you. I hope you’re well. Yes, these are crazy surreal times and like you I’m striving for peace. Some days are better than others but always trying to stay positive. Sending you lots of love and big hugs from this part of the world. xx

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  21. Definitely strange and difficult times we’re living in. I agree with you that often what happens to our bodies is connected with our minds. Sometimes is just allergies, too. Glad to hear you’re getting comfort and peace through meditation.

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  22. Hi Miriam, I was away last week and catching up, enjoying reading the blogs I follow. Reading your post reminds me how much can change within a week, especially nowadays. And yes, our inner thoughts often manifest in our body.

    Again, I greatly appreciate your words, Miriam. You have a gift for sharing genuine feelings and reality, yet also sharing a positive spin and gratitude. When I “used to go” to my Bikram yoga studio/classes almost daily, the yogi friends would often talk about Dr. Joe Dispenza. Can you recommend a specific meditation?

    You remind me how I/we are off balance right now. I will work on rebalancing. I also appreciate your word “harmony.” I appreciate your phrase “shift our mindset.” Thank you Miriam for being You and making a difference. ❤️

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    1. Hi Erica, so glad you were able to enjoy a week away, hope you had a lovely time. Yes, it’s amazing how much can change in a day, let alone a week. Here it seems to be a continual changing scenario with very inconsistent messages. Little wonder so many of us are caught up in the stress.
      Thanks so much for your kind words on my post Erica. A favourite Joe Dispenza meditation? Gosh, that’s a tough one, there are so many. If you go on YouTube you’ll find many and of varying lengths. But there are so many amazing guided meditations available online these days from so many people. I hope you’re well and coping in these strange times. Here’s to holding onto peace and rebalancing back into alignment. Take care. xx ❤️

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        1. My husband and I just discussing things in general and I mentioned the coincidence about a special, insightful, interesting, kind, blogging friend. Since we have a time change is the birthday August 3 or 4th? My husband is August 3rd. Not that any of this truly matters. Just curious. xx

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    1. Thanks Adam. Every day is a challenge and/or a blessing depending on our perspective. It’s not always easy but I try and make conscious choices to look at the positive. Take care and stay well my friend.


  23. I hope you’re doing much better now, Miriam. My friend has vertigo and I heard it can be quite difficult. You’re doing a fantastic job of just being. Those visuals are perfect to take your mind from what’s bothering you. We’re all struggling in our own way and I wish I could offer you some sort of relief from all the things that get you down. Meditation is perfect to maintain a balance. You’re on the right track my friend. Take care and get well soon! xoxo

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    1. Thanks Cheryl. I’m doing fine. My vertigo is manageable and my weird mystery rash sometimes just pops up and gets to me but I know it’ll eventually go away. Yes, we are all struggling in our own way, either physically or mentally, but I love this space here where we can share our thoughts with each other. My hubby doesn’t like to talk about anything pandemic related so this space almost like my sanctuary. Take care and stay well. xx

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      1. That’s good to hear you’re doing better. Basil is obsessed with anything pandemic related. I’m the one who doesn’t want to hear anything. haha…Take care!

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  24. What is possible when love leads? – This is a question that speaks to me. The question I have been asking myself for years is similar, “What would love do?” I am behind on reading your posts. I hope that by the time you read this message you are feeling much better. Take good care of yourself. The world needs your light.

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    1. Thank you for your kind words Ali. I am feeling a bit better these days. And yes, I believe that When Love leads anything is possible. Take good care yourself Ali. Sending love. xx

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