The Magic of May

It’s hard to believe we’re already a third of the way through the year. In Australia it’s mid Autumn and nature is showing off her brilliant pallet of reds, orange and yellow hues.

We’ve spent the past couple of weekends in the High Country of Victoria where the towns of Bright, Myrtleford and surrounds are filled with trees ablaze with colour.

Over the next month or so the ruby red and amber leaves will start to fall, the trees will slowly become barren and earth’s floor will be a carpet of crisp colour.

Watching Mother Nature go through her cycles reminds me of the shedding we all undergo in the inevitable changes that affects each and every one of us.

Although I love the long balmy days of summer, Autumn holds its own special appeal. Three things are in the air …


Somehow trees are at their most beautiful when they’re in the midst of letting go. And they seem to do it so graciously.

I feel as though I’m letting go of the weight and pull of the past. Accepting how things are, relinquishing control and having faith that we don’t have to hold onto everything can do wonders in uncluttering our life, our mind and our heart.

Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day”. – Shira Tamir


The smell of leaves falling, the light changing and the sound of leaves crunching underfoot is a sensory feast. I’m loving my long walks with Harry in the cool mornings when there’s a slight chill in the air but the sky is still blue.

I’m no botanist but I know that leaves changing colour and dropping is a result of complex things at play. Light, temperature and genetics all cause leaves to fall off to protect themselves against the winter elements yet to come. Nature is such a complex cycle yet in a way it’s also simple. For every season there is a reason.

To understand the mystery is to uncover magic. But magic is often not understood but simply accepted and believed.

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. “


Autumn reminds me of the vast cycle of life. It reminds me of our lifelong journey of change, new beginnings, endings and the challenges that surround us.

It’s a reflective time to focus on what’s important. Happiness, purpose, family, our health and well-being, staying positive and living life to the full. It’s a time to release what no longer serves us and to feel grateful for what we do have and what brings us happiness.

Though I have no major trips planned at the moment there’s always something to look forward to. Even an overnighter in our camper can be rejuvenating, feeling cosy by a campfire, cooking delicious stews and snuggling up in warm clothes. The simple pleasures are often the best, like walking by a river and crunching through a carpet of leaves like a big kid.

As winter inches closer I’m reminded of the need for balance in all areas of my life, staying active yet finding time to relax. It’s allowing quality time to do what I love (without the guilt) amid the business of life and not slipping into those grey day blues. When we focus on nurturing ourselves and we take care of our own well-being we have more to give to others.

Change is in the air

So much is changing around me and it’s not simply the shade of the leaves and the temperature in the air. There are lots of unknowns on the horizon but in this ever-changing world no one really knows what’s going to happen next.

Perhaps that’s part of the mystery of life, learning to go with the flow and creating our own unique story along the way.

Having said that, I’m off to fill my home with the earthy smells of the season by baking my favourite banana and raspberry cake and lighting an orange candle.

My intention this month is to be open to the magic. It’s to watch for those changes and adapt, it’s to keep taking those steps forward towards my goals, no matter how small they are, and to make the most of every day. Sue at Sizzling towards Sixty and Beyond has dedicated a whole month to micro-stepping in May.

So for those of us that live in the Southern Hemisphere, embrace this delicious season of change. And for everyone else, I wish you a mindful and beautiful May.

May it be filled with magic, mystery and a whole lot of meaning.

In light and love

Harry amid the leaves
Harry savouring the smells of the season

Even Lamby can sense change in the air

Here’s my cake, fresh out of the oven!

103 thoughts on “The Magic of May

  1. Beautiful and reflective post Miriam. It takes in so many aspects of what nature can teach us
    and the beauty and meaning of change.
    I so agree with Tamir and have written a poem about this very subject.

    With so much beauty given to us both by pictures and words I can but say. Thank you for sharing
    these wonders with us.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’ve just read your beautiful poem on belonging Miriam. It’s true that nature can teach us so much. Thank you, as always, for your profound and very kind comment. xx

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  2. I love the idea of being open to magic, I’m spending a little bit of time each day on another m word…meditation. Autumn definitely makes up wake up and notice changes around us I think. Enjoy the colourful days while they last. 🍁💛🧡

    Liked by 2 people

  3. How awesome! I love the letting go quote. It’s so cool you get to still hang out with Lamby! Have a beautiful day, and enjoy that yummy cake!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha thanks Wendy, there’s still half a cake left! It was good to see Lamby, she has a pretty good life up in the hills of the High Country. Happy May my friend 😊

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  4. Autumn is my favourite month Miriam and we’re lucky tom live in an area where the colours are magical like where you’ve been! I agree change is in the air and I’m ready to embrace it 🙂 Lovely to read your words and see your beautiful photos. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  5. How strange to think of you stepping into autumn as I celebrate the arrival of spring with daffodils, crocuses, dogwoods blooming and more hours of sunlight. Getting greener each day. Lovely photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks again Miriam for a comprehensive, reflective post. Although here in England it is spring I can identify with your post. In autumn there were a few intentions I failed to carry ou so never too late to revisit. I will take a look also at ‘sizzling at 60’. 🌹🌿🍂🍁

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t it interesting how we’re all going through different seasons, yet there’s always something we can relate to. Enjoy your Spring Margaret. And yes, I hope you do visit sizzling Sue, she has a wonderful blog. xx


  7. Being in different hemispheres, we have different reasons for loving May. 🙂 We’re starting a cycle of rebirth and moving outward and you’re headed toward letting go and moving within. I love your perspectives on Autumn as connected to letting go, mystery, and meaning. Happy Autumn Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Brad. Each season holds its own blessings and beauty doesn’t it. I love Spring, it’s probably my favourite season of all. Have a wonderful month. 🙂

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  8. lovely post as usual Miriam, how I love Bright! M = mellow is the word that arises from this ❤
    We don't get those leaf or weather changes up here so nice to get a seasonal taste 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Great post, photos and great writting. Cake looks yum. You definately write posts that mellow the reader. A joy to read and appreciate the seasons

    Funny as you go in Autumn, we are in spring. Still you have more sun than us in the UK.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Bella. Yes, we’re blessed with lots of sun, even today with the cooler temperatures. Enjoy your spring and thank you for your lovely words.
      Oh, and there’s a piece of cake left if you’d like it! 😊

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  10. Hi Miriam! I just love Autumn and I there is just something about the colours of the leaves that fill me with joy. We don’t really have defined Seasons as such in Queensland so I relish looking at photos of the Autumnal coloured leaves and also trying to taking holidays where I can experience the glorious colours. I so enjoyed your post and your thoughts on life and letting go. Change can be a good thing and yes, Autumn does bring Mystery – you can feel it in the air – the cool crisp mornings and evenings and the early sunsets. Thank you for mentioning my theme for the month and I love your intention for the month. We all need Magic in our lives and thank you for bringing some magic today with your beautiful writing and photography. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Sue. Autumn really is such a magical, colourful time and I love all the colours that are around me at the moment. It’s so nice to share photos, especially when we all live in different parts of the country (and world) and are going through different seasons. The joys of blogging hey.
      Thanks again for your lovely words. Hope you have a beautiful, magical month ahead Sue and achieve all your goals. xx


  11. Visited Bright during Easter and the trees were looking beautiful. They just needed a few more cold nights to get that crisp red colour happening.


  12. I enjoyed this, and as you go with the flow into autumn, we’re stepping into spring and beyond! Wise words here, and, as ever, it seems you’re finding your way to some sort of balance – I think it’s ok to tip a bit each way, keeps it interesting!
    Thanks, Miriam.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks PC, trying to find my balance though it’s not always easy. I think I’m well overdue for another camping trip! Happy Friday and weekend to you. 🙂


  13. Miriam, you bring the magic of Autumn magically alive, its fragrances, the sights and emotions. With light and wistful writing you’ve transported me to your autumn and I’m loving It! Savour every second of it … and meanwhile I’ll imagine I’m tasting that amazing cake! Looks divine! Happy Weekend, my friend! Wishing you many exciting and meditative adventures this season! Hugs ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Well now, there is definitely magic in this post! Enjoy this read a lot. First up, your writing literally reminded me of all the things I love about Autumn, my favourite season. You sum it up perfectly with these three words: magic, mystery and meaning. Your photos and the CAKE -Ooh that cake looks so delicious!- are the cheery on the Sundae. I am in full Spring mode at the moment but will try to remember that “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished
    ” Lao Tzu. You are the one who reminded me of this great quote by the way. Have a magical and meaningful month of May.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, yes, that wonderful quote. Thank you for reminding me of it again Dominique, it’s a perfect companion to this post. And thank you for your kind words here too. Enjoy all the wonders of Spring, it’s such a gorgeous season with so much promise. I wish you a very happy weekend my gorgeous friend (and sorry, the cake’s all gone) 😜. xx

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      1. Even in my own house I don’t get the chance to taste the cake that I bake! So now I make two and hide one. Thankfully, I have two fridges and nobody look in the old one in the basement. Lol Have a great week Miriam. Much love!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Cake looks good though I don’t like cooked banana. We’re a funny lot aren’t we, and what works for one doesn’t work for another. The secret seems to be to keep trying and to embrace it all, Miriam. You do that so well. Wishing you a beautiful Autumn 😍🍀🍁🍂🍃

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Although it is Spring here, I do enjoy Autumn and Spring equally. After all, both involve transforming the world into a far more glorious and vibrant place with beautiful bursts of color. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You’re right, there is something so special about Fall! Although we are experiencing late Spring here, your post made me look forward to the return of Autumn, with its beautiful colors and cool temperatures. Thanks for this post, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Those Autumn colors look gorgeous Miriam!! I am delighting in all the green surrounding me currently. It was a long winter! Spring and Autumn are such wonderful reminders about transformation. Awww, Lamby!! So precious! And that cake looks delicious!! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Your cake looks and sounds delicious! Have you posted the recipe anywhere? I love, love that quote about the fallen leaves dancing on a windy day 🙂 Sounds like you’re embracing the season, which is awesome. Take care, Miriam! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I belive in the magic of leaves turning and flowers blooming. Your pictures are gorgeous. I loved the autumnal hues in the last two captures (so nice to see you smile)! There’s so much meaning in your words and thoughts. Change is the only constant and keeps us ticking! Stay warm my dear friend. It’s getting warmer here with cool evenings. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I do love it when you drop by, especially when I see you’ve written it only a minute ago. 😁 Isn’t technology amazing! Thanks Cheryl. Autumn is gorgeous, though it’s getting colder every day. Big hugs to you xx

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  21. Thank you Miriam for a lovely post about Autumn, nature, life… For me your post reminded me how I miss the colours of autumn. Mind you we have a few autumn leaves falling, but not like where I used to live. Recently we visited Melbourne and enjoyed visiting some spectacular areas with magnificent autumn foliage. There certainly was magic in all we saw. Enjoy the last few weeks of autumn. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Miriam, I don’t know how I missed this post. I enjoyed reading your words so much and boy can I relate to them! My fav thing about Fall is not only the colors but the smells that are so tantalizing. Beautiful images you showed and even though I am enjoying Spring over here, your post reminded me that yes, Change is rampant in today’s world and in order for us to survive it, to flow with it as the leaves do on the trees rustling in the winds. Thank you SO much for this post. It made me realize a few things in my life. Bless you!! 💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Amy for your beautiful words here. I’m glad if I was able to bring a bit of autumn colour to your day. Enjoy your spring and all the changes that are inevitable in our lives. Much love to you and hugs from afar. xx ❤️

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  23. Wow Miriam, I can not tell you how much I loved this post.. So insightful and Spiritual too… Autumn a favourite Season May my favourite month mainly because its my Big Day ..
    So many of us are feeling as you are, Letting Go, and knowing we need not prove anything to anyone, just be in our own sacred space working upon our inward journey..
    Keep creating Magic… Allow it all to ‘Fall’ away to replenish our souls within… We need to keep shedding all worry, and know we are all on our own cycle within nature, and are each being shown our own new colours as we awaken to our inner worlds..

    Much love and keep enjoying the freedom to just BE….. ❤ Love and Blessings dear friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What beautiful stirring words you’ve written here Sue. Thank you so much for reminding me of the journey and the beauty of not just the season of Autumn but this time of letting go and change. 🍂
      I’m curious about your Big Day. Is this something you’ve written about and I’ve missed, your birthday perhaps? Regardless Sue I send you lots of love, blessings and warm hugs from downunder. xx 💙

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      1. I was 65 on the first of this month I didn’t publicize it. We celebrated just hubby and I with a meal out 😃 and booked two holidays this year. Hubby is 72 in June. When we both look back time has flown . So when I say make those Dreams count. I mean it. For all too soon time runs faster and you can’t bring it back. 🤗 Which is why Miriam I am pleasing me more. I spent a lifetime serving others.
        It took alot of self talking , not to feel guilty, and learning to say ‘No’ more often. 😃 Hubby said it’s about time lol. He’s my brick, and best friend, so yes a special year all around Miriam. Thank you for asking 😘🤗 special hugs back 💕💓

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        1. Aww Sue, how wonderful that you’re finally making time for you and so you should! Your husband sounds like a fine man and a wise one too. A belated but very sincere happy birthday to you lovely lady. May you and your man enjoy many more happy and healthy years together, doing whatever makes you happy. Dream on. Big hugs and much love. xx 💕

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