Coming Full Circle

It’s not very often I write a blog post about food but last night in my kitchen everywhere I looked I saw food in circles. And I thought it was so apt for Frank’s Tuesday Challenge: Circle that this post is the result.

Everything comes full circle.

Let me elaborate.

This sleek blue round non stick frypan was mum’s. I brought it home last weekend and it’s fantastic. She’d love that I’m now using it.

I can cook twice as many schnitzels in it!

Or, as she called them in Italian, cotolette.

Topped with lemon and salads on the side, everything on the table looked round.

Or is it just that when we focus on something we see it everywhere?

Having mum’s whizz bang frypan in my kitchen rendered flashbacks of meals she loved to prepare.

Massive trays of lasagne, that took a day to make, gnocchi to die for, home made pasta made with love.

Then there were the luscious desserts: the tiramisu, the pavlovas and chocolate hazelnut strawberry torte so full of layers it resembled the Eiffel Tower.

I remember the first time I brought Doug home to meet my parents. At the table he had yet to learn the Italian way of eating and went back for two big helpings of mum’s lasagne before realising it was just the entree!

Of course he managed and he settled into the Italian way of life beautifully!

Eventually what goes around comes around.

Years later I enjoyed baking for mum.

This was a creation I loved to make when she visited. My peach and raspberry tart.  It’s still one of my favourite things to bake.

She loved it, just as she adored the Spanish Tea Cake, the last cake I ever baked for her.

Perfectly round, crusty on the outside and moist on the inside it’s one of the easiest recipes I’ve ever shared.

These days our meals are more simple and salads are the order of our hot summer days.

Topped with sliced mangos, nuts, roasted mini spuds and tomatoes and whatever else I can get my hands on, preparing food is a joy, especially in the great outdoors.

Food tastes so good outside.

Whether we’re at home or camping nothing beats a meal cooked on the barbecue.

By a lake, river or sea there’s always views and good wholesome food to be grateful for.

Followed by a dash of dessert of course.

It doesn’t have to be much. Even a small custard tart can be divine when camping.

Love it.

Just like the food that mum taught me to appreciate and cook, life is like a full circle, whatever you give out will come back to you one day.

I’m not simply talking about cooking but friendship, kindness, love and the way we interact with each other.

Treat each other well, nourish, nurture and look out for each other and watch how life just gets better and better.

So spread joy, food, wine, hope, friendship and inspiration.

Remember, just like a Circle, the end of one journey simply means the beginning of another.

In light and love.

Stay in touch and connect with me on Facebook

Come check out my new group for like minded travelers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

164 thoughts on “Coming Full Circle

  1. Hello dear Miriam,
    Where to start…
    I’m always a little ‘tongue tied’ as to how to beat respond to give your beautiful posts the love they deserve in return for the love you share in each of them…
    Suffice to say I loved this teaching about life being like a circle, the memories of your dear mum through her food and her bowl, and your gorgeous message about being kind to each other as a conclusion.
    Just so much to appreciate here…
    Thank you kind friend. It was a delight to read and your photos are wonderful to illustrate your thoughts…
    Hugs from me 🙋🏻💜💜🌸

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello my beautiful friend, it’s always such a treat to have you visit and you know I appreciate your kind words. Thank you. The topic deserved a lot of love and food sharing, that’s what mum was all about so I’m happy if that resonated. Big hugs to you and enjoy the rest of your week. xo 💕🌷


      1. Hello dear Miriam,
        Such a beautiful reply. Thank you so much.
        And you gently and respectfully delivered all the things you hoped for here in your post…
        Enjoy your week and weekend that’s about here…
        from me 💐💜

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am literally drooling as I read your post Miriam. Mmmmmm so so tasty! And your salads look delicious! Yum! I know your Mum will be drooling too as she smiles at your wonderful creations – much love to you my friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sounds delightful my friend 🙂 we maybe heading to Warbuton again soon (maybe even as soon as this weekend) so we shall keep you posted! If you’re around we can drop in for a cuppa 🙂 On that note – what are your fave camping spots in Warbuton? Preferably with a shower and toilet… Much love to you sweet soul ❤ xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ohh, we’re away at the moment, camping ourselves Hayley, but let me know when you’re coming through. As far as camping goes around Warburton the only place we’ve stayed is at Warburton Caravan Park, a very pretty spot right on the river. Enjoy. Hugs and love to you ❤️😊

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Thank you for the heads up Miriam! Also open to any other suggestions for camping that are fairly close to Melbourne (thinking 2 hours max) Enjoy the beautiful outdoors my friend 🌲🌳 xx


  3. Oh my goodness, Miriam!! My mouth is watering at the mere thought and then the photos of your dessert dishes and my heart smiling at the thought of you using your mum’s cookware! Oh the circle of life! Thank you for sharing such a sweet post x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s wonderful that you have your mum’s pan to use. I’m sure it holds many memories. Those desserts look so tasty! I love your reminder that like a circle, the end of one journey simply means the beginning of another. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Some really great choices here in the food line, Miriam. Oh, how I’m missing eating a salad while sat outside in the garden on a warm sunny day. I’m afraid that the kitchen is my least liked room in the house. We just don’t get on. And to think that I wanted to be a chef when I grew up.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh what delicious looking food! I’m ready to grab a plate!

    It all looks so beautiful — you have a talent for putting such tasty looking treats together. What fun it would be to share a meal with you! ❤ *hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

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