Lessons from a Lamb

Who would have thought raising such a little lamb would have such a big impact.

She came into our life at barely two weeks of age, after being abandoned by her mother. I blogged about her here when she arrived.

Blogging about Lamby (800x600)

Life with Lamborghini (aka Lamby) over the last eight months has been far from boring, as we became her surrogate family.

Last week, as many of you know, she left for greener pastures, having munched her way through my yard and into my heart. She left her mark everywhere.

 Like most animals that come into our life, she taught us some simple yet profound lessons that won’t quickly be forgotten.

1. We may look different but we’re all the same underneath.

I remember when Harry met Lamby. Neither knew what the other was but after some mild curiosity it became clear that it didn’t matter.

It didn’t take long for them to accept each other and co-exist happily. Both so innocent and with no expectations.

Imagine if humans were the same and we accepted each other, with all our differences.

2. Obstacles can be overcome


We come across barriers in our life and sometimes feel like we’re on the outside but there’s always a way through. Stay positive, persevere and never give up.

Lamby was proof of that. She was stubborn and persistent and often found her way up on my decking and into my potted herbs, amongst other places. 

This cheeky lamb always found a way through, or around a problem.

3. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses … and the mint and the parsley.


Don’t rush so much that you miss the simple pleasures along the way. Life is more enjoyable when we slow down and appreciate the beauty around us.

Lamby had no trouble fully immersing herself in the moment, not to mention the flowers, herbs, mint, sage, parsley and the bay leaf tree.

What a marinade of flavours!

on bbq (800x600)

Strangely she ignored the rosemary. Maybe the fact that it was near our barbecue put her off!

She was content with whatever she found. Be grateful everyday for what you have. She was!

4. The Grass is greener on the other side of the Fence

Be content with where you are. Water your own patch and watch it flourish.

In Lamby’s case the grass WAS greener on the other side (because she had eaten all of ours).

Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look further than our own backyard, to explore new paths and make goals.

Life is an adventure waiting to be enjoyed. Don’t put it off.

5. Never feel too old to play.

Jumping for joy (600x800)

The way Lamby jumped for joy reminded me of the simple pleasures that we often forget in our stressful and busy lives.

It’s time to be less serious. Life is precious, fleeting and we only get one shot at it.

Smile, laugh, play, let your hair down, be goofy and lose some of those inhibitions

6. Prickly encounters are inevitable in life.


We all find ourselves confronted by prickly people, situations and moments from time to time.

Stay calm and appear nonplussed.


Initially Lamby was a bit unsure about this echidna but she quickly learned it was safe, though smart to keep a respectful distance.

Be cool and don’t sweat the small stuff. Or fake it till you make it.

7. You’re never too old for hugs and cuddles.

The world needs as much love and affection as it can get. Reach out and give someone a hug today.

There is no greater love than unconditional love.

Animals are expert at that.

8. Live in the Moment

Lamby, and indeed all our pets, don’t have a master plan. They don’t fret about the past and they’re not scared of the future. 

They embrace the moment, whether it’s standing and soaking up the rain or chilling out in the sunshine.

Contentment (800x600)

Being content in the moment is a choice we can all make.

9. Appearances aren’t everything

Choose your hairdresser carefully. Lamby was sullen for days after her dodgy haircut but in a hot Melbourne summer it was necessary.

Regardless, no matter how bad the haircut, hair always grows back.

You can’t judge a lamb by its cover, or lack of.  Underneath this scrawny newly shorn sheep was still our pretty girl.

10. Sometimes the kindest thing is to let go

Letting go is never easy. Goodbyes are hard. But, for all the joy she brought us, I know that moving her on was for the best. She’s in a good place.

She’s surrounded by her own type, though I think she might still be wondering what they are.

It seems she still thinks she’s a dog!

She’ll fit in eventually.

But to us she’ll always stand out from the crowd.

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

If Lamby could talk she’d undoubtedly wish you all peace, love and light in your patch of the world. As well as a nice juicy vegetable patch.

And maybe she’d tell you not to be afraid to step out and be yourself.

To be true to yourself, embrace all your differences, love your flaws and imperfections and never forget how special and unique you are.

166 thoughts on “Lessons from a Lamb

  1. Oh my gosh, Miriam, this is absolutely adorable!! So sad to say goodbye. My daughter Talee is home on spring break and sitting next to me right now, so we both oohed and awwed over your pictures 😊love Lambys full name, Lamborghini 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Miriam, a wonderfully inspiring post! 😀 I feel happy just reading this, Lamby is so cute and has so much to teach us in life – you’ve summed up her experiences brilliantly here. The photos are great, Lamby so cute and I love the one with her jumping in the air – wow, can just sense that pure unadulterated joy! Also had to smile at her ‘haircut’ – blimey that was one glum looking Lamby. Hope she settles in well with the others – no doubt she will teach them a thing or two about life! I hope it wasn’t too hard to see her go. Wishing you a lovely weekend.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Annika, it wasn’t fun seeing her go, I’ll be honest but definitely best for her. And from all accounts she’s doing just fine, settling in well and already getting preferential treatment from the owner over the other sheep! Probably because she still thinks (and acts) like a dog!
      Have a lovely weekend yourself. x 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Miriam this is so beautiful (but sad, I can’t deny tears in my eyes for Lamby) She brought you so much joy and will always be part of your family.
    Lamby is a clever girl, she certainly has taught me a lot from all her lessons. Take care Miriam and have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such an inspiring post. I just reread it and am so touched by Lamby and your relationship. I’m sending Lamby, and you, and all she touches so much love and blessings, Miriam. Big hugs. Love, Debbie

    ps – I’m at a peace ranch this weekend called Windermere, in Santa Barbara. You just helped me open to a deeper level of gratitude for the nature, the animals and the gentle peace and loving here. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Debbie. Hope you have a wonderful weekend at the peace ranch at Windemere. Sounds like a perfect place to do some soul searching and quiet inner thinking. Enjoy it all. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What an amazing, inspiring and beautiful post! We should all strive to possess the same perspective animals do because if everyone did, the world would be a much more cohesive and happy place. Animals are the greatest teachers in my opinion. Thanks for this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi again, just wanted to say that I read your last two posts, both of which affected me. I tried to leave a comment on both posts but it wouldn’t let me. Just so you know. You’re an amazing writer.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Miriam, what kind and encouraging words those are to read – I appreciate it so much! I write from my heart, so it is nice to hear when someone has been affected by the words I have written. Again, thank you so much for reading my blog and for taking the time to leave such an amazing compliment! Looking forward to following you and reading more of your incredible posts!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s my pleasure, truly. I can tell you write from the heart. That’s where my words come from too. Like you, I’m also looking forward to following you and reading more.

          Liked by 1 person

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