WPC: The Road Taken

Have you ever had a dream so vivid you can still recall it decades later?  I have one. In mine I was standing at crossroads, literally, deciding which road to take.

At the same time in my waking life I had to make a decision. Go to University, where I’d deferred a year earlier, and study journalism (my dream career) or continue in a job I’d grown to love.

I chose the job and, in making that decision, steered my future into a completely different direction.

Open road and sky (800x600)

I’ll never know what would have happened had I chose the other road. Are there ever any right or wrong decisions?

Perhaps not. We steer our own course to a degree, and the universe usually throws in some curve balls along the way. But things usually turn out the way they’re supposed to.


I let my dream go but I later traveled, met Doug and ultimately, through freelancing, returned to my love of writing. It’s like the road has come full circle.

The road I’ve taken has been a smooth and happy one though I’ll be lying if I said there haven’t been potholes, obstacles and road blocks along the way.  But that’s life isn’t it?

Distractions and detours and learning to deal with the unexpected makes life interesting.


This weekend the road lead us to Acheron at Breakaway Twin Rivers Caravan Park, a beautiful riverside camping spot where we enjoyed dinner under the stars and breakfast amongst the ducks.

We came home via the scenic Cathedral State Park where the road and the mountain ranges rose up before us.

We drove through the majestic Black Spur, under a canopy of giant ferns and towering giants.

The road alternated between pockets of dazzling sunshine to long shadows in front of us.

It reminded me of the differences in our days. How sometimes we can feel so positive while other days leave us vulnerable and filled with doubts.

Straight stretches and curvy bends remind me of the complexities of life. Nothing is straight forward and things are often complex.  I’m often reminded “it is what it is”.

Yes, true, but life does get complicated. Or do we make it that way in our mind? Letting circumstances overwhelm us, instead of accepting how things are and pushing through barriers.

A road – life – can feel as though it’s smooth when suddenly the whole outlook changes.

Maybe we’re off-course.  Second guessing, misinterpreting, misunderstanding. It happens but we can get back on track.

Sometimes we just have to hold on tight and ride it out.  Because every road, no matter it’s direction, leads us forward. It might be bumpy but we can handle it.


Every step we take, no matter how small, is significant. Every person we meet brings meaning to our life. Everything that happens to us is for a reason, even if we’re still figuring out what it is.

The trick is to notice and not to get so bogged down that we miss the moment, because that’s where magic is found.

The places we go, the people we meet, they’re all part of the journey. Even the dramas and the little things make us stronger and lead us forward.


At the end off the day, no matter what roads we travel, they’re all taking us somewhere. I hope for you it’s somewhere wonderful.

Wishing you all happiness and peace on whatever road you’re on.

Stay safe, have fun and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses along the way.  In the end life is one big journey and it’s up to us how we approach it.


In response to The Daily Post Photo Challenge: The Road Taken

152 thoughts on “WPC: The Road Taken

  1. Superb Miriam! What a fabulous comparison between your stunning photo’s and ‘life’s journey’… My crossroads early in life was a choice between continuing to ‘go out’ with my hubby to be or go to university… Why do we parent’s rarely learn that giving ‘ultimatums’ often produces the result we don’t want. Fortunately for me, it led me to marry hubby and on to grow our own beautiful family.. Yep – sometimes life is mapped out for us even when we don’t realise it at the time. You’re absolutely spot on with this post Miriam… wonderful! x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t it amazing how sometimes things are just ‘meant to be’. I’m so glad that your decision to continue to go out and ultimately marry Bryan was the right one, despite or maybe because of ultimatums. Life has a way of working out doesn’t it. Have a great day Wendy. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It certainly does Miriam and yes there were definitely times I stuck it out in the early days because of the ‘ultimatum’ … haha – not that I’d admit to any stubborn streak!!! x

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Miriam,

    Can I ask you a question? I saw that your post has a stumble upon badge. I am wanting to add this badge to my posts too. Can you tell me or direct me to directions to adding the badge? I tried it before but didn’t work.

    Thank you and sorry for bothering you! Ann http://www.acoffeewithfriends.com


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ann, sorry for the delay in replying. I set this up ages ago (though it’s rarely used I think) but can’t recall the steps it’s been so long. Perhaps if you google the topic I’m sure you’ll find some answers. Sorry I can’t be more helpful Ann.


  3. Life does go in circles. And we often get where we want to, but only after detours and distractions. An inspiring post. Are there right or wrong decisions. Yes, sometimes, but most of the time it’s only about choosing one over the other. We will never know what the other choice would have led to. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is perfect timing for me right now, Miriam. I’ve had a day of self-doubt…. or really maybe I just want to cover my bases to make sure that I got the important stuff. Sigh – I have gotten much better at this, and today was just showing me my next expansion. ❤ Yay, right?!
    So glad that you made a choice and met your love. Good on you.
    And gosh, Black Spur (is that the right name?) is gorgeous, Miriam.
    Many blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. As always, your wonderful words and inspiring images resonate, uplift, and remind us that we all go through the same difficulties. Thank you for this beautiful post Miriam, just what I needed to read before sleep! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, that one with the trees and the ferns! *dreamysigh* What a glorious view! I think I could live in that little spot.

    Yes, crossroads and dreams are funny things. If only we could soar high above and see how the end looks before we choose!

    Hope you’ve been well, dearheart. Love you! ❤ *hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Praying for your settling, and your success! You got this, my brave and fearless adventuring girl! Think of it as a mountain to hike, with a gorgeous, green view at the summit. I believe in you. ❤ *hugs*

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Live in the moment and leave all regrets at the door…! And hey, never look back. I had a dream once, I was asked, how do you know this isn’t real. I ponder upon it often, let your mind be free and it will discover things you never thought possible – great post! Baz

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