Wonder filled Clouds

Do you ever have days when you let your imagination run wild?   And suddenly anything seems possible.


When you gaze up at the clouds and a new world takes shape. Shapes and figures appear in the sky. Taking us out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary.

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When the morning mist turns into magical drops of hope and wonder.

And sunrise breaths in the brightness and promise of new beginnings.


When the afternoon clouds speak of adventures waiting.


But sometimes it’s easy to lose perspective. When we can’t tell which way is up.

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Or what’s real and what’s not.

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When the sun and the moon and the clouds all appear intertwined.

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We can be traveling along an unknown road and the sun can be dazzling.  The clouds on the horizon can resemble something they’re not.

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And suddenly we’re not in Australia anymore.  We’re amongst the Alps in Switzerland

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But then the storms come and there’s no turning back.  This is the real world.


Yet with reality and with every dark cloud there’s a silver lining.

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And it’s then we reach out.  When those rain clouds threaten to spill we huddle together, we grin and bear it and we weather the storm. Sometimes it’s all we can do.

Where ever you are, I hope you’re having a wonder filled day.

I hope you make time to step outside and gaze up at the sky. Whether it’s cloudy or sunny, grey or dazzling I hope you can find some beauty in the sky above you and in everything that surrounds you.

To turn the ordinary moments into the extraordinary.

In response to Frank’s theme this week on Clouds over at Dutch goes the Photo.

82 thoughts on “Wonder filled Clouds

  1. These are incredibly beautiful photos… And I love the story you told with them and your words. Wonderful post… made me want to look at the sky… but it is very dark right now so there’s not much to see. Plus, I am afraid of the dark. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I adore this post by Miriam on her blog Out an’ About. Wonder Filled Clouds is an inspirational post with a heartwarming message. Miriam has a knack for meshing her words and photographs seamlessly to showcase things we would deem ordinary. This post has changed my view on clouds for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful uplifting post, Miriam. I am off to the coast today with the family for a picnic and I love nothing more than to lie on the rug staring at the clouds, the sunlight reflecting around them, the hazy almost spiritual glow.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You transported me to a different world for a while…a world of clouds- variable yet beautiful.the GOD is the greatest artist, and sometimes in an amazing mood of painting his big personal canvas. Thank you for the uplifting share. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Unfortunately or fortunately, my imagination run wild every single minute 🙂
    Maybe, for me, this is the way to escape from reality. I love this world but I also love the world I built only for me.
    xoxo Miriam ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s nothing wrong with having a wild and vivid imagination. 🙂 It can actually keep us grounded in what can often be an uncertain world. Hugs to you Monica. xox

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the way you put an entire story together in these images, nothing more relaxing than the first shot, though, as kicking back and watching the clouds go by is a great way to spend quality time!

    Thank you for participating,


    Liked by 2 people

  7. Ah, this brought back so many great memories from my childhood. During clear days, during summer holidays, my friends and I spent hours cloud watching. It was one of my favorite activities. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post, my friend, and helping to unearth some great memories.

    Liked by 1 person

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