From Wave Rock to the South West Coast

Once again it feels as though the Universe is guiding us. Soon after we leave Denmark, bushfires rage through and around the area. We’re unaffected. And the day after we visit Wyllie Bay in Cape Le Grand National Park there’s a shark attack not far from the beach we swam at, literally 24 hours earlier. We’re safe, we’re in a beautiful place and I couldn’t be more grateful.

The last couple of weeks have flown by in a delightful blur. We meet up with our travel buddies Sue and Steve and another couple Leanne and Tony and spend a fun week together.

No surf for miles at Wave Rock

Our first night is at Wave Rock in the wheat field area of WA but it’s hundreds of kilometres from any ocean or coastline. On the way into Hyden a truck throws up a stone and majorly cracks our windscreen. Then on checking in, somehow Doug hits a gate pole scratching the van.

Life is like a road. It has bumps, cracks and obstacles. But in the end it gets you somewhere.

Wave Rock is incredible. It’s a phenomenal rock that truly looks like it belongs in an ocean. But try as I might, I can’t climb it, let alone surf it!

Our group has a great time, with lots of silly poses, both at the rock and in the nearby salt lake afterwards. The bottom is like mud and we float more buoyantly than any ocean though it’s the squishiest mud salt bath I’ve ever had. Then we move on to Esperance, we get our windscreen replaced and we’re dazzled.

Lucky in Love

Along this coastline are some of the best beaches in West Australia, and I’ve seen a few now. White sand so pure. Water so crystal clear you can see Nemo swimming past.

We spend a morning at Wylie Bay. And while the tide is low we’re able to drive onto the beach and between the headland. There we enjoy a swim and a climb on the nearby rocks.

Hellfire Bay is in the Cape Le Grande National Park and one of the most secluded and beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen. It’s more like heaven than hellfire and it’s love at first sight.

Lucky Bay is aptly named and the place to see local kangaroos on the beach. We drive for a kilometre or two, park our car and head into the water for another dip. As I come out, right on cue, a mumma roo and her Joey bound onto the beach, right in front of us. They’re obviously used to humans and we watch in wonder as Joey feeds hungrily from mum. It’s like they’re posing for us.

On our last full day in the area, with temps cooling down we walk to Frenchman’s Peak. It’s a big climb, incredibly steep and uphill just about all the way. We eat our sandwiches in a massive cave and then we continue to the very top, where the views are breathtaking.

From Hopetoun to Freedom

We make our way to Hopetoun, and the Fitzgerald River National Park. It’s an area of biodiversity, more dramatic coastline, another steep mountain climb up East Mount Barren and our home base, a great caravan park on the beachfront at Hopetoun.

On our third day it’s a cooker with extreme 43C temperatures. Lightning strikes that afternoon which cause bushfires nearby and very quickly it escalates into an emergency. Although the park isn’t evacuated the thick smoke and swirling winds has most of the park travellers packing up to leave for the nearby jetty and oval. The rest of us stay, mostly hitched up and on alert, ready to go if necessary. Water planes fly overhead and we walk to higher ground to get a better picture of what’s going on. We watch, wait and prepare, just in case.

As the sun peaked through the clouds and smoke, a ray of light pierced the sky and it almost felt like divine intervention. Later the wind died down and the rains came.

All of this happened the day before Freedom Day, Saturday 12 February. There’s so much happening around Australia and the world at the moment. Have you heard of the Convoy to Canberra? Or the Canadian truckers? For the first time in two years it feels like unity has overcome the division. It feels like the tide has turned.

In Canberra over one million people converged, from all walks of life and from all across Australia, people uniting peacefully and for a common goal of freedom for everyone, Ordinary men and woman like you and me. The mainstream media are censoring these events, minimising them, saying there are only a few thousand there, making it sound ugly. But reports on the ground and livestreams show the masses coming in peace, which are in turn showing the government unity and strength of the people. The truth will eventually unfold as these peaceful warriors stand their ground.

Freedom rally in Canberra on Sat 12 Feb 2022.

Life is like a huge whirlwind at the moment but the energy is palpable, the momentum is building and there’s no turning back. It’s truly an incredible time in history. I feel it’s so important that we keep our focus on the things that matter and our energy and thoughts anchored and aligned on faith and love.

In the storm there’s darkness, fear and confusion but at the other end is always light. Just like our steep mountain climb, it’s a hard slog but with strength, faith and determination we’ll get there.

Sending you love and light always.

In unity, focus and determination we rise together.

50 thoughts on “From Wave Rock to the South West Coast

  1. You’ve added some spice to your travel adventures Miriam while keeping your good spirits and attitude! It’s nice to hear an insider’s perspective on the Freedom Rally. The Canadian convoy seems to be stirring up more division. I hope it brings more unity and power to the masses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so too Brad. But I think stirring up division is what the governments want. There’s so much censoring and misinformation out there that it’s a challenge to discern what’s true and what’s fabricated. But it’s hard to deny the live screening and the masses of peaceful protesters willing to stand up for all our freedoms. It’s heartwarming actually. 🙏

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  2. wow once again Miriam! That beach reminds me of my favourite beach in Jervis Bay roos and joeys + lorikeets with talc white fine sand and azure blue clear water … heaven on earth 🙂

    Bet a skateboarder would have fun on those ‘waves’ but guessing they are banned. So glad you’ve made such good friends on the road. Knew ppl at that rally and got some insider shots … ppl uniting and having fun 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kate, Jervis Bay is beautiful. Aren’t we blessed to live in such an abundant country with so much amazing coastline. Every day I’m just so grateful.
      Yes, I know people at that rally too, united for a common cause, it’s wonderful to see. 😊🙏


  3. I need to set the record straight. I am in Canberra. There have been about 15,000 people protesting here. Our population is 400,000. Believe me, we’d notice an extra million. The picture shown above is pretty much the entire group. Many protestors have been rude and threatening to people wearing masks. I and people I know have either witnessed or been the target of this. The crowd pushed over security fences at the campground/showground and took over non-camping areas. This meant the weekly farmer’s market and the regular Lifeline Book Fair were cancelled. Lifeline is a crisis call centre. This event usually brings them a million dollars. A terrible loss for them.

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    1. Hi Peggy you’re in Canberra but were you in that camp, did you walk amongst the people and did you listen or talk to any of them. I’ve seen a lot of video footage and live streams, watched what’s happening and personally know many people who are there now and they all say the same thing. This is peaceful. These are ordinary mums, dads and grandparents who want answers and change and a chance to live a better life, they’re not anarchists.

      It was supposed to be a small truckers protest but look what happened, an organic moment driven from the heart, not well organised it seems, but it’s drawn people from all over Australia.

      I guess it doesn’t really matter what the numbers are, except that they’re growing. What does matter though are the intentions, These people are there in peace and for peace. And for the long haul, even when they go back home. I’m sorry it disrupted your farmers market and book fair and that you felt you were treated badly. This nation is hurting right now … we’ve had years of fear and coercion and people are finally having the courage to stand up and unite in love. At least that’s what I see happening … I guess it takes a long time to break down fear and judgement.

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  4. That is amazing you got to visit Wave Rock. It did look like you had a great time. It looks easy to climb up the curves…but I also think it’s easier than it looks! I’ve heard so much about it and hope to visit one day. That really is such a stunning blue sky and coastline in WA – was that along Wylie Bay? So gorgeous.

    It’s so heartening to see many people peacefully speak up and stand up for their rights. There’s only so much you hear in mainstream media, so many things you don’t hear because they don’t make headlines.

    Stay safe Miriam, and keep traveling well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mabel, yes Wave Rock truly is amazing. It’s literally out in the middle of nowhere and, even more bizarre, there’s a dam wall at the top, just before you get there. Quite extraordinary. In fact the whole WA coastline is amazing. I’ve never seen beaches so white! Hope you get here one day.
      Yes it’s definitely heartening to see so many people standing up for their freedoms. Such a huge event that really should have been broadcast on msm. Hope life’s treating you well Mabel. 😊


  5. This is a great post, Miriam! I’ve always loved the beach! I’d also like to tell you that I’m cheering for you and for the people of Australia. Tyranny has no place in any part of the world! Know that we’re with you and that we pray everyday that you successfully throw off the bootheels of those tyrants! Blessings to you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Cherie! I love that you’re supporting us from the other side of the world. We really are all in this together aren’t we. Sending love and gratitude from down under. 💜

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  6. Such a wonderful post, Miriam! The photos are stunning…what beautiful country you are traversing. And oh! The kangaroo and her baby! Just like that…right in front of you 😊 On my walk the other a big black snake was right in front of me!!! Not for long…he jumped into the bushes and I jumped into the road…almost in front of an SUV (much to their surprise!)
    I’m happy you were not in danger with the fire…I remember driving on our interstate just a few moments after a wildfire crossed the highway…there were still embers burning and I wasn’t at all sure that we should be going…but the police officers were waving us on!!
    It sure seems like you are continuing your great adventure…I send you all good thoughts…and yes…unity…a joining of souls!! Much love!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lorrie, thanks so much for your great comment. I’ve just got service again after being off the grid for six days. So many great adventures and meeting some wonderful people on this road trip and every day I feel incredibly blessed and grateful for it all. Hope life is treating you well and you’re happy and at peace. Sending you much love and big hugs from over here. xx


      1. Thanks Miriam! All good here. I am grateful for this time…and yes, I am feeling much more peace than I have ever felt in my life! I know how tender life is, and I want to be so very present in the times where life is a bit easier.
        I am happy for you. I know how much it must mean for you to be able to do what you are doing. The incredible places and people you meet truly are great blessings!
        Stay well…InJOY!! Much love ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Barbara, yes indeed, life is such a mixture of events, emotions, ups and downs and experiences that shape us. All is well here and we’re continuing slowly towards home. Hope you’re well. xx

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  7. What a beautiful time you’re having, Miriam! I can’t wait to explore some of Australia one day myself. I’m quite happy to know you’re having such a lovely time traveling your homeland safely and so wonderfully! Love & Peace to you~

    Liked by 1 person

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