Goodbye Strange Summer

It’s the last week of summer here in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere. And what a strange season it’s been. Mildly hot, uncannily cold, rainy, stormy, windy, turbulent, unpredictable … we’ve had four seasons in one day, been locked down, let out and now here we are, almost at the end of it.


Last week my daughter rang me in tears, distraught … her big, gorgeous ginger cat Wazza, barely one year old, had ventured a bit too far, onto the highway out the front. It was to be his last adventure, at least on this realm.

I comforted her on the phone, both of us crying, such an unexpected loss of this playful puss who’d made his way into her heart.

Life and love, pain and loss, it’s all intermingled isn’t it. I reminded her of the second chance she’d given him, when she rescued him a year earlier. Even though his life was short it was full and packed with joy and adventure. Cats know how to live in the moment, have such an independent spirit and are a true embodiment of living free.

None of us know what’s around the corner, for us, our pets, those we love. But we love and give and care and open our hearts more each time. It’s amazing the innate human response and capability to let love in. Grieving too is part of the journey. As is learning to let go and move forward.


Our journey on this Earth is filled with detours and highlights, opportunities and choices. Each day is another chance to embrace it fully, to grab life with both hands and live passionately, feeling every emotion, all the intense highs and those lows too when they come.

So last weekend we went to visit her. We camped by the river, near where she lives. We enjoyed being together, amid the simple pleasures of lolling about in the cool river, enjoying a roast and camp fire meal that night, under a big starry sky.

“Life is a highway, I’m gonna ride it all night long …” the song goes. And so we go on. We can’t control it all but we do the best we can.


We’ve spent a lot of time by the water this summer, camped by rivers on weekends when we’ve had a chance. The days, weeks and months have flown by, in fact it feels as though time has never gone so fast.

I feel at peace within myself, yet the world outside is full of control and manipulation. We’re reaching a crisis point, with the vaccine the prime agenda, and my fervent hope is that people question and do their own research, before making a decision. I believe there are lots of undisclosed dangers in taking the jab, as shown by events overseas, most of which are not shown on mainstream media.

Like many countries, we’re an easy going bunch here in Australia, apathetic, compliant and happy to go along with the flow. But it’s so important we understand the risks of what we decide, to learn to discern what’s real and what’s safe. It’s time we took charge of our life and realise we have the power to make our own informed decision. We DO have freedom of choice.


Just like the river last weekend, the water keeps flowing but we can have a hand in influencing it’s course. A few stones placed strategically, a different choice made at a crucial time, it’s a balancing act. Each action we take, and every conscious thought we think, changes the course of our life.

Never forget that we have the power to step out of that river and reclaim our sovereignty. We have the right to trust that we know what’s best for ourselves. Sunshine, healthy food, water, fresh air, exercise, laughter, kindness and being at one with Earth … it’s these things that help build our immune system.

As February and summer ends here the heat is easing but the pressure isn’t. It’s never been more important to be aware of how we’re living our life. Is it consciously or on autopilot? Are we letting others dictate our choices?

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of … .”Jim Rohn, “The Treasury of Quotes”

SO, breath in fresh air and enjoy the sunshine and the therapeutic benefits of nature. Watch the last of the snow as it melts into a new season. As for me, I’ll be seeking out another waterfront campsite on this last summer weekend in February.

Wherever you are and whatever the season, it’s time to think critically. Discern what you give your attention to and feed your mind positive thoughts. Turn off the television (which is all an illusion and not real) and turn on your intuition. Follow your creative impulses. Meditate in nature. Eat good food that the earth gives us. Love with all your heart. And keep your vibration high.

What if fear was the real pandemic and love was the cure? What if every season had its purpose and this cycle of time was a continual rebirth and chance to get it right.

Keep living your one beautiful precious life with intention.

In love and light.

“A life without love is like a year without Summer.” Swedish proverb. (All cat pics courtesy of my daughter)

87 thoughts on “Goodbye Strange Summer

  1. You’re just a youngster and I don’t know how the vaccine is rolling out in Australia, Miriam, but are you saying you’d refuse it? It seems to be being hailed as the new Messiah, but there are so many different strains. I have my doubts. And we’re certainly watching the pharmaceutical companies grow richer. It does feel like manipulation. I can make choices for me (so far as the government allows 🙂 ) but how do I start to influence the future for our kids?
    Beyond that, staying happy and smiling in the rain. Hugs and positive thoughts 🙂 🙂

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    1. A youngster!! You’ve just made my night Jo. But, in all seriousness, there’s not been enough testing, the vaccine manufacturers own pamphlets say it’s “unapproved” and there’s far too much evidence that clearly states the side effects that sound potentially more dangerous than the virus. There’s always been flus and viruses around but there’s never been this level of fear mongering. Our future, and our kids future, needs us to question this whole narrative. Follow the money and we see who really profits. So yes, I’d refuse it. They’re already lining up for it here but I’ll take my chances in nature. Stay happy and keep smiling in the rain my friend. Big hugs back. 😊

      Liked by 3 people

  2. A great post Miriam, thank you. So much to reflect upon and to be mindful of. Fear has certainly been the driver and manipulator for the ‘mainstream’ this year which while incredibly powerful for those wielding it, unbelievably destructive!

    Sorry to hear about her cat, very sad!

    Enjoy you Autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Very true, but so concentrated this past year. What is truly sad and quite telling, is that this fear has bread anger and a distinct lack of understanding (perhaps acceptance and compassion too). Maybe it’s because I live in a city with the associated pressures… I don’t know…

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        1. I agree. Division and separation is rife, on so many issues, masks, the jab … people tend to forget we all fundamentally want the same thing, to be happy and free. Let’s hope this world can unify.

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  3. Aw…I’m so sorry to hear about Wazza. I hope your daughter is doing okay, Miriam. So much wisdom in your words today. If people don’t wake up and stop listening to the mainstream media they will destroy our society. They along with elected officials have been the ring leaders when it comes to creating division and spreading false narratives. “Turn off the television.” Yes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, absolutely. The mainstream media has influenced and controlled our lives for far too long. It’s time we turned it off and tuned into ourselves, started thinking for ourselves. Thank you for your kind words of support Jill.

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  4. Oh No! Not a good time for yellow kitties. Wazza was beautiful. Tell your daughter I’m so sorry and I know how hard it is to lose our big beautiful kitties. The photo of him on the stump is fantastic.

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  5. A wonderful read, Miriam and sorry for your daughter who lost her beautiful kitten. Life is totally unpredictable and today with all this pandemic we are being nervous and a kind of anxiety is pulling us all in a vortex. Let us hope all will get well in sometime.

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  6. The seasons of the past year (not writing those 4 digits here) were certainly strange, because of the reasons we all know.
    But if only those seasons had any idea about what us humans were going through, which isn’t possible I know but what if……
    The seasons were the same but since we weren’t, and probably still aren’t, spent those seasons unlike any other.
    Let’s see what is next for us!
    Wishing you a lovely fall 🙂

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    1. Hi Hammad, I think the earth has changed this past year and needed some healing time after all the abuse humans have put her through. Hopefully we’ve learnt a little bit and moving forward can treat her with more care. I believe we will. Time will tell our future. Keep well. 🌎🙏

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  7. I love your summary of the virus being fear, love the cure (along with healthy lifestyle which isn’t talked about nearly enough), and purpose to follow our intuition. Thanks for being a champion of love and freedom. Sorry for your daughter’s loss. Keep on flowing and loving. 🙏

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    1. Thanks for your kind words Brad. It’s true isn’t it, that the ways to a healthy lifestyle is rarely talked in the mainstream. The focus has all been on fear and it’s time we turned that around. Big hugs sent your way. 🙏

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  8. It is always difficult when a family pet leaves us – it must have been so traumatic for your daughter. It is well that she had you to talk to and have time with.

    “What if fear was the real pandemic” resonates deeply with me. I’ve always believed that we can deal with what’s around us – but the real challenge is what is within which has the potential to overwhelm.

    As always, a thought-provoking post, Miriam – one which I will be thinking on for a while.

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    1. Thanks Ju-Lyn, yes it was traumatic for her, such a shock dealing with it as it happened and the aftermath. But she’s strong.
      Fear. It’s been all around us this year hasn’t it, and it’s all been perpetrated by the mainstream media. For the most part, if people turned off their tv would we even know there was a virus? We’ve been conditioned to believe all we hear in the media. “The real challenge is what is within which has the potential to overwhelm.” How true. Here’s to trusting in ourselves. 🙏


  9. Aw, Miriam, my eyes are overflowing right now. So many animals or so it seems are leaving this realm of late. SO many!! My heart just breaks for your daughter for I am walking her shoes. Yet we have to choose to keep living, to keep finding our peace our joy our love of life. How so many are still unaware of what the real agenda is shocks me. Oh yes the brainwashing has been beyond successful. No way will anyone claim my right to critically think and live my life the way I intend to live it. Our state is the most tyrannical of all 50 states, and to see people beginning to say no to fear exuberantly brings JOY and HOPE to my heart! (see my post today) We are responsible for ourselves NOT others! How I absolutely loved your post and honesty. Thank you so much for continuing to walk Truth and not deception. I will just tell you briefly my experience just yesterday while walking. I didn’t bring my inhaler. My asthma symptoms have been more prominent due to the unprecedented stress in my life. I went into an asthma attack on that walk. A woman concerned reached out to me asking me if I was OK. I told her I will be as soon as hubby brings my inhaler. In that conversation she encouraged me to get the jab. Hell no! Here she is about to get her second jab for a virus that has nearly a 100% survival rate. Miriam, there was no point in me even saying anything so I told her with my health issues, it is not advisable for me to take the jab. However still she pressed on saying perhaps when there is more data on jab you will rethink things. Sorry no. One of these days, these people will be shocked awake as they are told TRUTH in a way that will rock this world. It’s coming. And in the meantime, you and I and others like us live according to Love and Peace. And so it is!! Bless you for shining your light. Bless you, dear friend. Please tell your daughter how very sorry I am for her loss. Much love to you! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy, thank you for your heartfelt words and your kindness. I read your post earlier and loved your photos and message. That cat appearing was truly amazing! As for the woman on your walk, she spoke from concern but a total lack of understanding. They’re asleep my friend, so many people conditioned, so brainwashed and unable to think for themselves. They believe the governments, the officials, they believe it’s all about our health because anything different goes against everything they were brought up to believe. It’s sad but a reality and one day they’ll be shocked awake. In the meantime, all we can go is continue to live life on our terms, with love and not fear. Big hugs my friend. xx

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      1. Our examples will be seen, my friend. Those who are shut down and blind now, will one day wake up and see our glow. I know it. Just keep on living the way you are, keep on walking to Truth, and live love straight from the heart in all you do. The glory that is coming is beyond our imaginings. I’m getting a touch of that reality and it is phenomenal!!! xo

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  10. I’m so sorry about Wazza! I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet, and how hard it is for you to see your daughter grieve for her cat.
    And I completely agree that we have given up far too much of our personal control in this pandemic, and it’s time to be discerning and to do our own research. Although the Covid virus is terrible and has claimed far too many lives, I personally don’t think we should base our lives totally in reaction to it. It’s been a tough year in our family for many reasons that have nothing to do with Covid, so I think that helps me put it into perspective. But as you say, better days are coming, and that is the hope we all cling to. I’m sorry your Summer is drawing to a close, but it sounds as if you’ve made the most of it!

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    1. Hi Ann, thanks for your kind words about Wazza. I’m sorry to hear that your family had a tough year, for whatever reasons I think this time has really tested many. And you’re right, we can’t continue to live our lives the way we have. No other virus/flu has ever seen this degree of control and manipulation and loss of rights with so many continuing to live in fear, despite a known huge recovery rate. The media has a lot to answer for. I’d like to think people are starting to discern, question and do a bit of research, particularly now in regards to this v rollout, but we’ll see. Take care and enjoy each day. I’m camping at the moment, sitting by a lake. So yes, I’ve definitely made the most of this summer! 😊

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      1. I know! We’ve had pandemics before, but we’ve never reacted to them this way. That in itself is scary, because it makes you wonder what in the world is going on. Take care, Miriam…you are a voice of reason and hope!

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        1. Thanks Ann, I do try. There is sooo much more going on than simply a virus. If people would only turn off the news and start doing their own research. They would be truly shocked.


  11. Another lovely post to savour and what a coincidence, I wrote down that very Jim Rohn quote after attending a lecture a few years ago…thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of your daughter’s sweet kitty, Miriam and please pass on my condolences, his loss will be sorely felt.

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  12. Poor puss, so sad to lose a pet. I’m keen to get the jab, vaccines have got me this far in life. I’ve watched two friends die from the effects of polio, my great grandmother lost 3 children in one month to diphtheria. Thanks to vaccination both these diseases are no longer a threat in this country. Yep, like the Queen I’ll be rolling up my sleeve to stop this virus spreading.

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    1. Thanks L. I hear you with regards to past flus, diseases and vaccines, just remember this is nothing like what’s ever been rolled out before. Beyond all the dangerous side effects, it’s experimental.


  13. Hi Miriam, Four seasons in one day seems similar to our February around here. Very sorry about your daughter’s cat, Wazza. Living in the moment and living free – great lessons. And the difficult lesson of letting go and moving forward. An interesting analogy about placing stones strategically. I especially love “…discern what you give your attention to….. Thank you for helping me keep my vibration high, Miriam, and shining your light.🙂

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    1. Hi Erica, thanks so much for your lovely words, always appreciated. I’ve just returned from another relaxing weekend lakeside camping. Living in the moment and living free, it’s really the only way and it’s our choice isn’t it. Have a great week ahead. xx

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  14. Hi Mirian I am truly sorry to hear about your family loss Losing a pet is no different as losing a family member I know I have lost a few but my last pet I will never forget the pain On the other hand the love you all shared and gave to your adorable pet will remain forever in your hearts. And how lucky that you all had one another and memories were created and will never be lost, You are such a wonderful writer reading your posts have always an impact on me. Only great writers can move others through words Thank you always for the message of hope and love Thinking of you and family Much love Cris

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    1. Aww Cris, what beautiful words. Thank you so much for your kindness with regards to the loss of my daughters cat and also on my writing. You’re so supportive, so please know it’s appreciated. Sending much love and hugs back. xx


  15. It warms my heart to see you being able to go out door despite of the pandemic..i have been stuck in the big city now for so long because of travel restricrions and i see nothing but buildings around..

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  16. Awww, Miriam . . . . I’m so very sorry for your daughter. Having so recently gone through this myself, my heart aches for her. In terms of the vaccine, I’m with you. While far from an anti vaxxer, I try to thoroughly research the vaccines as they are made available. It’s really hard for me to climb aboard the Covid vaccine train when so little time has passed. While I consider myself “vaccinated” for other types of illnesses, I don’t get flu shots or shots for other random illnesses. I’ve adopted the “wait and see” attitude as far as the Covid vaccine is concerned and am praying we aren’t ever required to have it for traveling. Hard to believe that would ever happen considering one can easily just as well die from the flu or otherwise. Stay well, dear Miriam! 🙂

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    1. I’m not an anti-vaxxer either Laura, but I do believe in questioning what goes into my body and the motives behind such a quick and orchestrated roll out. I think the “wait and see” attitude is a really wise one and I hope more people adopt the same approach. Me? I have no intention of being a guinea pig for a flu that has a 99% recovery rate. Thanks for your kind words about Wazza. I know you understand. Stay well. xx

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  17. What a beautiful reminder Miriam
    I love your way of seeing the ‘extra’s in the ordinary, no matter what life brings.

    Although I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter’s gorgeous ginger boy Gizzy. I feel her heartbreak, as we lost our beautiful furry baby Roxy, only a few weeks ago. We have to keep reminding ourselves to remember that:

    ‘The happy memories of her life shared, will always endure’

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  18. Sad to hear about your daughter’s loss. Pets become a part of your life and it is hard to bid goodbyes. In your case accident is real unfortunate. Well as your summer goes ours come and I love the sun 🌞😊looking forward to it here. We had a Brutal winter thus far

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  19. Sorry about the loss of Wazza. It’s always sad to lose anyone close to the heart. It certainly has been a ride up and down this year in so many ways. However and personally, I see the vaccines as a way back to normalcy. And I have made an informed decision. Just like restlessjo, I am bother by the pharmaceutical companies growing immensely rich by a disaster that has hit human beings. But I also see half a million people dead in the States, as the country with the most death.

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    1. Thanks Otto snd yes indeed to that up and down ride. Hopefully we’re on the uphill trajectory now. As for the stats on Covid I do think numbers were manipulated and there’s much more going on here than what the media are reporting. To each their own with the v. Free will is our birthright. Take care.


  20. Sad to hear about Wazza. Our pets are our family….sometimes more so. 🙂 You’re saying goodbye to a stranger summer and I am looking forward to more sun and warmth. I don’t know what the future holds for us in the U.S. but I hope more people will “wake up” and acknowledge the fear and control behind it all. The gap is getting wider and wider between the 3D and 5D energies. Continue to enjoy yourself in nature.


  21. Awww… I am so sorry for your darling daughter’s loss of her kitty. I had a kitty who looked just like that when I was young. I named her Tasha…only to find out a few months later that she was a he and so he became Taskar. Love the song…love the message. Keep trucking along that highway!! ❤

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    1. Oh my goodness, my daughter’s name is Tasha! Yes, it was a big loss for her Lorrie, she’s already talking about getting another one. Hope you’re well my friend. Big hugs xx ❤️


      1. Wow, Miriam! That’s weird!! I swear the cat is a doppelganger to my kitty, too.
        I’m so sorry…please send my love and healing energy to her. The loss of a pet…a trusted friend is so, so hard! I know so many people right now dealing with that grief.
        Hope you have a great week 😊💜

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        1. You’re so kind. Fortunately she has lots of other animals (horses, dogs, another cat) to keep her busy. She loves all animals with a passion.
          We have lots in common it seems! It’s Easter Monday here now Lorrie and all is quiet and good in my world. Hope it is in yours too. Sending big hugs 🥰


        2. I grew up with so many animals, Miriam. In fact, for the first seven years of my life our animals were my only friends as we lived on a farm and it was not near other homes. I used to, and still, think that I communicate better with the animals than I do with humans! I know for sure that I understand them better!! 😉
          Glad your day is humming along…keep the peace and love ❤

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  22. I got worried that I wasn’t going to be able to post here. But I strolled down and here I am. I must admit that I stopped right here; Cats know how to live in the moment, have such an independent spirit and are a true embodiment of living free. I’m trying to live this daily. Most days I’m mindful but some days I allow thoughts and situations to control me. But I too want to be live like the cat in the moment and free. Often times we are allow our own selves prison us with out thoughts and our perspectives on life. Today, I’m going to be intentional and move past my own thoughts and be free. I’m so sorry about the lost of you cat. I’ve lost a puppy before that same way. So, I know your pain.

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    1. Hi Sam, yes cats sure do know how to live in the present, so do dogs for that matter. Us humans have a lot to learn from them but every day we can try again can’t we. Thanks for reading and for leaving a comment.


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