August Aliveness – It’s time to Shine

You are the creator of your own life and this is a great work of art. It’s time to write a new chapter”.

So reads the quote on today’s page of my Gratitude Journal. Can you resonate?

Has anyone else felt a bit of a shift? Perhaps the stars and planets are aligned. As I write this, here in Melbourne, it’s Thursday the first day of August and it’s a new moon which equates to new beginnings.

I feel it in the air. I’ve felt the excitement building all month.

A week ago I saw this hot air balloon flying over my home

Looking back at how July began, I’m so grateful I made the decision to begin a six month Life Mastery course. It was a big leap of faith and I’ll admit I was scared shitless, jumping into the unknown. But it’s felt like a springboard, diving into a new version of me.

It’s given me focus, momentum, new energy and the drive to improve my mind. Already I feel more open and expansive to new possibilities.

I love that I have a vision and a plan in my mind to draw on. There’s no definitive “destination” but I’m loving the journey and isn’t that what life’s all about.

Speaking of journeys, I’ve been on a few this month, some close to home and a few further away.

Just a couple of weeks ago we travelled to Paynesville on the Gippsland lakes, (close to my hometown) where I was commissioned to write a story, exciting in itself! 

Those of you who follow me on Instagram might recall our adventures. Our days consisted of meeting the locals (aka the native wildlife) on Raymond Island, exploring the lakes, by boat and on foot, and immersing ourselves in the unhurried lifestyle.

Most recently I’ve returned from four days up on the Murray doing some “research” on the Winter Bluesfest, one of Australia’s biggest music festivals. With 60 artists in 31 venues, there was a lot of music!

In the photo below, (courtesy of Instagram) we’re fortunate to be in the front row for a dinner show to see the amazing Nardia perform. She’s backed Adele, Pink and Beyoncé.

It was an amazing long weekend and I came back on a complete high. So much inspiration from this weekend and all our trips away. It’s keeping me very busy.

As we enter August I wish you:

Abundance: Look around and give thanks for all you have in your life, even the smallest things.

Adventure: Take that trip and enjoy time away from the ordinary. Don’t put off doing what you’ve always wanted to do.

Aliveness: Live mindfully and joyfully. Graciously embrace all that each new day brings.

Adaptability: Be flexible and kind to yourself. Not every day goes as planned but we can learn to shift our focus when crappy thoughts and situations take hold.

Awareness: Everything passes, both good and bad, so pay attention to what feels good so you can build on energy that serves you. Likewise, be aware of when you have negative thoughts so you can boot them out.

Allowing: Allow the joy to come in. So much has opened up in my life since I’ve let go of old beliefs. Be open to exploring and embracing what you love and allow the bliss to flood in.

I know that’s a lot of As. Let me end with two more, sent from the heart.

Have an awesome, AMAZING August.

It’s time to write the next chapter of our story.

In light and love

Sunrise over my backyard a few weeks ago. Let each day be the beginning of a new chapter

83 thoughts on “August Aliveness – It’s time to Shine

  1. Sunrise over your backyard is beautiful. I would be up early every orning just to see that.

    I really like the idea of a gratitude journal. Sadly, many fail to realize the power of gratitude, When one focuses on being grateful for what they have instead of looking at what they are missing, life is much more rewardng. Banishing negative thoughts and focusing on the positive is what life is all about. Our brief time here should be wisely spent on love, gratitude, and forgiveness.

    Wishing you and yours an adventurous and amiable August, full of affection, abundance, and love.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Andrew, your words are so true. Focusing on the positive is so powerful. I’ve kept a Gratitude Journal for the past seven years and it’s almost become like a bedside companion. It’s a great way to end any day, focusing on the good things (even when it’s been a bad day!) It’s all about choice isn’t it.
      Thank you for your warm wishes my friend. I wish you an awesome, amorous month ahead. 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your last image especially just gorgeous, Miriam. Yes, I do feel a shift and it is a great one, indeed. I agree it is time for each of us to write our next chapter. Perhaps a new book? Good for you for going on and about places. I’m happy for you that you are having fun!! May August bring to you dreams you didn’t even see coming! (Love that when that happens!) Much Love to you!! 🦋🦋🦋

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Amy, I’m so glad that you can feel the shift too, it’s an exciting time and not just for me. Yes to a new book and much more! Thank you so much for your beautiful wishes which are very much reciprocated. Here’s to following our joy and bliss. xx 💛✨

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Miriam,
    Lovely post, and I love all the “A’s”!
    My particular take-away was this
    “There’s no definitive “destination” but I’m loving the journey and isn’t that what life’s all about.”
    Truer words never spoken…this resonates with me, for sure.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a great post. I appreciated the line ” love that I have a vision and a plan in my mind to draw on. There’s no definitive “destination” but I’m loving the journey and isn’t that what life’s all about.” May God, dream a bigger dream for your next chapter then you ever could.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The word winter jumped out at me, Miriam, as August 1st reminds me that summer is fleeting…school supplies are starting to show up in stores and yes, those nostalgic items remind me that there is a shift, a sense that change is on its way! Congratulations on your newest commission, you are a beautiful writer and on this lovely summer day, I’m glad I stopped by to enjoy a read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kimberlee. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve just read your latest posts and it does seem as though your summer is fleeting. Change is inevitable isn’t it but enjoy it while you can. xx

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  6. Miriam, I just love this post! Gratitude is so important! I think following all of your wonderful “A”s helps one to increase gratitude! Like you say, even on a bad day there is always something you can identify as good to be grateful for! And to quote an author that I enjoy, “Have an awesome, amazing August”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Ros, you’ve put a big smile on my face. Thanks so very much. Yes, there’s always something to be grateful for, like your wonderful comment for starters! Enjoy the month ahead. 😊


  7. Nice one Miriam, especially the Take that Trip advice. We’ve got so many trip ideas currently that it’s just a matter of deciding and going for it. August may be our big planning month, we’ll see.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So lovely to hear you got commissioned to write in Paynesville. It’s always exciting when that happens especially when you don’t expect things like this to happen 😊 The Winters Bluefest looked like a lot of fun, and you got lucky to be so close to the stage with dinner. Enjoy August 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A beautiful start to my August thank you Miriam. Your photos are always stunning and yes I can feel your excitement at new beginnings. I’m going through a transformation myself, wondering which of several paths to take. It can be overwhelming but at the same time exciting. Happy August – it’s my birthday this month – only a few weeks away from 62 but still feeling 32! Have a wonderful month, Miriam. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sue, your lovely words always brighten my day. Yes, it’s an exciting time, for both of us by the sounds of it. All the best in finding your path. Follow your heart and I’ve no doubt you can’t go wrong. Wishing you an early happy birthday too Sue. I absolutely love your attitude. You’re amazing! May all your dreams come true. xx


  10. I look forward to hearing more about your Life Mastery class! That sounds like a great opportunity to stretch yourself in new ways. One of the things I like best about your blog is how you are always ready to go on a journey (both literally and internally) and share the results with us. That inspires us to do the same!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ann and you’re right about the Life Mastery course. I think it really is going to stretch me in many ways. I’m excited about what lies ahead and stepping out of my comfort zone. Time will tell and yes, I’ll continue to share my journey along the way. Thanks, as always, for your support.

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  11. Such a positive post Miriam and I love your list of As!! I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying your course and learning so much more about yourself and opening up to new ideas. Enjoy your next chapter and have an amazing August xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love this post Miriam,
    And I can so relate to what you have said..
    ” There’s no definitive ‘destination’– but I’m loving the journey and isn’t that what life’s all about?”..
    So, so true…
    Wonderful to hear that you were commissioned to write a story, Very exciting 🙂
    The music festival sounds a great festival.. And what great seats to see Nardia perform 🙂

    Loved all you August A- wishes Miriam, I am most definitely ALLOWING Joy in, and ADVENTURE!.. And I am very ADAPTABLE! Being extra kind to myself these days..

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and much love your way Miriam.. May August continue to bring all the A-‘s you have wished for us..

    Much love.. Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Sue, thank you so much for your visit and leaving such wonderful comments. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. August has most definitely been a topsy Turvey month. My husband has been in hospital for the past week, very unexpectedly, and he’s still there, though things are stabilising. It’s been such a stressful and worrying time but thankfully things are on the up now. I guess that’s the adaptable part I was talking about. Life throws us many curveballs doesn’t it?
      May your August be filled with many amazing adventurous moments. Love and hugs from here 💙❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh so sorry to hear that Miriam, sending some healing energy your ways and hope he is recovering well..
        I know how these ‘Curve balls’ take its toll… Which makes our cherished moments all the more reason to Cherish..
        And may your August continue to be AMAZING too… Love right back ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Tgank you for this wonderful, reflecting and inspiring post. I love all the positive, uplifting words that start with , that inspire us to live, to accept, to adjust, aliveliness thank you.

    I also love the quote
    You are the creator of your own life and this is a great work of art. It’s time to write a new chapter”.

    I seem to be in limbo, shift mode, but it aint too clear where. Lol.

    I am glad your self mastery journey is going well.

    Ps i have shared a good few meditation you might like. The week before last all i shared was meditation and i shared another this saturday aka yesterday. I know you will like them all, especially on your journey.

    Pps love your instagram. I might be less active on instagram as i had to make space on my android phone, but figured out how to have it on my laptop.

    Have a great week.
    Regards bella


        1. I know that feeling Jenny. I’ve been giving way more attention to my freelance writing than my blog lately but I’m happy with that for now. Hope your business and your writing projects are all going well. Take care. xx

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  14. I love, love, love that quote from your gratitude journal. I’ve copied it into my daily planner. I have a journal that I write my intentions in each new moon, welcoming in new beginnings. Tomorrow will be the full moon here and I will be releasing all that no longer serves me. 🙂 It looks like you’ve had some fun adventures! I’ve not heard of Life Mastery courses. I’m glad that you are enjoying it so much! Your list of A’s are fabulous. I hope that your August keeps going Ahh-mazingly, Miriam!! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t imagine not having my gratitude journal these days Amy. It’s like having a best friend on hand and it’s just such a nice way to finish every day. I love your idea of writing your new moon intentions and releasing what no longer serves you each month. Hope the rest of your August is a beautiful time for you and yours. Hugs xx

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  15. You’re an inspiration! Doing something that makes you scared isn’t easy. How was the course? Do you become a life coach after it? I think you’d be wonderful. Stay warm my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Cheryl, you’re so kind! The course is great. It goes for six months and I’m in month two. And no, I don’t become a Life Coach though that’s a nice thought. Big hugs from here. xx

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Aww thanks. I do kind of believe that myself too, I must admit. Who knows what will happen Cheryl? Life takes us in all sorts of directions doesn’t it. Hugs xx

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