Never take a single breath for granted

Have you ever felt it could all go away 
If you blink
If you never stop running you won’t fall behind
So you think
And you wonder in your heart
If you’re still not who you are
Who are you?
Nothing’s as it seems till it all falls apart
If you have a dream, go chase it
If you feel hope, don’t waste it
If you find love, embrace it
And never take a single breath for granted
The story’s yours, go write it
Tomorrow’s undecided
Our days are counted on this planet
Never take a single breath
Take a single breath for granted
Maybe it’s time you bet on yourself
Listen to your heart
Just listen to your heart and nobody else
So go find out who you are
Only you know who you are
Who are you?
‘Cause all you have to lose 
Is your best life yet
So go ahead
If you have a dream, go chase it
If you feel hope, don’t waste it
If you find love, embrace it
And never take a single breath for granted
The story’s yours, go write it
Tomorrow’s undecided
Our days are counted on this planet
Never take a single breath
Take a single breath for granted
Sometimes the greatest moment we’ll ever know
Are when we’re letting go, so let go
And maybe our brightest days still wait for us
In the unknown
If you have a dream, go chase it
If you feel hope, don’t waste it
If you find love, embrace it
And never take a single breath for granted
If you have a light, go find it
The story’s yours, go write it
Our days are counted on this planet
So never take a single breath 
Take a single breath for granted

Josh Groban

I love this song. It’s so uplifting. The lyrics of “Granted” say more than I could ever possibly say, the song a reminder to go after what we love.

In the lyric video above a number of talented students from Groban’s alma mater Los Angeles County High School of the arts help convey the message.

Turn up the volume and let Josh Groban’s amazing vocals and powerful music uplift you as we enter a new month and the rest of the year.

Go write your story. It’s waiting.

“If you have a dream, go chase it”

Our dreams can sometimes feel elusive, so far away that we lose sight of them. But keep them in your sights. When we take those small steps, slowly, ever so slowly, yet also surprisingly quickly, life can change.

For me the past six months has been about taking steps forward but there’ve also been steps back. I’ve had many short trips away, musical sojourns, stories published, connections deepened, opportunities and plans set in motion. Lots of good things but also hard days, doubts, tears and challenging stuff, which only makes the joys brighter.

Amongst it all, every single day, I’m mindful of how much there is to be grateful for. Every morning we wake up is a new beginning. And, as we enter this second half of the year, I’m looking forward and upwards with renewed hope.

Embracing the light

“The story’s yours, go write it.”

Happy July everyone. Whatever’s gone before, in the first half of 2019, may you find peace in the present and hope in what’s to come. Go after those dreams, live with passion, write that story and find your radiant light that shines from within.

The world needs it.

Life is precious and beautiful. It’s also fleeting. So never take a single breath for granted.

In love and light

Afternote: I wrote this post last night on my phone, while sitting on my couch, listening to a couple of albums by Josh Groban. I was so moved by his music the words just flowed and in less than 20 minutes this post was born. Here’s to music that inspires.

111 thoughts on “Never take a single breath for granted

  1. Such a thoughtful and deep post. I am very much emotionally in similar space as you and your sentiments ring so true. I love the way you shared and let me dream and believe in the now and
    that every single breath is precious.
    Josh Groban’s sing is beautiful.
    Thank you Miriam


    Liked by 2 people

  2. LOVE Gosh Groban. Now I must get this CD …. yes I still play CD’s. The words struck a chord deeply within me, Miriam. I am chasing my dream yet I’m still in the unknown. If you don’t create what you dream, no one else will. Life IS precious, beyond what we truly understand. All we have is this Moment, so I agree, breathe deeply! Let us both discover NEW and create from out of the unknown. Beautiful post, dear friend. Thank you! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi Amy, I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. And yes, you’re right, no one else will create our dream, it’s entirely up to us to go after what we want. It’s all a bit daunting when we’re stepping into the unknown (I’m in the midst of that right now too) but if we don’t take a chance we’ll never know what we can achieve. All the best to you my friend. Let’s do it!! xx ❤️

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Thank you Miriam for such an uplifting, inspiring post.
    Earlier this week I decided to have a temporary ‘blogging break’ as I had found my blogging and associated interactions had compromised my daily journalling practice which helps keep me grounded.
    When the time is right I will return.
    Thank you for all your lovely posts and your help & support.
    Take care ❤️🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I can understand needing a blogging break Margaret. Sometimes we just need to take stock and focus on whatever keeps us grounded. All the very best to you and happy journaling. And thank you for your very kind and generous words here. ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  4. thanks for sharing such a beautiful song/clip … has so much wisdom for us all 🙂

    May the second half of your year bring bigger steps forward, move love and light to embrace ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Wow! You nailed it once again Miriam. You already know that I love Josh Groban but from our previous exchanges, I suspect you also knew this post would speak to me. Keep inspiring us my beautiful friend. You are full of light within yourself and you shine bright.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Absolutely! Live each day well. I saw an interview with Ash Barty on TV the other day and she spoke about the advice her tennis coach gave her: be nice to others and be nice to yourself, then play tennis. We could all apply the first two to ourselves.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Thanks for this one, Miriam! Lovely lyrics/sentiments in the song, and I always admire how artistic endeavours often show what is good about humans – a happy reminder when you read/hear about some of the political endeavours alleged leaders are engaged in.
    Today, I found myself lounging in a hammock, in the shade, listening to Led Zep and thinking I ought to be doing something else before realizing I was doing what I should be! Must be summer (here)…
    I hope your weekend has been a good one.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks PC and yeah I agree, the song and it’s sentiments are great reminders of living a good life. Which is exactly what you were doing in that hammock. Good for you! Enjoy your summer my friend and have a great week ahead. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve been a fan of Josh Groban since his very first album. His music resonates deeply, in a way where the lyrics seem to speak to your very soul. What an incredible talent he’s got!

    (Have you heard his song called “You Raise Me Up”? This is my absolute favorite song of his. It has come to hold even more meaning to me since the passing of my mom. I listen to it often.) ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ang, so great to find another Josh Groban fan. I agree, he has an incredible voice and, like you, so many of his lyrics resonate deeply with me. You Raise Me Up was the first song of his I ever heard, many years ago, and I still remember the first time I heard it. So beautiful, it gave me goosebumps! I’m not surprised it holds special memories for you and your mom. Have a great weekend. xx ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Letting go can be one of the most challenging things in our life. But it often leads to something better. (Of course I am thinking in terms of love. One of my bad habits, Miria, but you already know that.).

    Life is precious. Every moment, evey tear must be cherished.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That’s such a beautiful song, Miriam! Thanks so much for sharing it! And your inspirational words to go along with it were just what I needed to hear! I hope that the second half of the year has started out beautifully for you! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  11. You and I find inspiration from songs but the words we write come from our individual dreams and aspirations, our individual interpretations of their thoughts . Music is the conduit to ones soul if you let it surround you like a comfortable blanket on a cold winter day in Australia. Someday I would love to visit.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Music is the breath of the soul, in lots of ways, I think. 🙂 I don’t listen nearly enough (homeschool mom, don’t want to distract the kids) but I think music is essential to our well being on more levels than we can comprehend.

    Love you, and your music, dearheart! xoxox ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Lovely Miriam, I love all about this post!! I didn´t know this song, and it´s just wonderful reminder to stay connected to one´s own truth, soul journey, and deep-felt longings. I also love that photo of you! You irradiate warmth and joy for life, and that´s exactly what your lovingly penned lines convey as well. Gratitude is such an important daily practice and you remind of us this and of the importance of just “go for it” through your gorgeous writing. So much love to you! Massive hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a beautiful comment Maria. I’m glad you found this post and song. Josh Groban’s lyrics and music gets me every time. You’re right, gratitude is key. I’ve written in a Gratitude Journal for the past seven or so years and honestly feel so enriched for it. Lots of love and hugs to you dear friend. Have a lovely weekend. xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, that´s just fantastic Miriam, good on you! I used to do that a while ago, but never for such a long period of time. I love that- you just inspired me to restart my gratitude journal:) 🥰 Thanks mate! You are a bloody treasure my friend. 🥰 Thought of you yesterday when I caught up on HYBPA (the one with the new Master Chef guest judge appearing lol). Have a beautiful weekend gorgeous xxx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. How funny, I just wrote in it actually. Yep, it’s become like my bed time friend now. Even if I’ve had a crappy day (which I haven’t) it forces me to look at those little things that I have to be grateful for. They’re always there!
          I missed last week’s episode of HYBPA so you’re ahead of me. 😊 Enjoy your weekend too lovely lady. xx

          Liked by 1 person

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