Curve Balls and feeling Atop of Life

Do you sometimes beat yourself up about things you can’t do? Instead of focusing on the things you can do.

When life throws you a curve ball do you roll with it, grabbing it with both hands or do you duck and turn away?

In my period of job seeking these last three years, I slowly lost my zing. The longer I was out of the workforce the more I felt I was losing my skills.

Horse riding is not one of my skills. This is my daughter doing what she loves most on top of Mount Stirling. As much as I’ve enjoyed the occasional trail ride, it’s not me. The past few years has been about discovering me.

We all have our skills and strengths but somewhere along the way I began to doubt mine.

Despite having many of my travel articles published in magazines throughout Australia, my confidence took a big nose dive.

I think it was a combination of things … being alone at home and the lack of interaction with others, family worries and the stress that mum’s decline and ultimate passing had on me and my own inner turmoils. Combined it sent me into a downward spiral.

I’m not sure when it started to turn around. I think partly it was gaining a new perspective.  Blogging and interacting with so many of you from around the world, some who have become such close friends, has made a huge difference. You know who you are.

Hope began to filter out from behind the clouds.

Partly it was my own introspection and pushing myself forward, despite often wanting to bury my head in the sand.

Forcing myself to get out, going to Zumba, doing some courses has all helped.

It’s taken a long time but finally I’m starting to feel on top of things again.

With a new job now on the horizon, I’m excited and, even though it’ll be a huge learning curve with so much to learn, I know I’ll get on top of it

I know there’ll more curve balls to manoeuvre and juggle. I’ll likely falter and stumble and I’ll probably drop some of them.

After all no one’s perfect and I’m no pro juggler.

It reminds me of my juggling episode in the city a few months ago.

Standing amongst a crowd in Melbourne’s Federation Square I was plucked out by a busker and suddenly became the unexpected focus of attention for him, a whacky but talented juggler, and an amused crowd of onlookers.

When it came to doing my bit I was so nervous I fumbled. But It didn’t matter. I had a  ball. And then I nailed it.

Maybe that was the first step to me moving out of my comfort zone.

Sometimes all it takes is a bit of courage, or a nudge from a stranger or the universe to make us realise we’re capable of much more than we think.

Maybe it’s all about taking a risk and letting go of expectations.

My wish is for all of us to accept whatever comes our way, to juggle those curve balls and let them take us out of our comfort zone and into new territory.

SaleOctober2012 125

In new territory we can shift our focus to the moment, learning to accept the situation and trusting that things generally turn out the way they’re meant to.

Here’s to a sense of hope and peace as we accept and embrace where ever we are in life.

Don’t let those unexpected curve balls keep you off course for too long.

Let’s swing that curve ball as hard as we can, with all the force, power and determination that we can muster, and make the absolute best out of our life.

Hopefully in doing that we’ll feel as though we can not only take on the world but feel on top of it!


In response to:  WPC: Atop and Frank’s Tuesday Photo Challenge: Curve



156 thoughts on “Curve Balls and feeling Atop of Life

  1. Dear Miriam, will you be full time or part time? Can i ask what you will be doing.

    This post kind of reminds of phases in my life. We go up and we go down. But as a saying or quote stays, no storm stays with us for long.

    I believe there is benefit in everything and if we keep that in mind, difficult becomes manageable.

    You are right about comfort zone…

    I wish you the best with the new job and trust me you will be fine. I had a gap of 2 years and restart a job at end of july 2016 as a part timer..and was chucked in at the deep end. My manager even admitted that at my review on friday. You know one thing Miriam. You will be fine…and you will see a quiet confidence in you …that you never had before… well thats my experience.

    All the best. Regards bella

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Bella, the first two weeks will be full time training. After that the job will be part time, three days a week, 9-4 which will be a great work life balance.
      The job’s an admin/marketing/writing office job for Bushwalking Victoria so it feels right up my alley. Still, I’ll feel happier once I settle in and know what I’m doing. I’m sure you know what I mean.
      I’m glad your job worked out for you Bella and I really appreciate your words which gave me lots of encouragement and hope.
      Thanks again. Hugs to you and hope you and your mum are both well. xo

      Liked by 3 people

  2. There’s something about perspective that’s very shifty. The root of the Latin word is to see *through*, not just to see differently, but how do we see through something to a place we’ve never been before? This post is very encouraging. I’m taking a lot of strength from your own struggle through so much difficulty, doubt, and confusion. Maybe turning to others who are also finding their ways through these often obscure paths is one way we come to know that if we just keep going through the tangle of dark woods, we find that we start coming back out of the forest on the other side. I’m so happy that your path is looking clearer and things are looking up. Sending hugs! xo

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    1. There’s so much truth in your words Lulu. You’re so right in that there are many of us finding our way, through obscure and uncertain paths,but we do eventually make it through. Hope all is going well with you my friend. Big hugs back xo

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  3. I have lived and worked in different countries having to get used to different cultures and speaking another language. All I can say is that the less we try and control and the more we surrender to the flow, the bigger the blessings are that come our way. Faith and an open heart are the best companions in any new venture and I wish you all the best in your new job ☺💖 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So very very true Xenia and I guess your wise words apply to anything we do in life. It’s something I’ve struggled with in the past but am embracing now .. trying to control less and surrendering to the flow. Thank you so much. xo ❤️

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  4. You did it again! Sometimes I feel like your looking at my life and writing right to me! We recently had some curve balls and I’m currently trying to turn it around for good. Thank you for your perfect timing!

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  5. I’m still new enough to this blogging thing that I must have missed that frustrating period you mentioned earlier. What I see is a writer I can’t resist engaging with, can’t help but relate to, and can’t wait to read more of. Thanks for being you Miriam and I’m sure the new job will be yet another explosive adventure beyond your comfort zone!

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    1. Oh Gabe you absolutely make me smile. Thank you for always uplifting me with your wonderful comments. With people like you around it’s no wonder I love blogging so much. 😊

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      1. Yay! Miriam… I was afraid my comment found it’s way to your spam folder (again). I’m not being paid to say this, but you’ve become one of my blogging role models. I know I have a long way to go, but so far, it’s worth it!

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  6. Wow girl, quite a season of your life. But you have come through to something new, and you have done it beautifully.
    I can’t wait to hear about the new job, and all the new things you get to learn along the way. I’m so happy for you.
    Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Big hugs right back at ya. It’s so great to see the good things coming your way. It makes me happy to see all your many blessings.

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  7. Miriam I’m happy for you. Your new job sounds great. I’ve been off for about a year and a half. Wasn’t sure if anyone would ever hire me. But realized that the universe was giving me time to work on self and start blogging. I don’t think I would have started if I had been working full time. It sounds like you needed time to be with your mom. Our lives are in Divine order.

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    1. I think you’re right Lorna and I think I realised that last year when I was with mum. Seems like everything happens for a reason. Like you I also wouldn’t have started my blogging otherwise. It helped me get through mum’s last painful year. All the best to you in whatever you do. x

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  8. It’s such a super quote: ‘Let’s swing that curve ball as hard as we can, with all the force, power and determination that we can muster, and make the absolute best out of our life.’

    When the going gets tough, we tend to lose the mojo…it happened to me for three years being in and out of jobs where I lost my confidence. Slowly, I am trying to get back to my best. We all have immense capabilities. So many times, I ducked and ran away. It’s not the best thing to do. I am sure you will get back at your best.


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    1. I think when we go through those ups and downs and rough times it’s easy to lose the mojo and sometimes it’s not that easy getting it back. Good to hear you’re on the way to doing that though. All the best and thank you. Life’s a continual ball game isn’t it?

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        1. Oh, I so understand. It’s been 7 months for me too and not a day goes by when I don’t think about her. Sending you big hugs of friendship. We’ll both power through. xo


        2. Not only am I approaching 1 year since Grandma’s death, today (March 19), is the 7 year anniversary since my mom died. I wish grief could be easier. I hate when it comes and smacks me upside the head.

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  9. Good luck Miriam. You are brave to write and share this, and so, you are an inspiration as well.

    Transitions are tough. Change is always unsettling.

    Add in there the stressors of the decline and loss of your mom, your children growing up and seeming to need you less (so 2 caregiver roles wrenched out from under you) and of course you struggled. Of course you lost your confidence. Of course you lost your way. We all would. But that doesn’t make living through it any easier.

    There’s an ancient, old fashioned saying, “This, too, shall pass.” Take it to heart and keep doing the most important thing, the thing that you ARE doing, the undercurrent that comes through here in your writing very strongly… don’t give up. You are strong.

    And you are at a turning point in your life.

    Shout to the universe, “Bring it on, baby!” And have at ‘er. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Sheri, I love your words here. There’s so much truth and wisdom in your comment. Yes, I am at a turning point in my life but I’m ready for it.
      Oh yeah, “Bring it on, baby!”

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  10. Miriam, it brings me joy to read this introspective and vulnerable piece about your renewed sense of inner peace!
    This past week I was “enlightened” by a new phrase “I am in the process of _______.” It is such a strong tendency to avoid stepping out in fear of failing… this phrase acknowledges that we are allowed to falter, because we don’t know what we can really do until we try! And so often it is in our mistakes that we learn the most. Much love to you, Miriam! So grateful to share this journey w you and to hear you’re turning such an important corner! ❤🌈

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    1. I am turning a corner Tiffany and I think you’re right. That fear of failure has held me back for so long but you’re also right when you say we’re allowed to falter. Why are we so hard on ourselves I wonder? Thank you for your support and, as always, wise words here my friend. xo ❤️

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      1. Miriam, I believe we are hard on ourselves because we were taught by society and caregivers that perfection is the only path. To deviate is to be punished in some way either through humiliation, shame or other means. Those are my observations. Know that I can struggle with the same rumination and hesitation. Be well! ❤

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        1. 🙂 you’re welcome! May I suggest something completely counter-intuitive? Be the driftwood on the wave of your emotions. Allow the emotions to be. They will move through and you will find yourself refreshed. It is not an easy task to be “still” while the emotions crest and peak. Yet I find the sooner I allow this, the sooner I find peace. Much love to you as you find your own rhythm and what works for you! ❤ Tiffany

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        2. Tiffany, how is it that you seem to know exactly what I need right now? Just today I stood in front of the mirror, had a bit of a cry and said the same thing to myself about accepting my emotions. Letting them be. It’s not easy to be still, you’re right, but I have to try. Thanks so much. ❤️

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        3. 🙂 I write what I know to be true for myself, and the experiences that I had just this weekend. Though I’ve written (ad nauseum it seems) about this very concept, I find myself relearning it frequently. So all I can say is that I know you only as well as I know myself. So I see in you the places where I, too, struggle. Much love, Miriam, as you surrender into a greater love of you! Love the mirror work, by the way! It’s a great way to get in touch and connect with yourself! ❤xo

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        4. Miriam, I appreciate that we can support one another from so far away! If we can ever manage to meet in person, that would be such a special day! Much love! Xoxo

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  11. HI, I am so happy for you that you are feeling like you are on the right path! I am slowly, so slowly working toward that direction, and like you, blogging and connecting with wonderful people like you, have really helped. A friend recently told me that she thinks I am really changing, becoming stronger. That meant so much to me as I have felt anything but strong these last two years. I hope she is right, but have yet to really feel that I have made the progress that she sees in me. I hope to get to the point that you are at Miriam, where I can say “ya, I am getting there”. Congrats to you and the new job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course you will get there! I have absolutely no doubt. If your friend noticed that change in you then trust me, it’s there, you just don’t realise it yet. Isn’t it funny how others can often pick up what we fail to notice. But I do understand what you’re saying. Hang in there, and thank you. Big hugs xo

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  12. Miriam, you are filled with so much zingness! In your blog you express it so well. Your soul needed a rest, a timeout, a time to refocus. Don’t think about how long you weren’t working. We use numbers to describe us like our weight, or age etc. it really is just a number. Days come and go by the hundreds. Bust out of the calendar limits and think about what was learned and take away the important lesson’s to apply to our days ahead. Live your zingness out everyday! Love and hugs!

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    1. Aw Susan, your comments reached right into my heart. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and such a wise perspective. You’re right, I have learnt a lot these past few years and am still learning so much every day, like we all are. I guess that’s the beauty (and reality) of life isn’t it? Hugs to you too. xo

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  13. Wow, Mariam! Being on the Journey of self discovery is scary as all heck yet when you come through your transformation will be so great that in looking back you won’t even recognize the “old” life you left behind. My life ended as I knew it in 1993 and ever since, the Journey has been very challenging yet so so rewarding!!! I wish you all the very best on your new job! YAY for you! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  14. I never doubted you for a minute! You captured a double-rainbow, you get two pots-of-gold…this new job and adventure is your second pot-of-gold! Life does throw us lots of curve balls and you are so right, some you’ll hit out of the park, while others you will miss completely, but it’s all a part of life. Although this new job may take a lot of learning, that’s half the fun of the journey. You always have such sage advice and beautiful pictures. I love the purple flowers in the last picture, where you are on top of the world! I believe you will always come out on top as long as you always believe in yourself. You have so much to offer and share with us and also with your new job! You are fabulous!! Great Big Hugs… xoxo 🙂

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    1. Aw Deb, you’re too kind my beautiful friend. Thank you for always believing in me and inspiring me with your words and beautiful posts of gratitude. All of this has impacted on me and helped me forwards when times were particularly hard. Big hugs to you for a wonderful week ahead. Big hugs back xo

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      1. It puts a huge smile on my face to know I helped to be an inspiration for you. There have been so many of your posts that have done the same for me!! Thanks! Here’s to a beautiful week to both us! Cheers!! Hugs xo 🙂

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  15. It takes a lot of strength to go jog hunting for three years. The emotional ups and downs. Not just taking any jobs but jobs you enjoy doing… that’s hard. You’re making a lot of adjustments. You find inspiration to keep you going. That is admirable. Good to hear that you new job is in the horizon. Best wishes to you. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. Your photos and your thoughts!

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  16. Your words always speak so much to me Miriam and echo my own thoughts. Yes spending too much time alone can be hard and being out of work can be scary. I am so happy and excited for you! Can’t wait to hear all about it! So glad we connected here too. 😌

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    1. Thanks so much Nicole. I’m sure I’ll be writing about it at some stage soon. In the meantime I’m trying to get my car fixed amongst a deluge of rain this week. Hope you have a great week.

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  17. It’s no wonder you were feeling a bit lost, what with the family issues and job hunting! I think it’s very impressive that you were able to begin to pull yourself out of the “dumps” even before you got the new job offer. It takes strength to change our own situations rather than waiting for someone else to change it for us, although those “nudges” that we get along the way certainly help. I think the trick is to learn what motivates ourselves, and to be open to new ideas and directions that others show us.
    Life changes so quickly, and it can often be overwhelming. But I honestly believe that the overwhelmed feelings don’t last forever, especially if we are willing to be open minded. Which is a term that most definitely applies to you, my friend!

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    1. You’re right Ann, being open minded and learning what motivates us goes a long way in helping to move forward. I haven’t always felt this way though and even now have to fight against those internal self doubts that creep in. Thanks so much for your kind words Ann. I always love hearing from you and really appreciate your wise perspective. xo

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  18. Hello dear Miriam,
    As for your very first question, yes, I do.. or at least I did and rather permanently!
    But you know, in my downtime last year, I learnt a lot about myself and I’m so sure that these three years will also have given you the oft’ necessary time for reflection that will emerge as you begin this new journey. We are always present with ourselves and we sometimes don’t realise what we’ve learnt and how far we’ve come. But you have… you’ve been through too much not to have and it’s yours now, my friend. Grab those curve balls and run into your new direction with tighter grips than ever. Another post that brings out the honesty in us all. Thank you 💕🌹

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    1. I have been through a lot these past couple of years Di and it has changed me, there’s no doubt. I still question so much but am learning to embrace life more fully and take those lessons we learn forward and hopefully grow from them. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and lovely comment. Means a lot. xo

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      1. You really have been, Miriam. I read about your new position in a comment above… that sounds like a lovely fit and your strength will certainly show as you begin this. If you can get through what you have… this will seem like a breath of fresh air. Congratulations on your determination, my lovely friend 💐💕

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  19. What a brilliant post Miriam – absolutely full of hope and inspiration. The tiny ripple has gained massive momentum and somehow I’m visualising you with your arms open ready to embrace whatever comes along… You’ve ‘bounced back high’ my lovely friend! You’re right, the curve ball will come again and now with your ‘juggling skills’, you’ll be ready to grab it and throw it in the direction it needs to go… Your photo’s are so amazingly appropriate (love the one of your daughter on her horse..).. Fab Miriam and it’s given me ‘hope and food for thought too’… I’m printing this post out and sticking it in one of my ‘notebooks’ so I can go back and remind myself of that sense of ‘hope’ when the curveball comes in my direction! Thank you!!! xxx

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    1. Aw Wendy, you’re too kind. I’m so glad that you enjoyed my post and what a huge compliment to think you want to print it out! 😊 I guess you know much of my story and my transition to this “juggler” you see in this post. I still have many moments of doubt and uncertainty but generally I’m feeling so much more positive about where I’m heading. Yes, my arms are open wide. Big hugs to you and huge thanks my dear friend xo

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      1. Life’s a roller coaster and there will always be days where we hit the low patches.. but we’re learning how to ‘hold on’ and work through to ‘bounce back high’ Miri.. My arms are open wide too and ready to give you that big hug when we do meet! In the meantime, I’m sending my ‘virtual hug’ with love xx

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        1. Too true Wendy, but you know what? I always loved a good roller coaster ride when I was younger so I figure I’m good at holding on! Looking forward to that big big hug when we meet. In the meantime here’s my virtual one too ❤️ xo


  20. I so relate to this post. As my kids have gotten older and as I myself have gotten older and accomplished the goals of my youth, I am left in a “What’s next?” part of my life and I am feeling a bit lost. Good for you for stepping out and trying to put yourself out there and get into new things. Zumba sounds fun!

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    1. Hi Lisa, it seems to be a common feeling to lose our way a bit as our kids find their way and leave us searching and in a new phase of life. Good luck though I’m sure in time you’ll find your next purpose. Oh and BTW Zumba is definitely fun! 🙂


  21. Another lovely heartfelt and honest post Miriam. I’m so glad to hear you are starting to feel on top of things and I wish you the best for your new venture. The photos are perfect for your words – you do it so well! Take care of yourself.xx

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  22. Miriam, I completely love this post. You are so inspiring on how you share your wisdom. Taking risks and letting go of expectations …. going into a challenge like a dog catching a ball …. just getting up and going to Zumba – these all are such great keys & I learned a lot. Thank you. Many blessings ahead on your new job. Love you! Debbie hugs xo

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  23. I’ve definitely experienced curve balls that make me just want to stick my head in the sand. You’re right, we do just have to keep pushing ourselves forward. I’m glad you are discovering things you love and best of luck on the job.

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  24. That was a great post, I loved every word and picture and I learned yet another new word. Busker, here in America we call them muggers (J/K)

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