Abandoned but not forgotten 

We left our kids for five days. Took off camping by ourselves, just hubby and I. But before you think we’re totally irresponsible parents let me explain. 

We’re not quite empty nesters, but our 18 year old daughter has work commitments and is hardly ever home and our 16yo son just wanted to stay home and do what he loves, computer related and programming stuff. So we agreed. We’d all do our own thing.

Part of me felt like we abandoned them but we didn’t really. They’re old enough to be home alone though I’ll admit I had a few worries.

Fortunately our son is mature for his age. But I wish he wasn’t quite over the camping. He says it’s not his thing anymore. I’m not sure it ever really was.

I wish he was more excited about our big Red Centre trip mid year. Has anyone been in a situation where their teenager doesn’t want to travel anymore?

We’ll figure it out as the time draws nearer.

In the meantime we’ve had five relaxing days in the beautiful King Valley region in Victoria.

We’ve checked in regularly and I remind myself that a bit of time alone is teaching him resilience, independence and life lessons. And sure enough, he coped fine.

It’s also been good for us as parents (and individuals) to have some time out. 

Over the course of  our time away I kept my eye out for things that looked abandoned, in keeping with Frank’s theme this week.

We came across this tractor, it’s door hanging off its hinges, clearly not used anymore.

Just down the road we passed tobacco fields from years back when the tobacco industry thrived in this area.

These days vineyards are the focus of the area. Dozens of small boutique Italian wineries.

Near Milawa we passed this old rambling stone building.  In its hey day it would have been full of life. 

Today the abandoned building looks to be the ultimate renovater’s challenge.

Further along near Cheshunt we found these old buildings which were completely transformed.

Proof that even something once old and run down can be given new life.

Since being away I feel as though I’ve abandoned my blog a bit. But I’ve realised it’s okay and sometimes necessary to take that step back, disconnect for awhile, and focus on just living.

This is me a few days ago, sitting underneath Paradise Falls, feeling the spray and mist on my face. 

Awash with a sense  of peace as all my worries were temporarily abandoned.

Now I’m home again and there’s so much catching up to do.

Aside from the usual household and family commitments there’s editors to contact, magazine articles to write, photo sheets to edit and blog posts to compose.  And reading of course.

Just know that if I’ve been a bit quiet I haven’t abandoned you and your blogs, just as I didn’t abandon my kids!

I guess it’s all about finding that healthy balance in life. For all of us.

I figure it’s okay to stop every now and then. Catch our breath, balance out the busy-ness of life and the need to always ‘do’with time to just ‘be’.

May we abandon all our inhibitions and enjoy every chance we can to disconnect and enjoy nature. Taking opportunities when we can to replenish the spirit, rejuvenate our body and live completely in the moment.

Wishing you peace of mind and a balanced blogging life as we continue our journey.

150 thoughts on “Abandoned but not forgotten 

  1. Bravo for getting away with your hubby. I bet it was a little tough to be away from the kiddos. What a great theme. I didn’t even know about it, yet old and abandoned has been what I’m drawn to the past few weeks. Beautiful post.

    You sound busy with the magazines, etc. Good luck, Miri.

    PS Did you see Weird Guy’s dad isn’t doing well? I know he’d love to hear from you. Hugs, sweetie. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes Miriam I remember when ours were teens, and it was good to get away by ourselves for a while. But when they are looking after the home, there’s always a thought in your back of your mind as to how they’re getting on! Interesting photos about “Abandoned” and thanks for the link to Frank’s theme. It reminded me of my own recent discovery of abandoned farm vehicles: https://discoveringbelgium.com/2016/11/27/where-tractors-go-to-die/

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Low and slow is the way to go! I feel like sometimes people might feel I’ve abandoned their blogs too or blogging all together. I haven’t. I think it’s important to slow down and just enjoy everything around you. I’m so happy you enjoyed five days with your hubby! That sounds just heavenly if you ask me. I love the picture of you floating in the water. I hope to one day make a trip to Australia to enjoy some of these spectacular sights.

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    1. Hi Monica, it’s so great to see you here. I think you absolutely have the right idea. Blogging is all about balance and you’re obviously doing that and taking time out to just enjoy life, which is what it’s all about. Good for you. Hope you make It to Australia one day. 🙂

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