History in the Making

Compared to many places around the world Australia is a young country. Yet, despite being just a toddler, she’s seen some dramatic changes. From the Aboriginal dream-time to the convict era and the colonization and onset of the gold rush my homeland has a fascinating history. So many places, even today, where the past feels so alive. So many places that hold spell binding stories of days gone by.

Resized Walhalla

Somewhere I loved visiting in my childhood is the town of Walhalla, set high above the mountains in a peaceful valley.

Only a handful of people live here now but in its heyday over 5000 people flocked here and it was the heart of one of the most vibrant gold mining districts in the world.

1854 building (800x533)

Another beautifully preserved gold mining town with a rich history is Maldon, where we camped a couple of months ago. A place filled with gold mining stories of the past.

Tasmania (June 2009) 316

In Richmond Tasmania the historic bridge and church sit serenely in what was once an important convict station and military post.

mungo holiday photos kodak 035

In outback NSW, the ancient dry lake beds of Mungo National Park, were once teeming with water and life but today are a place of awe inspiring magic and mystery.

mungo holiday photos kodak 040

It’s a place that evokes all the senses, a dramatic and spiritual landscape that transports you out of the ordinary and into another time. Camping here was very special.


Another special place was Arkaroola in the Northern Flinders Ranges – truly one of the greatest open air museums of geological history imaginable.


The jagged ancient mountains and granite peaks of Arkaroola paint a dramatic landscape. If these ridges could talk they’d likely tell a thousand stories.

Burke and Wills

There’s history everywhere and we’ve camped in many places with tangible evidence of the past like here near Menindi.

It’s good to be aware of our heritage and the stories that make us who we are, both in place and person.  But we don’t want to get too hung up on the past.

It’s more important to focus on where we’re going, looking ahead and moving forward with purpose, even when the future seems unclear.

the gift

Even better is the ability to stay in the moment, right where we are, creating our own story by living the best life we can today. Living in the moment, with no regrets.

That’s my intention, as hard as it seems sometimes.

snoopy living in the now

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is yet to be written
so let’s make our story the best it can be.

Wishing you all a warm heart and plenty of light and love as we continue the journey.

In response to Where’s my Backpack: Travel theme: History








88 thoughts on “History in the Making

  1. Living in the moment can be difficult, but it is so worth the effort! Like you, I love learning about history, but also recognize that our past is just that: the past. And all we can do is learn the lessons it has to teach us, and move forward to live as best we are able. LOVE that poem at the end, by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful landscapes. I have not yet visited Aistralia, but it is a country I look forward to encountering. We are enroute to moving to SE Asia (from Chicago),so perhaps once we are in “the region” it will happen.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Since childhood, I have always loved Australia. I think it was the Kangaroos or the Penguins. But I always had that desire, that if I travel, I would go to Australia first.

    I really liked that Pic of Snoopy and his dog which says “Think About the Days You Are Alive”.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for taking me to Australia (virtually), Miriam. I love the shot of the sun, maybe I’m biased to all sunrises and sunsets. 🙂 Those wise open spaces are gorgeous! I assume them to be very silent and peaceful. You make me want to visit Australia. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh God Miriam I love that Snoopy cartoon – it almost made me cry!! Would you mind sending me the jpg or pdf? My email is weloveyou@forgivingconnects.com . I love it so much.

    This is a wonderful post. Your caring for your country really comes through. Having traveling across much of Australia, I relate to the beauty and blessings of this land. AND I think you are amazing. Thank you for being here.

    Liked by 1 person

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