Opposite in Nature

My hubby and I are fairly similar but we’ve also got some differences.  I’m tidy, he’s not, he’s hilariously funny, I’m calmer and more sedate. It’s the same on our travels, we often run into extremes and opposite situations.  In fact, our world seems to be full of extremes from the minute we wake up in the morning, whether we’re at home or half way across Australia, to the minute we go to sleep at night.


Nothing beats waking up to a beautiful sunrise, a new day and bright opportunities.

clouds at mungo (800x600)

Just like nothing beats ending the day with an equally magnificent sunset, and an appreciation of all life, where ever we are. It makes me grateful to be alive.

Tasmania (June 2009) 197

In between there’s so much contrast, so much light and dark.  The rest is just a speck in the ocean.

Slow and fast in Renmark (800x600)

There are extremes everywhere, like the leisurely houseboat and the speed boat on the river.  They’re all in harmony.  Proving that we can all be on the same page, or river, much like this water skier behind the speed boat is focused on where he’s going, and the house boat is mindful of what’s around him.

The old and the new at Silverton (800x600)

Here in outback Silverton we came across extremes in the main street. You can see the new car next to the vintage car. Then there’s Pancakes the resident donkey coming to greet us.  Here in this slow paced destination the action ramps up when movie directors converge on the town to film classics like Mad Max and A town like Alice.

Big and small in Sydney (800x600)

From the outback to the city, in Sydney opposites are paramount.  The big cruise ships and the smaller boats line beautiful Circular Quay.  All docking in perfect harmony.

Opposite reflections (800x600)

The big skies and boundaries of sky and earth and the reflections in nature remind us how different our world is.  And yet how similar it can appear.

Sometimes the landscape is so similar to the sky we find it hard to work out what is what.

High and low (800x600)

And when we look down from up high, we need confidence to believe we can fly, figuratively speaking, of course!

Opposite ends of a horse (800x600)

Sometimes it can feel like we’re going in opposite directions and we can become disorientated. But whether we head forwards or backwards so long as we ultimately know where we’re going we’ll end up on track again.


And that’s when we realise that we have all we really need in life.

When we’re camping and surrounded by the basics of life there’s a sense of right in the world.  We need fire to keep warm and we also need water to extinguish it at the end of the night, even when camping beside a river.  They work together and I’m always grateful for both.

Kissing (800x600)

At the end of the day, the old saying is true.  Opposites really do attract. Whether young or old, beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, it doesn’t really matter. Happiness and sadness, love and hate, peace and war, light and day.  Without one there could not be the other.

It’s all about balance.

Night and Day with text

Wishing you all a happy July and a balanced life full of happiness, peace and love.

Opposite in Nature, harmonious together.

Stay safe, be grateful for every day and enjoy the journey.

This is in response to The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge – Opposites

and also for Where’s my Backpack – Travel theme -Harmony


94 thoughts on “Opposite in Nature

  1. Its all about balance indeed.
    This post had literally every thing in it.
    The shots are class, absolutely loved them all..
    The learning aspect of your perspective intent is a scintillating.
    And the fascinating beauty of nature.. wow..
    I loved the two peacocks? Is that how they are spelled..
    Beautiful – Cezane

    Liked by 3 people

      1. They are such a rarity..?
        People go crazy over plucking their feathers and stuff..
        Are you among those people? 😄 – Cezane

        Liked by 1 person

        1. No, can’t say I really am. Besides, I don’t think they’d really appreciate that … they’d probably turn around and peck me if I tried. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Miriam, a beautiful post about contrasts and balance. My husband and I are different in so many ways but I think if the core values and love for life are the same, it all balances out! Great photos and love the one of the ocean cruise liner and the normal boats!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely post Miriam..Its great to be in your page once again. I love the sunscapes photos..beautifully put together. We all need the opposition to maintain balance..without it,monotony could be a boring life.
    Sending you warm love from Deutschland!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Miri, I’m pretty sure your writing is destined for glorious things. A devotional perhaps? Just the way you can take a single word and combine it with photos and make it relatable to everyone, what a gift.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aw Jess, hand on heart, your kind words always inspire me. Honestly, I just write from my heart but I’m so glad you can relate to them. Hugs to you my friend. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m still pulling for an autographed copy of a coffee table book. 🙂 Someday. It’s funny because when I was standing in those flowers at dusk last night, it suddenly occurred to me that I ought to publish a wildflower book! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Don’t worry, it’s still very much at the back of my mind. Maybe I ought to push it further to the front! Sounds like both you and I are very much on the same page. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Love your pictures and what you said. Was the horseback ride in the blue mountains one of the overnighters? I’d love to do one with the family… I think they offer some in the Mt Buller area too…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It was actually in the Bogong Plains in Victoria. There’s a number of companies that offer a swag of different rides as well, in and around Mansfield, especially during the warmer months.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I’m not kidding. That’s his name, he belongs to the whole town and saunters round … Every one leaves bowls of water out for him, food etc. He’s a local celebrity.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I like how you wrote about this subject, Miriam. Yes, we are all different and we are like magnets. Opposites always attract each other.
    xoxo ❤
    PS – I missed you and your posts

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Bonjour
    Toi mon amie ou mon ami
    Tu remplis mes jours de joie
    Le matin à mon réveil , tu seras présent au cours de ma journée
    Belle Amitié entre nous , tu ouvres mon cœur
    Tu me donnes ce que j’ai envie par tes petits messages
    Des fois je souries quand je suis mélancolique
    Bises passe une belle journée

    Profite de ton week-end et de la semaine à venir


  8. Wonderful thoughts , Miriam. I got appalled with such variety of moments you made us see through the photographs! Sometimes I get lost in the pic so much I have to reread the paragraph to resume the flow. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Wow what a most thoughtful and inspiring post Miriam! If ever I’m feeling down and I stop by to read your posts they are always so uplifting and your photos are amazing, the next one more than the one before. I see the sunrise and go oooh, then the sunset and it’s aaahhh, then the in between was whoa…I love how you really live and love life and it reflects in your writing! I’m so happy for you and your family, wishing you continuous opposites throughout your life!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely photos and sentiments Miriam. Where is the canopy walk you’ve photographed, with your toes hanging over the edge. I love doing walks like that and I’m wondering if we’ve been to that one.


  11. The pictures of the sunsets (or are they sunrises?) and the fire are stunning! But I especially love the peacocks at the end. 😊 “…whether we head forwards or backwards so long as we ultimately know where we’re going we’ll end up on track again.” What a beautiful message. And you’re right, I do have everything I need already. Sometimes, I just need that reminder. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I’m glad that resonated with you Lulu. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that and how lucky I am, when I’m in the midst of a down time. Thanks again for your lovely comment. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  12. It really is interesting how opposites attract, and when they don’t, and still, it somehow seems to balance. My husband of almost 33 years and I are opposite in many ways, but if we were too much alike we’d never have been able to last this long; I firmly believe that. I think this is how we cover our bases. We are all just a speck in the ocean, for sure. Nice post and a nice presentation of something we can all relate to. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Seriously. The things that nature is having opposite is always by roots of man. The sunrise & sunset gives a colorful vision that nature has got. It makes us feel awesome by watching it. Great things happens in the heart of nature, but why are we still away matters a lot.


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