Racing Thoughts

I’m the one that gets your heart racing,

I’m the one that makes your body tingle,

I’m the one that consumes you at night,

I’m the one that gets inside your head,

I’m the one constantly beside you in bed.

A love affair or a battle with my over active racing thoughts?

In my quest to be mindful this month I’m also owning a lot of feelings that I’ve suppressed.

I haven’t had a full blown panic attack in a long time but sometimes I feel it there, close by.  Ready to rear its ugly head without the slightest provocation.  And in the most unlikeliest of places.  Like the supermarket.  Sitting on the couch.  My bed, lying awake in the middle of the night. Even driving in the car it has the ability to hit me, so often without warning.  Sometimes it feels like it’s just underneath the surface.

Solitary duck in nature (800x600)

Sometimes I feel like the proverbial duck.  You know the one, it appears calm on the surface but underneath it’s paddling like crazy to stay afloat. I start sweating, the palpitations come and I feel breathless, my legs turn to jelly and then crazy thoughts start racing through my head.

But this little duck is getting better. Most of the time when the waters start getting choppy I know what to do.  Breath. Deeply. Slowly from deep inside. I try to just go with the flow and accept it, knowing it will pass.  And gradually it does.

What keeps me grounded is bringing my thoughts back to the present.  Back to the now and what’s right in front of me.  Dealing with that and nothing else.

It reminds me of a quote in my Gratitude Journal the other day.  “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance” … Eckhart Tolle

I think back to some of the simple things that I enjoyed today:

  • The sun on my back as I walked Harry this morning
  • Autumn sunshine and balmy wind that dried our clothes
  • Rainbow Lorikeets flitting around in a tree in our backyard
  • Brilliant blue skies
  • Chrysanthemums in my garden.  Blooming just in time for Mothers Day


I hope that your day is filled with simple pleasures and you’re able to find joy in the ordinary things. May you all enjoy the journey. And keep those little black ducks at bay!

Hopefully we can all try and be a bit more mindful as we march into May.


55 thoughts on “Racing Thoughts

  1. Can totally relate to this post! When I’m feeling anxious…I go on long walks, write, meditate/pray and most of the times surround myself in nature to feel present and mindful and release what I’m holding inside. Great advice! Bernice

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A beautiful and positive post! So glad to have read it this fine morning!
    I can totally relate to the feelings you have mentioned here….including the panic attacks!
    The fact that you are reminding yourself of the simple pleasures in life shows a great deal of strength.
    So happy to have you as my blogging buddy! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Some days I feel like I’ve got a little “panic attack” monster inside my head knocking against my skull trying to get out. Usually, distraction keeps the monster at bay… usually. This is one of the times music helps me… I focus on just what I’m listening to — outside my head, not inside! I hope you have a lovely, peaceful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Music helps me too. Loud music that I sing along to in the car and then sometimes inside the house mellow music, depending on my mood. Definitely helps! Hope you have a lovely weekend as well Sandra. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. That photo of the flower was pretty surreal. And you are so true about enjoying the little pleasures in life Miriam 🙂 I guess now that you have come to terms about what is bothering you and found the ways also to overcome that, things should take a positive turn. And the weekend is here too 🙂 Have fun and take care dear ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Life sure has a way of trying to control us. Sometimes we can overcome, sometimes not. Forever the pressure to conform, commit. You know your release, live it every day!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your flower is amazing! What a perfect gift for you!

    I am praying for you dear heart. Anxiety is a rough thing to struggle with, and those panic feelings can be so scary. Good for you for learning how to control the attacks. You go girl, and kick their butts! Show them who’s boss! And know that I am here cheering for you. *hugs* ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful,touching,powerful and real.Just how I like it.
    I,too,love taking notice of those small things that we may or may not take for granted,but which truly define and are part of our lives.It is outstandingly satifactying knowing that the real blessings of life come within the simplest of things.I do not want to take these for granted.Not now,not ever.


  8. Another beautiful post! I’m glad you’re learning ways to cope with the panic attacks and that they are coming far less often. I think you are right on target with being mindful of the beauty and abundance that is right in front of all of us. Wishing you nothing but the best, always.

    Liked by 1 person

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