Loving my World

It’s Valentines Day and hubbs is half way across the country on a work trip but that’s okay. It’s given me time to reflect on all that I have and love in my life and how much I’m grateful for. So that’s what I dedicate this post to.

Firstly, of course, I love my man.  He makes me laugh, he’s funny, kind, caring, my best friend and my constant.  He sees me at my best and my absolute worst. He’s supportive and always by my side, even when he’s not physically with me.  I’m grateful for the 26 years he’s been in my life and I look forward to growing old with him.

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I love my two gorgeous, crazy, chalk and cheese different kids who often drive me nuts but keep me grounded, forever on my toes and who give my life purpose.

Crazy kids  DSCN8145

I love to travel every chance I get, whether it’s free camping in the bush, by the beach or into the mountains. For me being amongst nature is therapeutic and food for the soul.


But just as much as I love traveling I love my home and feel blessed to live in such a natural environment and great community.  Being surrounded by my pets, gum trees and nature, waking up to birdsong and looking out onto green hills is something I hope I never take for granted. I walked outside yesterday and there was this kookaburra, sitting there.


When I moved closer to him he turned and looked at me, as though posing.


I love my sister and brother, even though I don’t see them as much as I used to. And I absolutely adore my mum, unconditionally and with every ounce of my being.   A strong, caring, wonderful mother and Nonna to my kids. Although sadly today she’s not the same woman she used to be after two failed brain operations last year, to me she will always be the mum who hugged me tight every time I came home to visit and who always believed in me.  One day I will write a post just for her.

I love my friends, you know who you are.  You’ve known me most of my life and even though most probably don’t read my blog you know me well, warts and all.

I am grateful that I earn money doing what I love, writing for magazines.  To travel, write and then to see my stories in print is a dream come true for me.


And last but not least, I love all of you.  My online blogging friends from all over the world, who I’ve got to know, some more so than others.  I’ve reached over 400 followers and never dreamed I would love writing and connecting as much as I do.  My world has expanded tenfold.

I wish you all much love today and every day.





60 thoughts on “Loving my World

  1. Miriam what a beautiful post! I feel lucky as well to have married my best friend and a wonderful loving man. It is so hard to find a good match and I am so blessed. What a lovely post filled with love and happiness!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a beautiful post. It makes me feel equally grateful for the people and places I love. Glad you had such a warm-hearted Valentine’s Day, even though your husband was away!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When they were younger it bothered me but as they’ve matured I’ve realised they are who they are! Now I tell them to embrace their differences. They’re both great kids with very different personalities and interests. That’s just how it is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ours are the same. Fought like cat and dogs when young. After we moved their friendship group expanded and they seemed to settle down. Number 1 son bought a house about two years ago. Number 2 could not get out quick enough and the war we were expecting has not eventuated. Although Number 2 (practical) has often vented to us about things Number 1 (the academic) has done.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Your two sound older than my two, mine are still bickering though. I often wonder how they’ll interact when they’re older. Number 1 daughter will be the first out, she’s already itching to drive and work and be independant. No. 2 is all academic, a bit of an IT guru and somewhat of a loner. So different. Ah, the joys of parenting!


  3. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    Although some of Miriam’s loves are different from mine (I’m not a good camper, for instance), we both share many loves in the world.
    My mom has passed on but I will always love her with all my heart. Miriam doesn’t mention her dad, but my dad is my “Rock of Gibraltar.” He has fought for more than 40 years to stay alive for his family. And he’s still fighting the Good Fight! I appreciate him with all my being.
    My hubby is also a really great guy & we were recently apart because I needed to go see my dad. Angelo is the reason I was finally able to write & publish my novel. He is always an inspiration to me!
    I don’t have kids, but I have many nieces & nephews I love, as well as their parents, my sisters & brothers, and my in-laws too!
    Thank you, Miriam, for this beautiful tribute to all those you love in your life.
    Peace, love & life with all those we love,
    P.S. I even have hummingbirds that visit, much like that unusual bird that posed for Miriam!
    Sherrie Miranda’s historically based, coming of age, Adventure novel “Secrets & Lies in El Salvador” is about an American girl in war-torn El Salvador:
    Her husband made a video for her novel. He wrote the song too:


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