She Sells Seashells at Seaforth

A tongue twirling twist on an old ditty and a great place to meditate. Who says you need to sit in the lotus position at the same time every day.

Maybe there are other ways to achieve a calm state of mind.

Could it be that anything that places us completely in the present moment, like walking in nature or spending time with animals can also ease us into stillness.


This is Sherman and Koda, two old staffies we looked after last week near Airlie Beach. It was our first house and pet sitting gig this year and since returning from Vietnam.

They accepted and loved us even though they barely knew us. How great if we could all do that with each other.

How blissfully they live in the moment.

There’s no fretting about the past, no worries about the future, (ok, maybe their next feed) only an innate willingness to embrace the present moment without judgement or fear.

We can learn a lot from our four legged friends. Such gentle sweet characters that love their food and love being loved.

Don’t we all!


Solitude is good for the soul. Can you see the lone fisherman above?

We’re in Seaforth, south of Airlie Beach in Queensland, and our next stop is the Camping Reserve on the foreshore. We haven’t booked but still get a decent site underneath a huge shady tree.

We’re surrounded by nature and birdsong from morning till night. It’s like a country highway for birds during the day with parades of plumed whistling ducks constantly waddling past.

However not all the birds are sweet and serene. The gangly curlews sound like they’re being tortured. Google their screeching sound and you’ll know what I mean.

Despite the curlews Seaforth is a haven.

“She Sells Seashells …”

We spend a lot of time at the beach.

It’s only minutes from our caravan. The sun is warm on my back as we walk.

Underneath my feet the sand alternates between soft and warm to hard and stony, full of shells that glisten in the sun.

In the shallow water there’s a wonderland of life and mystery … shells, coral, tiny fish going about life in their protective shells.

Beyond, in the distance, never ending waves hide a world of underwater stories.

There’s patterns in the sand.

It’s here crabs mark their home.

Sunshine shimmers on the water and in a few hours it’ll kiss the shore goodnight and all will be dark. Until tomorrow, when it all lights up again.

We walk for over an hour. No need for much talking. I’m mesmerised by what’s beneath my feet.

Can you see the face?

Seems nothing is what it seems.

My thoughts stray, my monkey mind goes in a million directions, but I catch myself.

Isn’t that the key? Catch yourself, come back, to the moment.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Staying present in the moment isn’t always easy. We get so distracted.

We’re distracted by so much. Even amid all our travels life can feel complicated, especially when we overthink. Like a maze.

“All roads, detours, decisions, and those inevitable ups and downs dictates the future. But ultimately it’s not where we go but all the little things along the way that matter. It’s the gratitude we can muster, amidst all the changes and choices.”

Taking time out to meditate is never time wasted, neither is time outside or time spent with animals, I feel inordinately blessed that we’re able to do all three.

Wherever you are, remember that meditating is simply finding the time to be with yourself.

You and nature. It doesn’t have to be a beach. Simply head outside and look up at the vast, infinite sky. Feel the peace in that space, the love that lives inside your heart.

Open up your mind, spirit and light and catch all the goodness and bountiful blessings nature offers.

“She sells seashells by the seashore.” But maybe, simply savouring stillness silently is the biggest blessing of all.

See you next time, somewhere in the great outdoors.

In love and light

The sun settles serenely into Seaforth

36 thoughts on “She Sells Seashells at Seaforth

  1. I was excited seeing crab art for the first time in Northern Queensland, so creative. Collecting shells was a thing now I pick them up and usually discard them back to the sand before leaving. Staffies are one bred that we wouldn’t care for while housesitting. The beach scenes are idyllic, Miriam.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know. I used to collect bucketloads of sea shells when I was a little girl. These days I admire them then put them back. Those Staffies were lovely, our 18yo Harry (back home with Doug’s mum) is a half Staffy breed so I do have a soft spot for them, but to each their own. Thanks for your comment Suzanne.

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        1. No leg pulling. I started the process of scheduling cataract surgery last October. My wife calls me a blind photographer and a deaf musician. Old age has challenges.

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        2. It sure does. I really do wish you all the best Tim. Hope it goes well and you’ll be a new man afterwards, though I have to say, despite what your wife calls you, your music and photography is pretty damn good!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. lol some of these pictures and certainly your sentiments could come straight from my blog Miriam … great minds think alike! Keep staying in that moment and enjoying the balmy northern weather 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh absolutely Kate, I know you’re relishing your life by the sea. And I know you live by these practices, much more than I do I’d say. Hope you’re well. 🙏😊

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  3. And thereby hangs the biggest joy of retirement, it blesses us with timelessness, which in turn makes travel so much more rewarding. For me personally, after 25 years of running a business, being able to live in, and enjoy, the moment, every single day, instead of operating under time pressures, is the best gift that retirement brings. Oh the joys!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. The lack of pressure and no timelines to follow is undoubtedly one of the biggest joys and blessings of this travelling nomadic lifestyle. Here’s to continuing to enjoy each and every day!

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  4. Beautifully calm and relaxing pictures. My favorite though is that of your pups. I love how dogs so fully live every moment and nothing makes a day better than that exuberant greeting of wags, even if you’ve only been gone for 5 minutes. 🙂


  5. I especially remember how, during the pandemic, whenever I’d get a bit too stressed, I’d simply go for a walk in our neighborhood. It wasn’t the beach (sadly), but just being outside and noticing the trees, flowers, etc. was incredibly calming. Nature really does teach us to “just breath” sometimes, and it grounds us too. Lovely post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ann. Yes, I remember those times too, when my daily walk in nature with Harry was an absolute Godsend. You simply can’t beat being in nature to feel grounded. Hope you’re having a good week!

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  6. Love this walk and the serene feeling of peace it evokes, Miriam 🙂 And how about that crab art!! Before I read the caption I thought you did it!!! Life is full of creation…everywhere we look (and places we don’t!!) I hear what you said and I do think that time alone with ourselves, no matter where it is (but always better in nature) is so important. Being in the moment is not always easy, but as you said, it is a constant noticing when we are present and when we are not we can gently bring ourselves back.

    Sending all great energy and lots of love ❤

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    1. Hi Lorrie, those crabs sure know how to create. There were literally thousands of their masterpieces on the sand, so amazing to see. And I love what you said “life is full of creation”, it’s so true!

      Thanks for coming along with me on our walk, we mightn’t always have a beach nearby but anytime spent in nature is healing. Big hugs and lots of love to you too my friend. ❤️


  7. What a beautiful stillness adventure you fhad Miriam, from the four legged, noisy ducks and carbs art… it was such ana amazing experience you took us, I think when we are in nature that’s the most awesome place to open portals of meditation and getting into that still, calming place where we can energise our spirits and raise our vibrations. Nature is one of the wonderful forms of art that keeps you mesmerised and letting moments of no clocks take ride. Thanks for sharing and much love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Sanjo, Nature is the best form of beauty and form in this Universe, for sure, the ultimate creator on our journey. Glad you enjoyed my stillness walk in nature. Much love back. 🙏

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