When Endings become New Beginnings

“Celebrate endings for they precede new beginnings.” What a year of change it’s been and it continues. So much has happened since we returned from our big road trip. We’ve changed our lifestyle, choosing to work in the Grampians and commuting back and forth to our home for the past three months. Now for the biggest change. After living for over 27 years in the leafy suburb of Hurstbridge, where we raised our family and created a lifetime of memories, we’ve made the biggest decision of all.

We sold our house

It wasn’t a decision we made lightly, in fact we’ve been thinking about it for a few years, but it’s one we both wholeheartedly feel is right. And so now it begins, the clearing and sorting, the culling and deciding what to take, what to give away, what to pack up and what to let go of. It’s time to move on.

It’s an emotional time, a time of nostalgia, of excitement, of looking forward and manifesting a future in an unknown place we have yet to find. It’s a time of looking inward as well. There’s been a big shift in me these past couple of years. It’s like I’ve woken up to a new reality of what’s possible and an increasing detachment to material possessions. Stepping away can be like that, it comes with all sorts of emotions, changing expectations and challenges. Mostly though it’s about the opportunity to grow and evolve. It’s the biggest way to let go of the old to bring in the new.

“Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.” Mimi Novic


Wherever we are, the earth provides us with a brand new beginning every twenty four hours. It’s a repeated invitation to breath in the cool morning air, to witness a new dawn, to mimic the sunrise and brighten up while reaching for the sky. To carry a glad song in our heart like the early birds and to brush off the dust at the end of each day. Nature continually inspires me.

I realize there’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.” —Jeffrey McDaniel

A tree unfolds to all of its magnificent potential, always reaching for the sunshine and growing and flourishing.

It’s the last month of Winter here in Australia and it’s been a long and cold one. We’ve worked at Halls Haven Holiday Units in the Grampians for most of the season and just recently we’ve had the added challenge and privilege of managing and looking after the place for a couple of weeks, whilst the owners were in Thailand.

It was a fabulous experience and one we thoroughly enjoyed, however it was also not without its challenges. Still, it was worthwhile when we found notes like this

And reading reviews like this:

It reminds me that even though stepping out of the known and familiar can feel daunting and full of challenge, the thing that’s even scarier is allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving and progressing.

We’ve been home for the past week, resting and recuperating from a bout of Covid. It’s not been pleasant but there’s silver linings in the rest, as it’s given us time to start sorting out stuff. Life continues to bless us in many ways and I feel grateful for all that’s lead us to where we are. For it’s in our intention and where we place our focus that we can create a future that’s aligned with our values.

So, what does the future hold? What direction will we take and where will we end up? Everybody asks us the same questions and the answers aren’t obvious. What I do know is that I’ve never felt so sure about being unsure. Does that even make sense?

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.” Dr Wayne Dyer

The future is ours to create, trusting and surrendering to the bigger picture. It’s what’s guided us for the past two years and it’s what’s lead us to where we are today. When I look back I see that everything has worked out the way it’s meant to.

Is Certainty an illusion?

Is there ever a time when you knew for sure how things would unfold? We can plan and have an idea of how things will pan out but nothing in life is guaranteed. And even with the best preparation we can’t control everything in the Universe. This is where we learn to let go and let intuition and inner knowing be our guide. Every day I wake up and give thanks. Every day I count my blessings.

My heart feels full of a strange sense of peace in letting go of the familiar. I imagine that in the months ahead I’ll have my moments but like everything there’s a certain surrender and process involved in letting go and embracing the uncertainty.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” Lao Tzu

How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?

So, here’s to stepping out of the familiar and to consciously creating a future we want.. When we live authentically and in our truth, from a heart centred place, when we follow our own intuition, we open ourselves up to a future that’s full of expansion, abundance and infinite possibilities.

So I focus on these gifts of gratitude knowing that whatever comes in the months ahead I can count on my inner faith, strength and love of life. New adventures await us on this exciting journey with blank pages ahead, waiting to be written.

Wishing you all the magic of new and exciting horizons, as we open our mind to the fascinating and wondrous mystery of life.

Fly high. The future is unknown. And so is our potential.
Nature awes me every day in the Grampians, when cloud fills the mountain and the full moon and the sun is out simultaneously
Imagination rules the world … and so does Mr P at Halls Haven

87 thoughts on “When Endings become New Beginnings

  1. And that is the spirit that I expect from you. I love this attitude, not fearing of change means your resilience is on the spot. Great decision Miriam, I sincerely wish you all the best and I hope that all things ends up well.! Brst of luck and cheers to new beginnings…!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. That is very exciting, Miriam. Selling is a tough decision, but now you won’t have that long commute, right? Who’s the adorable marsupial with the pretty face?

    Liked by 3 people

        1. I wish you all the best in your adventures. I really love that fact you can get out and be free to do want you like. Plus you share your wonderful adventures and beautiful photos.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Life’s pathway is definitely not straight, and sometimes we know what’s round the bend, sometimes we have no idea. Sometimes it’s definitely good to take the unknown fork in the road though. We did, but somehow we found another fork that took us back to a life of normality,. We enjoyed our detour though, and the normality we returned to has more substance to it than it otherwise would have had. Enjoy your adventure into the unknown.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So true Chris, we never know what’s around the corner, but if we don’t take a chance at a life that’s different we’l never know. Good on you for taking that detour and finding a normality that has more substance. Sometimes that’s enough.

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  4. Wow Miriam – good for you!! I’m so excited for you and loved reading about your views on your life change. Major changes are always a bit unsettling but you and your husband seem to be more than ready to make the move. Good luck – I look forward to hearing all about your moves from here out!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. sorry about the covid … huge changes! Makes more sense of your cryptic email 🙂

    How exciting, no ties or expectations, let it all unfold as it should … congrats to all of you 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

        1. a bit of a marathon in 5 weeks and a tichy car … but trains are booked out until 2024, and relocation vans are demanding unrealistic delivery schedules … but it’s a huge adventure and I’m ready for it 🙂

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  6. Hi Dear Miriam, sounds to me as though your life is one long adventure. Thank you for the brilliant photo’s. I wish you and hubby well, going into whatever the future has in store. Whatever that is, I know you will embrace it fully. 💚

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Very excited for your changes Miriam. It’s amazing how that first step away from the comfort zone of “no changes” opens up your mind to so many other opportunities. I think we all resist that first step, always finding reasons (excuses?) why we can’t change. But when we do, the universe opens up with all sorts of previously unthought of opportunities. For example, 8 years ago I would never have imagined we would be spending a year in Geraldton while Deb persues a new career! I’m sure you and Doug will love the opportunities and challenges ahead as you enjoy living life to the max!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. So true Bob, that resistance that keeps us locked into the “norm” is stripped away when we dare to take a step out of our comfort zone. I’m so grateful we had our time away which opened our eyes even more to new possibilities. Good on you and Deb for taking that step and pursuing a new life in Geraldton. You’re both a great inspiration to me.

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  8. Beautiful post, Miriam. Just beautifully written as well as holding so much Truth. I now look forward in walking in the unknown for I like have been letting go and just allowing Life to guide me as much as my Inner Guidance. Sounds to me like you are on the same page. What a glorious adventure life is when we realize we have so much potential as co-creators walking on this Earth! I like you could walk away from our home to begin my travels in an RV, yet due to what the Universe has put in my life, that is not yet possible. What amazes me, my friend, that despite my smallness of my life right now, LIFE itself constantly comes to me showing me miracles, signs, and wonders.
    Thank you for sharing you with us here. Glad to hear you and hubby are feeling better. I know the unpleasantness of what is classified as Covid. I call it an Initiation. Sending you LOVE and many HUGS. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww Amy, thank you my friend. How right you are when you say “what a glorious adventure life is when we realise we have so much potential as co-creators …” We really do have enormous potential and I wouldn’t describe your life as “small” when you’re sharing such wonders. Yes, we certainly are on the same page and I’m very grateful for our connection. Sending you much love and hugs in return. xx

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  9. Wow my friend, your writing just mesmerizes me every single time! I just love it all, starting with the gorgeous photography -I mean, how cute does that roo look up close?! And the Grampians’ energy seems so inviting, it really draws me in. How I would love to come over and play with ya, and with all those lovely flurry friends!! So happy for you my dear rockstar amica, and I love your courage and determination here to let go of the past, including the house you lived in for so long, and to embrace new adventures. We are so anam cara, my dear. I absolutely LOVED your phrase “How can you now what you are capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown?” So so true!! I also thoroughly enjoyed your ponderings on certainty. You are so inspiring, my dear. Love ya lots, and sending warm healing wishes for you and your husband! Tanti baci cara. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww, thank you my beautiful friend, your words as always touch my heart. You would without a doubt love the Grampians, it’s energy and all of its wonderful wildlife. Maybe one day you’ll visit. For now though it’s a big time of culling, sorting and sifting through lots of memories for us. It’s amazing how much “stuff” we take with us over the years but we’ll get there slowly but surely. Sending you heaps of love and loads of hugs Maria, with huge thanks for your audio messages, what an awesome surprise that was. Be happy my lovely, love ya and we’ll chat soon. ❤️❤️

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      1. I just love reading your words every. single. time be it via your gorgeous posts or your comments and messages. Such a special soul you are. Yes, fingers crossed for a visit to the Grampians soon…I definitely feel an incredibly strong call back to Australia. Will text you back on FB very soon dearest amica. Lots of energy for the letting-go-process and lots of joy, too. So so much love dearest!!!! 1000 and 1 (lol) hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  10. I think being sure about being unsure makes perfect sense! And stepping away from your old, but beloved, house seems like the next natural step after the past couple of years. You have discovered a new, even more authentic way of living, and I’m so happy for you. I’m still working on that myself…. Thanks for sharing your journey, and I look forward to reading about whatever at the future brings!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Ann. You’ve summed it up so perfectly, discovering “a new even more authentic way of living” as that’s exactly how I feel about this next stage in our life. xx

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  11. wow Miriam! congratulations on embarking on such a big change in your life. I’m sure it will be an amazing welcome change and rich with experience and feelings as you continue to let go while moving forward. 💖💖💖

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  12. Wow Miriam, that’s a really big move❤️ You’re both opening up more and more to receiving the unknown🤩 As you are discovering it’s all about trusting yourself in the moment ans allowing your path to unfold🕺💃🏻❤️ So exciting for you❤️ Love your adventure, photos and wisdom that you’re sharing with us all. Sending much love and here’s to the next leg… bring it on I say🥰🌈

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, absolutely! Thanks so much Barbara. It certainly is a big move, one that not everyone in my family understands, but it feels so right to us. And yes, we’re certainly open and excited about stepping into the unknown. Trusting, that’s such a key word. Thanks again and big hugs to you my friend. ❤️

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  13. Oh my! Such a life-changing juncture you find yourself at – and then Covid to boot! That is certainly a great deal on your plate.

    All the best as you embark on the next part of your journey … wishing you joy as you continue to adventure & discover together!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Ju-Lyn. We’re both well and truly over the Covid and are happily focusing on the next steps with regards to our move. Thanks so much for your good wishes. 😊

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  14. Hello dear Miriam, what an exciting time ahead for you. Wishing you all the very best with what comes next. Life is short, and you need to follow your heart to make it truly sing.
    💖 from Dianne

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    1. Hello my dear friend and thank you so much for your warm wishes and lovely words. Yes indeed to your comment, it’s so important to follow our heart and to live life true to ourselves. Hope you’re well. Sending big hugs 💐💗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, my friend. It’s exciting to me watching someone follow their dream, even if it’s not always a clear one. You have to jump first, and then your wings appear😘 🌈
        All well here thank you. Sending big hugs too 💖

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  15. Oh, Miriam…that is HUGE news!! And I get it as I had three real estate transactions in the middle of covid. I had no idea where I would end up, and yet the Universe gently led me to where I am and it is the perfect place. Going through a life-time of STUFF is a bit of a challenge…physically and emotionally. You will feel things you didn’t expect…and then expect to feel things that you never do!
    This quote: “What I do know is that I’ve never felt so sure about being unsure. Does that even make sense?” Oh…that makes sense. And it is a beautiful thing!! I think it is a faith that lives deep inside and when we access that truth there is nothing like it in the world!!
    I am sending a giant hug and all the understanding of what you are going through. I am sending giant wishes of love and light and that the adventure that awaits will touch you on a daily basis!!
    Much love, my friend. I am so excited for you!! ❤ ❤

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    1. Lorrie, your words truly touched me and I can honestly feel that you know what I’m going through. It’s a roller coaster of a time with so many emotions involved. Well done you on navigating through all your changes and ending up in your perfect place. I’m so happy for you. Thank you so much for your beautiful words (that I’ve read more than once now) your kind wishes and giant hugs. Sending a huge one back to you my friend, with tons of love and gratitude. ❤️💜


      1. Big life changes can be a little scary. But you don’t sound afraid at all, my friend! You take charge of your life with a dedicated belief, and even though you are not sure exactly how it will work out – your faith holds you in her arms and you KNOW it will be wonderful! And if you know it will be wonderful…then it will be WONDERFUL!!!
        I just liove when two souls connect in a place where there is total truth and they don’t even have to exchange many words to know that they both GET IT!
        Hope you take good care of yourself during the process, Iriam..because as good as it is…it can also be challenging.
        Much love and light!!

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        1. I’m both teary and smiling Lorrie because your words are all so true. You know. Yes, it’s challenging and I have days when it all threatens to overwhelm me, as there’s so many logistics involved. But I DO have faith and even though I have no idea of the hows it all feels so right to me and I know it will all work out. Thank you so much for your words of support and friendship across the miles. It means the world to me. Much love and gratitude my friend. xxx

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  16. Some years ago, when I closed my apartment, put my stuff in storage, and began two years as a vagabond, a friend said to me, “you’re untethered, but not adrift”. I hope you feel the same way! Best of luck!

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    1. Oh yes, I do! That’s a wonderful day of looking at it and it’s exactly how I feel. Thanks Melissa. And, by the way, my mum used to always call me a vagabond! Hope you’re still loving life. 💗


  17. Oh wow… WOW… what a delightful post and read Miriam… You dear friend are truly an inspiration, as you follow your intuition and your heart.. And if we were all to take a leaf out of your book, and TRUST those inner promptings and feelings as we follow our gut instincts, I think many a persons life would be much more rewarding and fulfilling.

    I can only imagine the long thought process of leaving your family home which has held so many heart memories… But as you so rightly say.. This is a time of NEW Beginnings and it again is you following your heart as to what feels right.. And NOW is that time of New Beginnings for our World..
    People have no idea as yet as to the Great Awakening yet to come, and how we are all of us being guided to go within and tap back into those intuitive feelings we all have and yet so many have lost touch with..

    I know as you know dear Miriam, that as you clear out and close one more door you are allowing greater room to expand and grow on all levels of your being. And while your destination at the moment may not be so clear, I know deep within my own being that you will both know when and where it is right to plant your future roots my friend..

    For you are divinely guided, and those reviews you posted, I wonder how lucky those people were to meet and greet such beautiful souls and both of you..

    So I send my well wishes Miriam, as one chapter closes, another adventure is about to unfold.. and the timing will be perfect..

    Much love and mega hugs your way Miriam.. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Dear Sue, what a beautiful response to my post. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words which resonate so deeply with me. It’s true, we really don’t know where we’re going but I feel in my heart that everything will unfold as it should as we follow and trust our inner guidance and intuition. Sending lots of love and big hugs back to you my friend. ❤️❤️


  18. As bittersweet as I feel about leaving something you’ve spent your life in, it’s also great to be in the mindset of letting go. There’s just something rejuvenating about taking time to take stock of your life, to look at everything you’ve accumulated and deciding if they still belong in your life. Thanks fr sharing, Miriam, and here’s to being sure of unsureness!

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  19. Wow Miriam, congratulations on selling your home! Big changes like that are certainly scary, but exciting too. I’m happy for you. Nice to be here on the blog, I’ve been away for a long time. Hope you and your family are doing well, Jeni xx

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