Celebrating Love

We began as wanderers and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” Carl Sagan

What an extraordinary time to be alive. As I write this post we’re nearing the solstice on the 21st December, a time when the planets Jupiter and Saturn will align, something that hasn’t happened for hundreds of years. Astronomers say it will open a portal, allowing high frequency energies to reach the planet and birth a new earth.

Whatever you believe, whether you’re into science or spirituality, it’s worth looking up right now. The skies have been beautiful and the energies intense. Do you feel it?

A Cosmic Shift

For the planet, the solstice will be a major shift. And, although this solar event might pass unnoticed by many, this planetary shift WILL change us, whether we realise it or not. Our consciousness will be affected. From a bigger perspective, this cosmic shift, indeed this whole year, has really been about choosing love and faith over fear.

2020 has thrown all sorts of scenarios and narratives at us. It’s forced us to discern what is truth and what is not. But they’ve all been huge distractions. We’ve spent a lifetime seeking the truth and external validation outside ourselves. We’ve believed in the ‘system’ and that our worth was tied up in jobs, status, possessions and in how others perceive us.

What happens when we realise it was all an illusion? That everything we believed was true is not. What happens when we strip away the limited beliefs of who we were always told we were and that we weren’t good enough. Perhaps the answer lies within.

The Energy of Love

When we return to our core, when we open our heart, wholly and unconditionally, we find our true self. Imagine what could happen if we let go, of limitations, obligations, illusions, unleashing our true potential. Perhaps we would discover our intuitive abilities.

When we tap into the realisation that we ARE energy, that’s when we start to creatively manifest. When our energy is positive and based in love we attract positive people and circumstances into our life. It’s time to let all the shit out of our life and BE the energy we want to attract. It’s time to focus on creating an abundant and beautiful future.

What frequency are you on? Is it love and unity or is it fear?

Look around and see through the veil of distraction. You’ll see kindness in the eyes of strangers, love in ordinary moments, colours as vivid as an artists easel and nature that floors us with miracles. Happiness and joy appears in the most simple places.

When darker moods come, as they do, feel them, acknowledge them and then show them the door. Shift back to the now. Replace jealousy with gratitude, grudges with forgiveness and worry with hope. When we can let go of negativity and judgement, shadows turn into light.

When we stay heart centred, we remember a fundamental truth. We were born into love.

Look within and remember your power, that divine essence that you were born with, before society conditioned us. Don’t let mainstream narratives drag you down. Stay away from distractions that promote fear and ground yourself in nature. Do what you love and be kinder to yourself than you’ve ever been before. Be grateful for simple, ordinary things and take a cue from nature.

I love these words from Maria Sabina, Mexican healer and poet. She says:

Heal yourself with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the sound of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself with mint, neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten with lavender, rosemary and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a hint of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar and drink it looking at the stars. Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.

Stand strong with your bare feet on the ground and with everything that comes from it. Be smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with your forehead. Jump, dance, sing so that you live happier. Heal yourself with beautiful love and always remember … you are the medicine.”

Celebrating Love

This weekend was my wedding anniversary and, after 28 years married to my hubby, the love and laughter is still strong. Life has changed and so have we, but not the important things. We spent a magical night up in the Dandenong Ranges, in a Japanese inspired haven surrounded by nature.

Aside from relaxing, wining and dining, we walked the Kokoda Track (1000 steps) and visited the awe inspiring William Ricketts Sanctuary, a testament to how the human spirit can co-create with nature. How wonderful is the harmony between Mother Earth and life. We are all connected.

So, tell me, how do you celebrate love? Drop me a comment and let’s collectively fill this space with so much love, joy and radiance it will light up the cosmos.

Be love. Be light.
Be yourself.
For the best is yet to come.

Enjoy this cosmic classic, perfect for the times we’re living in.

108 thoughts on “Celebrating Love

  1. Absolutely and beautifully put! 2020 has most certainly been a year where a discernible shift has occurred and occupied many lives, mine included. The fear of change is the first emotion but by welcoming it the perspectives change and like a Phoenix from the flames a better you emerges. I’m grateful for 2020 and see the year out with a smile.
    Thanks for your post, hearing others express similar thoughts gives comfort. Enjoy the holidays.

    Liked by 11 people

    1. Oh, I love the way you put that, “like a Phoenix from the flames a better you emerges.” I think that’s what’s happening to a lot of us through all these changes. Keep smiling and thanks for your lovely words.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Happy belated Anniversary, Miriam. Wishing you many more years together.

    The energies have been mind-blowing lately. I don’t read much astrology or anything else related to ascension, because I prefer to listen to my own inner guidance. So it’s interesting to hear that you, and probably others, are feeling it, too. Suddenly, so much of the pain just vanished, leaving behind an effervescence in my atoms.
    I’m not sure how I celebrate love. It’s something I need to consciously do. Thank you for the idea. Warmest wishes to you from the snowy North.☃️💙

    Liked by 9 people

    1. Hi Julie, thanks for the warm wishes and your thought provoking words. Listening to your own inner guidance is probably the best way to navigate through this time, it’s all pretty intense. Take care and sending warm wishes to you too. xx

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Congrats on the wedding anniversary and what a beautiful way to spend it!

        Never been a big believer of astrology but you’re right, we are energy and the biggest objects in our solar system must have their own energy fields. Would be great if could see the cosmic interwoven web we’re all caught on!

        Love the love you’re spreading here. My family and friends are big lights in my life, just thinking about how grateful I am for them brings a huge smile across my face.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Aww, that’s so nice and your last paragraph brought a big smile to my face too. My family and friends are some of the biggest lights in my life too. Stay well and happy!


  3. “From a bigger perspective, this cosmic shift, indeed this whole year, has really been about choosing love and faith over fear.” These are the key ingredients, and thank you for pointing this out, my friend! ♥️ And I always loved that song, “Love is the Answer!” One of my all-time favorites. Stay well, Miriam!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Thanks Laura, choosing love and ‘faith over fear’ has pretty much been my mantra for the second part of this year. Hope you’re keeping well my friend. Sending lots of love and warm wishes your way. ❤️

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  4. I gravitated to your title this morning, Miriam. Beautiful words for every morning. Carl Sagan’s quote withstands the test of time. I am mulling the concept of Dec. 21st since the date of course varies on our planet. I do feel the intense energy. Funny how you bring this up, since my husband and I were discussing this last night.

    You use the words “choosing love and faith”……the word “trust” has chosen me in 2020.

    I appreciate your courage and your gift with words sharing your thoughts, Miriam. I wholeheartedly agree how we ARE energy. Beautiful words by Maria Sabina. Congratulations to you and your husband. Love and laughter……..who could ask for anything more. ❤️ Most of all, Miriam, thank you for sharing you. ❤️

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Thanks for your beautiful comment Erica. It’s now the morning of the 21st here, the day of the solstice and I’ve woken feeling a mixture of energies. My husband has had to leave for work and won’t be home again till the 24th Dec so it will be a quiet week and a strange lead up to Christmas this year. Then again this whole year has been strange. Trust is a great word, very apt, trusting that all will be well. Wishing you lots of love and laughter too Erica. ❤️😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a positive post, Miriam. Belated wishes on your anniversary! Despite all that we went through because of the pandemic, the truth is it also gave us time to introspect and spend time with our families. We should all be grateful for that. Thank you for your heartwarming affirmative words. Sending you warm wishes for Christmas and New year. 💙

    Liked by 7 people

  6. I loved walking around in this post, Miriam…so much to feel…so much to think about.
    I can feel the energies, though I am not sure what they mean. I know this year was hard for so many and I have empathy, too much so at times because I can let my own energy change because of it. Even though the year was difficult in so many ways, I somehow became more connected with my truth, and in doing so have been able to put some boundaries in place which has allowed me to understand that even though we are all connected, each soul has their own journey and some will wake and realize their power…and some won’t. It has been such a freeing experience!
    I am excited for the new year…I know this new energy is filled with possibilities and and if I had to add one word it would be CLARITY.
    Thanks for the nudge to do some research about this very rare alignment…and I am so happy that you have such a beautiful relationship for 28 years!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 🧡🍾
    Much love and light for a brilliant week ahead!

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Hi Lorrie, it seems that every time you write to me I feel our alignment more than ever. The way you described how your energy changes because you allow that empathy to overtake your own knowing, well that’s me too. But I’m learning to stay in my own power and to observe and not absorb, not always easy but I’m trying!
      And then ‘Clarity’, wow, that was my word for 2020, amazing that you add it here. It’s certainly been a year for seeing things as they are and learning so much about we’re we’re heading. Happy researching. There’s so much to look forward to. Such a bright time ahead for us, I feel it in my core.
      Thanks so much for your beautiful words and wishes and also for your lovely email which I’ve just read. I’ll write back to you later today. Sending lots of love and light back to you for a wonderful week ahead. ✨❤️


      1. I just love how you feel our alignment too! And to hone in on your word…ah! It just came to me in that moment and when I wrote it I thought it would mean something to you. 😊

        I am a work in progress when it comes to boundaries and being able to separate the energies. But I am so much better than I used to be!! Walking forward (sometimes with a few steps back!)

        I am really excited and feel this ramped up energy. I really do have more clarity in certain areas than I have ever had before.
        I feel like I am standing on a precipice and looking out into the vast universe where there are so many possibilities it is almost mind boggling! But, I also know that I am getting really clear “hearing”…”feeling” my intuition and so I have so much faith…and feel so supported!

        I am happy you found my email…I know I have missed some in the past. No pressure…and no worries if it isn’t right for you. I look forward to reading your response 😉 Till then…all good things 🧡

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I think we’re all a work in process. And for me it’s often two steps forwards then, oops, slight stumble back. But we’re heading in the right direction and that’s all that matters.
          Faith, trust, clarity, belief … there’s so much on the horizon and I love that you feel the infinite possibilities too. Stay well and we’ll talk more very soon. 🧡✨

          Liked by 2 people

  7. Happy Anniversary Miriam. Choosing love is a grand way to celebrate! Thanks for the beautiful reminders. I especially liked the poetic way Maria Sabina described healing with nature, love, and light. Let’s dance with the stars! 💥

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Your lovely post is filled with beautiful healing words, on the eve of winter your images have warmed my heart and stirred my imagination as we anticipate a brand new year.
    I hope your year unfolds in untold beauty, Miriam!

    Liked by 6 people

  9. I can’t believe he’s put up with you sooo long! But then, the rest of us are not going anywhere either. I like your words of hope and peace and I also believe it starts from within. No outside influence can do more for our well being than the power of self control. As much as others seemingly are trying to control our lives at this point in history there have been other times where the push was greater, even fatal for some. Let’s pray our would be leaders stop bowing to the pressure of those who have no care for the masses before it’s too late for us all.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. So true John. We all have to individually and collectively take back our own power. Freedom is all in the mind after all, even when outside influences are beyond our control.
      Now, as to your first sentence, funny you should say that, cos that was written on the card I got him. And in answer he reckons he would have got less for murder! 😂

      Yep, he reckons he would have got less for murder!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely post and the William Ricketts sanctuary is such a magical place. I have noticed that as a couple we connect best in nature and our shared camping trips are precious escapes from the demands of everyday life and give us some special magical time together.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Thanks Sharon and I couldn’t agree more. We had a great time away. Whether it’s camping or something a bit fancier, it’s always nice to get out of routine and reconnect with us time. Happy solstice!

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  11. I am so looking forward to seeing the star show tonight but unfortunately we have cloud, so I’m hoping it will lift enough to witness it. We have been lucky enough to see the William Ricketts Sanctuary, what amazing work it is and the setting is gorgeous. Hope you guys had a lovely weekend and let’s hope for a positive shift in the universe. 🙂

    Liked by 7 people

  12. Happy Anniversary! And yes, I think that there are changes in the air, and some of them are going to be good ones. As to the rest, well, the important thing is to live from our hearts and let go of what we can’t control. Being with my husband and children brings me joy, and I’m so grateful to be able to do that, even now. I also love helping shelter animals, and am very blessed to be able to do that too!

    Liked by 9 people

  13. Lovely post! I was catching up on reading and didn’t expect to find the post I want to share for this month in my monthly wrap up post, it will be included as a link, please let me know if you prefer it is removed. Enjoyed the part about the ‘system’, thanks for sharing ❤️

    Liked by 6 people

  14. I remember watching Carl Sagan as a teen … it used to crack me up when he said “googolplex”!

    His quote is so poignant and inspirational, particularly in light of the text conversations I had this morning with my sister and cousins in the US – we were discussing the conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, and whether we could see it from our different parts of the world.

    Which brings me to your conversation about love. And light. It’s all about connection for me. In the most expected and unexpected ways.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Connection does it for me too, in fact it’s been one of the blessings of this year. I think more than ever we’ve gravitated towards each other in these uncertain times. I hope you get to see more of the cosmic sky than we did here last night, it was very cloudy and wet. Still, better days to come. Christmas blessings to you!


  15. Happy Anniversary, Miriam! My apartment faces south east’ish, so every morning, I am blessed with a stunning sunrise and each night, I am witness to a sunset that has painted itself across the sky. It’s electrifying to me, and I continuously marvel at how blessed I am to bear witness to something so extraordinary, not once but twice a day. Nature heals me and soothes my aching heart, and fills me with hope. I am so lucky and grateful. So I love what Marian Sabina wrote. Your posts also fill me with hope and reminds me what truly matters. I love this post so much. Merry Christmas, Miriam. My wish is that you are surrounded by love and peace and hope and that the year ahead is filled with only magic. Take good care, my friend. ❤️🎄❤️

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi Tanya, isn’t it amazing how healing nature can be. You painted such a beautiful picture and I’m so glad you get to see these marvels each day. How wonderful! Thanks for your beautiful words and wishes here. May your Christmas, new year and beyond be filled with everything that matters and all the peace, joy, love and laughter that’s inside all of us. Big hugs my beautiful friend. ❤️🎄

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Hello dear Miriam, such a beautifully written and gently articulated piece from you. The quote you included is gorgeous. Happy Anniversary too. The Dandenongs are our ‘go to’ place every weekend. It’s so beautiful up there.
    So much to love about this piece, and not enough space…
    Just know I felt every word and as for ‘celebrating’ Love, not sure I’ve thought about it that way, I just aim to love as much as possible, which for me now, includes finding the beauty in all things.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas wherever you may be.
    Much love,
    Dianne 🙋🏻‍♀️😘💞

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Hello my lovely friend, I’m so glad that you felt my words in this post. As always it was written from the heart and I know that’s where you always come from too. Sounds too like the Dandenongs is your happy place, how wonderful, it’s so special up there.
      Anyway, thank you for your lovely words. Wishing you and yours a beautiful joy filled Christmas with lots of love and laughter. Big hugs sent your way. xx ❤️💐

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our wedding anniversary on December 17. One more thing we share in common! Love and light. Thank you for this beautiful post and for the questions you continue to engage me in here – and on IG. May all the darkness continue to bring us closer to what matters most: Love and Light. xoxo

    Liked by 5 people

  18. Ciao cara lioness amica and inspirational force extraordinaire ❤️😍 Oh wow, I feel I am a bit high after your reading your post, high in the best sense of the word:) I actually felt inspired to do a little dance right after reading your love-filled words and celebrate “The age of Aquarius” with the song you posted! Yes, I´ve been definitely feeling the energetic shift as well, big time. I feel there is way more energetic space, and space for new possibilities opening up, mirrored by the conjunction in Jupiter and Saturn, (plus the diminishing orb between Saturn and Pluto/ massive crisis constellation we had all year). I could not agree more with what you write here “When we stay heart-centered, we remember a fundamental truth. We were born into love.” All is love, in its essence 😍 And everything we want (and are) is on the other side of fear (or lies beyond fear, maybe). Also, happy anniversary, my lovely!!! Just fabulous. And cheers for those fantastic lines by the Mexican healer, they really resonate. Sending so much love and big warm hugs all across the ocean to ya 😍🤗🤗🤗

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Ciao cara, I’m still smiling after reading your gorgeous light filled comment.😍 So glad you felt this one my beautiful friend and not surprised you’ve felt those energetic shifts too. What an amazing time we’re living in. All you say is true, there’s more space and possibilities on the horizon and everything, literally everything we want is on the other side of fear. How magical this time is, if we choose to see it as a gift!
      Thank you for your heartfelt wishes and yes to our chat on the 29th!!! Sorry I haven’t got back to you but let’s aim for it. I have a busy weekend and I’m going away camping the day before but I should be back by then. Sending big hugs and wishing you all the love and fun of the season. xxxx 😍🎄💕

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      1. Hello my gorgeous friend, I hope you´ve had a fabulous Christmas time!! I love your words here “How magical this time is, if we choose to see it as a gift.” I could not agree more, my friend. There is huge huge potential in this time… reminds me of the view point that the crisis is the healer… It would be so fab to chat with you on the 29th. Let´s be in touch via FB before to send the link etc, oki? In case you are back by then from your camping trip:) Much much love and big hugs!😍🎄💕😍🎄💕

        Liked by 1 person

  19. The solstice is an incredible time, isn’t it, Miriam. Staying with truth, positivity and love to heal lends so much strength and a choice to make in cutting ourselves from the negative and fear. Thanks for writing this for am already feeling a positive energy. Light and love to you.

    Liked by 5 people

  20. Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. – Quote by Ruth Carter Stapleton

    Have a wonderful Christmas and joyous days ahead with warm laughter. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Oh what a beautiful and blessed post, Miriam. I am so happy for you and your Hubby and congrats on the major achievement your Anniversary represents. At the moment, I am consumed with grief yet at peace. And to be quite truthful I was shown years ago how to live in love, experiencing the higher frequencies for years. It was quite a lonely walk for you see, no one it seemed around me understood what I did. So presently what I am feeling is nothing new to me. In fact if anything the Connection to the Higher Energies has been sporadic and harder for me to connect to compared to years of effortless floating into the Bliss of NOW. Hard for me to describe. It feels as if I’ve had private lessons on how to live from the higher perspectives. I believe these frequencies have always been here yet it is NOW more readily available to the majority who are ready to connect. To witness a global awareness to this Way of Life would be amazing. When I was stripped of everything I associated myself to be years ago, that is when I was first taught how to rid the dross from within in order to live the glory. I yearn to effortlessly connect in the way I used to. In time I will. What encourages me I SEE these higher vibrations in my photography even if I do not feel them right now. Oh yes, my friend. The Best is Yet to Come!! SMILING!!! LOVED this post!! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Amy, thank you for your heartfelt comment. It came at a time when Christmas was in full swing so I’m only now getting round to responding. I hope you had a peaceful Christmas, despite the sadness and grief you were experiencing at the time. You were in my thoughts. I can understand and relate to those up and down energies but I have little doubt your connection to source is real and always there, even if you don’t feel it. Your magical photos are evidence of that. Enjoy the last week of the year my friend. I’m currently camping and luxuriating in the sounds of nature. Sending much love and big hugs your way. ❤️🌹

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      1. Miriam, we did have a truly peaceful Christmas, thank you! I do have a Christmas post up but only when YOU are ready it is there for you. I’m happy for you that you are camping. That is so much more important then being in the virtual world. Stay there. And soak it up. Much love to you and Merry Christmas. xo

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  22. Wonderful post, Miriam. I can’t help but feel such great energy the past couple weeks ~ and how great it would be for the age of Aquarius to be on its way 🙂 Congratulations on the anniversary, and for putting together such a positive and beautiful post for the holiday season. Take care and enjoy the last week of the year.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. Seems the energies have increased for many of us these past couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy the last week of 2020 too. Here’s to the Golden Age and a.much brighter 2021. 😊✨

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  23. What a beautiful post Miriam, you truly are channeling your higher vibration of love❤️ happy anniversary, isn’t it wonderful to have someone around to laugh with… after all the years! Wishing you a powerful time these coming days as humanity are truly coming online… if each chooses❤️ much love Barbara x

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you Barbara and yes, It’s all an individual choice isn’t it . Happily, many of the people I know, even if they’re not in every sense “awake” are living from their heart space. I guess that’s the most important thing. The rest, the knowledge will follow. Much love back to you my friend. x❤️

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  24. Miriam,

    Love over fear. It is an active choice. For me, it a noticing and choosing over and over.

    I am celebrating love by reaching out across physical boundaries to write with others using Zoom. This has been my heartwork of 2020 and I have met some amazing people. I would love to write with you sometime. This is an invitation to connect the wisdom of our hearts and see what transpires. I have always adored your beautiful spirit. If this speaks to you send me an email aligrimshaw.com

    As this year draws to a close I am continually grateful for all of those who have contributed to my journey. You are one of them.

    Peace and love,

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ali, thank you so much for your heartfelt comment and very kind words. Thank you also for the kind invitation which I would love to accept sometime in 2021. I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities to connect and write together in the new year. I’m so looking forward to what lies ahead and feel like we’re truly heading into a time of inspired creation. Thank you for being a part of my journey too Ali. Much peace and love. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Oh Wow, your post Miriam is full to overflowing with love.
    Standing with you, not so much barefoot in the winter weather we have at the moment. 😉 But shoulder to shoulder with you.
    Loved each of your photos, a shame the video no longer available.
    Sending love and well wishes dear friend.
    United we stand. 💚💛💜💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, I love that you’re there, shoulder to shoulder with me. Thanks for letting me know also about the video. It was The Age of Aquarius which for some reason had disappeared. I tried sharing another version and also re-adding the photos that also somehow disappeared from the post also but unfortunately WP is not cooperating. Oh well, seems to be the nature of my week. Take care Sue, sending love your way. Indeed United we stand. 💙🙏

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      1. Mars in transit lol. So I hear…. 🥴 Lots of external turbulence, but we are keeping our smiles in tact, because we know New Earth is here. Starting in our hearts 💓 we will keep spreading ripples 💙💜💙 much love will be back to catch up some more tomorrow 😊💛🙏

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  26. Oh Miriam I loved your positive post. Filled me with gratitude and appreciation and loving kindness towards me and the whole world. Happy anniversary you both r looking so lovely. Thanks a million times and yes let’s all celebrate love and light. The poems were awesome and the video too. Our earth is moving to a fifth and wonderful dimensions.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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    1. Yes it is Kamal and truly, what wondrous times we’re living in. I’m so glad you enjoyed my post and felt the ❤️ in it and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words. Life truly is about celebrating love isn’t it! xx 🙏💙


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