No more Scaremongering

Most of the fears in life are only the scarecrows; once you realise this the field is all yours to benefit from. “ Mehmet Murat ildan.

Last month, on the last Sunday of August, it would have been our annual Wattle Festival. This colourful event in Hurstbridge normally attracts thousands of people from all over Melbourne but, like most events this year, it was cancelled.

Instead what popped up all over town were Scarecrows, more than 150 of them. Here’s a few.

I’ll admit scarecrows are not really my thing. I find them a bit creepy. Yet here they were: on the front lawns of homes, in front of businesses, out the front of the medical centre, the hairdresser, at the mechanics, in our town centre … they were everywhere. So much creativity.

Some were bizarre, some quite extraordinary and many were kinda cute. One thing was certain, every single scarecrow was uniquely individual.

Whacky and Woken up

This one is aptly named the Whacky Wattle Walker and it sits on a hilly road that I walk up most days. I pass very few people, mainly birds, kangaroos in nearby paddocks and the occasional echidna. It’s quiet time to appreciate nature and think about life and how much it’s changed.

Apart from my husband losing his job, my own world is peaceful, in this semi rural environment. Melbourne, however, less than an hour away, barely resembles the city it was six months ago. Once touted as the World’s most Liveable City these days it’s heart and soul has taken a huge battering.

One of the hardest things to get a handle on during this time has been the narrative behind the fear. At the start, in the first lock-down back in March, when we knew little about Covid, it seemed right to do whatever it took to “flatten the curve”, to protect ourselves and society by “doing the right thing.”

Now, almost six months later, we know so much more. We know this is not just about a virus. We know about the lies and the dark forces that have infiltrated our world. We know about Plandemic and the massive mind control tactics that’s turned Melbourne into a testing ground and a police state. It sounds like a movie doesn’t it, with a script right out of Hollywood, an illusion.

I understand that it’s not easy for everyone to see behind the illusion. But arguing over differences doesn’t bring us together, it only causes division. And at the end of the day all of us want the same thing, to stand united in love, for a better future and a better world, because right now it feels very off balance

Do you feel like you’re living in the Truman Show, like something is keeping us from seeing what’s really out there? Where everything we thought we knew is not and nothing is as it seems.

Coming to our own truth

Beyond the surface control there’s a much larger process at play here and a major transformation taking place. Mother Earth is going through some significant and magnificent changes to her surface. There’s so much happening now, that’s leading up to an important spiritual event at Uluru in December. And it’s all shifting our planet. And whether you believe it or not, we’re all a part of this movement.

Every day we have a choice as to how we view the current state of our world. We’ve been made to believe, through ongoing narratives and repetitive fear mongering, that we’re victims and have no choice. This dark energy would love us to stay asleep and insecure in every aspect of our lives but the truth is very different and many of us are now waking up to the grand illusion.

“The truth is always the truth. Once you have a knowing in your heart you can’t unknow it.”

So how do we move forward when we feel as though we have no control? Fellow blogger Brad from Writing to Freedom asked me in a recent comment: “I’m wondering how to resist control and uphold freedom while flowing. Let me know if you figure it out.”

Well, I haven’t got it figured out but I’ve got some ideas.

The Power of Love

The strength and the power of love will allow us to weather everything, what’s been and what’s coming.

Know that we ARE free. Do you feel free? Despite what we’ve been told, we always have a choice. And our choices dictate our reality. We can look at the bigger picture. Out in nature can you feel the love from Mother Earth, no matter what we’ve done to her? Tap into her simplicity and wonder. There’s strength when we understand that we’re connected to everything.

Turn off the negativity. That means giving the main stream scaremongering news the flick. We can be aware of what’s going on, without becoming consumed, because awareness is knowledge. Be discerning. Take what serves you and discard the rest. And tap into your intuition.

The most powerful position we can hold is a positive one. Know in your heart that everything is going to be okay. That amidst all the chaos the light always wins and good trumps evil. I recently read something that really resonated with me.

When we get distracted find your centre … The light at the end of the tunnel is freedom. It is calm. The bumps and obstacles in the tunnel are distractions. To keep us scared. To keep us angry. To keep us frustrated. The energy of those feelings allow the distractions to live longer. The energy of hope and excitement of what is to come dissipates the distractions. “

We’re living in an extraordinary time and our reactions to what’s unfolding now will dictate our perception of reality and our future.

Be mindful of what you give your attention to. Everything you see, hear, say, taste and feel has an energy which either brings you up or drags you down. Choose things, people and situations that feel good and lift you up.

Pay attention to the little signs, symbols, people you meet and books you’re attracted to and the way you feel. Follow your excitement. Your highest excitement and bliss is truly your compass.

Connect with the stillness because our power really does lie within. If we’re always in our head, with mind chatter taking over, we’re never going to be hear our intuition. Take the time to get quiet and into a personal connection with your own energy and that force that’s greater than yourself.

Know that you matter. This is a time we can influence, whether we choose to believe it or not. Honour yourself and your truth. Have the courage to voice your opinion with friends and family who think differently but respect that each person’s journey is different.

Find the joys. Play and laugh. Cuddle your pets. Connect with your favourite person on the phone.Crank up the music, it’s so powerful. For my birthday next week I plan on having a Dance party with a few Freedom songs on the play list. Any day can be dance day!

Live each moment with intention. With eyes wide open and a heart full of love, give thanks for the miracle of each day. Keep your vibration high as we all raise the consciousness of this planet.

Life is shifting and is about to be turned on it’s heels in the most extraordinary way. And one thing is clear, light cuts through the darkness. Love always triumphs.

Send love to Uluru, the spiritual heart of Australia

Envision a New Earth

We can choose to see the light in all situations including the ones that look destructive from the outside. Everything is happening for a reason. With our free will we can consciously picture a world that’s full of love, fairness, success and security, wonder and joy, peace and harmony. We have a lot to catch up on because we’ve done a lot of rotten stuff to this planet but it’s time for everything to change. Humanity is taking baby steps and together we’re speaking up, finding our power and stepping out.

When we find our power and create unity we lift the vibration of the earth.

Slowly but surely, as we trust in a bigger picture, we will come into our sovereignty.

Remember, amongst it all, to honour the process and the journey. It’s okay to feel all the messed up emotions and pissed off feelings that come from being human. There will continue to be spotlights placed on dark energy, on pain, suffering and strife in the coming months. But when we don’t succumb and instead focus on love we’re choosing higher frequencies. And we’re on our way to something greater, to ascension. Do you feel it?

Mysteries are unravelling. The earth is healing. And humanity will be freed as we stand on the brink of a new and wondrous timeline.

Have faith, trust and above all love.

89 thoughts on “No more Scaremongering

  1. Exceptionally written, Miriam. Usually I “speed read” through posts because of my huge following. But not this time. Slowly I read your words and every single one of them, make complete sense to me. Our biggest challenge is to stay above the darkness and chaos by focusing only on that which encourages and brings to our spirits, a sense of love and calm. Thank you for stating the truth and if those who do read this post still don’t understand the smokescreens, that’s OK. As I watch the “presidential drama” unfold in this country, I am seeing huge crowds coming together in peace and in support. Yes more are waking up, thank heavens, and know that the narrative are lies. And those who are so weary as I’ve witnessed here, I pray for. We are in this together. Shine on, dear friend. You are amazing!! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amy, thank you so much. I’m not surprised this made sense to you because we think very much alike. I agree that our biggest challenge is seeing through the fear, all the ridiculous and draconian things that I see happening over here are beyond belief. So I switch it off! But I can imagine that for many people it’s terrifying and all consuming, which is precisely what our leaders want. I hope more people wake up but I understand that everyone has their own belief and path and they just might not be ready. I’m so grateful that we’re connected and on this journey together. Thanks again for really taking the time to read this post my friend, it means a lot. Sending lots of love your way. xxx

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      1. I am still yes seeing people displaying more fear, if that is even possible and I just shake my head truly not “getting it”. How hellish it must be to have that much fear within and now it is on display for all to see. I AM only focusing on that which I know to be truth and even those sites that I used to watch, no longer. And then yesterday I found a treasure, one with now I can go to more places with. No specifics on “face coverings” so I found one that I can wear.

        YES! I’m doing this! LOL Have a really great weekend! I’ve been so busy my head is spinning. And as I do, I AM healing. Much love to you this day!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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        1. That’s a pretty cool looking face covering you found Amy. More and more people seem to be taking them off over here, at least that’s what I see on my walks.
          Must admit that, like you, my attention these days is focused on being outside, doing what feels good and reading what resonates. Have a great weekend Amy, take care of yourself and make sure you take time to slow down and relax. Hugs. xxxx

          Liked by 2 people

  2. You’ve made some nice points, Miriam. Seeing and going through so much in past six months, along with constant bombardment of hear my truth and reject those lies, life has certainly been one swirling roll coaster rider in 2020.
    Your tips are certainly so valuable to stay afloat during these troubled times.
    And many happy returns of the day to you in advance 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks very much Hammad. Yes, it’s certainly been a roller coaster year and a time of media bombardment that’s for sure. Hope you’re doing well and thanks again for your kind wishes. 😊

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        1. Thanks. We’re blessed here too in many ways, we’re pretty cocooned where we live. But I hear what’s happening to so many and it’s not good. Yet I feel it’s changing pretty rapidly on the political front and I’m hopeful. Time will tell …

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  3. Yes something big is coming but we don’t know the date. Jesus is coming back to the world he created. He is the creator of the earth. We are not to worship the creation, but the creator. One can be so close to the truth, yet get sidetracked by false teachers. I pray that you find the true Source of all love, energy, light and truth. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Brad, those reminders are also for myself. Always helpful. Yes, that pic of Uluru was from our trip in 2017. Such an incredibly spiritual and special place. I hope you’re keeping well my friend.

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    1. Hi Dawna, thanks for the mention. Loved reading your post and the video you shared. We share the sane perspective and sentiments. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but for some reason it wouldn’t let me.


  4. It’s so wonderful to read your wise words here, Miriam! When our morning news became unbearable to listen to (too much acting out, the smothering smoke from the relentless fires just south of us and COVID, COVID, COVID), we turned it off and put on Vivaldi…two starlings sat on our balcony railing and sang a few notes and the morning rain chased the smoke away so I could go out and take in the autumn touches gracing our part of the world.
    Your beautiful reminders are such a soothing balm…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Kim, I think it’s amazing how nature and the Universe responds to where we put our focus. We’ve been conditioned for so long to dwell in fear and the uncertainties but there’s so much beauty if we tap into it, which you clearly did. Stay safe from the smoke and hope you continue to enjoy that beautiful music. xx


  5. Hello dear Miriam, such a well written and balanced post. Thank you.
    I agree with what you have expressed, although some of the alternative ideas I haven’t heard about.
    I too have found myself in a much better place by staying away from the scaremongering, which for me, is actually a lot of the alternative views. For a time there, I’d go down the rabbit hole, only to go to a sad, angry, dark place, as well as many discussions with my hubby who is a master debater…
    Unless we are all on board with the alternative views, it’s too hard to contemplate what they outline, and only creates its own form of fear and scaremongering.
    This last week, I kept away from it all, and had the best week. I felt like I was my happy, positive self again.

    Your photos of the wattle festival look fun and it’s such a lovely way to celebrate a flower.

    Keep creating and seeking beauty, and I send you warm hugs and wish many blessings for you during this year of 2020, the year we see clearly…

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    1. Thank you for your wonderfully honest comment my friend. I understand what you’re saying. Much of the information down those “rabbit holes” is very dark. Yet there comes a time when to grow and evolve means acknowledging what we’d rather not see. Because then we can move through it. As Lorie Ladd says “it’s by dismantling the dark that the light truly shines.” Much good will come from this time my friend. Glad you’ve had a happy week. I too am in a really good place of peace and positivity. Stay well Diane and sending you much love and lots of hugs. xx 💕🙏

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      1. Beautiful reply, dear Miriam. Thank you. And I’m glad you are feeling good this week too. I think we were both in a similar place at the same time recently…
        As you suggested from Lorie, we probably needed to experience that to release some brewing darkness from all this.
        Stay well too and thank you for my hugs and love in return…🙏🏼🌸🧡

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  6. I don’t have a good handle on what’s happening in Australia, but I do know that misinformation is a force to be reckoned with, Miriam. And all we want to do is live simply and peacefully. Sending hugs, darlin 🙂 🙂

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  7. Wow.
    Everything I felt, thought and just KNEW over lockdown and beyond, you voiced here. And you did it with such purity of heart and Source and Love
    All the books I’ve read over the last few months, you echoed every message. I know I was supposed to read this today
    It just confirms why I’ve always felt such a POSITIVE loving feeling from talking with you. I’ve no doubt we planned to cross paths here, you and I
    Loved the heartswelling image of Uluru and just.. every word you wrote here
    Thank you for writing this for us and with us
    All the love. ALL OF IT!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Goosebumps. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and validation Fiery. I always write from my heart and how I feel, much like you do, so I guess it’s no surprise that you felt this one like you did. I’m so glad. Yes, we’re all connected and some more than others lovely. Sending you big warm hugs and so much love. xxxx ✨🥰❤️

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  8. Yes, fear-mongering and control are a huge problem in this country too, and there’s no doubt that people are using this pandemic for their own purposes. How this will all play out, I don’t know, but I have learned to trust my own instincts and intelligence much more than a lot of what I see on the news. And I agree that focusing on what has always been and what will always be….the natural world…helps so much. Thanks for such an encouraging post, Miriam. We need hope and affirmation right now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we do Ann. Holding onto hope and light and a whole lot of faith and trust in the bigger picture. Trusting your own instincts is always a good way to be too. Sending love and warmest wishes your way.

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  9. Ciao my gorgeous lioness rockstar friend, WOW! What a post. I love love LOVE it!!! You are a true visionary and feel-ionary, hehe. Honestly, I am loving everything about this post, and I really resonate with what you are saying here. Love the image of your hand placed on the tree, in loving communion with nature. Humans realizing again that they/ we are part of nature, and everything is intricatedly connected. I feel it´s so spot-on that your FB profile pic shows you as an angel – you are spreading so much love, light, hope, and truth here, and I feel privileged to be your reader and your friend! Love all the specific pointers you mention here, as to how to anchor in love, hope, in being and focus on the bigger picture. I am loving this post so much gorgeous, I am gonna imprint this and keep it. Feels kinda like a historically relevant piece of writing to me! Amazing work amiga. Thank you a thousand times! And YES – as within, so without. Lets transform ourselves, look within, anchor in love, and let it overflow… beautiful. Is your birthday tomorrow, gorgeous? Tell me one of your fav songs and I ll dance one in your honor on your bday:) So much love and big big hugs!!💖💖💖💖 Again, thank you!💖💖💖💖

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    1. Hello lovely Maria, your words as always humble me. I’m so glad, but not surprised, that my words resonate with you. We both feel deeply and are very much in tune with nature and our inner knowing. As for me being an angel, lol, I’m not so sure about that but you sure made me smile! 😊My birthday is on Friday, it’s meant to be cold and wet here on that day so my outside dance party might have to move inside. Mind you, there’ll be no one here except my hubby and son so I’d love for you to join me virtually for a dance. 💃How about Ricky Martin, She Bangs? That always gets the blood pumping!!
      Thanks again my gorgeous friend for your wonderful comment. Sending much love and warm hugs your way. xx 💕😍🎵🥂

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      1. Cara amica, I ll be there with you on Friday, rocking out to “She Bangs” like there´s no tomorrow 😄 Yeah these 2020 birthdays are kinda different, aren´t they. So grateful for the gifts of music, meditation, and nature – they do work their magic no matter what, I find. Sending big hugs and much love! Email still coming… so much love gorgeous! Keep shining 💕😍🎵 Love ya 💕💕💕

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        1. Awesome! I so agree too Maria. Music, meditation and nature, what a powerful combination!! Rock on gorgeous. Sending tanti baci and much love and I’ll see you on the dance floor! 😍💕🎵

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  10. Gosh that opening quote is so inspiring. It is so easy to be gripped by this fear! This invisible enemy. I’m thrilled that your community found another way to celebrate their wattle festival. If there are lessons that this virus has taught us it’s to reinvent ourselves, to see things differently, to appreciate…everything.

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  11. Your gentle determination is so inspiring, Miriam. That’s the feminine energy rising, the heart of this shift of consciousness. I’m so sorry to hear that your husband lost his job. So many are going through so much right now. I know that firsthand…it’s been a terrible few months. Yes, time will show that all of this turmoil is necessary. The antidote to the true epidemic, which is that of systematic manipulation and cognitive dissonance, is Nature, always Nature. 🙂 Thank you for standing in your truth, while honoring others’. Sending lots of love to you.

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    1. Thanks so much Julie. I love your words, ‘Gentle determination’. So needed in a time of turmoil. As is our feminine energy. Just a quiet knowing that we’ll get through all this. Stay well and thanks again for your wonderful comment. xx

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  12. Hi Miriam, I’ve been thinking of you during the lockdown, hoping things are OK. I’m sorry to hear Doug has lost his job, my daughter in England has been made redundant too and was just planning on returning after being on maternity leave for a year – so it’s not been good at all. The scarecrows are great and show a lot of creativity. Strong words here from you – sending hugs xx

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    1. Hi Deb, sorry to hear that your daughter’s lost her job too. It’s hard to fathom the economic fallouts from these lockouts, let alone the mental ones. Despite his job loss we’re doing fine but I feel for those who aren’t. Hugs back. xx

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  13. You always share such amazing wisdom, my beautiful friend!! I’ve taken to avoiding most of the places where information is just spewed instead of shared. Scaremongering is the perfect term. It becomes much too exhausting to pay attention to those tactics. I think those who have light to spread (everyone…if they so chose) should just continue to do so. I do think light will prevail. And I continue to work on raising my vibration…noticing the glory of nature (we just got a place by the lake and hummingbirds chase each other around. It makes my heart lift and brings a smile to my face each time I watch them. And listening to the water lap against the shoreline soothes my soul.), meditating and offering smiles (your eyes can share one even if if a mask hides your mouth!). Keep shining that beautiful light and sharing those priceless treasures of wisdom. Stay well, my friend!! xx

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    1. What a beautiful comment Amy and I can feel the joy in your words. Your place by the lake sounds like the perfect antidote to all the darkness and turmoils of the world. I truly believe that what you focus on is what you attract in your reality. Enjoy all those gifts of nature my friend. Being in touch and appreciating the simple pleasures of life will always keep us aligned to the truth. Keep raising your vibe and shining your light too. Sending much love xx

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  14. Dearest Miriam your post so resonated with me…. And says all the things within my own heart.. I have for the last couple of weeks took a break from blogland, and the msm I avoid like the plague itself, for its guaranteed to bring you down within the first few minutes as it is intended to..

    You said ” Every day we have a choice as to how we view the current state of our world. We’ve been made to believe, through ongoing narratives and repetitive fear mongering, that we’re victims and have no choice. This dark energy would love us to stay asleep and insecure in every aspect of our lives but the truth is very different and many of us are now waking up to the grand illusion.”
    So well said Miriam..
    Yes we do have a choice… and many now are making that choice as they open their eyes to what is occurring around them seeing the figures not adding up, seeing the confusion and lies now being covered up as I see Health sites altering their statistics and advice first given…
    No where in the world I don’t think has your district been so hard hit with these lockdowns and brutal tactics that no one in your government even after an enquiry are taking responsibility…. Shameful….

    Sending love and well wishes Miriam now I am going to go look at your lovely book link.. ❤

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    1. Thank you Sue. You’re right, Melbourne has the harshest restrictions of any place in the world. And for a reason, we were Ground Zero, a testing ground. But things are definitely shifting, thank goodness. People are waking up in their masses and today the Health Minister “resigned” with more of our leaders to follow I’m sure. Many interesting times ahead as it all plays out.
      Thank you as always for your supportive and kind words Sue. I so appreciate them. And you. Sending you much love and hugs. xxx ❤️

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      1. I am pleased to hear about the resignation… More SHOULD be MADE to follow suite…. Likewise here within our own political world… Especially our own Health Minister… But I doubt it… Given our PM has pledged Millions to the WHO this week!!!
        Sending Love and Hold on tight dear friend…. Also sorry to hear about your hubby and losing his job…. we live in a topsy turvy world which is inverted and upside down right now…. But keep holding that love and Light….. So many more are now waking to this reality…. And Keep knowing we have already won… ❤ but are just going through the 3D motions… ❤ ❤ ❤

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        1. Topsy turvy is very true but as I told my hubby, sometimes these things happen for a reason. A wake up call to something better around the corner. Thanks so much Sue, I always appreciate your supportive and knowing words and yes. I feel in my heart we’ve won and we just have to hold on. And envision that light. Much love dear friend. xx ❤️✨❤️

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        2. Agreed at the time we cannot see the reasons, only later when looking back do we see all was perfectly aligned for the next phase of our experiences… I was made redundant twice in my line of work within the textiles, and still I didnt listen, until my body rebelled and then I took the hint LOL… And for the last 12 years of my working career in Support Work with adults who were challenged with learning difficulties, such as Downs Syndrome and Autism etc… It was the best ever thing that ever happened.. 🙂 Much love right back Miriam… 🙏💖

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        3. Yes, I can relate too Sue, with a similar experience within my working life. Sometimes it takes a real jolt for us to make those necessary changes that will make a real difference. Hugs always 🙏

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  15. Beautiful words and so much truth in what you have written Miriam. 💜 There is so much dark in the world right now but the light is overcoming it!! Holding hope and staying true to your heart is what we all must do now , keeping the vibration high!

    Sending much love and many blessings 💜

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  16. Miriam, The concept of “fears in life” is thought-provoking. I have never heard about so many scarecrows in one place. Yes, the “Truman Show” has come up in conversation over the past few months. You are right about once you know something you can’t unknow it. The humorous saying about “low-vibin….” contains a great deal of wisdom. It also made me smile.

    “Follow your excitement!” I love this! You are a wise woman, Miriam. Stunning photos! A great post! I am bookmarking and sharing.❤️

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    1. Hi Erica, how lovely to hear from you. I’m such a big believer in following our excitement And our joy. It’s truly all around us, despite what many think, and now, more than ever, it’s so important to focus on that. Thank you for sharing and for your very kind words my friend. Sending love. ❤️

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  17. It truly is Miriam! Honestly it just warms my heart and sometimes it just bubbles up with joy. ☀️ I just love the original movies Anne of Green Gables based on the books by Lucy Maude Montgomery. Anne talks about kindred spirits and comments that there are more kindred spirits than she ever realized. I feel that it the blogging world. It is so amazing! 🌟✨

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