The Stories We Tell

One of the joys of being a freelance travel writer is seeing stories come to life, long after they’ve been travelled and written about. That thrill of seeing my words and pics in a magazine, in newsagents across the country, never goes away.

In the last few months I’ve had a few more articles appear in print and I’ve loved being able to relive them, particularly given the times we’re in.

At a time when we’re travelling no further than the local supermarket and in the spirit of armchair travel, let me share some of Australia’s beauty through my most recent published articles.

The Soul of Yorke

I absolutely loved Innes National Park in South Australia, so much so that I dubbed it the “Soul of the Yorke Peninsula” in my latest feature which appears in the April edition of 4×4 Australia Magazine.

There’s a world of natural beauty packed in this small area: pristine beaches, rugged coastline, shipwrecks and wildlife and views that take your breath away. There’s a lot to love about the Yorke Peninsula.

It’s where we spent the start of this year. I wrote my first blog post of 2020 from our van, camped at beautiful Marion Bay. In my post I dubbed this the year of Clarity. This is part of what I wrote:

“Seems 2020 is the year of having perfect vision. Or at least aiming for it. It’s the year of clarity.

Like all of us, I’m a work in progress and it’s a constant ebb and flow. I’m loving the journey, even though it’s fraught with failure which are really lessons in disguise and fear which can be very real and life changing.”

At the time Australia was in the midst of a devastating bushfire season. Little did I know that less than three months later we would be in the midst of a global pandemic and lock down.

Fly me to the Moon

The title feels like an episode from The Twilight Zone given the current crisis we’re living in.

Fly Me to the Moon wasn’t my original title for this story, but I suppose, the outback can be pretty otherworldly. And right now, perhaps it would be nice to fly to the moon!

Late last year we visited both Mungo National Park and Pink Lakes in Murray Sunset National Park, two destinations that epitomise the magic of outback Australia.

Vast wilderness, surreal landscapes and sunsets and sunrises I’ll never forget. It was a special time that became the inspiration for a number of stories and blog posts.

Regular readers will remember our ingenious boys windsurfing on the salt lake floor with a tent. Then yours truly unceremoniously sank her white shoes into black mud for the ultimate foot bath.  The Pink Lakes combines a scintillating mix of adventure and relaxation.

Then there’s Mungo. I’ve written about it before, the aura that emanates from this place. A sacred sunset walk on a dry lake bed, that thousands of years ago was the livelihood of our ancestors, is like stepping into footsteps of an ancient past.

Awe inspiring, mysterious and magical. That’s Mungo, one of the most under rated destinations in Australia. Visiting is like stepping into the Dream time.


Printed stories become a journal of our adventures, much like our blog posts.

My latest write up on both these places is in the April 2020 Edition of 4WD Touring Australia, which I consider one of the most beautiful photographic travel magazines in Australia today.



More of my stories have been written and accepted, and will hopefully make it into print. But who knows. So much is uncertain now, in every area. Still and in the meantime, each day is a new page in our own story, a story about how we’re living through these unique days of social isolation and lock down.

While travel has temporarily stopped, our van sits patiently in the front yard. I try not to think too far ahead, accepting each day as it unfolds, although the dreaming and wander lusting remains.

There’s no denying the allure of what lies beyond the horizon and on the other side of this crisis.

I reckon that when we do get to travel again we’ll do so with even more joy, gusto and appreciation.

These days I wake and watch the sun rise from the decking. I smell the morning dew on the grass and smile as the coloured rosellas flit through the gum trees. Sometimes I sit with my cuppa and watch the clouds roll by. Simple pleasures.

The wildlife is oblivious to the social distancing concerns of us humans, as rabbits chase each other through the back reserve and kangaroos graze together.

I listen as the world wakes up, as birds sing their morning chorus. It’s the closest thing to camping. It’s my haven and world.

Nature calls me outside more and more. Every day I feel drawn to it. And as I walk in the bushland close to my home, even a small variation in my path uncovers new beauty. I’ve never felt more open and connected to the earth.

“The future is completely open and we are writing it moment to moment.” Pema Chödrön

Times might be strange and uncertain but the earth is quietly rejuvenating as we isolate and rest. And in doing so we’re unwittingly writing the next chapter of our story, and that of our world.

My hope is that it’s a more compassionate, kind and harmonious one.

Stay safe, well and hopeful everyone.

In light and love

Here’s to all the places we’ve been to, the places we’ve yet to go and that state in between, of dreaming and anticipating, of a better world. 

91 thoughts on “The Stories We Tell

  1. Mariam! I am so so proud of you! I did not know you have published work. Wow! Just wow! I am impressed and at the same time you inspire me. The photo that stopped me in my tracks was the haunting one of the footprints in the sand. None of us know what is next and to me this image that haunts the soul, could tell the story of today’s world. What a glorious post! BRAVA!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much Amy. Yes, I’ve been writing for many years, on the side, but it’s only been the last few when I’ve really thrown myself into it full time that the success has magnified. I feel so very grateful that I’ve been able to follow my passion. Thank you so much for your kind words here. I love that photo of Mungo too. xx ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Miriam, your success as a travel writer is well deserved. I have loved your posts for many a year now and look forward to continuing to travel this wonderland through you in the future. From Lamby to the Outback it has been awe inspiring and I have loved it. While these are difficult times for many I am taking the time to reflect and to stay as peaceful as possible. Things will be different in the future and I am hopeful that we will continue caring for each other in new ways. I have been so inspired by so many people during the lockdown., and you Miriam are on that list. Thank you. X

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Barbara, thank you so much for your lovely comment. It’s words like yours here that makes me so happy I started blogging. It’s one thing to have articles accepted in magazines and read by people we never hear of (which I’m grateful for, don’t get me wrong!) But quite another when our blogs touch and connect with others and we get that affirmation.
      Yes, these are difficult times for sure but like you I’m trying to stay peaceful and one day at a time. I too hope for the day we live in a more connected and kind world. I think we’re on our way. Stay well and much love. xx

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Congratulations Miriam to your well deserved success within publishing. Your first picture
      and title of the story totally caught me. ” The soul of Yorke ” .
      I do so understand that it must be a thrill to see your stories out there, in different stores and maybe waiting rooms.

      Like you I am hoping for a more compassionate , kind and harmonious world to emerge for all who survive this test we are given.


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  3. Nice post Miriam,🌷
    It is a great blessing during this time of social distancing to have this space to express your feelings and have connection, and inspire others. Yes today we are uncertain of anything, but maybe we are learning that life is uncertain and ever-changing and it’s easier just to go with the flow, life is full of surprises, enjoy the moment.
    Sending hugs, peace and joy..🦋🌟🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So very true Zoey. With the uncertainty is also the acceptance that all we really have is now, this day and so it really is easier just to go with the flow. Yes, that connection is very special. So glad you’re part of it. Take care. Hugs and love to you. 😍🌸🙏


  4. Congrats Miriam … stunning photos and you have a way with words, no wonder you are so well published!

    My main memory of Yorke Peninsula is all the caving I did down there … don’t recall going to the beach or the parks as we camped near our caves. Often the best are on private property so I certainly have fond memories of the area. And Pema Chodron is a hero of mine 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. did over a hundred hours underground in SA, you have to log them all … it was great! Most magic ones were in the Flinders 🙂

        But when I’m having adventures I forget to take pics and seldom ever write about them …

        Liked by 1 person

        1. always tried to do that and it’s worked well for me 🙂

          Was a great test of my meditation skills! I love love love the dark so that was never an issue. But tight spaces no way! Had to psych myself up to go down and then became one of two who talked others out of tight spaces ..

          Liked by 1 person

        2. That really does sound like a test of not just meditation skills but keeping that fear of tight spaces at bay. No wonder power blackouts don’t faze you! 😊

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        3. lol I absolutely love the pitch blackness underground if everyone will turn their lamps off … most can’t cope 😦
          Always tried to face my fears as they arose, this helps too ❤

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  5. How wonderful to have published work, must be so satisfying to see your work in print. Much more impressive than content on the web isn’t it? Brilliant. Love the photos too. You’re a woman of many talents obviously. Can you juggle too?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I have been following your blog for years and i alwasy say this “i wish i have the same spirit as yours; the passion for nature and adventure”…your articles being published is a reflection of your passion and i am very honored to be part of your WP community

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Good post, Miriam! Spending rather a lot of time dreaming/anticipating and it’ll do until we can get out a bit more freely sometime in the future. Testing times, but we’ve mostly had it good, so no real complaints when there’s people out there giving their all.
    Thanks, and take care!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I agree with you PC. I feel very blessed that we’re comfortable and grateful to all those doing their part to keep those essential services alive. Take care and have a good week.


  8. First of all, congratulations for placing so many travel articles! That is a huge accomplishment. And thank you for sharing them with us. At a time when we’re all so restricted, it helps to read about and see photos of faraway places and to remember that the time will come when we can travel again. Meanwhile, we do it in our mind, and if we open ourselves up to it, that helps so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ann. Yes, it’s a reminder for me too that these days (and weeks and months) will eventually pass. And we’ll be able to travel again. I guess in the meantime we simply make the most of every day.

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  9. Wonderful to be so close to nature, and to share it with the obvious delight that you do, Miriam. 🙂 🙂 I’m growing attached to the little birds that tweet out their news to each other while I sit silent. What a peaceful world it can be!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Couldn’t agree more Jo. One of the nicest parts of my day is early morning when all the birds wake up and start their chirping. So peaceful. ☺️


  10. Such a beautiful post and so relevant for the times we live in. Your stories of exploration in Australia are quite exceptional and make me want to visit. It’s always getting to know a local travel perspective and you’ve done such an incredible job. Your friends (visiting your yard) are the cutest part of this post. There’s always a silver lining and we’ve got to find things to be grateful for. Thank you for spreading positivity on the internet my friend. Stay warm and safe. Warm hugs from cloudy Seoul. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely words Cheryl. And yes, I do love all the birds and wildlife that seem to visit daily. Silver linings indeed my friend. There’s always something to be grateful for isn’t there. I’d love it if you made it over here one day! Sending big hugs back to you. Xx 💕

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  11. It is so much fun to go back and relive our travels through our photos and writings. I’m sure it’s double pleasurable when it’s printed in a magazine. I’m sure we’ll have many new, exciting adventures once we pass through this “great pause”, as I’ve heard it called. And yes, I hope that we come through as a more compassionate, kind, and harmonious world. Sending much love, Miriam. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Australia looks like an incredibly beautiful land. I had forgotten all about the fires in the midst of coronavirus. How are the land, people, and animals recovering. Also, congratulations on the article!


  13. Miriam your words were prophetic. After the global pandemic, we will all have 20/20 vision. It has reminded us what is important in life and in this world. And it is showing us to appreciate what we have. It aslo reminded us how fragile we really are and there are no promises of tomorrow.

    Be safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So very true Drew. There are no promises of tomorrow, which is why it’s so important, so crucial, to live mindfully every day and make the most of today. Of every day. I hope you’re well my friend. Stay safe and take care. xx


  14. Miriam, your work is amazingly beautiful! I hope you are really proud of your alluring travel writing and photographs. Hopefully you will soon be back travelling again and sharing more interesting places! I agree that the journeys and adventures will be all the more enjoyable and appreciated! We had a four hour drive to Sligo for our son just two weeks ago. We were lucky to make it there with checkpoints along the way. But the excitement was unreal! We felt like we were the only people on the planet and the sense of freedom was amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like such a wonderful trip you made, I can imagine the sense of freedom you felt. Yes, I long for the day when we can hit the road again and explore new places. Find inspiration for new stories. Thanks so much for reading and your lovely comment Marie. And yes, I am proud! Much love xx

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Congratulations on having your work shared in these publications. That is exciting. You are a wonderful ambassador for your country. Someday I hope to visit you and experience the beauty for myself. Until then, take care and keep writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jamie. I’ve been a freelance travel writer for a number of years. Started the hard slog back in 2011 and never gave up. Now I have a regular column in one travel mag (based on my blog) and I often submit stories and photos to other magazines. It’s very satisfying, was always a dream of mine to be a paid freelance writer. Next step and dream is a book!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. If your on Facebook you can find me by searching Jamie Recycle. As you know I’m trying to improve my blogs and you are amazing and if you can send me a friend request I’d love to have a chat with you in private to learn how I can improve and my blogging. I hope your having an amazing day Miriam. Thank you so much for your amazing comments yesterday. I’m a so grateful 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Congrats on getting published in 4×4 Australia. Amazing they published your words and photography. Hopefully when this all blows over your other pieces will be published too 😀 So many lovely visitors in your backyard. Like one big party 😀 Stay safe, Miriam.

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  18. Your words and pictures deserve an audience, both are gifted expressions that you share and I’m very happy that magazines recognise great articles and share yours Miriam! Well done.
    I’m sure you’ll continue to enjoy the quiet moments and deeper connections until life shifts gears again and find a way to bring it to whatever’s next for you too. Stay Blessed,💫🙏💫 Viv

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Viv for your very kind words. I do love what I do so I’m always grateful. Who knows what the future will bring, for any of us. Hope you’re enjoying a happy and healthy start to the week my friend. xx


  19. I just simply wish that we learn something really well from all of this and go back to the norms we all loved but in utterly new way.
    Ways in which both the world in which we live and the other habitats living in it enjoy our company!

    Liked by 1 person

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