Virtual walking on Phillip Island

Ahh, to be walking along a windswept beach right now. Smelling the sea air, watching the waves crash on the shore, the continual ebb and flow of the tides a certainty of life. It makes me breath easier just remembering.

I wrote this post more than three months ago. I have no idea why I didn’t publish it. Yet now, in the midst of an uncertain world of isolation, I feel like we need it more than ever.

To remind us of what waits for us once we get through this global pandemic. To remind us of the power of nature as it unfolds. And that perhaps, just perhaps, while we’re at home resting, our world is also healing so we can enjoy it once again.

Let me take you on a virtual trip on Phillip Island.

Phillip Island is synonymous for its wildlife, especially the cute fairy penguins that waddle around in their little colonies. At the other extreme the thunderous Grand Prix racing circuit captivates those who love life in the fast lane. On a trip back late last year we found a great mix … both wild and peaceful moments … and some brilliant walks.

Here are three of the best walks on the island.

1. The Pinnacles: Cape Woolamai

Cape Woolamai is on the headland at the south eastern tip of the island. It’s windswept, wild and ruggedly beautiful.

Beyond the car park at Cape Woolamai and the wild ocean beaches are some of the best walking tracks on the island, like the one to the Pinnacles on the Cape Woolamai Coastal Walking Track.

We began our walk along the windswept surf beach where fishermen were trying their luck. After 600 metres there’s a set of steps which leads up to the cliffs and thirty minutes later we reached this view.

It’s like an ancient, grand staircase that rises into the sky. Rugged and treacherous. There’s a No Entry sign which didn’t deter a group of dare devils. I often venture off the well trodden path, but not this time.

It looks tame but the wind was ferocious. Even the seagulls were wonky on the air currents, flying haphazardly against the wild wind. Down below we could see seals lazing on the rocks as the waves swirled around them.

From up above the gorgeous coastal walk continues to the quarry and to the Beacon, the highest point on the island.

2. The SS Speke off Kitty Miller Bay

This coastal view looks almost ugly from here doesn’t it. Such a dramatic seascape that leads to the wreck of the SS Speke, a ship that ran aground off Kitty Miller Bay in 1906. You need to time this walk right and leave at low tide.

The bow of the Speke which came to rest on its side, is concealed behind cliffs to the east of the bay and wow, is it ever a dramatic seascape.

At the time the Speke was one of the largest ships of its kind, over 90 metres long, but still it was no match for the fury of the seas of Bass Strait, as it collided into the reef. The wreck is an amazing sight, lying barren in its final resting place.

The walk starts off at the end of Kitty Miller Road. Take the steps and turn left at the bottom. It’s a bit of a rock hop to get there, along the jagged shoreline, then climbing high above the cliff tops before descending onto the rocky cove to see it close up. Ahoy! I think the other half fancied himself as a bit of a sea faring captain.

It’s a rugged sea landscape at low tide and the walk, which takes about an hour and a half is a fantastic adventure.

Not to mention, the wreck is a photographers dream.

3. The Nobbies

No visit to Phillip Island is complete without a visit to the Nobbies and a walk along the spectacular boardwalks.

There’s nothing too strenuous about this one but hold onto your hat as the wind here is notoriously ferocious. But, it reminds you you’re alive!

Born to be wild. 🎵 A 1980s wind blown rock chick look!

Keep an eye out for the little penguins tucked into their burrows. We spotted a couple during our windswept walk. If you want to see them in their droves come back at night and book a seat to watch their nightly waddle up the beach to their sand dune burrows, aka, the penguin parade.

We were content to see them in the wild. We also saw loads of cape barren geese and seals out on the wild rocks offshore.

This is big time seal territory here. One and a half kilometres offshore are Seal Rocks, home to Australia’s largest Australian Fur Seal colony.

Back at the whizz-bang Nobbies Information Complex we released our inner child, dancing with penguins and trying to dodge the sharks in the simulated interactive display.

Me playing “happy feet” and trying not to get eaten in the underwater world.

Phillip Island is lots of fun, incredibly scenic and best of all, it’s less than three hours from Melbourne. There’s so much to do, you can be as wild and silly as you like or you can find a patch of beach, plonk yourself down and do absolutely nothing!

Yes, it certainly is a wild island weekender. I wrote about it for Campermate a few months ago, yet another of my ongoing writing gigs, that’s temporarily ground to a halt.

Campermate (formerly GoSeeAustralia) is an online website and resource for travellers in Australia and New Zealand. You can book accommodation, rent campervans, shop outdoor gear and read a whole swag of stories to inspire you to get out on the road.

There’s always something new to discover even in well trodden places.

For the moment, as they say, “the sooner we all go inside, the sooner we can all go outside again.” The day will come when we can go adventuring again.

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.”

All of the virtual travel in the world can’t eliminate fear and worry, yet our blogging connections inspire and uplift me as we all navigate through these uncertain times. What a blessing to be part of this online community.

Hope you’re all doing okay as we adjust to a new routine in a quieter world. Stay away from the fear channels and remember that worrying doesn’t change any outcome, it just steals our inner peace. Focus on your personal goals, on love and finding that peace, so we can come out of this stronger and better than ever.

Remember, one day we will hug and kiss each other again. In the meantime stay safe and well.

Let’s stay connected.  We’re all in this together.

Sending love and light

Writing is a miracle. You can travel anywhere in the world, to any time and any place, and still be home in time to have dinner.  Mary Pope Osborne

Enjoy your home, wherever you are!

117 thoughts on “Virtual walking on Phillip Island

  1. Beautiful pictures, Miriam! I know exactly how you feel. These are lessons in gratitude and positivity. Thank you for this visual tour. I think it’s going to be the new way to travel the world! Stay safe! Sending you love. xoxo

    Liked by 4 people

    1. For the moment and for a while, yes it will be Cheryl. But I’m confident there’ll come a day when we can experience the world again. Until then, sending you lots of love. Stay safe my friend. xx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow!
    The sheer wonderment of the nature is at best in places like Phillip Island. I haven’t been on an island yet but in my head, I sometimes wonder about how would it be like to be on a place, in the middle of sea, all alone.
    Bit scary + bit amazing I say.
    Lovely snaps as always and thank you very much for taking me along on this wonderful trip, Miriam 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Miriam, thank you for this virtual, vigorous walk along the island! It’s just what the doctor ordered. Lovely pics, your lucid writing style and the quote! Yoh made my evening. Stay safe, my dear. Sending your way virtual 🤗 and ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. THANK YOU so much for this virtual walk, Miriam. Towards the start of your post, you stated perhaps Mother is healing during this time of a hold on life itself. I agree with you. I am seeing it in my gardens. My flowers began to grow profusely and without order. Hmmmm …. Then, as the world came to a screaming halt, so did their growth. Interesting is it not? The past few years Mother has displayed so many signs of distress. Hmmmm …. So while we reset and [hopefully] get back to basics, Mother will do the very same. Let us all “remember” we are Love and within this time all brains begin to THINK again what is important in life.
    You really made my day today. Bless you!! Loved every single picture. That wreck I agree is a photographer’s playground! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! I honestly believe that too Amy. I’m seeing signs all around my garden, things I haven’t seen before, tiny signs of hope and growth, I’m not sure. but I do believe if we tend to our own patch, get back to basics and nurture what’s around us there’s a chance for renewal.
      Thank you for your beautiful words that deeply resonate with me. Stay well my friend. xx

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      1. I believe as you do, Miriam. For years my intention here has been to love our property and send those love vibrations to the ethers. On one side of us neighbors use terrible chemicals. The other side of us neighbors pile horse stall muck in piles so close to our property that when the wind blows just right our backyard smells like horse poop. We be right in the middle. And there is little ‘o me tending to the Earth with natural means and love ….. I go on believing no matter what my eyes see, that my efforts do make a difference. (smile) xo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Of course they make a difference Amy, everything you do does. You keep loving your property and sending those ❤️ vibrations out into the world. And I’ll do the same. Big hugs xx

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed this windswept wonder! I’ve been watching a lot of mountain downhill and whitewater paddling videos the past week – anything to get “outside” – and it’ll have to do until the current situation passes. Strange and worrying times, but like you said, keep the panic and fear down, stay focused on positives, and look ahead to something better.
    Thanks, Miriam, take care and be well!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the lovely tour Miriam. Virtual tours sometimes help lift my spirits. Sometimes they depress me for not being able to travel. I’ve been a virtual traveler for about 12 years, other than my yearly trip to visit my mom and help her take care of things around the house and yard.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Brad, I’m sure you’re not alone in that scenario and I totally get what you’re saying. Maybe once this is all over you’ll feel different and take yourself somewhere for a real tour. Hope you’re well. Take care.

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  7. Miriam,
    Thank you again for the beautiful sites and descriptions of your exploring. I love the ocean and seeing your photos reminds me of the sounds of the waves. It seems more important now than ever for each of us to give what we can. I will continue to dig deep and offer poems of hope, light and love. We are all in this together. Sending you a hug across the seas.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Loved this post of yours, especially the photograph of flowers close to the beach at Cape Woolamai. How to reach such places via public transport (like train or bus)? Which is the nearest city? Would love to pay a visit to these amazing places in Australia one day. Thank you for sharing.. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is a beautiful post. Perhaps, it wasnt meant to be posted until now, when the world so desperately needs this reminder how beautiful the world is. Once this horror is all over, perhaps we can return to enjoy the great outdoors and the gifts of mother nature, and hopefully, she will never be taken for granted ever again.

    Be safe my dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you my lovely friend. What a beautiful comment and I feel your words are so true. Maybe in time, when we’re all rested, us and especially the earth, we’ll all look back and never take our world for granted again. Stay safe Drew. xx 💙


  10. Thank you Miriam a great tour, love the wreck. Great advice to stay away from the fear channels too, I have to give the whole news a rest for a few days I think, just finding it too sad and overwhelming at the moment. Time to just venture out into the backyard and holiday at home, a magazine, a book, a lazyboy recliner and breathe. 🙂🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, I stepped back from mainstream media a few days ago Glenys, it was all too much. I’m with you on enjoying our backyards. We have a lot to be grateful for. Take care my friend. 🙏

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  11. What a wild and windy place, but still beautiful. I haven’t been to Phillip Island for many years. Reading your post has given me some inspiration to take a trip there as soon as we are released for isolation. The wild look suits your fun-loving side. Thanks for the views, I really love those old crumbly rocks. They remind me of the Celtic shorelines in many of the Medieval movies I enjoy watching. Sending love and hugs, stay safe and keep happy💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Zoey, glad my post transported you back to Phillip Island. Maybe it’s inspired you to revisit at some later stage.
      That wild look 😂 yep, that’s me more often these days! By the way, I love those old medieval movies with those rocky rugged shorelines. Makes me want to go look one up now! Big hugs and love back and thanks for stopping by. Take care. xx


  12. Thank you dear Miriam, for your uplifting refreshing post. I felt like I had been on a lovely visit to Phillip Island very late last night during my reading, and that I breathed in all the wonderful sea energy there, all the better for it now 💙. It’s truly a blessing how you can take us up and away virtually like that, at any time from any place…and how special that you had some of that piece and those soul-inspiring photographs tucked away, to be able to share with us at this time. It is the time for going deep within and seeing what we find there, so that we can bring it out to share with each other in new ways and with new-found courage. Soon it will be time to smell the roses together again, and talk about what we have learned for our souls, dear friend. Much love and hugs from me, stay safe xo 💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t wait for that time Lily 🌸🌹 when we can smell those roses, stay up all night and talk about our dreams and where they’ve taken us. ✨ In the meantime I’m happy to share here, my trips and thoughts, as we all adjust to a new reality.
      Glad I could virtually transport you to Phillip Island, it was such a wonderful trip and therapeutic for me too to relive it. Yes, it is indeed a time to go within. I hope you’re well, enjoying your garden and your writing. Big hugs and much love my friend. xx 💕

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  13. One of the best things about this blogging community is our capacity to keep on seeing the world, even if it is through the lenses of others. Lovely photos of a beautiful area Miriam. The last time we were at Phillip Island we went for a nice walk along the cliffs, only to find out that the seagulls were nesting and didn’t take kindly to walkers. I didn’t know that seagulls will swoop just like magpies. We made a very quick retreat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I bet you did! II didn’t know that seagulls swooped although having said I do remember them practically attacking me and my fish and chips near Port Albert last year.
      Yes, we’re lucky to be part of this WP community aren’t we. Take care.

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  14. The wreck and your rock chick hair are worth every moment on this post! Dreamy, both. I love your attitude toward the pandemic, and as my mom used to say, “let’s go so we can get back.” Onward. Together, though, writing and reading. Much love.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Loving the wild ferocity of those winds, Miriam! If ever we needed cobwebs blowing away, it’s now! 🙂 🙂 What a coastline you have! There’s hardly a need to encounter others, and yet, what is life if we can’t share? Thank you for helping us count our blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I’m glad you found this post and shared it! The photos are beautiful, as always. You have a knack for finding natural beauty and then photographing it really well so that we can enjoy it too. When this is finally over (and I keep reminding myself that it will be) I’m going on a trip somewhere…anywhere….but I’m going on a trip!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Ann, I’m always happy to share, even more so now in these bunkered down times. Take care and yes, I think we’ll all be going on a trip when this is all over. xx

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  17. Fabulous post and photos Miriam, took me right back to our visit to Phillip Island. Loved walking around The Nobbies and the experience of seeing thousands of penguins coming ashore at night will live with me forever. Unbelievable. You are so right about staying inside now in order to help us all get outside again, it won’t be long in the grand scheme of things. Seems tough but actually it isn’t. Keep safe and healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You too and thanks so much. Glad my post rekindled some nice memories for you. You’re right, in the grand scheme of things staying at home isn’t really too tough. Stay well and safe Jonno.

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  18. You just published it in time Mirriam. This is the kind of posts we needed exactly at this time. This is a reminder why we need to cooperate and help one another and heal as one…because if we don’t this is what we are gonna lose.

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  19. Yay I figured out how to like and comment this time 😊
    Great post Miriam. Love being reminded of all the wild beauty we’ll get to enjoy again, and enjoy seeing and learning a little of places I’ve not made it to before. Thankyou for your kind words to us all. To you and yours also… Stay blessed and well 🙏💕

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thank you for the virtual tour, Miriam! It looks like gorgeous scenery all around. I know that the wind whipping off the sea can be wild. We visited the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. I wouldn’t have dared to walk near the edge of the cliffs for fear of being blown over. Feeling the wind and watching the waves crash against the cliffsides was gorgeous, awe-inspiring and gave you a healthy dose of the power of nature. Stay well, my friend! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes indeed Amy! I so miss those windswept and wild cliff walks along the coast but I know they’ll still be there when this has all passed. In the meantime we can keep dreaming can’t we? Take care xx

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  21. What a blessing you are Miriam to your online friends… feeling the delightful whirls and gusts of wind and sea roaring along Philip Island, although a tad cold it reminds us of our magnificent world waiting for us. Thankyou for sharing it now! Much love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your kind words Barbara. A bit of virtual travel is infinitely good for the soul. It’s all there waiting for us after this, isn’t it. Much love and hugs back to you. 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes life is mostly kind, thanks Ness. I hope that you’re okay too in these strange times. I think of you often. Big hugs and much love sent from afar. xx ❤️


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