Grey Skies and Lighthouses

What a time. The world is changing before our very eyes. So much global uncertainty, so many people are bunkering down and becoming isolated. So it’s become even more important to stay connected.

Now more than ever we have the wonderful gift of being able to connect with people all over the world through our words. And to virtually travel. So, in the spirit of friendship and reminiscing, I’m going to conclude the final day of our Grampians and Great Ocean Road tour.

It’s hard to believe it was only a month ago. So much has changed in that time. It reminds me how important it is to cherish every moment.

So, back we go. It’s Sunday morning, 16th February, and time to leave Kennett River … and it’s time to say goodbye to the ‘Koala Convention’ at camp.

From Kennett River the Great Ocean Road continues to wind its way around the wild and windswept Southern Ocean. No matter how many times I drive it I’m always in awe at the sight of the cliffs and spectacular ocean views that hug every corner.

To think this road was constructed by hand, by service men who returned from the First World War shows the strength and tenacity of the human spirit.

We passed through bustling Lorne and, with the van in tow, pulled over out of town near the George River. It was here we started our steep walk to Teddys lookout. At the top, about 45 minutes later, we realised we could have driven virtually the whole way there, with room for parking at the top.

Oh well, where’s the fun in that.

The traffic on the track was minimal! We spotted a koala, but by this stage we’d seen so many in Kennett River, the sleepy fella barely rated a pic.

We passed a small group of walkers. They told us they’d been holidaying in Apollo Bay for three weeks and hadn’t seen the sun in all that time. Perpetual greyness. How bizzare.

Up at the top, even through grey skies, the views were beautiful.

At the final lookout we could see all the way down to the winding Great Ocean Road and the views of the surf breaking into the mouth of the Saint George River. We could see our car and van … a mere speck.

Yep, that’s our rig!

Coming back down was much easier but that’s often the way isn’t it.

The Great Ocean Road officially begins (or in our case ends) at the Arch which spans the road near Eastern View. This arch was erected to commemorate the returned servicemen from World War 1 who built the Great Ocean Road from 1918 to 1932.

Our late afternoon lunch was a picnic at Anglesea before our final stop at the Split Point lighthouse at Aireys Inlet.

To be a lighthouse, you must be strong enough to resist every kind of storm, to every kind of loneliness and you must have a powerful light inside you! Mehmet Murat ildan

As we got closer to Melbourne the clouds lifted and finally the sunshine returned. Hooray!

We detoured to Bells Beach, home of Australia’s biggest waves but it looked as though the waves weren’t in sync today.

Three surfers were in the water, trying valiantly to catch a wave. A dog stood waiting for his master. Can you see him?

So that was it. We were home by 6pm and our tour was officially over. The next day Catherine and David left to continue their Australian adventure in Cairns. I feel so grateful to have spent this time with them, sharing my small part of the world.

And now, as I write this, a month later, I reflect on life as we adjust to a new routine and reality.

Whilst the circumstances outside of us are changing daily and we feel a loss of control, there’s a lot we can do to stay calm and connected in our own life.

The more ‘now’ you can stay, the more your vibration lifts above the hysteria and you move away from fear.”

When you stay away from fear and stay in the present moment, you make decisions from this moment. “What do I need to do now?” You can’t control the future, but you can trust that when the future happens, you’ll know what to do …

You can feel the difference between when you’re driven by fear and when you’re driven by purposeful clarity.

As crazy as it sounds, tune into gratitude, for even the smallest things. Take it one day at a time and find that loving compassion within that will help you through.

Can we stay in peace when things seem to be shifting or falling down around you. That’s the test of a master”.

These are testing times but in time this too will pass.

And we can all become the master of our own ship.

So the journey continues.

In light and love ✨🙏

The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now as never before the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.” Jacques Yves Costeau

“Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction.”

Let’s make sure our boat is leak free, calm and we stay connected.

Special thanks go to fellow blogger Sue from Dreamwalker Sanctuary who shared this Link  on The Virus of Fear.. From Jonette Crowley, Centre For Creative Consciousness, where some of the extracts from this post are taken. The full post is well worth a read.

90 thoughts on “Grey Skies and Lighthouses

  1. Hi Miriam, thank you for the virtual travel tour which helps many of us who have had to change our travel plans due to the current pandemic. I love the Great Ocean Road which I visited probably 20 years ago and would love to revisit. Take care my friend and thank you for some positivity by sharing your photos and love your last line about staying connected. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, thanks for dropping by and yes I think it’s good for the soul to have a bit of time out, even if it’s just a virtual getaway. I hope you get back to the Great Ocean Road one day, when all of this passes. In the meantime stay well and healthy and keep inspiring us with your own uplifting brand of wellness and positivity. xx


  2. So glad you four met and made such a strong connection! Great post and pics as usual Miriam 🙂

    Loved the quotes, the guide is definitely within and now is a precious opportunity to seek that out as we go into lockdown ❤

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    1. Yes, you’re absolutely right Kate. Last night I joined a zoom call and did an online meditation, organised right here in Melbourne, with apparently about 500 other people. A first for me. Times they are a changing. Take care my friend. 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

        1. sounds like a very interesting bunch … hope it helps!
          I only asked because some people thought a ten day course with me qualified them as masters! Very few have sincerely meditated much themselves 🙂

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  3. It was lovely to take a quick virtual retreat! We’ve been cooped up more so than usual lately, so it was especially nice to ‘get out’ and explore, even if only through photographs. 😊

    Lighthouses have become increasingly appealing to me over the years; there’s just something comforting in the knowledge that they light the path and guide us along the way of our journeys…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree entirely Ang, I find lighthouses particularly inspiring as they light the way and somehow appear romantic too. So stoic.
      Glad I could whisk you away for a bit of virtual travel. Take care and say hi to Jett! 😊

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  4. Thanks for the terrific trip, Miriam! It’s just what I needed. I loved the gorgeous photos! Lighthouses have always been special to me. One of my first published short stories was about a lighthouse keeper. The story was inspired by my mother shortly after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. By the way, I loved the shot of you pointing at your rig! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Jill, that sounds so familiar! I can remember writing a blog post all about lighthouses and it too was inspired by my mother and her battle after a brain tumour. Yes, they’re very symbolic and inspiring. Stay well my friend and thanks for dropping by. 🙂


  5. I’m on the Bellarine Peninsula a little further on from where you headed back to Melbourne. We had those grey skies most of the summer too – and temperatures in the low 20s. The last few days have been sunny but the grey has returned this morning. I’m kind of getting used to it now but am dreaming of a fabulous road trip north after this crisis is over. Time will tell what happens about that. Take care in these difficult time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it’s grey skies here today too Suzanne. A fabulous long road trip up north where it’s warmer sounds wonderful, but who knows when that will happen. Still, take care and keep dreaming, we’ll get there in the end.

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  6. I’m on the Bellarine Peninsula a little further on from where you headed back to Melbourne. We had those grey skies most of the summer too – and temperatures in the low 20s. The last few days have been sunny but the grey has returned this morning. I’m kind of getting used to it now but am dreaming of a fabulous road trip north after this crisis is over. Time will tell what happens about that. Take care in these difficult time.


  7. Thanks for sharing this, Miriam! We’ll need the positive online connections more than ever for the next little while, so I’m (even more) grateful you’re out there – as it were!
    All the best to you and your family, and be well.

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  8. Beautiful beautiful post, Miriam. I agree with you …. all we have is NOW. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Stay in the moment and enjoy what we can NOW. I loved your pictures and thank you so much for sharing them. Stay healthy and safe. Much love to you! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely comment Amy. Yes, you’re so right, it’s NOW that matters, and being grateful for each and every moment. I hope you’re well and staying safe my friend. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs back. xx

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  9. I’m so glad that you shared those beautiful photos of your trip! Even more, I love how you closed this post…we are all master of our own ship, and we do get to control how frightened we are. These are uncertain times and there is much to be nervous about and huge adjustments to be made. But we can do it, we will get through this, and hopefully, we’ll realize that we’re much stronger than we think we are when all is said and done. Thanks for reminding me again why I like you so much Miriam. You never fail to be a light when a light is so desperately needed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a lovely comment Ann. Yes, we’re masters of our own ship but we’re in such unchartered waters that it’s easy to get off course. I guess that’s why I love our blogging community so much. We all help bolster each other when times are hard. And they’ve never been rougher! Thanks for always being there Ann. I appreciate you.

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  10. I am appreciating the fact that during this uncertain time we are hearing more frequently from our children. They are making sure that we are ok. I am also appreciating the seclusion but will no doubt be grateful when it is all over and we can again hug our dear friends.

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  11. Thanks, Miriam. Every now and again it gets overwhelming and then I try to think of others who must be doing so much worse and I’m grateful for what we have.

    The GOR marathon has been postponed to August so I am switching to running maintenance mode for now.

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    1. Yes, I know what you mean. I sometimes wake in the middle of the night with a real pang. Even during the day sometimes. I have to catch myself and think of how much we have to be grateful for. Good luck with your running maintenance. Hopefully the marathon will go ahead later in the year as planned.

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  12. Wonderful post Miriam.. And yes who would have thought so much could change in such a short space of time… I think perhaps every aspect now of living needs to be viewed from a different perspective.. And whole heartedly agree with your words of taking one day at a time..
    So loved your views and Your rig looks very tiny down there lol..

    So true, ALL things pass… and maybe we will look back at this ‘Shift’ and say this was the turning point for humanity when it finally understood what is important in life…
    The Storms are here to strengthen us.. And like many who have come through their own personal challenges in their awakening process… Now perhaps the Collective is needing to shed those layers…
    Lets hope we emerge lighter and brighter as we come out the other side of this tunnel…

    Many thanks also for your link mention… Much appreciated Miriam… ❤ Thank you..
    Much love your way.. ❤ 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Sue, I do believe that this is a turning point for humanity. And it’s how each and every one of us faces these dark times that will determine how we come out of it the other side. I pray that as you said, we all come out lighter and brighter and that we’re strengthened.
      Sending you much love and warmest wishes. Stay well my friend. xx

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  13. Oh geez… I had just written a loooong message, and WP erased it. *sigh*

    I just wanted to thank you for the great memories… Both for making them happen, and for reminding us of the good times spent together. David told me, just a couple of days back, how our trip was his favorite, ever. And I have to agree that our journey in Australia was my favorite trip together (okay, my first solo trip to Vikingland is hard to beat… Hehehehehehe But Australia is a close second)

    I really hope we get to meet again someday, to share more good laughs, great conversations and delicious meals!

    If there were more human beings like you and Doug, the world would be a much more fun place!!

    Take good care, my friend!! *Much much love*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, what a gorgeous comment. 💙 But I know what it’s like to write a long message and have it disappear. Damn!
      It was absolutely our pleasure to spend those five days with you and David and I’m so, so glad you enjoyed it. And now we all share such great memories. Love it. 😍
      Take good care of yourself and keep smiling my friend. We’ll get through this time too. xx

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  14. “You can feel the difference between when you’re driven by fear and when you’re driven by purposeful clarity.“
    Oh yes indeed. Just today we had some nutter tailing and stalking us in his car – and instead of panicking, we kept calm and drove straight to the police station – 4 km away. When he/she saw where we were parked, he finally drove away, and we drove home in the opposite direction. But we could have been so stressed out by this car’s dangerous maneouvres cutting in and out near us on the road. But compared to the Corona madness, this was a blip, and we were able to dismiss it and continue on with our day.
    The Great Ocean road is a fabulous road for touring and I long to visit there again one day. As I have said, I could happily live in Apollo Bay even amidst the greyness and strong winds.
    Wasn’t the lighthouse the scene for the Kid’s show Around the Twist?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good thinking to drive to your local police station, there really are some nutters around aren’t there.
      You have a good memory. That was indeed the lighthouse in Round the Twist. The area around it’s been built up heaps though from those filming days. Stay calm and well Amanda.

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  15. Thank you for sharing the beautiful views, Miriam! Staying in the now and practicing gratitude are definitely immensely helpful during these times. Stay well, my friend! xx

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  16. Gorgeous gorgeous post Miriam. Love the quotes at the end. We are all in the same boat. And we should use “thhis same boat” to stay connected and connect even better than before.

    Of course, gratitude for waht we do have (in a time of crisis) goes along way in helping out the soul. Instead of complaining or cowering in fear, we need to focus on what we have and appreciate it. Things could be worse. And we should be grateful that they are not.

    Be well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Drew. Yes indeed, that feeling of connection and solidarity will help us through this. As will gratitude. I always turn to it when I find myself start to slip or be afraid.
      Take good care my friend. xx


  17. I feel grateful to read your positive and loving words as we traverse this new landscape…being near nature is a wonderful antidote to fear…thank you so much for sharing your time in nature, Miriam, it’s a balm that the world needs right now!

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  18. A visit to Australia has been on my wishlist for years. I enjoyed this bit of tour, despite the gray skies. And a lovely message at the end, Miriam. It’s something I need to keep reminding myself as I roller coaster through this pandemic. I accomplish nothing by worrying, and can actually make a difference when I’m balanced and hopeful. Beautiful post.

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  19. Several years ago we did the Great Ocean Road. Seeing your photos is a beautiful memory rekindled.Currently the thought of international travel seems like a far off dream but we must retain hope for a brighter day.

    Liked by 1 person

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