Slowing down time

So here I am tonight, camped on the banks of the Goulburn River at BlueGums Riverside Park, about an hour and a half from home.

I don’t usually blog while I’m camping but tonight I decided I’d write a “live” post from my phone. It’s 9pm Eildon Australian time and rain has made us retreat inside our camper.

It’s cosy in here. We’ve had our barbecued steak, coffee and apple slice for dessert and the other half is snoozing blissfully. I can hear the sound of the fast flowing river competing with the sound of the light rain outside.

The world feels peaceful.

Earlier today we visited Snobs Creek Falls, just fifteen minutes drive from our campsite.

Despite the fact that there’s been little to no rain in the past three months the falls were thundering. We filmed a couple of videos on our iPhones, slow-mo images which typifies the sedate pace of the weekend.

That’s why I love camping so much. There’s no rushing and the biggest decisions usually involve what time we’re going to eat!

Life slows down to the basic fundamentals and any constraints are usually weather related, kind of like living in the cave man era.

When we’re in the moment, when we’re truly loving what we’re doing, everything feels magnified.

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

The power of the falls today was incredible. I felt minuscule beside them and completely awestruck by the force of nature.

Everyone finds their own way to relax and slow down, whether it’s camping in nature, or immersing ourselves in a book.

We often say that “time flies when we’re having fun” and perhaps it’s true but it’s also a good indicator that we’re slowing down those ordinary moments to relish them.

Find your own way of slowing down time and know that you’re living life to the full.

There’s no rush, not really. Just do what you love and savour it.

The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot. Michael Altshuler

Wishing you all peace and contentment as we slow down and continue the journey.

Now I’m off for a late night stroll before I hit the sack, but at least the rain’s stopped. So there’s no rush.

In light and love.

Sharing for Frank’s TPC: Time

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

106 thoughts on “Slowing down time

  1. Love those sunny toes of yours! 🙂 🙂 Wish I had a river to bob on right now. We’ve got a white sky and the snow is trying to decide whether to lay or not. I have good company on here, photos to play with and a lovely husband bringing me cups of coffee. What more do I need? Happy weekend, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A ‘live’ post is always special .. and we can all feel part of your day with those stunning photos! Oh to have some sunshine here (as more snow falls on an icy easterly wind from Russia here in the UK) … how fun to have found you. I love other travelling posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks wonderful out there, Miriam! Very chill, and even the rain held off until later – light rainfall on your tent or camper is a lovely sound (in small doses, and if you’re dry!)
    Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I agree PC. The sound of light rain is very soothing. It’s now morning and all is dry and balmy again. Hope you’re having a great weekend yourself. 🙂


  4. I needed this post! I just blocked it all out and … yes, the steak, the apples in the pie, the river and the rain… it can’t get much better! Then it does… I am living vicariously through you! My husband and I plan to full-time RV hopefully by the spring of 2019… I’ll just pretend I’m with you on your journies until then! Thank you for sharing this with me/us the blogging community! ~kim

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kim, thanks so much for your lovely comment. I’n always happy to have others along for the ride. And how exciting to have full time travels on the agenda for yourself and your husband. You’ll have to do a few shorter weekends away before then just to get you in the mood! 🙂

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    1. Thanks Carol, yes the weather was beautiful yesterday. It’s blown up a bit of a gale this morning but we’re on the road again heading home now so it doesn’t matter. Hope you’re having a good one.

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        1. I know what you mean. 🙂 By the way, I’m helping to organise a bit of a get together with CalmKate and a few Melb bloggers on April 23. Try and keep the date free, I’ll be in touch.

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  5. Looks like an idyllic place and certainly not a waste of time. Finding beautiful places to chill out and relax is just fabulous. Great photos too, especially love the waterfall.

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  6. Beautiful post Miriam from a very beautiful country. I believe I could easily be a caveman for a long time with a setting like you have and a camper and equipments that makes it home by a lake, by a waterfall, in a glade… yep, that sounds just so tempting.
    Promise not to get jealous in the snow.😊💕 .


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  7. What a wonderful experience to simply slow down, enjoy nature, and unplug from all the distractions of the world! You’re right, each of us has our own “happy place” that allows us to do that, and we need to do it as often as we can. It’s a big part of what life is about.
    Thanks for sharing those photos…..I swear, just looking at them at a calming effect on me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad to hear that Ann. I love knowing that sharing my words and photos have a calming effect. Thank you so much for being here. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend. x

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  8. I look forward to slowing down time, putting my feet up and just chilling!! Camping is such a great way to relax and also get into alignment with nature…so good for the soul. I don’t go camping but you always make it look like so much fun…how great that the biggest decision is what time to eat!!! Yeah I could go for that. I’d camp out back but I’m afraid of the critters that are around after dark…oh did I tell you the young deer came back on Friday and ate some more…so I now have purchased some deer food…birds and squirrels and deer and raccoons and skunks oh my. Love sitting at my window and watching them all!! Love the slow-mo of the water fall….that is very cool! Big slow-mo hugs my lovely lady xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Deb, you really don’t need to go camping cos you have everything and every critter imaginable in your own backyard, how very cool. In fact it sounds as though you could open up a nightly wildlife park and charge people to come in and watch!! 😏 Enjoy it all gorgeous one, we’re so blessed to live amongst nature aren’t we? Big hugs ❤️ xo

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  9. Oh Miriam, I love, love, loved this post! Hubs and I have been gathering information about purchasing a Class B travel van (basically a tent on four wheels, with a potty – I’m older than you!) This beautiful post just made me that much more anxious to do this and to hit the open road! Dang, girl – Your steak and glass of wine beside the river just calls to me! Thank you so very much! ~ Lynn

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Lynn, just do it! How wonderful for you both. You have so many exciting adventures ahead of you. Thank you also, I’m so glad my post resonated. Here’s to the open road ahead! Cheers 🍷

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  10. Miriam, this is sooooo beautiful. I was just writing to a fellow blogger how healing and serene that nature is. So much nurturing there. And YES, this post is so similar to the one I did on Frank’s challenge. 🙂 I love what you share about slowing down time to really enjoy the moment. You are such a gift, and I’m really glad you’re here.

    I plan to share this for #ForgivingFridays—it’s just so beautiful. If you like, you are welcome to link back to my post, up to you. ❤ Have a blessed weekend, and I love you. Hugs friend xo Love, Debbie

    ps – gorgeous video! Did you get it into slow motion?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. I’m away from my laptop for the day but you’re very welcome to share this on your Forgiving Friday’s. Thank you. Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoyed your mini vacation (perhaps you’re still there even). Yes, my waterfall video was set on slow-mo, for a bit of fun and originality. Take care and sending you lots of love. xo ❤️

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    1. Thanks for the link up Debbie and I hope you had a wonderful blessed Easter. I’ve been off the grid for the Easter break and I’m still not home yet. Look forward to catching up with your posts when I’m back. Big hugs and much love to you xo


  11. You’ve got me planning summer camping trips. The daffodils have just popped out and I am dreaming toward summer. In the meantime, I sat listening to my dad tell me stories while the birds pecked at the window today. Simple joys are the best. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thank you of the timely reminder to slow down and remain ‘present’ – it really does feel like time slows down when we remember to find the magic in the seemingly mundane 🙏🏻 thank you Miriam xx

    Liked by 1 person

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