A Delicious Life

Did you know that a delicious life is yours right now? A sweet life that’s tantalisingly close, and right in front of us, despite those often unseen barriers that block us along the way.

However, barriers can always be breached.

With effort, will and a strong motivation to succeed, we can create and manifest things we only dreamed about. Luscious things that are so within our reach.

Collect these ingredients, we all have them inside us, and before you know it, you’ll be creating something truly magnificent.

A good sprinkling of optimism, a healthy dose of positivity, some inspired action and plenty of self belief and passion for life and, hey presto, you have the making of an abundantly delicious life.

Just like magic but even better because it’s real and it’s all so possible.

It’s at our fingertips, no genie lamp required.

Recipe for A Delicious Life

D elve into your true self

E mpty your mind of negativity

L ove what you do

I ndulge in what makes you feel good

C hannel your inner child and dream

I deas, inklings and things that inspire

O pens up a whole new world

U nderstand the purpose you play

S avour every morsel along the way.

Now, close your eyes.

Make a wish and open them again and watch as life unfolds in the most amazing way and your dreams start to come true.

We can do it, we really can.

Believe it.

It’s all in our mindset.

Me at the Candy Bar at a recent 1920s party

Happy creating. Here’s to a delicious life.

In light and love.

Sharing for Frank’s TPC: Delicious

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

107 thoughts on “A Delicious Life

  1. We did that today at the Women’s March in Woodstock NY. Lots of folks had a great time together, and a brass marching band played all kinds of great music and we danced along having fun and getting along. It was a very positive event all around.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Miriam, I absolutely love your recipe for a Delicious Life!!! 😀❤️ Very creative and every word true…here’s to believing and living an amazing fulfilling and creative life unfettered by fear, worries and doubt! hugs, my friend! xxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow that cake looks awesome…never saw a cannoli cake before, my parents would love that!! I love your recipe too, how very clever. I closed my eyes and made my wish, now I’ll watch it unfold!! Loved that candy table too…but the most delicious part of this post is you, my sweet friend!! Love your flapper outfit, I want those gloves. You should wear them when playing the guitar, if the mood of the song calls for it and the head piece too!! You have the most delicious ideas, thoughts, and inspirations, as always!! Have a spectacular time this week. Big delicious hugs my lovely lady xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my gorgeous friend! I must tell you a story about those gloves. I found them in my old bedroom at Sale when I went home the other weekend, they were amongst my costume jewellery. I bought them many years ago for a work dress up party I went to, way back when I was about 23. Guess what I went dressed up as back then? A punk angel! I kid you not. And now look at me, kinda funny isn’t it? 😏 Anyway, thank you for your delicious words here Deb. This was fun to write and I couldn’t resist adding in the last photo from the other night, oh yes, that candy table was pretty spectacular. Big hugs to you xo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh I remember that pic of you as a punk angel!! Great gloves, super punk!! Oh yes you had to add that photo at the end and that candy table was something…um fattening it what comes to mind…lol!! Big candy hugs xo 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Very fattening! Actually I hardly touched anything from that table, though it looked so pretty and so tempting. There was too much other beautiful food. xo 🙂

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        2. I think there were about 60 people there and the set up was gorgeous, It was set up like a big circus tent outside, they had a curtain to walk through onto a red carpet. It was all very swish and swanky. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful Miriam, and yes ALL is Possible when we believe in self, And we allow the Universal flow to guide us,
    Loved your take on the word Delicious 🙂 And I am setting into motion my own Dreams, and allowing them to unfold.
    Love and Hugs Miriam.. I know your own Dreams are unfolding. Big smiles… Stay Blessed my friend
    See you next time. 🙂 ❤ Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! All is most definitely possible when we believe and we accept what comes our way. I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason. Stay blessed and at peace too my friend. Big hugs xo ❤️

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  5. I just love ya, Miriam! It’s 6am and I am drinking coffee and reading this post was the perfect way to kick start my day. Thank you, for being you and sharing the beautiful parts of yourself with all of us. Have a wonderful week, gorgeous!! PS…can you send me one of those donuts pretty please??

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Brilliant – I’m glad peace has returned! I’ve had a bit of a lazy day Miri – I felt absolutely shattered after the intense 10 days so I decided a chillax day was the order of the day, ready to get cracking tomorrow! Enjoy a wonderful day ‘at one’ with your surroundings xxx

          Liked by 1 person

  6. A brilliant read Miriam, well done!!
    DELICIOUS certainly sums up the stage of my life right now!! Lots of twists & turns in the path along the way, but looking forward to all the Delicious things at my fingertips & ahead!! Love to you my lovely friend. XO

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh Miriam – I love this!! There is such wonder and joy in your post, e.g. “Channel your inner child and dream”. So great. And so awesome how you brought so much creativity into it. 🙂 Really fun too to see the mix of (VERY delicious-looking) food with your words inviting us to live a richer life.

    Thank you so much. I wish for you much deliciousness in every step of your life.
    Love and blessings, 🙂
    ps – that pile high photo of desserts looks amazing. Are those eclairs??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your lovely words here Debbie (and sorry for the delayed reply, I’ve been off the grid camping). The mountain of cakes is cannoli, similar to eclairs (and just as yum). Hugs and love xo 💕

      Liked by 2 people

      1. OMG they look amazing, Miriam. No worries on the delayed reply – you can feel free to comment anytime 🙂

        I replied back to your email, by the way. I used my forgiving connects gmail account, so hopefully it got to you!

        Hugs and love back to you Miriam, I hope you had a wonderful time camping.
        Blessings, Debbie

        ps – it is so uplifting to connect with you!! 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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