2017 Favourites 

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” That quote from Forrest Gump is so apt for this post as, just like a box of Favorites, the year has been (though mostly good) a mixed one.

For the current WPC: Favourites theme, here’s a condensed pictorial look back at the year that was, at least in my world.


The year started off in spectacular fashion at Yanakie. It’s not very often we return to the same camping spot twice within a few weeks but we so fell in love with this place that we did just that.

We also spent five nights in the beautiful King Valley, sampling all the region’s scenic and gourmet delights.

The travel bug hit early this year.


February was the start of my blog world becoming reality when I met Louise from The Year I Touched my toes and gregarious Deb from Deb’s World. It was instant connection, just as it was with fellow bloggers, Kate, Di and Hayley who I met later in the year.

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There’s no end to the adventures we can have if we only seek them with our eyes open” Jawaharal Nehru


One of the best parts of camping is cooking and relaxing in the great outdoors. And we did plenty of that this year. Big skies, even bigger breakfasts, walking it off and chilling out in nature is what I love best.

Our time at Acheron on the Goulburn River was just an overnighter but sometimes that’s all you need to recharge and refuel.


I landed an amazing job and then got fired.

You wouldn’t think getting sacked from a job after only 18 days would qualify as a favourite moment but, looking back, there were lots of lessons in what happened.

I thought it would be my dream job but it proved to me that what I had been striving so hard for wasn’t meant to be.

And it set me on a new path.

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. ” Charles Dickens


We spent some time in the beautiful Buckland Valley with the entire family.

A relaxing few days with some of the highlights being a climb to the Horn at the top of Mount Buffalo set the scene for more memories to be made.


A quiet month of inward contemplation but also one of moving forward.

Long walks with Harry, a renewed passion for my writing, my guitar and music kept me focused on what I love.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that drive us forward.


Our big road trip was the highlight of the year.

It’s almost impossible to choose a favourite photo from our long anticipated trip to the Red Centre. Our six weeks away, crossing into five states, and clocking up 9000 kilometres, was one of the most amazing holidays I’ve ever had.

This happy photo at Kings Canyon epitomises our time away.

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” ~ Anonymous


The first year anniversary of my beautiful mum’s passing. She’s left me with a legacy to be strong, grateful and to live fully and embrace life.

So that’s what I’m doing.

Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” Fred DeWitt Van Amburgh


The season of Spring began in Melbourne and so did my 90 Day Change a Habit Challenge with Wendy from Brilliance Within.

My challenge was to meditate daily for 90 days.

I’m still doing it!


Sometimes the most fun is had right in our back yard.

This month, aside from a couple more camping trips to Yackandandah with friends and along the Campaspie River, Doug and I played tourists and enjoyed a day out exploring wine local wine cellars.


This month we enjoyed a peaceful camping weekend with friends at Lake Eppalock.

There’s something special about camping near water, whether it’s a river, lake or sea. We’ve camped near them all this year.

Lots of personal triumphs this month with both of my kids achieving big things.

I’m so proud of them.


Well, here we are in the last month of the year. Life cotinues with all of its ups and downs, dramas, challenges and moments of joy. I’ve met lots of new people along the way and life feels like a gift.

We are each other’s opportunity. Because you exist, I can do a kind deed for you.” Avinash Do

I was especially excited this month to create my first music video in YouTube. I posted this song, in collaboration with Deb and Rob, in my last blog post, but since then I’ve added some pictures to the song so I thought I’d include the video here. Hope you enjoy it.

I feel a huge sense of expansion as we prepare to enter 2018. I hope you do too.

img_1357Life is full of mystery and surprise. Who knows what’s in that box of chocolates next year. All I know is that it’s all there to be enjoyed.

So don’t hold back.

Happy Christmas everyone, stay happy and healthy and I wish you exciting journeys in 2018.  

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

146 thoughts on “2017 Favourites 

    1. That’s a great way of putting it PC. It WAS a year of adventure and discovery. Hope your adventures continue well into the new year too, I so enjoy following them. Enjoy it all. 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Sue, it was fun looking back and recapping the year. Made me realise how much I have to be grateful for. Wishing you and yours a wonderful year ahead too. Love and hugs xo


  1. Miriam … you have a wonderful voice … you are a talented musician and that’s a big surprise to me! I look forward to the following musical creations! I hope that in 2018 you will have a more beautiful year than 2017! Buon Natale, Miriam!!!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful end of the year post Miriam. Life is indeed full of mystery and surprise and this year has brought you a lot of wonder and joy.
    Looking through the photos I remember each one …except the last of Santa and you two.

    If your life keep flying upwards like this you will take off and join the Eagle as he flies. 😊 .

    Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Miriam, you’re right, this year has brought me a lot of joy. Sometimes it’s only in looking back that we can fully appreciate it.
      Flying like an eagle, I love that expression. Here’s to both of us doing that in 2018. Warmest wishes to you for a very happy Christmas and new year. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your Mum would be so proud of your positive attitude to life, Miriam. I know you struggled for a while but you have really started to shine just lately. Not letting the bad things ruln your world. You deserve a healthy, happy year ahead and I know you’ll do your best to make it so. 🙂 🙂 Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You had me swiping over to WikiCamps for the lowdown on Yanakie. Woody was mumbling “Anakie that’s near Geelong isn’t it?” “No down near The Prom.” Now we’re wondering why we’ve never popped in there.
    Your music video looks great my God girl you’ll be doing Sunday gigs at the local pub next! Have a great and relaxing Christmas!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right, it’s near the Prom, with sweeping views out to the mountains and ocean. We tried our luck again this year but the caravan park’s booked out!
      Thanks for your high praise on the video, made my morning. 🙂 Enjoy your Christmas. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ah, that was great, and a truly wonderful way to recap a year. I have questions! Perhaps I need to scroll back and find the answers in your musings past (what was the job, I must know!). I’ll be doing that, but in the meantime, have an amazing Christmas and incredible last week of the year, Miriam. Somehow, I know you will!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a roller-coaster year Miriam .. and Doug has lost weight [so have I] since we met!

    You are really powering now, enjoying your real talents and that is the blessing of meditation … I highly recommend it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has been a roller coaster year, you’re right my friend, with more ups than downs though.
      I’ve no doubt you can recommend meditation, you’re an expert at it.
      I’ll tell Doug you said that, he’ll be rapt! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. We certainly are two peas in a pod with our favourites quote and chocolates! I loved seeing your year in review in photos and meeting you and Louise was a real highlight. All the best for 2018 Miriam, who knows what it will bring us?? Thanks again for being a guest on my blog this year, you were great to feature and very popular 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome Deb, it was fun to do. Thanks for all of your support and friendship during the year, it’s certainly been a big one for us both. Wishing you a very happy Christmas with your family and lots more exciting adventures in 2018. 🙂

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  8. What an amazing year in reflection, fully lived. A rich life in thankfulness! May your new year journey also be challenging and rewarding. : )

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow I remember every month!!! Can’t believe it was a whole year’s worth! I’m still drooling over that breakfast…it looks soooo yummy. Meeting bloggers is so incredible to me…I love it!! It’s amazing that Hayley was living in another country, moves to Australia and you two meet and have spent time together…I sooo look forward to when we all meet up…that’s going to be one fun time! I must confess I’m so pleased you got sacked!! But see here’s the thing….they knew you were destined for greater things and didn’t want to hold you back so they set you free to discover the magical talents and creativity just waiting to explode out of you! Such a lovely year when you look back…oh there’s always some lows but without them how could we ever truly appreciate the highs. 2018 is going to be even more magical so I hope you have lots of film!!! or whatever you use in a camera nowadays…hehe!! It’s Christmas Eve there now, wishing you wonderful time with your family and a beautiful and Merry Christmas. With all my love & gratitude my dearest Miri…and cheers to so much more to come!! Big Christmas hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deb, it has been a good year and I’m so blessed to have made such a good friend in you that you remembered every month! I still remember when I got that job and how miserable and stressed I was and how you always made me feel so much better. Yes, they did set me free and now when I look back I see it as a turning point. You’re right, we can only truly appreciate the highs by going through the lows.
      Thank you for also introducing me to Hayley, the world has become a much smaller place due to our blogs and one day you and I will meet too.
      Thank you for your friendship and for all of your amazing Gratitude posts. We always have something to be grateful for don’t we?
      Merry Christmas to you. Enjoy this beautiful time of year and I send you much love and big hugs from balmy Melbourne xo ✨💖

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am blessed to have you in my life too my sweet friend! I’m so thrilled that you and Hayley have become friends too. Yes one day we will meet!!
        We do always have something to be grateful for, no matter how small or big!! Thank you…wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest New Years!! With love and lotsa hugs from chilly Massachusetts!! xo 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ok. Wishing you lots of fun and hope Santa is very good to you…you’ve been a very good 😉 girl this year!! I will throw many snowballs for you…hehe. Hugs & love to you my dear friend xo

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Well, I’m settling back now after two lovely (full on) days of family gatherings, lots of food, wine and laughter. We’re at Macedon tonight staying with Doug’s parents. I must have been a good girl, Santa was very kind … 😏
          Wishing you a beautiful Christmas Day my friend. Big hugs and love 🙂 xo


        3. Sounds wonderful, I’m so happy you’ve had such a lovely weekend!! I’m delighted that Santa was very good to you…of course you’ve been a good girl!! It’s Christmas morning here and it’s snowing. It’s the perfect setting…so magical! Enjoy your time at your in-laws and we’ll catch up later!! Big Snowy Christmas hugs and love 💗🎄☃xo


  10. A beautiful year that makes you stronger and filled with gratitude. Once, I remember a former colleague told me jobs come and go.The road may be long but in the end you will triumph. Wishing you an amazing year.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi, Mariam – I love this format for your year in review. Your favourite photo for each month, followed by a bit of prose, works very well. I also loved your well-chosen quotes…and the legacy from your Mom. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wow! What an amazing year, Miriam and I feel I’ve been with you for some of these moments – your posts are that memorable! What a super end with the recording of your song on youtube – I love it!! I hope you’ve had a peaceful and joyful Christmas and warmest wishes for the New Year…who knows what chocolate we will get to pick? Hugs! ❤️


  13. Miriam, thank you for sharing your inspirational year. From that first magnificent sunset to the music you tube along with your commentary makes me look forward to seeing where you get out and about to in 2018. Enjoy the remainder of 2017 and hope the New Year brings you much joy, peace and kindness and lots of fun trips.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Irene, thank you so much for your lovely comment. It’s certainly been a year of discovery and finding new paths and I’m looking forward to continuing it next year. Wishing you a wonderful 2018 in whatever you do. Warmest wishes to you.

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  14. What an amazing year you had Miri! Fabulous photo’s and brilliant reminders of the roller coaster ride. Some wonderful highs along the route for you and your family. Wonderful xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Wendy. It’s definitely been a roller coaster year but with way more highs than lows when I look back. Sometimes it’s good to look back and reflect. Hope you’re well and enjoying the last days of 2017. xo

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      1. Absolutely true Miri – It is good to reflect and recognise and acknowledge how far we’ve travelled and broken through some barriers that we thought may be impossible to get through. Well done to us both!! xxx

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  15. Yackandandah? Wow, I grew up not too far from there Miriam. I’m from Rutherglen in Victoria. What a great review of your year. All the best for 2018.

    Liked by 1 person

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