Signs of the Outback and Beyond 

Have you noticed that signs are everywhere … unless we don’t pay attention and then we miss them.

It’s a good thing I was paying attention on our recent trip through Central Australia and the dusty red earthed roads of The Outback Way. If I hadn’t we’d have likely run over some stray Aussie icons.

My eyes were wide open to these typically Australian signs.

The usual signs were there, warnings of kangaroos, camels, emus, corrugated roads, curves, trucks on hills and sparse camping grounds in the middle of nowhere


Some were more unusual than others, like this one above.

Well, we are in the outback after all!

We passed through five states and stopped to take photos of the border signs, some way more elaborate than others.

Yes, signs guide us to our destination …  like the one below taken yesterday on route to our camping trip this weekend.  It was a bit more civilised!

The historic gold mining village of Yackandandah was our destination, Yack for short, a picturesque spot nestled in the hills and valleys of Victoria’s north east countryside.

We’ve passed a memorable weekend with lots of signs that have lead us to some lesser known tracks and attractions in the area.

Then there are those less subtle signs from the Universe. You know, the ones that make you feel like you’re on the right path, or that perhaps someone you miss dearly is looking out for you.

I mentioned to a blogger friend recently that I was missing mum and couldn’t ‘feel’ her lately, I couldn’t remember how she sounded. She told me to keep an eye out for any sort of sign.

Life went on and I forgot the conversation

Then last Monday, the morning of my birthday, I stepped outside to water my new veggies that I recently planted in my garden. I’ve been watering them every day for weeks.

As I stepped out, it started to rain and I realised I wouldn’t have to water. It was gentle but enough of a drink for my plants.

I then walked further into the backyard, and that’s when I noticed them.

15 beautiful white peace lilies in my patch of garden that Lamby recently pruned. The flowers weren’t there the day before. They had sprouted up, literally over night, and they were completely open and in full bloom.

Mum loved peace lilies. It was like they’d come up for my birthday, like a gift from her.

I stood there breathless, a tear in my eyes.

Then, just in case I hadn’t noticed the lilies, the very next day a flock of colorful rainbow lorikeets landed on my outdoor decking.

It was like another gift.

Purple, orange, green parrots, a whole rainbow line of them, they were so beautiful … I haven’t seen them here in years. I’ve never seen so many lined up like that.

I turned away to grab my phone to snap a photo but they flew off. They haven’t been back.

It was such a fleeting moment, so unexpected and so incredibly magical.

It almost felt like a dream but it was real. Hubby saw them too.

Sometimes the signs can be there but if we’re not ready to see them we won’t. I feel as though, finally, my eyes are wide open. I love it.

Are you paying attention?  Are you open to the signs around you, all the wondrous signs of the Universe, those signs letting you know that you’re on track?

Are you open to change, to letting things into your life, even though you may not understand the grand plan exactly? 

Open your heart, your mind and embrace all that life has to offer. It’s waiting for you. All you have to do is notice, and believe.

Remember, you are unstoppable. 

Happy October everyone.

Have a magical week and month ahead and keep your eyes open. You never know what amazing things are waiting for you, just around the corner.

In response to Frank’s Tuesday Photo Challenge: Signs

99 thoughts on “Signs of the Outback and Beyond 

  1. beautiful signs from your mum. she is clearly telling you that she is around – what a great birthday gift. i also love the road signs, too. i’m a huge fan of signs of all kinds –

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Miriam for another fun and sensitive post. First you entertain us with the fun signs of Australia. I just love it, so imaginative and simple; yet so very helpful.
    Then the wonderful story about your mother, the Peace lilies ( my mother loved them too ) and the birds. Yes to be open to signs in life, I try to always be. I am sure I fail too but there are those wonderful moments.
    hug / miriam

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  3. Love the sign photos Miriam, some of those Aussie ones are just daft but very funny. Especially like the Glendambo one. Signs relating to everything are always all around us, we just have to look sometimes. Happy Birthday.

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  4. Beautiful 🙏🏻🌷 I love those stunning signs sent from heaven to you Miriam. What a beautiful reminder of the importance in paying attention and staying present 🌈 sending you love and hugs 🤗 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Hayley. Yes, absolutely, paying attention is so important, Hope you’ve had a great day, how nice is this weather! Enjoy this beautiful spring sunshine this week. Big hugs xo 🌷🙂

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      1. Oh this weather is a dream – my English skin had even become a little more bronzed this week 🙊😍☀️ here’s to paying attention to the subtleties and signs in life! Sending you joy and magic on the glorious day my friend 🌸🌈💕🌷 xx

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  5. Enjoyed this post on signs, both clear and harder to read or see – just have to look or wait, sometimes…
    My favourite photograph? The border sign saying border. I think they tried too hard with that one, it needed less!
    Thanks, Miriam, and enjoy your week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely message Miriam, especially about the peace lilies. I laughed at some of those road signs in the outback. You have reminded me to be open to today’s / this week’s signs.

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  7. Oh, Miriam, what a soft and beautiful post. Your words about signs brought tears to my eyes. I’ve received two signs from my best friend, multiple signs from my Mom, and I have yet to have any from Tee, who is being typically Teasy-Weasy …. as I used to call him. I will really be looking for signs today because I just have to know Tee is all right. I know he is … yet there is just something about signs which I know you know what I mean. Bless you for this post! 💝

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Amy, I’m so glad that you’ve got those signs from your best friend and your mom. As for Tee, well, just keep your eyes peeled because there’ll be something soon. You just have to be patient I think. I do know what you mean, I really do. Big hugs xo 💖

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  8. A celebration of signs, Miriam! 😀 I thought the elk one in Sweden was impressive but your selection are much more entertaining and varied! The dream quote at the end is beautiful and unites the the themes of actual signs to the the ones in our lives perfectly. Wow..what a wonderful blessed moments with the lorikeets over the flowers loved by your mother. She’s watching over you. Hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow – you really did get some messages there Miri. I truly believe that we do get those sign through plants, bird and butterflies etc. Those peace lilies were definitely a sign weren’t they and then an extra sign with the birds just to reinforce it for you.. Amazing and very special xx

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  10. Not gonna lie, Miriam. The ‘keep left on the crest’ sign scares the hell out of me!!! Not only because of the oncoming truck but the hill that looks utterly terrifying! Ha! Your country looks so beautiful and someday, my feet will touch the ground there. Hope you have been enjoying a wonderful week, Miriam!! 💜

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    1. Haha, you make me laugh Tanya. Don’t worry, the trucks that size usually stay on the highways, where we can keep an eye on them. But thanks,your comment gave me a giggle. Hope you make it out here one day. Take care my friend. I’ve just read your latest post. 💕 xo


  11. Wow so very beautiful and definitely from your Mum…and just so you knew for sure that it was her, she sent backup in a rainbow of birds! Oh too bad you didn’t get a pic, would loved to have seen that! But for some reason they weren’t for sharing just for you. I’ve been paying attention too and not taking anything for granted…you never know what’s meant to be a sign…almost everything is actually! That sign about the sheep and flies is funny! Yup eyes wide open and ready to receive all signs!! Rainbow hugs xo

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    1. I think you’re right about the birds Deb. As much as I wanted a photo, they weren’t meant to be shared. Glad you’ve been paying attention too, it’s just amazing the things that come our way and that happen. Actually I’ve just sent you an email to elaborate on this! I hope your week has been good. Soon it will be your bedtime. Big rainbow hugs back my beautiful friend 🙂🌈✨ xo

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      1. Yup they were just for you…but of course I had to look up their meaning so I sent that to you…along with the other happenings…goosebumps!! As usual. It will soon be my bedtime again too..but I have some catching up to do first and create my post so off I go for now. Ohhh big rainbow hugs and full moon wishes my lovely lady!! xo

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        1. Good morning I got your reply…omg it’s amazing how alike we are in so many ways!! I’ll explain. Goosebumps too!! Hope you had a great supper and are relaxing if not in bed already!! Gotta go buy me a mattress today! Big Hugs xo oh and it’s Saturday, of course it’s beautiful, hehe xo

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        2. Hi Deb, it’s Sunday morning here now. I’ve just woken up and an still thinking about the two very strange dreams I had last night. Tell you about them some time. Oh, did you buy your mattress? How nice that will be. Well I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday evening there. Talk more soon. Big hugs xo

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        3. Well good morning, you’re up early, isn’t it like 6 am? I did buy a mattress yay!! I’ll tell you about that too. Ohhh interesting, write it down so you don’t forget it as you wake up more…or at least what you can remember. Abraham says when you go to bed to ask the Universe that when you wake to remember your dreams if there are good messages in them!! Look forward to hearing…but like me…no hurry!! Big dreamy hugs xoxo 🙂

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        4. It’s actually 8am now, I’m in bed having a cup of lemon tea, very relaxing. Oh yay, you bought your mattress, how exciting. Have you had it delivered yet? I think I’ll remember these dreams I had because I’ve just told Doug about them too. Soo strange. Hugs back lovely one xox

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        5. Huh, so we’re 15 hours apart right now, it’s 5:12 pm here. I thought it was 13 hours, do you turn your clocks ahead in the Spring and back in the Fall? Oh good then that should help you to remember them. No my mattress will be delivered next Saturday, I could have had it delivered tomorrow but I decided to wait, cuz i’m thinking about rearranging the room and I have to move some furniture around…Enjoy your lemon tea….and your Sunday!! Cozy, relaxing hugs xo 🙂

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        6. Yeah, we’ve just recently turned out clocks back for daylight saving so we have an extra hour of daylight. It always takes some adjusting but I do like it. So, we’re 15 hours difference, I’ll have to remember that.
          Oh next Saturday sounds good. You can get your room ready, exactly the way you want. Have fun. It’s so exciting getting a new piece of furniture. Enjoy xo 🙂

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        7. And we turn our clocks back to try to get more daylight at the end of the day…we’ll do that end of October so that will put us 16 hours apart because it would be 4 o’clock now if we had already turned them….wow. Yes I love rearranging furniture, like to shake things up…then after I tire of that I put the furniture back to how I originally had it hehe. It is soooo fun. Thanks I will enjoy…xo 🙂

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      1. NO! You know I did see that there were 110 comments,,,which by the way simple amazes me…your site just grows by leaps and bounds daily, that’s why you are going to freelance write for somebody, actually many somebodys real soon too!! Anyway it never occurred to me that I was 111!!! Love it… xo Thanks for bringing that to my attention…more Goosebumps…I love goosebumps!! hehe xo

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  12. Happy belated Birthday Miriam! The Outback signs are well worth the read…they make you smile or laugh. Outside of the cities people have a great sense of humour!!! Great post Miriam!! Hmmm sometimes signs are not written, they appear in many forms – so yes you do have to keep your mind open to the signs in life!

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