Fearless at 52

Do you remember when you were young and all your dreams lay before you? When getting a car licence at 18 was thrilling and at 21 you felt ready to take on the world.

Being 50 seemed so old.

Older and raring to go

Well, I can tell you it’s not. Welcome to the frisky fifties!

Okay, my eyesight and memory might not be as sharp these days, but I can still hold my own on the dance floor.

I’ve also achieved some of my long ago dreams.  I’ve travelled, become a published writer, married a great guy and raised two well adjusted young adults.

Yet somewhere along the way, amongst all the growing up and raising a family, my dreams began to fade. Does anyone else feel like this?

We play so many roles and wear so many hats that we forget what we love, and what makes us tick. In a nutshell, we get caught up in life.

Fast forward 31 years and I’ve been …

Saluting to the forest… a daughter, a sister, a student, a rebel, a traveler and a searcher. I’ve been an office worker, a professional, a girlfriend, a vagabonda (as my mum used to call me) and a wife.

I’ve been a mother, a nurse, a cook and a cleaner, a stress-head, a taxi driver, a garbologist and psychologist and many things to many people

Amidst all the roles I’ve played, and still play, I feel like I’m returning to the one that fits me best.

Today, as I turn 52, I am simply me.

Raw, authentic, imperfect, flawed, passionate, highly-sensitive, frisky, emotional, vulnerable, powerful, fearless me.

I feel like something’s woken within me.

And I’m ready to take on the world again.

Who’s ready to join me?

Who’s ready to break out of the limiting beliefs and doubts we place on ourselves?

Who’s ready to grow and get to know themselves again, beneath all the layers?

Maybe shedding these layers is all an evolving process, an ongoing journey we’re on.

creating yourself

Right now I’m in the process of creating a new focus board and honing in on those new dreams.

It’s taken a while but, through a lot of soul searching and writing, I finally know what I want and it feels exciting.

Life, for all if it’s imperfections and bad hair days, feels like it’s just beginning again, just like a new dawn.


My gift to you on my birthday is a song, written by my dear friend, the beautiful and talented Deb from Once Upon a Hot Flash.

Here is it, a little bit of sas and attitude that fits my mood. Hope you enjoy it.

Whatever age you are, feel frisky, fearless and invincible.

Yes, the role playing will no doubt continue but, if life is a big show, we may as well choose a starring role.

roles in life

Be the amazing version of you that you are and dare to shine. 

Here’s to reclaiming our dreams, embracing our true selves and enjoying the journey.

Wishing you a fabulous and fearless week ahead.

223 thoughts on “Fearless at 52

  1. Wow!!👏👏 A terrific song for us all…but I’m sure you’re the one supposed to be getting presents! A very Happy Birthday and have a fantastic celebration! 🎉 🎂 💐 Your post is bubbly and full of enthusiasm for life – I’m definitely with you – no more doubts or self-limitations!! Fisky, fearless and invincible it is! 😀🎈

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Beautifuly said I know exactly what you mean. I often have this feeling on my birthdays but this year I turned 30 and I feel like everything has changed. So thank you for sharing your story, it’s really nice to hear others go through the same thing.
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Happy Birthday and growing older is liberating isn’t it? When I turned 50 I could not believe the number- I saw it as how old my parents were- not me! In a few months I will face another 0 and that number is daunting- but in my head I am 30- so who cares?? Keep going with your great attitude and conquer all!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Lisa, thanks very much, that’s how I used to see turning 50 too, I remember my parents and thought of them as old, but now that I’m here I’ve changed. Yes, it’s liberating. Enjoy your next milestone, there’s so much to celebrate in life. xo 💖

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  4. Wow, YES and all positive expressions. I just adore your post and it rang so very true.
    Every word and thought.
    quote you on one “Life, for all if it’s imperfections and bad hair days, feels like it’s just beginning again, just like a new dawn. ” will copy that out.

    You go Birthday girl. Have a wonderful day and life. I know you will.
    Hugs 💕🤗

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Hi there again Miriam. I realised after sending first message that I forgot to mention the song.
        I loved it both poetically and musically. Say hi to Deb for me. You voice and guitar playing has a sweetness and cheeky rhythm.
        🦋💕 miriam

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Happy Birthday, Miriam! Fellow 50 something here- and I agree. This is not old. I think it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate and make plans for the future. I don’t feel like I’m 53 and I’m not planning on acting as old as young people perceive 50 to be! Have a great day!Great post!!! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Finding life and love within yourself is worthy of celebration! You truly are encouragingly fabulous. Happiest birthday hugs! : ). Go soar the beauty. : )

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy birthday, Miriam! And thank you for putting those thoughts together for us! “Life is about creating yourself” – I don’t know how many times I have told people so 🙂 Listening to oneself and act towards our longings, wishes and dreams is what makes us happy, fulfilled. Have a great birthday! Greets from Germany, Selly

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy birthday Miriam! May you continue to flourish and unfurl and enjoy it all! I am so thrilled for you and your excitement for all of life’s magic! Thank you for sharing a lot of that here so we may all join in on your happiness and insights. I am 27 but feel what you speak of! We must have many rebirths I suppose! Cheers!!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I’m so glad you loved the song! I’ve had so little feedback on it, I wasn’t sure what to think. I honestly loved singing it to Deb’s awesome words and I’d be absolutely thrilled if you added some bass to it. So go for it … and let me know how it sounds. 🙂🎸


  9. Happy Birthday Miriam and I am sooooo with you! I turned 50 six months ago and haven’t stopped, nothing is holding me down now! Just started kickboxing because I just wanted too! #50isthenew30! You go girl!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I haven’t had time to read your whole post yet!! I just got home a short while ago…I scanned it quickly at work and I wanted to reblog it so I did that!! I hope you had a fabulous birthday and did everything fun!!
        Thank YOU for the music and singing our song. I treasure our friendship too and you inspire as well!! Your posts are so inspiring!! Big birthday day after hugs…although here it is still your birthday so I’m still celebrating!! Be over shortly to give your post the time it deserves to be savored and enjoyed!! xo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks Deb, I had a lovely day. A quiet relaxing morning and then in the afternoon I got my hair done. Even shared the song with my hairdresser and her friend! Went out for dinner last night and now it’s the morning after and I’m feeling particularly inspired with a big To do list.
          Thank you for your lovely comments and the reblog. I’m going to share on FB tonight too. In the meantime you enjoy your evening Deb, yes keep celebrating and enjoy “our post”. Big hugs xo

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Oh it does sound like a lovely day! Ohhh inspired huh??? I love that sound of that. I’m going to see if I can add the song to my music carousel, I tried yesterday to add I’ve Won Today but every time I uploaded it the music did not come along…don’t know why! Anyways gonna try to add Frisky, that will be cool!! I’ll love to see what reaction you get! Yes I have to create my post for tomorrow. Wishing you a thrilling Tuesday!! Big hugs my lovely lady…xo

          Liked by 1 person

        3. I saw that you just followed me on Soundcloud. Pretty cool. I think you’re only my second follower, ha! Still trying to work out the ins and outs of it all myself though it’s all good fun. Have fun creating your post for tomorrow, I’m working my way through my list! Talk soon. Big hugs xo

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        4. I’m trying to figure out how to save it to my media library…then I can add it to my carousel!! Ha… It is cool! We’ll look back one day and say remember when you were my second follower… 😉
          I just texted my sister and told her to listen to the song when she has a chance and that I would love her and Teri’s feedback. She said they’d listen tomorrow. I’ll let you know what they say. I still want to respond to your email…that was fascinating!!! So much to do…so little time!! Big hugs xo 🙂

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        5. I know exactly what you mean. I keep coming back here on WP while I’m in the middle of doing all this other stuff. Feels like such a normal part of my day now.
          Yes, do let me know what they think. And good luck with getting the songs on Carousel, you’ll get there. As for that email, yes, it was intriguing … 😏 xo

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  10. No 50 is not old even probably everyone thinks like that at youngster. My mom thinks it’s great time (she’s 73). I’m 37 and I’m always thinking how did I got this far, this old. Well for real, I’m not old. Just “forgetting” it sometimes…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy birthday, Miriam!!! 🎉🎂🍾 As always, your post touched my heart and reminded me to keep moving and pursuing. You energy is contagious and your spirit intoxicating. I am so happy you are here, Miriam. I hope you found a way to celebrate you, today, because you are simply fabulous! xo

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  12. I’m with you girlfriend!!! I’m ready to break out and shed my layers. Let’s go fearlessly ahead and realize our dreams. If we don’t realize them no one will!! I love having a starring role!! So you with your guitar and beautiful voice and me with my piano and words…we’ll make a fine duo! Ohhh duo…the Fearless Frisky duo…I love it!! The Double Fs!! HA. I hope your day was amazing…and all the days that follow can be nothing but…with that attitude. You forgot to mention musician and singer too! I love the “simply me” best of all! Your birthday present to me is your friendship, your honesty, your trust, your inspiration, your warmth, your caring, your insight, your sweet soul, your kindness, oh so many presents!! Once again Happy Birthday my sweet dear friend and many many frisky, fearless, and sassy more!! Big hugs and much love, xo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, you made me cry. See, I told you I was emotional.
      Thank you so much Deb. You know that everything you mentioned, all the presents I give to you, you give back to me threefold, don’t ever forget that. 💜
      I love the Double F’s, the Fearless Frisky duo, ha, how awesome. Better get cracking on the next song then if we’re going to compile that CD. Way to go girlfriend! Big hugs back xo 🙂

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      1. 🙂 We’re a couple of emotional gals…perfect for songwriting and singing!! Thank you too you put a great big smile on my face!! See it there.
        Ok time to move on to the next one…I’ve had some ideas for a love song…with your gorgeous voice it’s sure to be a huge hit!! Uh time for my ice cream…hehe Big ice cream hugs to you xo 🙂

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        1. Mm, a smoochy love song, sounds perfect. Well, have fun creating that. I’ll be here when it’s ready. 🙂💜 Enjoy that ice cream, yum, have a bite for me too. 🍧🍡

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  13. I absolutely LOVED this post, Miriam! You’ve got such a great voice and is that you playing the guitar as well? It’s been ages since I’ve picked mine. I’m not half as good as you. You don’t look 52! You’ve set new goals for me. 🙂 I’m so happy for you. It’s never too late to discover yourself and it’s something that I’m struggling with. Your posts offer me hope and I just feel so happy reading them. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Warm bear hug!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Boy do you know how to make a girl feel good, thanks Cheryl! 😊 Yes that’s me playing the guitar and singing to Deb’s awesome words. You know, it’s never too late to pick up that guitar of yours. I dusted mine off after about twenty years of not playing it, took a few lessons and voila I love it again. Glad my posts give you hope, just like yours always inspire me to want to travel more. Happy goal setting my friend. Bear hugs back xo

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  14. I loved the song and love the lyric about sass! Did Deb write it and you sang it? Happy Birthday! I like how you recognised you are many things to everyone…I think a lot of us forget that, and a lot of our time our presence means more to others than we think. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead, and follow your heart 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mabel. Yes, that’s right, it was a joint collaboration between Deb and I. She’s a great writer isn’t she? And thanks for your kind wishes here, I appreciate it. Hope you’re having a good week. 🙂


  15. Happy Birthday, Miriam! I love the way you are “owning” all the things you have been in the past 52 years, and the way you are still chasing your dreams. That is exactly the way life ought to be lived. Carry on, my friend!!!

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