It’s not Unusual

We’ve seen some strange things on our travels. I guess that’s what makes travelling in Australia so interesting and so much fun.

It’s not often you see kinky art in country paddocks but at Mt Cole State Park these two are permanently intertwined.

This is in the same paddock.

Makes you wonder what the artist was thinking at the time.

From kinky art to yarn bombed trees is a bit more tasteful but it’s still not something you see every day.

Nor is a knitted street sign rugged up for the winter in nearby Strathewen.

Some people will put all sorts of things on a pole.

Have you ever seen a Ute on a pole? This one’s at Pooncarie.

Or a tractor towing a speed boat in the ocean?

Then there’s our fascination with big things.

I’m sure other countries have these too.

We have the big Barramundi in the Daintree, the big banana in Coffs Harbour, the big koala near the Grampians, the big galah in Kimba and the big pelican in Noosa.

Then there’s the big prawn, the big guitar, the big pineapple, the big peanut, the big gumboot, the big crab and the big dog on the tucker box … the list goes on and on.

I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.

Maybe we’ll meet up with The Big Croc when we’re up north. Apparently he sits outside a service station in Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory.

Then there’s our strange looking locals.

Many of you will have met them before on my blog.

They’re not really as fierce as they appear. Unusual, yes. scary looking? maybe, harmful? not overly, at least not this fella.

Still, I wouldn’t want to mess with him in the dark.

We often label things as unusual when they’re out of the ordinary. But we’re all a bit that way, aren’t we?  I prefer to call it unique.

We’re all unique, every single one of us. Whether by our looks, our mannerisms or our lifestyle, the way we think or what we do, being unusual is a natural state and all about accepting who we are.

A flashback in time. Can you pick me?

If you’re not willing to risk the unusual you will have to settle for the ordinary. Jim Rohn

Life would be boring if we were all the same.

Here’s to embracing all our quirkiness and differences.

Keep smiling, think big and never be afraid to be yourself … beautiful, bold and unusual. 

Sharing for Frank’s Tuesday Challenge: Unusual

159 thoughts on “It’s not Unusual

  1. Fantastic post Miriam!! I love the unusual, unique things in our world. I love the photo of you both on the big seat. Great collection of photos and words once again. Truly inspirational – that’s you xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had to do a double-take on the bench photo, Miriam! 😃 That’s just brilliant! It looks a bit of a clamber to get up there though. I love these photos of the different and quirky…Also, is anyone else wondering how they got a Ute up on a pole and how it’s staying stable??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, I’m not sure how that Ute got up there, a crane maybe? That bench was a lot of fun and you’re right, it was a clamber to get up there. From memory there was a queue to climb it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the image of the thorny lizard… We’ve seen a prawn like that too in Exmouth. If you travel the states they have eclectic art all over the place… biggest wheel of cotton, largest cow testicle… the list is endless.

    Liked by 1 person

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