An Unopened Window

When we first walked in our house
the view had me entranced
a window to the world outside
we both knew at a glance.

It was the place for us
not just the view but the vibe
this was a calming space
where the outside world came inside.

To see the hills and the sky alive
we could feel the world within
the backyard lush and green
though drought has changed it since then.

Fifteen years ago with another on the way
we decided to extend
and the view opened further still
when we built a room at the end.


A huge picture window went in
bringing more light into play
where I watch rainbows and sky colours change
and where night time fades away.

Nearby in the lounge
a stain glass window was crafted
with talented hands by my hub and his mum
pride of place are two kookaburras laughing.

But my window doesn’t open
it’s purpose is a view
and sometimes I wonder
what would happen if I knew.

Why do I let windows of opportunity pass
when it’s all there waiting below.
My two unopened windows
are they really just for show?

Windows show us what’s outside
and also looking in
but often to see clearly
we need to look within.

To see where we are going
when the view can be unclear
perhaps it’s when we step outside
that obstacles disappear.

Sunset gazing (800x600)

Here’s to making the most of those windows of opportunity that appear in our lives.

Appreciating the beauty and inspiration that surrounds us where ever we are, whether looking out or looking in.

Let’s never forget, where-ever we are there’s always a different view and a new perspective. It’s up to us to look up and find it.


In response to Patrick’s A Word and a pic Challenge #64: Windows

74 thoughts on “An Unopened Window

  1. Wonderful, Miriam. Looking within, while difficult at times, is where we find ourselves. I see a parallel here with keeping a journal. In the quiet spaces, when I just sit and start, the ideas and thoughts flow; after a time, there it is. My answer. ❤ Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful, serene thoughtful post, Miriam! I love your home, it is part of the landscape with the tress almost branching their way in! Also I’m a fan of stained glass windows and yours here is lovely, a real gem.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely Miriam! It’s been great catching up on your posts over the past few weeks. I’m back now trying to catch up on all that I’ve missed out on. I hope you are feeling good, the weather is warming up and the sunshine is plentiful at the moment. Hopefully your sister is recovering and the burns man was lucky to have you on hand. What a dreadful experience! Take care 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Deb, great to see you back here. Sounds and looks as though you had an amazing time in NZ. Definitely a place I’d love to put on my bucket list. Thanks for reading and yes, it’s great to see the sun shining and enjoying warmer days. Enjoy! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That was beautiful, Miriam! I especially liked the part about the unopened windows… I’m going to be thinking about that for a while. And the stained glass your hubby and MIL made is gorgeous, as are your views!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are such a gifted writer, this is so touching. I love your window and the view out to the world, but what a twist you give it at the end. It’s all about perspective and how you can look at the same situation differently! You have such a gentleness about you and wisdom. I knew I’d be inspired reading your posts…”posts” that word does not do justice to your writings…”words from the soul” is much better!! That stain glass window is gorgeous tell your hubby and his mum – well done!! Big hugs. xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh you are most welcome, it is my pleasure. You always make me pause and think and then feel inspired, so thank you!! Ahh and the hugs are so comforting too…returning those hugs!! xo

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I was wondering when you were actually moving. Yes, absolutely make the most of the time you have left there. It’s the end of a lovely chapter there by the sounds of it. Enjoy it my dear. xo

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Phew, I feel tired for you. But it’s good to know there’s an end in sight. Just keep that in mind when things get too hard and crazy. And remember to breeeeath.

          Liked by 1 person

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