A Nostalgic trip back in time

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on the past lately so when I saw the latest theme for The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Nostalgia I knew it was a perfect chance for a trip down memory lane. And to share a bit more of my world.


Here’s my family from a few years back!  We used to go on so many outings and picnics that it’s little wonder I love being out in nature so much.


When I was 22 I went back to Italy. It was my first solo trip visiting mum and dad’s hometown village and it was an amazing experience to learn more about their culture and appreciate the life they’d lived before emigrating to Australia.


I also drove around England and Scotland with a girlfriend.  It opened my eyes to the world and set in motion a love of travel that has never left me.


Back home after my trip to Europe and here’s my work group all dressed up for our fancy dress Christmas Party. I often wondered how it would feel to go back.

Just two weeks ago I got my wish and I was back there to sort out probate for mum’s Estate.  The place just wasn’t the same and the mood was sombre.  Rewind nearly thirty years ago however and I was a bit of a party girl. Can you pick me in the picture?


This was my first car, my canary Datsun Stanza, and here’s my main man, AKA the hubby, in our single carefree days. Enjoying random weekends away down the Great Ocean Road was something we always loved to do back then. And still do!


Someone else who loved our road trips was Bluey, our funny, gentle, loyal canine companion of 15 years. He was our ‘first child’. To this day whenever I see a Blue Heeler I’m filled with wistful longings.


Then we had our little munchkin, Tash. Is it any wonder that today, at 18 years old, she has brought home an orphaned lamb to hand raise?


Here are both my kids in younger days and Bluey in his last year with us. He always loved the beach.

So many precious moments that pass by so quickly. Happy, sad, nostalgic, challenging  moments of life and parenthood that no manual can ever prepare us for.  Wistful feelings occasionally hit me with a longing for days that somehow seemed so much ‘easier’ yet it’s all relative and there’s not too much I’d change.


Every now and then it’s good to pause, look back and see where we’ve been so we can fully appreciate the journey and how far we’ve come.  But more importantly, it’s good to focus on now, enjoying each and every day and looking towards the future. 

Creating more happy memories and learning more life lessons.

Thanks for being with me as I’ve tripped back in time.

Wishing you all happiness, love and light as we continue our journey.

111 thoughts on “A Nostalgic trip back in time

  1. it is always great to embrace wonderful memories and to reminisce them every once in a while. You’re blessed with a loving family who shares the love of nature and travel with you. I’m happy for you dear and thank you for sharing your memories with us.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. When I look through old photos, it always makes me cry. Not in a sad way, not really, but just very emotional… especially pictures from the time I was 10 or younger… and when my kids were babies/toddlers. Really love that Scotland picture… ahh, such fun. I have a similar picture of me somewhere, but the backdrop is a sign in London… and it may have been raining… okay, I guess it’s not that similar. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. algia = pain nostos = return home==a painful return home. Ouch. But wait! Bittersweet memories, too. Now you know why I chose the title of my blog: MEMORIESOFATIME. It is so “perfect.” We are in the process of unpacking boxes/cartons of pictures/photos, from the beginning, 1941 to present to downsize. This is going to be a GREAT undertaking, filled with nostalgia. I can feel it already.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much for sharing you memories, Miriam! As I scrolled through your pictures and read your recollections, I couldn’t help but smile broadly. I absolutely love that upside-down picture of Bluey! And all those pictures of your adventures when you were younger, and your children… when I get too caught up in taking life too seriously, too anxious about the future, and too distressed by all my stresses and cares in the present moment, I like to look back and remember all my cherished memories with friends and family, and remind myself not to worry so much. It’s remembering to remember that is the hard part.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, that’s true Lulu. Remembering to remember and being grateful for everything. And then moving forward holding on to happy memories whilst making new ones … here’s to a good week ahead for you. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A wonderful trip down memory lane. It slowed down my busy morning looking at your photographs which I really enjoyed. All memories in the making, just wonderful stuff.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Love your pictures! What fun times you’ve had!

    I think you are the angel in the front, on the right, with the halo, at the office party, although the picture is kind of small for me. It looks like she has your sassiness, lol. 🙂

    Your trips look awesome, what wonderful memories you’ve made! And how great to have the pictures to look back on. 🙂

    It’s said you can’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve been. If that’s true, I think the sky’s the limit for you. ❤ ❤ *hugs*

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw, that’s the nicest comment Ness! Don’t know it’s completely true for me at the moment, I feel like there’s lots of detours and crap to get through but hey, I’ll get there!
      And yes, you picked me spot-on at the office party 🙂
      Hope you’re well my friend. xo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, you will get there! I believe in you. 🙂

        I’m good! A bit overwhelmed right now, but good. 😀 I’ll get there, too, lol! We will arrive at our destinations together, right? Arm in arm along the way. ❤ *hugs*

        Liked by 2 people

  7. I do this a lot (think about the past) and lately for some reason, have been doing it more. I miss my girls when they were little, I miss that time of my life. I’m very happy now too, but as you know, it’s just different. Thanks for sharing your look back!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Your Nostalgic Rewind, 30 years back was delightful to read. I loved the Pic of You standing infront of the Rock called “Scotland”, your dog Bluey.
    It is quite a thing to be able to write about past memories. I can hardly remember last 10 years back.
    Thank you for entertaining us Miriam.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, that’s so true Lindsay. And I would say, generally, we did it with better customer service. Some customer service these days leaves a lot to be desired.


  9. I wasn’t sure, but thought you were the one squatting down in front, on the right. Then I read the comments, and realized I was correct! It is so much fun to look back on our life and remember all we’ve done and all the places we’ve been, and most importantly, who we have been with. It does help us remember that what we are doing now could very well be a special memory for the future. Thanks for sharing yours, Miriam!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. i enjoyed that walk with you. Bluey…such a gorgeous pup. Love the one of you in front of the rock and that one of your daughter is priceless. A glimpse into the future for sure. 🙂

    I love looking through old pictures. Time has a way of slipping by and it’s nice to travel back from time to time. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. oh man this post and your old photos made me so incredibly nostalagic for my own carefree, full-of-adventures childhood and early years. Also makes me want to appreciate the moments I have now as one day they’ll be long lost in the past too

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Lovely post and so nice seeing some photos from the past – how times have changed over the last few decades. Love that Pooh Bear quote too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  13. This is my favorite kind of post, a trip down memory lane. Loved it. Thanks for the share. Speaking of “how to” manuals, my sister used to tell her children when they argued with her that she was right because it says so in “The Parents’ Handbook.” Imagine the conversations THAT started. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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