Travel theme: Pairs

Life is so much more fun in pairs. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy time alone, which is fortunate as hubby’s interstate for work again. I’ve kept myself busy, especially with a four legged energetic Lamborghini in the family.  But it’s always better when he’s around, sharing the highs and lows, the good days and the ordinary ones.

Seems it’s the way of nature too. Like we’re wired to be in company and part of something bigger. Like these guys.

Merlin and Wilbur (800x533)

This is my daughter’s horse Merlin and his buddy Wilbur behind him. We all need friends to keep us optimistic and looking forward, watching our back.

Lamas at Moonambel (800x600)

Have you ever had a bad hair day or got caught wearing the same sweater as your bestie?  That’s what these two alpacas remind me of when I look at them.

Reminds me that we shouldn’t take life too seriously. Nor judge others by how they look.  This pair of alpacas look gruff and serious but I bet they know how to have fun.

Walkerville Seagulls1 (800x533)

Looks like a good life for this pair of gulls, lazing on the sand at Walkerville.

They can teach us a lot.  Chilling out, living in the moment, it’s something we can all do every day.

Walkerville Seagulls2 (800x533)

Sometimes it’s just about the togetherness. A perfect pair walking in contented silence.

Isn’t that the best kind of relationship, when no words are needed.

mungo and pink lakes 300

And just hanging around together makes us happy.

This pair of galahs serenaded us awake every morning when we camped in the Pink Lakes.

Twin pelicans at Menindi (800x600)

At Menindi these pelicans swam past us each evening.  A perfect pair gliding through calm waters, or so it appeared on the surface.

But life’s not always what it appears.  Relationships can be complex.

Tash and Dan (800x600)

Then there are my pair of rascals.  They’re chalk and cheese, so different from each other but at the end of the day they’ve got each others back.

Perfect pairs working in tandom (800x533)

Despite their differences when they need to pull together they make a great team.

Like me and my man, the one who picks me up when I’m feeling down, the one who sometimes drives me nuts but at the end of the day keeps me grounded.

And there’s nothing better than sitting down with him at the end of a hard day and enjoying a good strong coffee and and some dark Lindt chocolate – now that’s a perfect pair!


Whether we’re part of a pair or an individual, may we all feel a part of something bigger than ourselves and may we never feel alone but loved.

Wishing you happiness and peace as we continue the journey. Remembering to savor every minute of every day. Staying positive and being mindful of the small things.


In response to Alisa’s Travel theme: Pairs at Where’s my Backpack


57 thoughts on “Travel theme: Pairs

  1. The name you gave the horses is “larmboghinis” Nice blog. I have been trying to get followers on my blog and I only managed to get 3 in a week. my blog is


  2. Love this post, my boys are also like day & night, but they always have each others back, its a lovely thing to see and to know, I myself have my dogs, and I love a new pair of shoes!!!
    However I always focus on the best pair………..::::::::

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I thought it said Paris…lol. I read ‘Life is so much more fun in Paris.’
    I couldn’t for the life me understand the Paris reference till I got to the end and read ‘in response to PAIRS.’ Ha. I’m glad I make myself laugh. 😉

    That pelican photo is so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are so right, Miriam! We all need someone, and some group, to belong to at some point. And the best relationships are the ones where no words are needed; it is enough to simply be together. Beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Reminds me that we shouldn’t take life too seriously.” Couldn’t agree more. I really enjoyed reading this post, Miriam. Reminds me of my journey with Basil over the years. 🙂 Pairs work for a reason. You couldn’t have said it better.

    Liked by 1 person

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