Look up and hope

I look at my world and believe in good.  In kindness and compassion, forgiveness and love.  In the midst of a world that’s full of sadness and hate, senseless violence and acts of brutality I have to believe in not just a beautiful world but a good one.

Underneath a waterfall (600x800)

Where kindness and compassion can over ride violent acts.  I don’t like to watch the world news, not because I want to be oblivious to what’s happening in other parts of the world, but because in many cases there’s nothing I can do.

Looking up at the Otways (800x600)

But here in my own world there is something I can do.  I can practice my own form of kindness. I can spread joy, even if it sometimes seems tiny. I can practice daily random acts of kindness by sharing, giving, caring and forgiving.

I can be grateful. And when things get hard I can be strong and resilient. These tree trunks seem to stretch to the sky finding light beyond and we can all be like that.


We can refuse to let the darkness overwhelm our light. Whether it’s on the road, out in the streets, in our work or in our home, let’s never give up on kindness.

That’s when we see the beauty of life, all around us.  A beauty that I’ve always tried to instill in my children.  And a respect and love for all living things and for all of nature.

Harry looking up at the sunset (800x600)

I know I’ve posted this picture before but to me this picture of Harry looking out of the window epitomises hope. The way he’s enjoying the wind in his hair, the sunset and the moment really says it all. Dogs totally love life and live in the moment.

Looking up at the canopy (800x600)

I hope we can all continue to look up in the world.  To have a positive outlook.  Even when we feel down and discouraged, when worries take hold, when we feel a heavy heart and a day seems to lack purpose, let’s keep looking for the brightness.

Flock of cockatoos (800x600)

It might be the smallest thing that changes our perspective. Like seeing a flock of birds flying in the sky, flowers blooming, a kind smile given by a stranger, a door held open, an unexpected phone call brightening our day, a light moment shared.

Doug and Merl looking up (600x800)

Let’s look out for those light moments and find the joy in life.

After all, laughter and love is the soul’s best medicine. Just ask Merlin and my hubby.  They both make me smile.

May we all continue to live a hopeful life. To love hard, laugh loud, live passionately and make the most of every moment with the ones we love.

Just as the sun always comes up, there’s always hope.  So long as we look up.


This is in response to The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge – Look Up


91 thoughts on “Look up and hope

  1. Thank you for this inspiration Miriam.Like you, I found bliss everytime I looked up through the tall greens & trees towering above me,reminding myself to be grateful and just find happiness in simple things..Lovely posts..please write more such as these.
    Sending you warm vibes 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. What a beautiful post (scattered with such wonderful photos – each one brought a smile to my face) 🙂 yes – there is always hope and if we each spread our own loving kindness and light – the world reflects that back to us … Thank you for sharing such beautiful words and images Miriam xx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love where you took the theme of this photo challenge. The photographs were perfect, too. I especially loved the picture of you crouching at the bottom of the waterfall and the photo of your husband and Merlin. Hope and joy and laughter. Yes! We need those things. Without them, there is no peace, or forgiveness, or healing, or reconciliation, or growth, or learning, or progress. Hoping you have a blessed and beautiful week, my friend. ☀️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Miriam, you often post the ‘look up’ photos in your blog. When I saw this WP-Challenge, your name came in my mind at first. So, l was waiting for your post. I don’t know will you believe or not. But, it’s true. This post is awesome. Very nicely you put your thoughts with these lovely photos. I liked every photos, especially the tree trunks and the flock of birds.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Refusing to let the darkness overwhelm our light is a great way to think. I love that. We must continue to look up and stay positive. One day at a time, one smile at a time. Great post, Miriam. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, it’s too easy to let the gloomy days take over (at least sometimes it is for me) but I’m learning. As you said Karen, “one day at a time, one smile at a time”. Thank you my friend. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This is beautiful. The photos and the sentiment are gorgeous. I have always loved looking up. A lot of my photos are of treetops, clouds, sun streaking through pines… It IS different perspective and it’s wonderful. I wish I had as much hope as you do. I often let the darkness overwhelm the light. This is a difficult thing for me. So thank you for this beauty. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for your kind words. I must admit sometimes the hope dims but I try and pick myself up, nothing good can come from staying in a bleak place … Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Loving both the photos and the sentiments, really needed this tonight. And you are right about Harry and dogs, it’s very windy over here tonight and I’ve just stood with Harvey in the garden and all he wanted to do was sit and look up a the starry sky and feel the wind in his fur ..

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Loved this so much Miri!!! 😊

    Very well-written, very inspiring and poetic! The photos gave the sense of hope & bliss, especially your dog, horse & hubby are living in ‘the moment.’

    In such difficult times all we can do is spread the hope & love. I do believe that it reaches the people who need it the most.

    Thanks for sharing your happiness!


    Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh I love the one with the trees! Amazing shot! And you are so right – we can try to be like that, looking up, looking Heavenward.

    I love the one with your husband and the horse both grinning for the camera – too funny!

    I agree with you about the news. I know it’s a broken world, and that there are broken people in it, and that bad things are happening. Watching the news sometimes feel like having my face rubbed in it. Too many people angry about too many things. A kind word softens anger. There is power in kindness.

    *hugs* ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I so agree. There’s bad news everywhere and you’re right, when we turn on the news it just feels like we’re getting our faces rubbed in it. It’s finding a balance between needing to know and when we can make a difference.
      Stay well dear friend, hope things are happy in your world. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Miriam, a lovely and inspiring post. Your photos are fabulous, I especially like the one of Harry. “Dogs totally love life and live in the moment.” They do, so true. Wishing you a wonderful day. ~ Mia

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Miriam , I’m reading this beautiful post of yours on July 14th after Nice (it’s actually July 15 by now) ; and I’m so glad I am because it is so full of hope and goodwill 🙂
    Turtle Hugs

    Liked by 2 people

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  13. Lovely post Miriam. The photo’s are beautiful and Merlin and your husband made me smile for ages. I too have abandoned news hour, not just because of the negative content but because I feel manipulated by the media.They show me what they want me to see, not what I want to see. It’s a choice. I so agree with you that above all else, “Kindness Matters,” we live in a world full of wonder. As human’s, we spoil so much of what is truly beautiful. My mission is to do what I can, which may not be much in the scheme of things, but it is what I can do, and it matters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a wonderful comment Barbara. It all matters, all the little things and trickles of kindness that have a flow on affect. And we can all do that, just as you are. Have a great day.


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