Sitting on the Fence

Recently I’ve noticed I tend to get lost in my own mind, making decisions painstakingly slowly. Sometimes it’s worth it, but sometimes we need to take a leap in life, just like I did with this blog. I never really thought about where it would lead me – and it wasn’t really something blindingly logical. Had I pondered about the time and effort I’d put into it, perhaps I would have second guessed myself.


This blog has let me meet all you wonderful people, so I’m glad I didn’t ponder it too hard.


As I’ve got older I’ve started second guessing myself a lot more, especially where I am right now in my life.  I feel like so many things are changing around me.


Taking care of my family, health issues and life choices have made me more careful and hesitant in making decisions than I used to be.  As a consequence I tend to sit on the fence a lot more and I can sometimes take a long time deciding on a course of action.

Tash leading Julia on Merlin (800x600)

Sometimes I need to trust my gut instincts more than I do. I tend to question everything but I’ve realised it’s not good to sit on the fence for too long or the opportunities pass and we miss our chance.

Fence near waterfall (800x600)

A chance to see what’s beyond the end of the path.  To take risks and see what could be.

Fence at Kinglake (800x600)

And we can miss the beauty that’s around us. I don’t want to do that.  It’s one thing to be protected from falling but I want to be open to life and what’s around the corner.


Being open and spontaneous is how so many of our adventures have started, just like a wander down a path without a sign. We could reflect all day about the consequences, but then we miss the stunning sunset at the end of the path.

fence at Inverloch (800x600)

Or the quirkiness that’s around the next bend.

I think it’s time to leap off that fence and take action.  Follow our instinct.

Fence in the high country (800x600)

Appreciate what’s around us.

I’m blessed with my health and home and a beautiful family and the rest – my direction and purpose and where I’m heading – is all up to me.

Open gate in the fence (800x600)

Some say the grass is greener on the other side of the fence but I disagree.

I think the grass is greener where ever you water it.  And I will always do what I can to keep my side nourished and alive. I’m willing to be open to opportunities when I see them.  I hope you can be too.

Wishing you all peace, happiness and contentment with whatever patch of grass you have and where ever you are.

Here’s what Leunig has to say on this …

lenig sitting on the fence

This is in response to Frank’s Photo Challenge – Fence  – over at Dutch goes the Photo.




114 thoughts on “Sitting on the Fence

  1. What a lovely post! The way you’ve written this is similar to my journal entries 😄 maybe that’s why I felt it more deeply and the poem at the end made me smile from my heart, its so adorable and that would be me if I ever sit on a fence! – Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful thoughtful post, Miriam. I’ve fluctuated between caution and adventure – when my son was young I was overtly careful and considered everything whilst as a youngster myself I was of course, as the young always think, invincible and took more risks. Balance is best for now and I feel you have reached this point too?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most definitely, I think it also comes with having a family and assuming responsibilities. But it’s constantly changing as they get older … you’re right Annika, balance is the key.

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  3. Beautiful words Miriam. Food for thought for all of us I would think. I too have been a fence sitter through the years; however current circumstances have forced my hand a little and I find myself jumping over the fence and trusting my guy feelings more. I’m glad we “met”. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this post and your honesty and description of the quirkiness around the next bend. I have found that due to some of life’s not-so-pleasant experiences, I tend to do what you do: wait to decide. For me, I don’t like to jump too soon because certain decisions I’ve made in haste I’ve come to regret. I find that when I wait–following the rule of If you don’t know what to do, wait for a bit more clarity, then decide–I make fewer errors. Or at least I tell myself I make fewer mistakes. With enough time, I forget what I’ve done… 😉

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  5. I don’t know if it’s our rapidly changing world, or simply the changes in my own life and family that sometimes seem hard to deal with, but I understand exactly what you mean about having a hard time making choices and spending too much time second-guessing. Maybe we just have to be more intentional about taking that leap of faith, because as you point out, so often the results are good things! And it’s no fun to sit on the fence for too long. Great post, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh wow. What a fabulous take on the quote of the grass being green on the other side. It makes sense so awesomely. Next time someone says that I would be quoting you and pointing to your blog’s direction ❤
    And such fabulous pictures. Your blog is indeed a huge huge pleasure to follow Miriam 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. MIrtiam love readng your thoughts, The grass is greener wherever you water it. Whenever I fin myself on the fence about something, I try to step away from the inner conflict I am having. Sometimes, be taking a step back a person can find a new perspective. Good post.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am the polar opposite – I SHOUKD sit on the fence before making decisions, especially big ones. But I am rash and quick-I want what I want and I wanted it yesterday. I have to force myself onto the fence. If the opportunities pass, they maybe weren’t meant to be your opportunities. There’s something different for you. Maybe?? I just wonder that it’s not a BAD thing to take a bit to make up your mind, really listening to your instincts instead of letting them drive you. Your post is lovely and this pictures are terrific-is that your home?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re all so different, aren’t we Amanda. It’s not a bad thing to sit on the fence, but maybe what we need is a good healthy balance of weighing things up, trusting our instincts and going for it!
      And no, that’s not my house. I wish! It’s Craig’s Hut which was the setting for one of our classic movies The Man from Snowy River. It’s a great spot for a picnic. xo

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Great read, very thought provoking. I like that you pointed out the dangers of sitting too long and missing opportunities. Have a great weekend (I believe it’s Friday there)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. splendid expression that reflects the notion: If a blog is a reflection of the self, not only do we have no idea of how it unfold, we can only hope we aren’t locked in as our ego (for its own sake) keeps wanting us to believe..joining a collective creative community should bring delightful surprises (even if poignant or mournful at times). Delight doesn’t mean unthinking giddiness. your blog is one of those demonstrates authenticity is what is key.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. “I think the grass is greener where ever you water it.” I love it Miriam & i think that way. We only see what we want to see. Thank you for this amazing blog that let us get to know you better ❤

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  12. Sometimes, you just have to take your time about things. It’s okay, especially when it’s a life-altering decision you have to make. The world could probably use more fence-sitters in that aspect, lol, as it seems too many people make snap decisions about things they should take their time about, like 55 hour marriages. *ahem*

    You know how to trust your instinct, sweetheart. You will make just the right decision at just the right time. I have full confidence in that.

    I loved your little joke! It reminds me of one we used to sing when I was a girl. 🙂

    *hugs* ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  13. it was nice you never second guessed about starting your blog! Can you imagine what we would have been missing! Furthermore, your posts become the meeting place of so many bloggers. Along with your own thought, the reflections everyone shares with you become a nice discourse to follow. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such a nice thing to say. And I have to agree with you that the wonderful comments and conversations I have here are one of the best things about blogging. Thanks for joining in!

      Liked by 1 person

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