Hot Water Blues

Last Friday our hot water system broke.  Strangely I only realised when hubby got home and in the shower he called out “Hey Miri, what’s happened to all the hot water?”

Seems that the universe is at play again.  Or is everything just reaching it’s use by date?  Less than two months ago our air conditioner broke down and had to be replaced.  At the same time our ceiling fan stopped working and now this.  Earlier in the year it was cracks in the walls, termites in the ceiling.   I can’t help but feel it’s all somehow symbolic.


For the past week since I made a heart wrenching decision I’d been feeling bone weary.  Although I thought I’d moved on I’ve been carrying pain.  And crying buckets of tears.

socrates quote

I’m a big believer in the energy of our lives affecting our environment. I know that water symbolises emotion and the classic cause and effect  is grief.  I’ve been fighting the old and grieving over a loss.


But last Friday something happened.  That morning I had an email from a new blogger connection that spiraled me into action.  I made a phone call and had a heart felt and raw conversation about a situation that’s been tormenting me all week.   Afterwards it felt like a burden had been lifted.

So when the hot water system blew I wasn’t surprised.  I swear something was in the air.  The energy felt different.  Was it coincidence that after I shared my anguish and felt I could move on, things started changing?

I received an email from an Editor who I’d been waiting to hear from. And a text from my Freelance Copy writing boss who I hadn’t heard from for ages.


Life was moving again.  I felt as though my tread was lighter.  The sun seemed brighter.

I read somewhere that sudden leaks or pipe breaks can be a type of “clean up” where the house literally breaks at the weakest links.  Maybe once it’s been fixed or replaced it has a stronger hold on the good energy for the future.

So tomorrow we’re getting a new hot water system.  It’s lasted nearly 18 years so it’s served us well.   And it feels somehow symbolic to be replaced now.  When so many other changes are happening.  Hubby reckons it’s just passed it’s use by date.  I’m not so sure.

I personally feel there’s a connection to something bigger.  So many laws in the universe we can’t explain.  And our home holds the key to so many emotions. It’s important to keep the foundations strong and the water flowing freely.   Let’s keep repairing by love.

Heavy hearts

It’s time to start inviting more positive energy into my home. So this week I’m going to:

  1. Free up clutter to invite more positive energy around me.
  2. Open up all the windows (even if it’s cold) to invite fresh air in.
  3. Light my aromatherapy candles.
  4. Meditate more
  5. And think positive thoughts.

And I will relish flowing hot water again!

As we swim through this sea of energy of life I wish you all light, love and happiness as we continue the journey.

53 thoughts on “Hot Water Blues

  1. I’m so pleased to hear your tread is lighter and you can feel a change in the air. I too see the symbolism in the breaking of the hot water service … Could it be a sign of bigger renewal on the cards? With those two exciting messages you’ve received, I think maybe things are looking up. Sending hugs & positive thoughts your way xx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh Kim, thank you so much. I believe that too, that there is renewal in the air. And hopefully those positive thoughts will last well into the week. Hope you have a great one as well. Hugs back.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Someone turned off our water this week, some Punk that was walking past our house. Of course I didn’t bother to check that before I rang City West Water. I’m not sure what that says about the energy flowing through our home. Probably something along the lines of: “There is always some F&@KER trying to get us!!! He he.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I think life is just a continuous test. Who’s keeping score is up for interpretation. I will do my best and not worry about a passing grade for the here and now is what’s important to our sanity and the ones we care about.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I was really floored by this, Miriam. I’m usually a little skeptical of the inklings I get sometimes, that occurrences like the failure of a water heater connect to larger energy currents. But then I remember the parable of the man who prays and prays for God to help him off the boat, and becomes so sure God will save him that he passes up offer after offer of assistance from others. To not see the meaning in such a thing as your water heater going, or in my case the occurrence of several birds nesting in our gutters and causing a bit of a drainage problem, seems almost like blindness. We pass on such signs and insights they offer at our own peril. I think this is what you’re saying here, if I’ve read your post correctly. If so, I couldn’t agree more.

    You’ve given me a lot of hope here sharing your insights and offering the ways you’re going to let in some air and create opportunities for clarity. I want to do the same here. My wife had our windows open last night, and i’d forgotten how good it can feel to have a breeze, even a cool one coming through the house again.

    Thanks again for sharing. I hope things keep clearing up for you and yours over the coming weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Patrick, yes I know the parable you’re referring to, very well in fact. I’ve been getting a lot of signs in my life lately and it’s hard to turn a blind eye to them. And little things that can sometimes turn into big things. Sometimes it’s a call to clean up our act and change things, in this case (although it will be costly at first) I just know it will be for the better.
      Today the sun is shining here, it’s been a cold morning but later my windows will be all opened up, much like yours were last night, and hopefully by then we’ll also have a new hot water system installed. A positive and hope filled start to the week.
      Hope you have a great week ahead Patrick.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Miriam, my heart goes out to you in your trouble, and also in your triumph! Your description of your struggle is heart-wrenching, but your refusal to succumb is valiant. I love the list that you made at the end of your post. A good de-cluttering and airing out… it sounds like just the thing. Wishing you peace and continued courage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lulu, I appreciate your kind words and yes, I’m looking forward to a bit of spring cleaning and decluttering (even though it’s Autumn here!) Hope life is treating you well my friend. xox

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    1. You always make me smile 🙂 Yep, we got a good life out of it, no doubt about that. And funnily enough, it was my mum and dad who helped us pay for the system the first time.


  6. I share your beliefs and am sending you positive energy from Australia. The universe works in strange but delightful ways and never fails me in the end (although sometimes its a bumpy ride along the way)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Great post Miriam nothing happens without a reason. I share your belief too! We all are part of this cosmos and universal energy is a great connection to all. I think that in the moment that you moved on some situations, in a way you did let go the old past that was bothering your inner soul. You opened a new door to a change that you unconsciously wanted and you can see how everything is changing around you. Keep your meditations up, inhale light and exhale darkness like you said invite positive energy every day! Breathe In love and light ❤ Carolina

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ciao Carolina, I agree with you. I feel as though somehow I’ve opened a door to change which, although slow coming, will hopefully make a big difference. Thank you so much for your beautiful insightful words, I appreciate them. xo

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  8. Cold water has refreshing properties. When our hot water heater blew last year it knocked out power to the entire house. I didn’t realize it blew and I turned the main breaker outside of the house back on and flames shot out of the water heater. I guess that was a blatant message that it needed to be replaced.

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  9. You poor thing!! Oh to have so much go wrong so near together, how frustrating and aggravating!

    That happened to us a couple years ago, everything went at once it seemed. But we’re fortunate enough to be in an apartment where they come to take care of things like that right away, without sending us a bill. I just run to the office and cry, “Help!” and they help.

    If I had to deal with things blowing up without having that back-up, goodness, I don’t know what I’d do.

    I’d not heard that about the pipe leaks and clean-up. It’s an interesting theory! And it certainly seems to fit with all you’ve been feeling.

    Your ideas sound like good ones to me! Sometimes I think when we need big changes to happen, it’s good for us to start with small ones first. Sort of like a kind of preparation, I suppose.

    I’m glad you have hot water again, whew! Put a few drops of those essential oils into a nice, hot, relaxing, bubble bath, and enjoy a glass of wine while you’re at it. 🙂


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  10. Oh Miriam! I am so sorry that all of that had to come together. 😦 Sometimes life is not fair to us I perfectly agree. But think of it this way. You have had your share of most of the troubles , that there is not anything major left to happen 🙂 And as they say after the long night of winter, the sun will come out to shine again 🙂 And so it has on you and it is such a great news that you heard from the editor and the freelance copywriting guy 🙂 So now relax and enjoy the sunshine and bask in the positive energy of life. Wishing you more happiness and positivity in life and sending some warm hugs across the sea ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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