Coastal walking – from wild to mild

Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on the beach.  That’s where we spent last weekend, but when we left on Friday afternoon the weather forecast was bleak.  Not that it put me off.  We were traveling in our camper and we had our site booked in the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, we had friends joining us and plenty of food and wine. All the ingredients of a relaxing weekend.  But my plans were to walk on the beach, come rain, hail or shine.

Well, I nearly got my wish. The first night it bucketed down.  It absolutely teemed with rain, and the wind was fierce, but by morning the worst was over.

Eary and dark

This photo is indicative of my state of mind this past year, an imperfect picture, water on the lens, a lens which recently cracked on a camera that is barely a year old.  More frustrations and more things needing to be fixed.  But I have to remind myself they’re all temporary.  That where there’s a will, and a path, there’s a way.  To get through anything.


This path lead from our camp ground to the beach.  I walked it many times over the weekend.  At sunrise and at sunset.  Mostly by myself, first thing in the morning when the others were still snug in their beds.  A path well traveled.


On the first morning it was so windy.  The sea shore felt wild and primitive and the waves crashed over the rocks like thunder reverberating.  I absolutely loved it.

Walking at sunrise

It’s invigorating to be so vulnerable and exposed. I felt a sense of freedom as I walked along the sand with only seagulls for company.  This was time to think, to reflect and take in the stark beauty all around me.

Storym weather

As the wind subsided and the colors changed in the sky so did my mood.   Calming. Soothing.

Balancing at the Prom

And during the day I walked in company. The best way to explore.  Time to walk with those I love, laugh and enjoy life.  Here I am along the board walk at the Prom with my son.

Track to Whisky bay

And this is the track that lead us to beautiful Whisky Bay, taking in the highlights of the Prom on a day when the grey clouds disappeared and the sun found its way out.


Leaving us free to explore this magnificent beach. Dropping the cares and relishing life.


I wish you all sunshine and a peaceful and calm mind today, and if the storm clouds come I hope they pass over and merely cleanse, leaving a silver lining in their wake.

Linked to Jo’s Monday Walk

Stay safe and happy and keep enjoying the journey.

105 thoughts on “Coastal walking – from wild to mild

  1. Another lovely reflective post Miriam. I love the beach it is so cleansing or maybe calming. The light in some of the photos is particularly lovely.
    Hope the change of pace over the school holidays gives you some special healing time and break.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. You are welcome, Miriam! Hope you have the sweetest and most peaceful dreams. Good night 🙂


        2. And thank you, kind lady off to bed 🙂 I will think of you as I enjoy the dark chocolate and wash it down with a strong, black beauty 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous! 🙂 🙂 You show those last photos and it hardly seems like the same day but it can change in a flash. I love wild seas and striding along on my own- no cares! Just me and the waves. 🙂 Thank you so much for joining me again. Hope all goes well at Easter. Serene- remember? (easier said sometimes!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re right, such different scenes yet all on the same day. Mother Nature is pretty amazing. Hope you also have a peaceful and happy Easter Jo. Enjoy.


  4. Beautiful photos, Miriam. I love the different beach personalities as well. One of my favorite times to walk the beach is after a storm as well, and I love solitary walks when I get the chance (although walking with friends and family is also enjoyable). Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Three hours is amazing! It feels like we have to drive so far to reach places like this in the US. Australia is huge too though. You must live in a beautiful area. What city are you in or near?


        1. I live on the outskirts of Melbourne near the hills of the Yarra Valley, one of the major wine producing areas in Australia. It’s a lovely area, feel very blessed to live here. And you Nicole?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I love Melbourne! It is such a great city and to live near a wine region would be dreamy for me since I love wine so much! I live in Minneapolis a city of about 1 million so a little more urban. But it is beautiful as our state has over 10,000 lakes so lots of nature.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Miriam, I love the way you took us on a little journey of your personal mood in this post while the path of transition reflected in the lovely photos. From a moody start to the sun opening up! You always marry your thoughts for the day with your images – very clever!☀️

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks Lindsay. We had to leave Harry with friends last weekend (as dogs weren’t allowed) but usually he loves to run on the beach. Your huskies will love it!

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  6. Thank you for sharing your journey, Miriam! I love your reflections and your photographs and your willingness to be vulnerable. Hope you have a lovely Easter, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I find walking along the shore a great way to calm me. The water clashing against the rocks and birds crying out – are sounds I find hard to forget. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experience, Miriam. 🙂


  8. This would be early Autumn where you are and it is my favourite time of year. I have a few favourites in this post starting with a highly atmospheric first shot, then the fifth and last shot 🙂 See you soon, Miriam.


  9. This was lovely. I miss the beach – it was so nice to see it in your pictures! I know what you mean about the sense of chaos, and the sense of freedom. It can be a heady, overwhelming kind of feeling.

    Silver linings back to you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Such beautiful photos Miriam! Must have been a great walk =) I agree, everything is temporary and it is just part of the path that we are taking to something else at the other end =) might as well enjoy it right?


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