Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Week 17 – Calm

In this week’s photo challenge Hugh asks:  “How many of you like to take some time out and get some peace and quiet on a daily basis?”  I know that I do but it’s not always easy.  The fast and frantic pace of life often gets in the way, which is why it’s doubly important to take a step back, a deep breath and make time to relax.  To slow down to the speed of today.

Calmness comes from within but there’s no doubt that where we are and what’s around us has a huge impact. Yet even on the streets we can find calmness, it’s all in our perspective.

Calm Chiltern In slowing down amidst the whirlwind of life and on whatever road we’re traveling we can learn to tune in and appreciate even the ordinary things around us.


It’s amazing how, in moments of calm and focus, we can achieve so much.  Whether it’s preparing for a job interview, juggling domestic chores or photographing a salt lake.

How is it that animals in nature seem to have a natural instinct for calm?


Like the duck that paddles like crazy underneath the water whilst on the surface appearing calm and unflappable.  Sometimes that’s how we need to be to get through hard days.

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Often it feels like we have a million thoughts going through our head at a given time. But even a port has a quiet time, when the ships dock.  And we can find our own port of calm.  Meditation, contemplation and appreciation are all ways to achieve inner peace.


When you exist in the moment nothing else matters and it can feel as though we have all the time in the world, it’s an elusive feeling but worth chasing.  I still remember sitting on this jetty, a sense of being in tune with everything around me and that all was right with the world.  Perfect calm.

See more photos of Hugh’s Calm theme here.

I wish you all a quiet sense of inner peace to carry you through your busy days ahead.  May you enjoy a calm state of mind today and every day.

76 thoughts on “Hugh’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Week 17 – Calm

  1. I have not found my inner calm in a long time. Each day I feel a little more drained. As summer approaches here, I look forward to some time away in the woods of Maine. I can’t wait to post some pictures of Vinny swimming in a brook like he did when he was young, and resting by a campfire till nightfall. As I write this I can remember how it felt the last time, and I know it will rejuvenate my soul.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t found your inner calm in such a long time. Life tends to creep up on us, doesn’t it? It sounds like what you need is exactly what you described, a night away in the woods with Vinny, swimming and resting by a camp and doing next to nothing. I hope you can make it happen soon.

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      1. oh! That is you? I am sorry I did not get a chance to read through what you wrote. Just quickly skipped to the pictures! I mean all this in a nice way. I am sorry. I thought you were older. You look very very young.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This really hits home with me. In one of those who thrives in chaos so finding calm is extra difficult for me because I get really anxious in the stillness. My therapist actually had a lot to say to this very fact when I went to see her this week. She insisted that I learn to be in the present through meditation and when I do my yoga. Maybe that’s why I need the beach so much every year, I do find the calm and stillness when I’m by the water and absolutely know that I’m on vacation from things and it’s OK to be still. I’m going to try and find moments of stillness and calm and work on being present…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful photos Miriam..a very inspiring post about calmness.
    Everyday I chase this..I WANT IT..but what I found is the organized chaotic calmness…:) this is the life chasing after an active toddler.

    Being out in nature helps me find this elusive yet so precious gift.
    It’s not easy but it takes a courage heart too to be in this state.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful photos Miriam. I was feeling so frantic, trying to get everything done today. I really needed to read this. I’m struggling to make time for everything right now, but I might get more done if I just live in the moment. One thing at a time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. These are some great pics exuding calmness and have a beauty of their own. The last two pics makes me wanna pack my bags and fly to Australia! (assuming its Aus of course). As usual your words cast a spell on the readers and they are bound to feel calmness after reading this post itself ❤
    Between Miriam, I can see your comments and likes on the posts in my blog, but the follow seems to have gone 😦 This happened with one of my email followers as well but working fine now.You are one of the first veteran bloggers who encouraged me and whom I look upon as a role model and your presence is greatly missed in my happily ever after corner of the blogosphere.

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        1. Yes, hubby’s been back for a couple of day. He’s home early from work today then we’re heading off for a weekend at the beach. The weather’s not great but I’m still looking forward to it. Hope your week’s going well. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Ohh wow 😀 Beach time today!! Yeaaay. My week is going well thank you 🙂 Here it is still thursday evening :\ Planning a movie this weekend. It is so funny that whenever I find some blogs which are awesome or I have something to relate to the blog, I already find you there 🙂 Feel like we have a lot in common except you are wayyy experienced and wonderful than the newbie me 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow. I just found your blog at Niki’s meet and greet and I am so glad I did. Your post really made some wonderful reflections about mindfulness and the need to take time for yourself. I loved the photographs too. Cannot wait to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

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