Thought for Thursday

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.”

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This is one of my favourite sayings at the moment.

For all it’s simplicity it has a truth that, though I try hard not to, I often forget. Life is rarely perfect and if it feels like it is, inevitably the bubble bursts. But it’s how we respond that matters.

It’s too easy to feel we don’t have enough – money, possessions, time, whatever it is – and to want more. And it takes a big step back to stop. Look up. Appreciate what we have. What’s in front of us every day. But sometimes, truth be known, it’s easier said than done.


I think that’s why I love my early morning walks with my dog Harry so much. It gives me a chance to do just that. To slow down and look at the big picture. To be happy with what I have. Where I am in my life, even if it’s not perfect.

I also write in my Gratitude Journal very day. I try and find at least a couple of things to be thankful for, no matter what turmoil and drama’s been thrown my way. Sometimes it’s really hard but I never miss a day (well, I try hard not to!) I’ve been doing this for five years and find it’s a profoundly positive way to end each day.

I love the rest of this quote from Melody Beattie as well.

Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

So that’s the thought that I’m taking with me on this hot Thursday in Melbourne, as I head towards the weekend.

I’m grateful for today, no matter what it brings. May you be too.





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