Stories and Reflections

Travelling – it leaves you breathless then turns you into a storyteller.”

As the year draws to a close I reflect on the past twelve months: all the changes, all we’ve seen and done, the house sitting and travel and the freedom and flexibility we’ve enjoyed.

It’s been a year of trust, surrender and going with the flow of life..

Nearly ten months in North Queensland

We travelled to the very tip of Australia, the Cape York Peninsula, we walked along remote beaches, swam under waterfalls and free camped in some amazing spots from Townsville to the Tropics.

My latest published story in the December Caravan World Magazine highlights another special part of the state,the Atherton Tablelands.

Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell.”

I’m so grateful for these published articles because they remind me of where we’ve been, as the days, months and years disappear.

Our Queensland adventure started back in March, visiting our daughter in Mt Larcom for three weeks. On our first day there she was bitten by a snake. It was a dramatic way to start our northern experience, which I subsequently wrote about here..

Now, after many discussions about driving versus flying back to Victoria for Christmas, our journey continues.

We decided to fly out of Rockhampton and into Melbourne, arriving on a wet, grey unseasonably cold weekend. A far cry from the balmy climate of North Queensland where, for the next few months, our home and van waits for our return.

Now we’re in Macedon, at my MIL’s home. It’s cosy inside and outside the grass is long and wet. Fresh smells emanate from the nearby forest. Change is the only constant and nature seems to tease and taunt.

Cyclone Jasper is brewing on the North Queensland coast, the coastline we just left. Hopefully it will weaken and not cause too much damage. Our daughter is there. So is our car and van.

Rain or shine, wind or snow, all around the world the weather is crazily unpredictable. Mother Nature does her thing and all we can do is be as prepared as we can and trust.

The Delights of a Diary

I’ve brought my new 2024 Gratitude Journal with me. It will be my tenth journal, like a close trusted companion. It’s quiet time to record the whispers of my soul, a gift at the end of every day.

Each blank page has unlimited possibilities.

The important thing is how alive you are. Writing of every kind is a way to wake oneself up and keep as alive as when one has just fallen in love.”
— Pico Iyer

It’s personal, liberating, sometimes dark and often reflective. I reflect on where I am, what’s important to me and the creations that still lie dormant in me.

It’s an ongoing routine I love, remembering and documenting the tiny details of everyday life that celebrates who I am.

Today I appreciate the small things, a comfortable mattress and dark cosy bedroom, walking my 18yo pooch Harry who I’ve missed, seeing my sister in law’s house all completed in Lyonville, the house we painted and worked on back in January.

Country drives. Shared meals. Giant hugs. Reconnecting with friends. Writing and Journalling puts it into focus, all those little details that come from the heart.

Gratitude and Giving Thanks is the open door to abundance.

Writing the next chapter

I’m currently working on a new column. In reality we’re all writing a story, every day.

We’re scripting all the time, editing, imagining and fine tuning how we’d like the future to unfold. All through our thoughts, words and intentions. Choosing what we focus on, a vibration and frequency aligned with the values we want to see in our world.

Don’t you know it’s your joy that makes the Universe joyful?”
– Debasish Mridha

Perhaps we can write our story in unity, on the same page, as we work together to co-create a better and beautiful Earth. One of abundance, peace, love and unlimited creativity.

Wherever you are in the world, let’s end this year in love, sending love and being love. ❤️💛❤️

“Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world.”

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”

Mary Oliver

55 thoughts on “Stories and Reflections

  1. Beautiful post with many wise words, Miriam! Thanks for sharing all these magical places with us, I’m happy you have found your path and are enjoying the journey, I know that sometimes all the travelling, moving, planning and organizing is stressing, but at the end everything goes alright.

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    1. So very true Elizabeth. Life’s not always rainbows and roses but everything always works out the way it’s meant to. And yes, I truly do feel as though I’ve found my path. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. xx

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  2. The grand events in our lives may get us all excited and enthusiastic. And yes, they are crucial. But then again, these oh-so-grand events are just occasional. Most of our life is spent doing the little things that we probably consider insignificant and take for granted.

    I find that while we focus on accomplishing the bigger picture, we shouldn’t forget to appreciate small things that eventually contribute to the bigger picture. So, to fully live our lives, we must learn to appreciate the little things in life.

    Besides, not appreciating simple things and just wanting more may leave us unsatisfied in life. It took me a good few years to realise the importance of the little things, but better later than never, right. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

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    1. Yes, it’s very true, those little things are the big things. My mantra is seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary and I like to live my life appreciating the simple. But that often comes with age and wisdom for many of us I’m sure. Thanks for your thoughtful comment Aiva. Warmest wishes to you. xx 😊

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  3. awesome year Miriam, and must be so nice to visit familiar people and places once more … they are always there when you are ready to return! So glad your publications are doing so well … what column, pray tell?

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  4. Beautiful post Miriam! What a blessed year. Love that you make journaling a part of your life. I’ve been thinking a lot about doing that lately and you inspire me to just do it! I was thinking how your wonderful magazine articles are also a diary of sorts for you. So great to keep a stack of all the magazines and look back at where you’ve been, the adventures you’ve had. Wishing you the very best in 2024! xx

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    1. Yes, I’ve often thought that too Jeni, that all my magazine articles have become a type of journal and record of our travels.oh and I can absolutely 100% recommend keeping a journal! Thanks for your good wishes, sending them back with love. ❤️ xx


  5. I’m so glad you’ve gotten to see Harry and spend more time with your daughter! But mostly, I love the way you look at life. It’s so liberating to stop trying to live according to conventional wisdom and to simply trust your own heart instead. I’ve said it before, but it’s the truth: you are an inspiration to us all! I can’t wait to read about your further adventures in 2024!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ann, you’re very kind. It’s all been a gradual process and shift, this step away from convention and conforming. But I couldn’t be happier! I’m learning how good it feels to make decisions, guided by our heart and intuition rather than by societal expectation. Sending love and all good wishes. 💗

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  6. A very thoughtful post from you, Miriam. Congratulations on being published again. Welcome back to Melbourne (my state!). Sounds like you really are enjoying the simple pleasures such as time with family and catching up with one another. I love reading your thoughts on journaling and reflecting. ‘Each blank page has unlimited possibilities.’ This is so true, and each time we open a blank page and reflect, we have unlimited possibilities on taking our next step. Like you, when I journal, I reflect where I am. Sometimes it can be dark and reflecting about challenges can be confronting, but I always come away with something to learn. Agree, we can all write our individual stories, and also our story in unity. When we work on ourselves, we can show up to create a better world to live in. Wishing you a wonderful end to the year and a fabulous year ahead 😊💕

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    1. Hi Mabel, thanks for the welcome back to Melbourne and for your good wishes. Somehow I’m not surprised that you journal and that you resonate with the joys it brings. It’s been a part of my life now for so long that I simply can’t imagine not doing it. Such a great
      way to end and give thanks for each day. Though I sometimes wonder if I should go back to Morning Pages, which is something I did years ago then gave up. Have you read The Artists Way by Julia Cameron? Anyway, here’s to blank pages and new opportunities ahead. Enjoy December and all it brings and best wishes to you too for a wonderful 2024. xx 😊


      1. Agreed, journaling is a great way to remind ourselves to be thankful, and also show gratitude. I have not read The Artists Way by Julia Cameron – sounds like a wonderful book to rediscovering creativity, and I look forward to reading it. Thanks for mentioning it. Maybe Morning Pages will resonate with you at some point again. After all, we go through different seasons in life ❤

        I hope you have many more lovely days in Melbourne and a wonderful start to the year, Miriam 😊

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        1. Thanks Mabel. I hope you enjoy the book if and when you read it. It was a game changer for me when I read it, years ago. Sending lots of love and good wishes your way. 😊 xx

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  7. Miriam, give that sweet little Harry an ear scratch for me. 🤗 What a little cutie pie. Reading that a snake bit your daughter is not something my brain was ready to process, but I sure hope she was okay and recovered quickly! 😳 I like your idea of keeping a journal and documenting your life. I did that once when I was visiting New York. I love reading about all the things I did each day while I was there, and I regret that I didn’t keep it up. There are far too many beautiful and absurd things I don’t remember. Photos have been my diary, but words capture the stories within the photos. I’m shoving off on January 3rd to Paris, so I think I will pick up a journal for myself and write down the stories. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and welcome the New Year surrounded by love. All the best to you and your family, my friend. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiya Tanya, yes photos and writing have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Like when I went to Italy and France with my parents when I was 14 and kept a travel diary. I still have it and laugh when I read it! Stopped writing for many years then began again when I was pregnant. I agree. There’s so many crazy beautiful things to write about. I hope you keep one when you go to Paris. How exciting! Enjoy every day my friend, big hugs and lots of love from me and sloppy kisses from Harry. xx 😊❤️

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  8. Catching up here with you Miriam, as you reconnect to family and those precious Hugs … So good to see Harry is going strong… I bet you got some wet sloppy kisses and waggle tails from him..

    Your adventures and travels Miriam delight all who read. And threaded throughout all of your posts is the wisdom of your heart, as you share your quotes and little insights..

    Our Journals have become second nature. I keep a dream journal and also on those sleepless nights jot down that which our higher selves wish us to know :-). Listening intently to our inner thoughts and guidance is our compass in life..

    I feel very privileged Miriam to have been able to journey along side of you both, all of these years. Seeing the wonderful sights, as you meet and greet beautiful souls along the way..

    We are indeed ALL one huge family.. I am happy you will be spending Christmas Holidays among your family and friends, and I pray that the storms that hit Australia missed where your daughter was ..

    I know what ever challenges arise as we trust and take each day as it comes, we are given enormous amounts of strength as we enJOY living in this Moment of NOW..

    May 2024 bring you Love and Peace and may Wellness continue to travel with you as your companion..
    Sending you So, so, much love dear Miriam.. Have a beautiful Holiday Season.. And a Happy Love Light filled New Year xx 💖💖💖 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue, your words are like pure gold. Thank you so much for the warmth, love and good wishes you send. I do feel so fortunate, so blessed, to be spending this current time with my family and good friends. I’m also super grateful for blogging friends like yourself, full of support, friendship and love, that make sharing my stories so much more meaningful.

      I do love my journals although I must admit my dream journal fell by the wayside a few years ago but my Gratitude one is a forever companion. It doesn’t surprise me that you keep a dream journal Sue and I’m sure it’s lead you to many wonderful insights.

      The storms here have largely passed although the extensive rains and deluge has left a trail of flooding and damage. Hard to believe I was there only two months ago and if we’d accepted the extended house sit in Cooktown we would have likely been stranded. And thankfully my daughter’s area missed the storm. So all in all I’m extremely grateful.

      Yes, dear Sue here’s to living in the now and enjoying each precious day as it’s gifted to us. I’m so grateful for our online connection and wish you all the peace and joy of the season. May 2024 bring you much love and happiness my friend. With all good wishes, love and light. xx 💗🙏🏻

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      1. That is wonderful to Know Miriam,
        Providence is also your companion 😀 as you Listen intently to your inner compass.

        The pleasure of our friendship is returned Tenfold Miriam…
        Have a beautiful restful Merry Christmas… Lots of Love to you in each and every moment of your NOW…
        Thank you so, so, much for those lovely wishes and words Miriam…
        Love and Light to you, my friend xx 💖✨💖✨

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  9. Love your reminiscing Miriam, what great memories you have created, but indeed you are seeing crazy weather where you are, just like the rest of the world! I suppose it matches the insanity many are experiencing as the world becomes confusing and unpredictable! Thankfully you know to focus within and make a beautiful life for yourself! So Yes, let more and more of us focus on being the change, so we can gather together and create a beautiful world! So pleased you are enjoying and blossoming in your travel work. I love that you continue to journal… otherwise I find it so easy to forget what has happened! Thankyou for your love and wisdom and all your blessings to us. Much love x

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    1. You’re right Barbara, the weather is crazy all over the world. Sometimes it feels like a type of cleansing where, through it all, community thrives. That’s what we’re seeing over here as people band together to help each other while governments and officials grow more distant. Yes to going within and helping to create a better world. And to the Journalling, which helps us remember!! Big hugs and love my friend. ❤️😊🙏

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  10. This is exactly what I spoke of earlier…you are so aware of your life and make decisions that speak to your soul. What a wonderful, full, year you have had, Miriam!
    Here’s to 2024 unveiling hidden treasures. I know you will find them!! ❤

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