Made to Last

Twenty seven years ago, in 1994, my hubby built a ridiculously solid red gum table which was inaugurated for Christmas that year and later enjoyed by our family for our daughter’s first birthday party five years later.

That’s me amongst the sawdust decades ago.

In 2001 we extended our house and the outdoor entertaining area was halved. As a result the massive red gum table was too big for the space below, so our lovely neighbours next door happily agreed to take it off our hands. We knew it was going to a good home.

There it sat for twenty plus years and we joined our Argentinan neighbours on a number of occasions as the table played host to many happy outdoor celebrations.

The years passed and last year dirty rotten scoundrel termites moved in, wreaking havoc with the foundations. From the inside out the table was disintegrating.

A new table was needed and a proposal put to my hands on hubby. Could he, would he, be willing to make a new table, one that would further stand the test of time? Many hours of design, toil and labour later and it was made.

An exceptionally stable table

The table weighs over 200kgs and comprises of a steel base and five red gum sleepers. It’s fit for an epic “Knights of the Rectangular Table’ feast and capable of withstanding the weight of more than a few happy women dancing on top!

Table complete, the next issue was the logistics of the move. How would we get it out of our garage and onto next doors decking?

The answer: lots of manpower. So, the troops were called, neighbours and nearby friends rallied. A date and time was set.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Henry Ford

And so it was dismantled, the steel base taken apart from the wooden top. It was hoisted, moved, walked out onto the road, manoeuvred down a garden path, walked around the side of the house and lifted up onto their decking. It was a precision operation.

Truly, it was a communal, concerted effort. I stood back and watched, snapping pics, with complete faith that the operation would succeed. Slowly but purposefully, with lots of manpower, the table made its way from our garage to its new destination.

Less than an hour later it was in place, in its new home, amongst the gum trees. Hostess neighbour Silvi and Daniel had pizzas organised, beer and wine flowed and with that the table was christened.

“A good neighbour increases the value of your property.” Czech proverb.

The ultimate camping table now sits in their peaceful backyard, the foundation is strong, in fact i think it’s possibly the sturdiest table in the neighbourhood. I have a feeling it will still be there when the house is one day sold.

It might not be camping as such but it now has its own short travel tale and I’m sure it’ll see many happy gatherings in its new setting. After all, good food and wine is always better when shared on a solid space in the great outdoors.

From start to finish the creation of this table was an example of a vision, the commitment and teamwork that began with one man thinking an idea to another building it and making it a reality and then a cooperative effort by many in seeing it put in place. Success happens when we work in unity.

It feels a bit like that in the world today. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes, so much that we can’t see beneath the surface, but it’s all going to pave the way to a bright and amazing new world. When we each do our bit, staying strong and keeping our vibe high, while being kind to others around us, life responds with ease. We’re all full of strength we never knew we had and love and faith helps bridge the gap.

Cheers to making dreams real and moving forward into a future of untold possibility, potential and great times.

In love and light.

98 thoughts on “Made to Last

  1. This was just the sort of light-hearted story I needed to read today. Thank you, Miriam! ♥️ Loved the video, too. This reminds me a tiny bit of a table tale told by Peter Mayle in A Year in Provence. Check it out if you get a chance. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “Ridiculously solid” made me thing, Miriam. Is anything ever too solid? And then the concept, if objects could tell a story….these tables have many to tell. Interesting about gum sleepers and gum trees… to me. I enjoy following your story full circle and the many layers of lessons. I especially love how you end this post….”bright and amazing new world…..vibe high…..kind….life responds with ease….love and faith……..Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your gift with words.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome teamwork you guys. I loved the proverb about good neighbours too, how true that is. I can see this wonderful table being enjoyed down the ages. Good job. XX

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I absolutely love this example of teamwork Miriam! Especially how it has STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. I have been using the word RIDICULOUS a lot lately – combined with SOLID START to the new year. Love seeing these sentiments echoed here. In love and light. Always! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful post Miriam. So many things can be learnt from this post. Neighbours, togetherness, creativity, celebration; and out of all this one thing of the hubby being silently, quietly at the centre of it all.

    The table looks lovely, so does the families and the neighbourhood.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Nara x

    Liked by 2 people

  6. What a gorgeous table, Miriam!! Your husband did incredible work. I love how everyone came together to move it. I am hoping our world moves forward in such a space of unity. Wishing you a fabulous day, my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This story warmed my heart, Miriam. Oh how lucky you are to have neighbors like this. And that table!! WOW!!! Your hubby did an outstanding job on that table!! To see friendly faces round a table with smiles and laughter about acting NORMAL is a far cry from what is happening in the states. Your post encouraged me, dear friend. The good times just cannot get here soon enough. The USA has truly fallen. Much love to you and please tell your husband he is like mine ….. a perfectionist and a quality creator!! Amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sounds like we’re both married to very talented men Amy. Doug did an amazing job and I’ve no doubt the table will play host to lots of happy times and laughter. And these times will come to you and your hubby again too. Keep your faith up my friend, I can imagine the vibes are very low over there right now but you know what’s coming. And that what’s happening now has to play out. Remember, the best is yet to come. Sending lots of love your way. xx


  8. This post is amazing I am so glad to see you found a lovely place for it There is a lot of memories and story linked to the table and so happy to see being reused by someone else I love to recycle and extend the life of everything And the table looks amazing Love handmade items There is so much thought out into it and so much love and care Have a lovely weekend Cris

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Cris, it was certainly a labour of love that’s gone to a good home! Cheers to recycling, new creations and friendship. Have a great weekend lovely. xx


  9. As Miriam and Doug’s lucky neighbour, I am still amazed about our new table that how much it resembles de “old” table. It is fresh en my mind all the work to bring it over and how our friends and neighbours came together.

    Both Silvi and I are very fortunate to have lived and raised a family next to Miriam and Doug’s over all these years. I value their friendship, their good vibes and that tremendous and contagious laughter that Doug takes everywhere he is.

    We are planning to be around for many years so I am sure that we have many more eating and drinking to do on this fabulous redgum table with friends and neighbours. I cannot think of a better way to spend our precious time.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Daniel! What a surprise and a delight to read your comment here. We’re so happy you love the table and look forward to sharing many more drinks, good food and laughs around it. And speaking of laughs, yours is pretty damn contagious too! Thanks for being such awesome neighbours. 😊


  10. Oh I love this tale of community. It also reminds me of my dinning room table it took six men to bring it in to the house and four to set it up. My spouse swears if we ever move the table will come with the house…lol

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow! That is incredible! Both the table which is awe-inspiring and to your husband and his craftmanship! It is wonderful how everyone helped to put it into place and my first reaction was how close everyone was standing – it felt like I was watching something from the olden days of last January. I am sure there will be many fantastic celebrations/gathering at this table – and one that will stand the test of time and termites! A lovely uplifting post, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Annika. It’s certainly a well built table that should last a lifetime and I’ve no doubt it’ll see many happy times around it! Sending hugs and smiles. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  12. WOW, what a gorgeous table! Talented husband!!! Love the pics of all the people carrying it. Great example of teamwork. We cannot do life alone, and we’re not meant to. It’s heartwarming to think of all the gatherings that table will hold xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Jeni, yes, my husband is very talented. I often tell him he missed his vocation. And I agree, I’m sure the table will see many celebrations. So true, we cannot do life alone. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Wow! Just wow!! I love this table…please tell your husband he is an amazing woodworker! It is a fine table and I am sure built to last. And what a nice gathering of friends and pizza and wine/beer…doesn’t get much better than that! When I was young I used to work with my dad on wood projects. I was always terrified of the giant table saw, but that just gave me a huge dose of respect for all tools and machines. I love to work with wood. I made three large wood boxes to fit into a book shelf for storage this past year during the pandemic. I meant to post about it, but realize that I never did…maybe I will. Wood working aside…the best part of this story is how many people came together to bring this table to life…and oh boy…I can just imagine the life it will witness through the years!
    Much love and light to you, Miriam 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lorrie, I’ll let him know. He’s actually made a few bits of quality furniture over the years. So nice that you can appreciate the work he put into the table as you’ve obviously got first hand experience yourself. Brilliant! I love the smell of wood and the rustic look of red gum furniture. Hope you post about your wood boxes sometime, I’d like to see them. Regardless, big thanks and hugs to you. xx ❤️


      1. It is such a wonderful craft and he is very good 😊 I don’t have the space or tools to delve into the way I would like to. It was quite the challenge to just make the boxes. I will get around to posting about it and some of the other creative projects from last year.
        On a side note…I am blown away by what you shared with me…and I will write soon. GIANT THANK YOU!!
        Hope your new week is full of blessings 😊🧡🌻

        Liked by 1 person

  14. How wonderful of your husband to make a replacement! It is absolutely gorgeous! I love a beautiful table, especially hand crafted with love!! And love that it is next door to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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