Light the Night

Darkness is part of life and our world, a backdrop for stars, our dreams and the space that lies in the infinity. It’s not a bad thing.

Still, every now and then, that darkness can become overwhelming. It can make us feel like we’ve fallen deep into an abyss, bottomless, where we have to sift through charcoals of grey to find speckles of light.

Sometimes we have the strength to climb out on our own, but sometimes we need a helping hand.

That’s when support is so important. When our own light goes out it can be rekindled by a spark from another person. Or something even bigger.

Community … in this case, carrying the form of a lantern.

On Friday 11th October I was one of many people who gathered throughout Australian capital cities and rural towns in support of Light the Night. A cause campaigned by the Leukaemia Foundation to raise funds for those impacted by blood cancer. An invitation from someone on her own cancer journey, my sister.

Laughter is still the best medicine

That dreaded C word these days is so prevalent. But still we smile …

A total of $101,949 was raised in 2019, much needed money to be invested in a search for a cure and the special care families need during the dark hours of a blood cancer journey. The leukaemia foundation has recently declared its bold vision:

It’s a vision that brings hope for the future. How wonderful it would be if, through continued research and fundraising, that vision becomes a reality.

Last Friday was part of that vision as we gathered at Federation Square in Melbourne.

As I stood amongst the crowd I could feel the positive energy. It was as though fear had been replaced by camaraderie and hope. There was music and laughter as well as poignant and heartbreaking stories spoken on stage that brought a lump to my throat.

Many there had lost friends and family to blood cancers. Many were there to support loved ones and many were fighting their own personal battles.

The lanterns? Blue to show you care, yellow to remember a loved one and white for those who were on their own personal cancer journey. My sister carried a white one.

The Lantern Raising ceremony was a sight to behold …

It was a night of reflection and hope for a brighter future.

As dusk turned into darkness and the night deepened, it was transformed into a sea of glowing light.

We walked from Federation Square and across the Yarra River to the music and words of ‘Lanterns’ by Birds of Tokyo.

On we march
With a midnight song
We will light our way
With our lanterns on
On we march
Till we meet the dawn
We will light our way
With our lanterns on …”
It was a glowing procession that walked peacefully with lanterns that illuminated the Melbourne skyline around us.

Isn’t it amazing what we can achieve when we band together. We might think our light is small but it can make a huge difference.

My sister is one of many travelling this path. And though it’s her journey she knows I’m there for her. What I’d really love, aside from her healing, is to take her on a different journey, camping at Mungo National Park, which I know is on the top of her wish list. My brave sis is a reminder to me of the strength we all have within. Living each day, with grace, faith and courage.

Wherever you are in the world and whatever battle you might be facing, know that you’re more resilient than you think.

All of us are more than the darkness. Life might not always be easy but, when we shine our own light from within, miracles can happen.

In love and light

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most”. Buddha

For more information on this important cause you can visit the Leukaemia Foundation

Where hope shines - yours truly

94 thoughts on “Light the Night

  1. Dearest Miriam, I am so sorry to read about your sister sadly on this journey. Your post radiates with positive spirit and it’s moving to see how your sister and so many find that they are ‘Living each day, with grace, faith and courage.’ We are all indeed so much more resilient than we know.

    The lanterns of Light The Night are touching to see, the community brought together with warmth, love and hope. Wow! That is one amazing aim … no more lives lost to blood cancers by 2035.May it be so.

    My thoughts are with you and wishing your sister well and strong soon, Sending you love & hugs xx ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words Annika. Yes, I pray that the Leukaemia Foundation’s aim is achieved as well. So much suffering and sadness. But Light the Night was all about beauty and hope. I’m so glad I was able to be part of it. Thanks again for your good wishes. Love and hugs back. . xx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Hope your sister’s journey is successful. She looks like she’s doing ok, under the circumstances. Being part of a community helps, and having an awesome sister to support her during this battle is wonderful.
    Praying that she thrive, and put this all behind her.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. yea, that huge group community support is so heartwarming … hope she is doing well.
    Mungo NP would be awesome! Maybe you can aim for when her treatment is finished … it’s been a long time.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a wonderful event Miriam. So good to see that many people actively supporting and the positive vibes those affected receive from that are immeasurable. Plus they raise money. Fantastic in every way.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I wish your dear sister well Miriam. I lost my own darling sister in 2014 to this horrendous disease and now my S.I.L. is due for surgery today in UK. So many families affected. Thank you for this beautiful post. “Where hope shines” I love that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your well wishes Barbara. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sister. I pray that your S.I.L comes through her surgery well. Sending you both love and all good wishes. xx

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  6. What a beautiful gathering for such a worthy cause, Miriam. Cancer in some form has affected many of us and it is wonderful to see the love and support for Light the Night. What a fantastic result in funds raised. Thank you for sharing and for again highlighting the need to keep supporting Cancer research in all of its forms. Have a beautiful week. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Sue. And yes I do recall that you’ve been impacted by this disease. It’s very prolific and so much still needs to be done, I pray the Leukaemia Foundation achieve their goal. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead too. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have such a lump in my throat reading this, Miriam. Your sister, like you, looks so full of life! Please God she will get through this. I can see and feel her strength. Sending hugs! 🙂 🙂 (and I’m not walking next week but I will include this the following one- every little helps)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sure does! Thanks so much Jo. I actually thought of linking to your Monday Walks but wasn’t sure, so I’m really touched that you’d like to include it. Thanks for your hugs too. Sending warm ones back to you. xx 😌

      Liked by 1 person

  8. What a lovely, hopeful post Miriam.
    It’s amazing the power generated when we all come together for a common cause or ideal. Sometimes the difficulties in this world – including that dreaded cancer – can seem overwhelming. But when we join together they don’t seem quite so overwhelming.
    Love and hope to your sister and family.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. What a heartwarming and hopeful post, Miriam. All my best wishes to your sister and family. Yes, we need to keep supporting Cancer research in hope that the Leukemia Foundation achieve their aim. Much love and hugs to you my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  10. What a wonderful event for such a worthwhile cause! And I’m so sorry your sister is fighting cancer, and am sure that makes this all the more meaningful for you. A friend of mine who is a breast cancer survivor went to a similar event once and told me that all the positive energy she felt there was so very healing. Thank you for doing this, and for sharing the story and photos with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ann, yes it was a beautiful night and an experience I was glad to be part of. Even though I wished she wasn’t sick, as she said to me, there’s positives that come out of every situation. This gathering was definitely one of them, an inspiring night of shared hope and unity.

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    1. I think you’re right Carol, sadly. And I’m sorry to hear about your brother. I agree, these events are such a beautiful way to honour our loved ones and bring hope for the future.

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  11. Oh Miriam, I love your words and the sentiments of this action. My brother in law died very quickly and unexpectedly of leukaemia 5 years ago at age 55 and so this post resonates so much with me. Tears for you and your sister and for everyone else who is suffering in some way. Just the most lovely post, you are amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Deb, I’m so sorry about your brother in law. This post must have bought back so many heartbreaking memories for you. Cancer is such a dirty word. Thanks so much for your kind words. Hugs to you my friend. xx

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  12. I’ve had a tab opened with this post, along with others as I’ve slowly been catching up with some blog reading. It’s quite fitting that today would be the day I would read your words about community. I had an email today from an author that I follow about choosing a message from a certain set of her oracle cards. One card’s message was “Connecting with community” in the set I pulled.

    I’m sorry that your sister is battling such a horrible disease. I lost my father-in-law to leukemia in 2013. The vision of the Leukaemia Foundation is bold and wonderful and I hope they achieve it. Light the Night looks like a beautiful experience for a good cause.

    Sending you much love and healing wishes, Miriam. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. Isn’t serendipity a wonderful thing. I love it when messages and things align in life.
      I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your FIL back in 2013. It’s such a cruel disease and I truly hope they can find a cure for it. Events like this Light the Night honestly give me hope. Thanks again Amy and hugs and love sent back to you. xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad this touched your heart Drew. But I’m also sad that it must have brought back bittersweet memories of your dear late mother. Sending hugs xx


  13. I’m stopping by via the encouragement of Drew. Aw…such a beautiful and encouraging post. There is hope when people come together for causes. Your beautiful smile and your love for your sister is inspiring. Hugs to both of you – the journey of any terminal disease isn’t easy. Enduring the challenges together makes for wonderful and lasting memories for both. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shelley, sorry for the late reply to your lovely comment. You’re right, the journey of any terminal disease is difficult but I guess with support it does bring us closer. Your words are beautiful and your kind wishes felt deeply, thank you. xx

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  14. What a beautiful event to be a part of, your touching post brought a lump to my throat. I have a close friend living with leukemia, at the moment it’s well controlled with tablets and she’s living life as normal but who knows what the future may bring? I’m so sorry your sister is fighting this dreadful disease, sending positive thoughts and wishes x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eunice, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. You’re right, no one knows what the future will bring. I hope that your friend, like my sister, will continue to live a normal and happy life for as long as they can. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your good wishes. xx


  15. Most most welcome,my dear Marriam!!you are really the light of hopes for all.i like you enlightening march to show path of positivity for everybody.most glad to read your post.your Light The Night are seeming our festival of Deepawali(night of enlightening to all universe)most wonderful ,impressive and positive thoughts which can inspire everybody,my dear soul marriam!!🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind words. I appreciate your words on Andrew’s post and thank you for reading my post here too. Very best wishes to you. 💕


  16. I had to wipe the tears from off my face, Miriam. The picture of you and your sister got me. And the rest of your post put such a huge lump in my throat that it effected my eye waters. So many have been struck by cancer in this toxic world of ours. I pray your sister actually gets to those places on her wish list. Knowing you, you will do all you can to help her achieve those goals. Bless you for your participation in such a powerful display of LOVE. Where there is hope and love, miracles do happen!!! What a post! Bless you, dear friend!! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Amy for your gorgeous heartfelt words here. Yeah, cancer is definitely a dirty word and I constantly pray for a miracle. I couldn’t agree more that hope and love are powerful. All we can do is stay positive. Thank you again my lovely friend. xx

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  17. What an inspiring beautiful post dear Miriam, and yes it is amazing when we join in unity together just what is achievable..
    Your sister is indeed a beacon of light by showing her own courage through this journey.. We both have sisters who are our hero’s so to speak, as my own younger sister went through breast cancer aged 35 and her courageous battle she won with a determined spirit to stay with her four young children.. Now at 59 she also inspires..

    So I can relate dear Miriam in the battle against that C word..
    And your post shows us how many are journeying through their own battles and it also shows how supported they are.
    What a tremendous cause and what a wonderful idea
    Thank you for sharing your heartfelt words..
    Love and Blessings ❤


  18. This is amazing. I am choked up. Bless your sister and you and your whole family first and foremost. All the love and light to you.
    What a gorgeous way to come together and show love and acceptance and unity for people.

    Your images, your words and all the love you put into this…filled my heart.

    What an inspiration you are

    Such a hug for you and yours

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you. You’re so kind. Yeah, it was an emotional night, but sometimes that’s when the light shines the brightest, when it’s dark and people show their true colours.
      Thanks again Fiery (is that what I call you?)
      Big big hugs xx

      Liked by 1 person

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