Bloggers Awards and Reflections

It’s that time of the year again, the Bloggers Bash Awards, and I’m honoured that my blog was nominated in Best Lifestyle Blog Category. Seems the perfect time to say ‘thank you’ and to reflect on my blogging journey so far.

My blog was always intended to be a bit of a travel journal but after four years I can see how it’s evolved. These days it’s about more than simply travel but then again, Outanabout always was such an open ended name.

My motto Outanabout loving life sums it up. Blogging has definitely changed the way I look at life and made me more mindful. Older and wiser perhaps! Though it’s not all sunshine and road trips, at 53 I consider myself extremely blessed.

This year’s been a roller coaster one so far and, though I’ve not been blogging as much lately, due to personal family issues taking priority, I’m still loving it all.

Thank you so much to all of you, my readers and fellow bloggers. Many of you have become real life friends along the way.

Last weekend I had the chance to meet up again with the lovely Glenys from Caravan Correspondent, a fellow adventurer and freelance writer, in Melbourne for a family weekend.

It’s these real life connections and shared interests that make writing and sharing our lives so special. I feel grateful to be part of an amazing community of writers and artists.

I have plans to share much more in the future: I’ll take you along with me camping virtually and I’ll share my thoughts on living life to the max and mindfully, appreciating the joys and yep, even the not-so-good stuff along the way. There’ll be changes too as I ramp things up.

My aim is to transport you and inspire a bit of dreaming, whether that’s further afield or just around the corner.

After all, that’s often where the best stories are made. Simply being out and about.

In Macedon over the weekend. “The whole point is to live life and be – to use all the colours in the crayon box.” RuPaul

The Bloggers Awards close on 24 April. If you’d like to show your support head on over to the Bloggers Voting Page where you’ll find all the categories. Great chance to vote for your favourite bloggers and hopefully cast one for moi too!

So, a big thanks for being here and I look forward to more writing, reading and sharing stories. Regardless of the outcome of the Awards, the blogging continues for all of us and so does the inspiration. To me that makes us all winners.

In love and light as we continue the journey together

“I’ve found that if you love life, life will love you back.” Arthur Rubenstein

Want to connect with me on Facebook.

Come join my group for like minded travellers
Outanabout YOLO “You only live once

100 thoughts on “Bloggers Awards and Reflections

  1. Will start with your age ! You do not look 53 at all and God Bless you with many more healthy and smiling years ahead. You writing adventure has really been enjoyable which is evident in your words and spirit.
    Most importantly those pictures add an artistic touch to your posts and we love seeing more and more of you in action. Well deserved nomination and may you shine at the top. Happy travelling, blogging and being a kid all the way 😀 .

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Firstly, I’m so sorry this is late. For some reason the first three comments disappeared from my notifications and I only found them now. Thank you so much for your very kind words. You sure put a smile on my face with your lovely comment. Thanks again. Happy blogging to you too. 🙂


    1. Hi, I’m so sorry this is a late reply, but thank you, I only just got your message. Yes, Macedon is beautiful. My in-laws live there so we’re up there quite often. Enjoy the running festival in June. 🙂

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  2. Blogging definitely does make one more mindful Miriam, and like you, my blog started out as a travel blog too. Then I realised there’s much, much more worthy of thought than just travel. I’d already voted in the bloggers award before I became familiar with your blog Miriam. Funny thing was at the time I voted I was wondering if I was being fair to all the other contenders, not being familiar with them. But to have become familiar with them all – well to do that I definitely would need another lifetime. Anyway, best of luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, you’re quite right Chris, it’s impossible to appreciate all the many wonderful bloggers out there. Thanks so much for your kind words and best wishes. Have a great week.


  3. Hope that family is healing well!

    Been over and voted for you Miriam, only knew two other nominees in the other categories which makes me think we need to be nominating each other for this colossal event! We not be based over there but we all know worthy bloggers who should at least be mentioned …

    Good luck ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kate and you’re quite right, there are so many amazing bloggers that I know, yourself included, who should have been in those categories. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter though. I meant what I said, we’re all winners because we all inspire each other. Have a great week. 😊 xx

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  4. Congratulations Miriam on being nominated for the Best Blog Lifestyle Award. It’s interesting to read how your blogging has evolved and I’m keen to see what you have planned for the future. Enjoy the Bloggers Bash and good luck. You’ve got my vote.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on your nomination! You deserve it! Your blog is always so uplifting and inspiring, and I enjoy getting to “come along” on so many of your travels. The way you share your thoughts and adventures is a gift to all of us. I look forward to seeing your blog evolve in the coming year, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey Mi-mi ! (I hope this doesn’t upset you) 53? Wow ! My mouth dropped after finding out your age ! I had been under the impression that you were no near 40’s! Well, congrats! it is true that if you “love life, life will love you back.” I also agree with “Blogging has definitely changed the way I look at life and made me more mindful. Older and wiser perhaps!” Its amazing how much you can learn from writers all over the world ! Sharing their lives ! Listening to their voices, to their secrets that cannot be told, It’s a bold move, in my opinion. I’m so happy that we get to do this journey with you! And congratulations on the award ! It is well deserved !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Oristel, of course you didn’t upset me, in fact you made me smile. I’m flattered at your words. And yes, I totally agree, we can all learn so much from each other, from whatever corner of the world we’re from. We’re all bold and brave I think, sharing our lives, aren’t we. Warmest wishes to you my friend and thanks again. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Miriam, congratulations on your nomination … highly desreved and I’m heading over to vote after this! It’s been a joy to ‘meet’ you here on WP and your posts are always inspiring, reflective and thought-provoking as you travel both in distance and within yourself! You absolutely achieve your aim of ‘… to transport you and inspire a bit of dreaming, whether that’s further afield or just around the corner.’ How wonderful to meet a fellow blogger in real life and you look so companionable together, as if you’ve known each other for years! As with so much in life it is achieving the balance in blogging and outside it that’s so important!

    Wishing you many more exciting and wondrous years of blogging … and good luck in the voting! Hugs! 😀❤️🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Annika, thank you so much for such a lovely comment. As I’ve come to expect from you over the years! It’s been lovely to ‘meet’ you here as well and I feel extremely fortunate to have met a number of other like minded bloggers over the past four years. You’re right, blogging is very much a balance. Thanks again for your good wishes. I hope you and your family have enjoyed a happy and peaceful Easter. Big hugs from across the ocean. xx

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  8. Hello my lovely lady, I’m heading right over to vote for you, I sure hope you win, you so deserve to!! We really need to catch up with each other, sorry to hear this has been a bumpy year for you so far…let’s make that turn around, shall we? Your autumn colors are beautiful but truth be told, I’m soooo happy I’m in Spring and heading towards summer. This was a lonnnng winter and I’m so glad it’s over. My willow is blossoming and that always makes me so happy. Sounds like you have big plans for your blog to blossom too…it’s already so wonderful!! Off to vote and then catch up on some of your other posts!! Til we chat, big colorful hugs my sweet friend!! Hope your Easter was eggstra special…I just got home from my brother’s house. Big blossoming hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello gorgeous, it’s been soooo nice to get your comments. Hope you had a lovely time at your brothers place. As I mentioned before we’re on our way home and I’m feeling quite introspective, don’t know why cos it was a lovely couple of days. Anyway I’m glad you’re heading into spring. Truth be told, as much as I’m loving the Autumn colours much like you I’m a summer girl! So I’m already mussing the warmth but never mind. Cycles hey, with everything. 💚 Thank you for voting, your support but especially your friendship. Look forward to chatting with you very soon. In the meantime big hugs and lots of love to you xx 💕


      1. I know you’re a summer girl just like me. I hope you win, that would be really cool and one more item to add to your portfolio. Even though we’ve had this gap in talking you are always on my mind as I cherish our friendship too!! Look forward to chatting soon too!! Big hugs and lots of love back to you my dear friend xo 💜


  9. Hi, Marion – I wholeheartedly agree that our blogging connections are what make blogging so compelling! I too am grateful to be part of this amazing community. Congratulations on your very well-deserved Blogger Bash Award nomination. Good luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations on the nomination Miriam!! It’s always interesting to watch our blogs evolve as life is an ever changing journey. I can’t wait to hear about your future adventures. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Congrats on your nomination, Miriam. I voted for you and good luck! How wonderful to have met a fellow blogger in Melbourne. The friends you meet along the way is such a lovely thing. Safe travels 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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