New Doors in February

This is a place of mystery … a sanctuary.  Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul.  The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it.  Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.”   Carlos Ruiz Zafon, The Shadow of the Wind

How can it be that I’ve lived in Melbourne for so many years and never once stepped foot inside the magnificent Victorian State Library. Finally, on Tuesday I did.

After an hour on the train I eventually met up with my co-conspiring-reading-partner in crime. Our main aim for this catch up was to visit this iconic building, a place neither of us had been to.

To make it more special we both brought our laptops. We had the grand intention of energising them under the magnificent dome of the library.

However, first things first, coffee! Then, though neither of us were in true shopping mode we browsed through a couple of gorgeous stationery shops.

Isn’t it amazing how signs appear for us, almost as though the Universe is whispering in our ear and conspiring with us on our journey.

This was inside.

It was a beautiful shop and I came out inspired.

I’m now considering signing up for a workshop on goal setting held in a couple of weeks. I feel as though I’m at the beginning of a new journey of self discovery.

As we continued through Melbourne Central these red winged pigs caught my eye and I couldn’t resist having a bit of fun with them.

Near the clock tower the red pigs were literally flying high. That’s how I feel about life at the moment.

It seems almost prophetic when I think about my intentions and goals for this year.

Donna Stellhorn, astrologer and author of Chinese Astrology: 2019 Year of the Earth Pig, says the energy of this year is about knowing your goals and taking actions to make progress.

She says “don’t let the opportunities of this year pass you by. Get up from the sofa and pursue your goals with energy and you can find success.”

So I’m off the sofa.  Underneath the dome in the magnificent State Library of Victoria we opened our laptops. Amidst the energy of the grand architecture and surrounded by thousands of authors and the wisdom of the years it felt like our laptops were charged with new purpose. As Lily eloquently put it afterwards ”

“Such a nice feeling knowing that my laptop and diaries and creating money book are now energised by the magnitude and power of the collective, the state library, and by our high vibrations and our love, and are now magnets for money, creativity and joy! All is as it should be in my world.” 

At the entrance to the library (which is currently being renovated) the signs seemed to be speaking to us. “We are evolving” it read in bold letters and directly above it “Open”, my theme word for the year.

To some these might be merely words and signs. But I truly believe when we live with an open heart and mind and take notice of the little messages along the way, transformation and exciting things happen.

Seems we really are evolving and when we keep our eyes open and start taking those steps more opportunities flow in.

It was a wonderful day that passed way too quickly. Aside from a light lunch and transport I spent very little money. However, not simply for that reason, I felt like I came home so much richer.

I bought a needy bedraggled stranger a coffee in the food court, I found inspiration in unexpected shops without spending a cent, I connected deeper with my friend and slowed down time in a beautiful library. All proof that the simple things are often the best and that we don’t need to spend a fortune to have a fabulous day out.

Here’s to stepping into new territory, even if it’s close to home, and to living life to the fullest.

Keep enjoying the journey.

In light and love


On an exciting note, I’m thrilled and honoured that Outanabout has been nominated in this years Bloggers Bash Awards, to be held in London in June this year, in the Best Lifestyle Blog category. This is a huge category with an exceptional number of awesome blogs and I feel so grateful to be amongst them.

Thank you for your nomination.

Annual Bloggers Bash Awards Nominee Best Lifestyle Blog

Want to connect with me on Facebook.

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once

99 thoughts on “New Doors in February

  1. First, heartily congratulations on the nomination. This is certainly a big milestone for you and your blog.
    Secondly, thank you so much for taking us along with you on this amazing trip to the Victorian State Library. Sipping my coffee quietly in a corner inside the library would be my way of admiring the grandeur of it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now I am inspired. This post couldn’t have come at a better time! There are so many changes happening in my life, positive ones, but in the thick of it right now. I’m so wound up, I don’t even know where to start. Goals! I need goals and action steps to achieve them. Open. Open to change. I love libraries! I love book stores! There’s something about being surrounded by people’s stories that allows me to get lost among the books for hours! This was such a great post! Do you allow sharing? ~k,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you were inspired Kim because that’s exactly how I was feeling yesterday (and today too, come to think of it). I agree, libraries and book stores are very special places and goals and action steps are so important. Share away my friend. 😊 xx

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  3. A great post, with fabulous illustrations. It’s surprising how we can go through life without discovering the gems on our doorstep, isn’t it? And congratulations on your nomination, I hope you win!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thanks Clive, you’re very kind. Maybe it’s cliched but I feel as though I’ve already won by being nominated. And yes, I agree about the gems on our doorstep. We often miss them.

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  4. Hello dear Miriam…I think this post is sheer beauty. The way you have described your magical day out and involved all those amazing signs from the universe, the lessons from sitting surrounded by the treasures of the books…and without much mire than the cost of a train ticket.
    Such stunning writing, my friend ✨✨✨💜

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fun city adventure Miriam! I love the “signs” and quote books holding the souls of all who have read or touched them. I always thought “when pigs fly” was an impossible marker, but I guess the time is right to open, evolve, and fly! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations, Miriam. We love visiting the library when we go to Melbourne, especially to see Mr ET’s great great uncle whose photo is in the Ned Kelly exhibition. And isn’t Melbourne Central a great shopping centre. Last time we stayed in an Airbnb apartment right next door and our window looked out over the library. It sounds as if, like the library, you are starting the new year with a fresh outlook on life!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. How wonderful Carol. I can understand why you visit it often with such a close family connection there. And there’s always different exhibitions there too. How fabulous to stay near Melbourne Central, the shops would be such a temptation. Thanks for your good wishes too, the year’s definitely started off with lots of positivity. 😊


  7. Such an impressive building isn’t it? We were lucky enough to visit and spent so long exploring and wandering around. Fabulous place. Loved this post as it brought back so many memories. Oh and a huge congratulations on being nominated for the bloggers bash awards. Well deserved.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Ah Miriam, you deserve all the accolades for your wonderful blog. Can you believe I have never been to the State Library either, thank you for the inspiration to get it on the to do list soon. I also did something I have wanted to do forever just yesterday. I finally joined a real art class and had my first lesson. Can you believe I drew the Mona Lisa!!

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you Miriam, she was still smiling despite my efforts. Going to classes has been a longtime dream, not really sure why I left it so long but it doesn’t really matter does it.

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  9. What a lovely post, Miriam! I love those magnificent winged pigs and the beautiful messages just waiting for you to breathe in…I came across a gorgeous life goals workbook by an Australian woman called, Your Shining Year – 2019, it was free and just sitting there in our tiny, wooden free library cupboard not far from our apartment…I have it with me now in a small studio on an island after our first snowfall. Congratulations on the nomination, you deserve it!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I love perfect findings…it could be that book you find on the shelf at the library, that perfect word or poem, or a gift that’s been set free for someone else to find…I hope you’re having a lovely weekend, we just returned from a few days on the Island, a getaway filled with magic and long forest walks!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations on your nomination Miriam. I wait, along with all your other readers, with bated breath.
    The State library is magnificent and this inspires me to revisit it. Sometime when next you’re in town it worth ducking into the Chinese museum. Fascinating!
    Love your opening quote – Shadiw ofbthe Wind is one of my favourite books. A place to disappear into.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I adore Shadow of the Wind too, it’s one of those delicious books where you savour every word. Thanks for your kind wishes Heather and yes, I’ll definitely keep the Chinese museum in mind. xx


  11. Each and every word resonated the energy and spirit and the beautiful pictures added to the charm. It’s quite lucky to be able to set aside the hustle of life and float through the real luxuries of life. And congratulations for the nomination 😊.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Miriam,
    You are right, there are gems all around us…we need only explore to find them and you don’t have to go too far.
    And, congrats on the nomination…love your blog…best of luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. What an amazing, inspiring day! I love libraries 🙂 What you said resonated with me… I feel like I’m evolving (and making conscious efforts to do so), and am open to new opportunities. Take care, Miriam! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad this resonated with you Jenny. I think when we’re really open and conscious to everything that’s when positive change happens. Big hugs to you 💙


  14. Oh Miriam, I love this! I’m so inspired by your willingness to expand and live life fully – and step into new adventures (like the library) that open you to what’s in your heart. Sending much love and Light to your goals for the coming year. What I know is that you touch everyone, including me, with your joy and effervescent grace. Thank you for this awesome post.

    I’m going to include it in #ForgivingFridays today! (I’m now doing it once per month so that I can focus on a new series, Money Mondays. 🙂 ) Feel free to link back to my post, and completely fine if not.

    And congratulations on your nomination to the Bloggers Bash Awards! That is quite and accomplishment. Blessings ahead.
    Love and Light and a big hug to you,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Debbie, I do love hearing from you, you’re like a ray of sunshine that pops into my blog. Thank you for your kind words and for wanting to include my post in your FF. That’s wonderful. I love the sound of your new project too, Money Monday’s. Amazing really because I’m currently reading Creating Money, Keys to Abundance and I’m absolutely loving it. All the best to you and sending lots of love and light from this side of the world. Big hugs xx 💜

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      1. Wow, Miriam that’s awesome! How synchronistic 🙂 Thanks for sharing the book title. You know, it brings to my awareness a video on Limiting Beliefs Around Money that you may enjoy. (It includes great steps to address each one, such as valuing yourself ❤ ) Email me if you want to watch it, ok? My email in case you don't have it still:

        Lots of loving with a splash of abundance, joy and FUN to you Miriam. I just returned to LA from NY, and so I'm sending a big hug from across the Pacific Ocean! Love and Light xx Debbie

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  15. I agree there is something special to the point of being unique about books. Sometimes I try to get really precise about exactly what it is, but I am never really able to articulate it. I feel it, but I can’t describe or explain it.

    I love your passion, your willingness to embrace new experiences, to explore.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Libraries are such wonderful places, aren’t they? If I had to be stuck in one building for the rest of my life, it would definitely be a library. But the great thing is we are never stuck there….they inspire us to move forward into our lives in ways we never would have imagined. Good luck with your ventures in the upcoming year, Miriam! I can’t wait to read out it!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Congrats on the nomination! Aren’t we lucky to have such a beautiful library? Many years ago pre internet we found hubby’s long lost brother. To welcome him back into the family I decided to put a book together of the family story. I went to the library to find the newspaper stories written by hubby’s father, a racing journalist. It was awesome to read stories by a father in law I’d never met and a surprise to discover that my brother in law had been named after a Melbourne Cup Winner!!

    Liked by 1 person

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