Walking in Wonderland

One of the first times we camped at the Grampians we were woken up to the sound of koalas mating in a tree behind our tent. Trust me when I say, koalas sound ferocious, even when they’re having fun.

It’s also not unusual to wake up to the laughter of kookaburras and a mob of boxing kangaroos.

On our last visit, barely three weeks ago, we were spectators to a highly unusual cricket match. The quintessential Aussie scene below gave new meaning to the bowling term “bouncer”.

“Who’s the Skipper here”

That’s the Grampians, as Australian as it gets. However, this place has more than just prolific wildlife. The Grampians is a walker’s paradise.

Over the years, with our kids and with friends, we’ve walked just about every peak and trail, from the well known wonderland circuit, the Grand Canyon and the Pinnacle to many waterfalls and look out points. We’ve traipsed up Mount Hollow in the north and climbed Mt Zero and Mt Abrupt in the South, posing on many summits.

So it was a surprise to find a couple of walks that we hadn’t done before.

Here’s a scenic recap of our recent visit and a snapshot to whet your appetite.

The mountains are calling and I must go.”

Me on top of Boronia Peak

Chatauqua Peak Loop

This 5.km circuit loop starts at the oval in Halls Gap. We’d only been walking about ten minutes when we saw a herd of wild goats in the bush.

The track takes you past Clematis Falls (better after rain) and from there it’s all uphill.

It climbs steeply before the final rock scramble at the end which leads to incredible views over Halls Gap from the summit.

Boronia Peak

This 6km return walk is steep and gets the adrenalin pumping. Starting at Fyans Creek footbridge (off Tamdara Road) it’s a steady climb through tall messmate forest and native pines, along the western slope of the Mount William range.

We passed just one other couple along the way on our uphill climb. A rocky scramble at the end culminates in spectacular views towards Lake Fyans and the Fyans Valley

Cloud descended on us at Boronia Peak

We also enjoyed a couple of old favourites:

The Balconies

I love this walk. It’s an easy 2kms and an incredibly scenic trail with wildflowers along the way and lots of opportunities to pose for silly selfies.

At the end you’ll be met by what looks like the jaws of a prehistoric beast.

Formerly known as the Jaws of Death.

Once upon a time you could walk out onto this ledge (yes, I’ve done it too) but the path’s since been fenced off, not that it deters all people.

The views across the valley are breath taking.

Mackenzie Falls

One of the Grampians most popular waterfalls, Mackenzie Falls is very steep and strenuous. There’s a lookout half way for those with mobility issues but for those who make it to the base of the steps it’s well worth the effort.

Down the bottom you’ll see the falls in all their glory. It’s a treat for the senses as you hear the roar, feel the spray and feast your eyes on this beautiful waterfall.

I could go on and on about the craggy peaks, the views that have your eyes constantly raised upwards as you take in the beauty but I think you get the picture.

There are so many walks here and, as we set off on each trail, I’m reminded that hiking is like life. When we start on our journey, all we need to do is put one foot in front of the other, again and again. And as you allow yourself to be present every step of the way you’ll open up to the beauty everywhere, not just at the summit. 

The Grampians is special any time of the year. It’s my happy place. Throw in some lakeside camping, warm campfires and starry nights, good food, wine and company and you have the ingredients for a perfect getaway.

Cheers to travel, to living life to the full and enjoying those views wherever you are.

In light and love as we continue the journey

Life should have more mountains and less stress … go where you feel alive

Footnote: this post was written and scheduled last week, pre hand and thumb surgery. Replies to your comments, which are always appreciated, may be slower than usual.

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once”

116 thoughts on “Walking in Wonderland

  1. I showed the cricket match picture to Chéri when you posted it on Instagram, and it definately added to his wish to visit Australia! Thanks for sharing the incredible landscapes… (I looove the selfie of you two, such a fun shot)

    Get well soon… I hope the hand surgery went well 🙂 *big hugs* xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You have my warmest wishes for the recovery…. And the travel to Aussie’s land is just a matter of time. We just have to plan well 🙂 I can’t wait to discover your incredible country! xx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wild goats and beautiful falls, could it get any better? Not sure if I can summon up the courage to listen to ferocious koalas copulating…..nope. I saw a picture of a wet koala once, it scared the bejesus out of me…yikes.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The kangaroos on the cricket pitch was so cute! Great post and very lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing…I hope your hand and thumb heals up quickly from your surgery. Have a lovely day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You too 🤷‍♀️. We have cricket matches a lot here in the Caribbean…even West Indies vs Australia but never was there a desruption due to kangaroos 😂🤣 more likely due to rain 🤷‍♀️ 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Miriam, thanks for sharing your experience…very inspiring and informative. We have been in Australia for two years…this post rejuvenated my memories. Such a wonderful place…
    And yes, get well soon dear😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow spectacular photos Miriam. I’m so glad you’ve shown us because by the sound of some of the hikes that may be as close as I get. 😁 The sound of a waterfall is just so peaceful though isn’t it. Absolutely what you need sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Miriam, there is lots of Victoria i haven’t seen but the Grampians I have been to! It’s just the camping I don’t like. My sister lives in a section of the Adelaide Hills where she hears that koala love regularly. Scary! Love the roos watching the cricket. You’d think they would move?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Lovely images Miriam, the Grampians look like a fabulous place to explore and the cricket scene is wonderful! Glad to hear your surgery went well and we wish you a speedy recovery 🙂💖 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks to you I rarely have to leave the house! Your pictures and descriptions are just amazing, every time. And, no. Hell no. You’d never catch me out there on the Jaws of Death. I can’t even look at the picture for long without getting dizzy! 🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You are so lucky to live in Australia with all of it’s natural beauty and wildlife! All the photos were great…the scenery on your walks is incredible…but I have to admit that my favorite photo was of the kangaroos casually lounging by the cricket match. I truly hope I get to see something like that in person one day. Thanks for this post, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Just fabulous places to walk Miriam! I must add them to our list 🙂 In regards to your post, once again your words describe more than just the scenery but your thinking as well. It’s always so joyous to read your posts. I love the jaws photo, fantastic shots! Hope your hand surgery goes well, take care of yourself 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A place we never tire of. So many beautiful walks and such awesome scenery. We once saw a koala in the fork of a tree at head height …. right outside the Halls Gap supermarket. The tourists were totally stunned and poor little Kimbo wanted nothing more than a quiet snooze.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I LOVE the Grampians. One of my favourite places in Victoria. I love that I can take anyone there and regardless of their fitness level there is a walk suitable for them. My favourite hike is Mt Rosea ❤️ I hadn’t heard of Boronia Peak before though, the photos look stunning so I’ll be sure to do that when I visit next time.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. One of my favourite places. the smell and sounds take me back and back to camps as a kid, trips with Dad to see the wild flowers and later walking through those glorious places with my grown children. I want to walk Mount Rosea again (but I think I’ll need some new plumbing before I tackle that). Thank you for bringing it back so vividly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad I was able to bring back those memories Heather. We actually passed the Grampians today (in the distance) on our way to South Australia. I never tire of visiting those ranges and walking those trails. Not so much in summer though. We’re on route to the coast this time. In Meningie tonight.


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