A Sweet Deliciousness

You are sweet

I could devour you

Instead I stare

And resist temptation.

You are sweet

I will inhale you

breath in your smell

deep in my imagination.

You are sweet

I love the rough edges

that hide your smooth centre

that only I can see.

You are sweet

and plain on the outside

yet so much deliciousness

stares back at me.

When deliciousness stares at you, can you resist?

Like these jam drops I made the other day.

Or this luscious meringue with French vanilla yoghurt, filled with raspberry and mango.

Or perhaps it’s a different type of deliciousness.

Life is sweet.

Enjoy it.

Why hold back?

Should we completely forego the sweet richness of life?

Our time here is too short to not enjoy what we love, to not enjoy what makes us feel alive.

Some things are simply too good to pass up.

In my eyes it’s called abundance and it starts in our mindset.

Look around and see how sweet life can be. Shift your focus from worries, which inevitably pass, to the natural abundance that surrounds us.

Smell the roses, look for that unexpected rainbow in the sky, savour the sunshine after the rain and feed your soul.

When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow. –Anmol Andore

It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. Laura Ingalls Wilder

Sharing for WPC: Sweet

Stay happy and make your own sunshine and sweetness as we continue this topsy turvy journey called life.

In light and love

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Outanabout YOLO “You only live once.

74 thoughts on “A Sweet Deliciousness

  1. Miriam, this is a really lovely poem and at first I thought you talked about your special guy.:))
    Then I find the picture of all these delicious sweets. Oh my. How to resist any of them.
    Yes, may we treasure all the goodness in life and bear the not so good with fortitude and they might turn sweet too.
    Thank you for this lovely post
    Miriam…….from up north

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Miriam, a beautiful start to my Sunday morning! 😀 Thank you for the reminder to ‘feed the soul’ … at times it can become neglected! I love the goodness you serve up here for us, real treats. The bake looks delicious and the fruit bowls so tasty, and yes, all around there is nourishment for our souls so soak up, absorb into our very being! Hugs xxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

      1. ah moved again so busy and hot .. had a nice couple of hours in a cool garden! Going to volunteer there as it’s good energy, the place where ‘house with no steps’ started so lots of challenged people working there.

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  3. What a sensationally sweet and sumptuous poem Miriam! You are truly gifted my friend 😌 go forth and indulge in life’s sweet riches I say, life is for loving and living xx ❤️🌈 thank you for your creative wisdom! 🙏🏻

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are so beautiful Hayley. Thank you my sweet friend. Yes let’s both of us ‘go forth and indulge in life’s sweet riches …” I love the way you think and you know I feel exactly the same way. Big hugs to you xo 💖 P.S next time let’s order the sticky date pudding!!! 😏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The beauty you see in me is a reflection of the beauty within you my friend 🙏🏻💗 and I totally agree! Sticky date pudding here we come! 🙌🏻😈 Big squishies to you beautiful Miriam 🌈 xx

        Liked by 2 people

  4. Love this , Miriam! Yes, life is sweet!! I was with my daughter yesterday and she knows I’m trying to “be good” and cut down on my treats. But I told her there’s no way I’m not going to indulge in the yummy food at our special lunch place… I ate it and savored it and the time with my daughter!❤️Great reminder to enjoy the sweetness of life! (In moderation, lol)🙂


  5. What Delicious words you bring us Miriam temping not only our taste buds, but you ask us to join in the delights of life and indulge in its richness.
    Giving thanks for those moments we take for granted which make our lives enriched and sweet beyond words.
    In Love and Gratitude..
    May we all devour those sweet moments of pure delight that are on offer. And store them into our memories to pull them out whenever we encounter bitter ones..

    Love to you dear friend.. Wonderful philosophy and my mouth is watering.. 🙂 ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes indeed Sue, I love your words here and I so agree. Life’s not always sweet but we can always turn our thinking round. Thank you as always for a beautiful comment. Have a lovely week my dear friend. Big hugs ❤️🌹


  6. Mmmm all of those look yummy. Funny those jam cookies you made, we call them thumb cookies and they are my favorite!!! My sister-in-law makes a huge batch every Christmas and that’s her gift to me, I love them soooo much!! Love that picture of the rainbow hidden in the clouds…very poignant don’t you think? So even when there are clouds in your day, the rainbow is there too…just look for it!! You’re just starting your Tuesday, I hope it is a delicious day!! I went to the beauty store as my mother wanted some items for her birthday coming up this week…so I treated myself to a few things too. I love to put on oil after I shower but before I dry off so it moisturizes my skin…well I found one called Divine!!! Had to buy it!! I’ve had a lovely day off… practiced the piano some and look forward to more of that, watched a movie on Netflix called Irreplaceable Me, it was good but a little sad, and then did some accounting work…pretty soon I’ll be making my supper and relaxing for the evening!! Big Delicious Hugs Lovely Lady xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thumb cookies hey? Well, I’ve still got quite a few left (the boys don’t overly like them) so you need to come over and share them with me, otherwise I’ll end up eating them all myself lol. Sounds like you had a lovely day off Deb, good on you for treating yourself, that oil sounds perfectly divine. Enjoy the rest of your day my dear friend. Here’s to finding those rainbows in the clouds. Big hugs to you xo ❤️

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      1. Yes because you use your thumb to depress the center to fill with the jam. Ok I’ll be right there!!! I did have a lovely day off and I almost can’t wait to take a shower so I can use the oil!! hehe…maybe I’ll go now!! Hope your Tuesday is filled with lots of rainbows too – that was a great pic!! Talk soon!! Big rainbow hugs xo ❤

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        1. Oh okay, I used the rounded end of a wooden spoon for the indentation but I like the idea of a thumb print, that’s cute! Go enjoy your shower and oil. Big hugs and yep, talk soon. xo 💕

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  7. Hello Miriam, you have painted a beautiful image with your words about the richness of life and its deliciousness. Treats are certainly part of life and as you suggested too, we can create our own sweetness through our thoughts and actions…
    Lovely quotes and photos too, dear friend. And I love your post about beautiful Hayley. I’m happy you caught up on the weekend.
    Hugs, and a thank you to you for a lovely post 🌹💝

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Di, yes treats are definitely part of life. A balanced life, that’s what I’m aiming for at the moment. Hope you’re having a wonderful week my friend. Big hugs back x 💕

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