A Musical new Direction

I’ve just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary with my hubby. Well, officially, it’s not until Tuesday but we chose this weekend to celebrate it.

We went to St Kilda overnight, a trendy Melbourne suburb by the bay.

Whilst a specific post on the delights of St Kilda is in the wings, this post is more about synchronicity at play this weekend. 

Do I look as though I’m about to ascend to heaven?

Well, okay maybe not, though I sure felt like it on Saturday night.  We were transported to new heights whilst listening to the Australian Philharmonia Orchestra play the musical score to the movie La La Land.

For those that aren’t familiar with the film, it’s the story about wanna be actress Mia (Emma Stone) and jazz pianist Seb (Ryan Gosling) who meet and fall in love. It’s retro, heartfelt and a lot of fun.

But it’s the underlying theme of following our dream that’s at the core of this musical. It’s about the strength of our dreams, the struggles along the way and what it takes to make it a reality.

It’s about having a passion and a will to succeed. It’s about not giving up. It so resonates with me.

You can read a great review about it here by Selly. 

When the film ended the orchestra played on and the credits rolled.

There was a huge ovation and, of course, an encore.

We didn’t leave until the last piece of music stopped. It was powerful, masterful and moving.

Here’s a teeny snippet.

​Music has such power to lift us. It stirs my soul and is starting to fuel me in a new direction that makes me feel so good.

So, stay tuned for more music collaboration here very soon.

The next morning, having stayed overnight in a cute little AirBnB in St Kilda, I woke early and felt compelled to look out the window.

And this is what I saw …

Six hot air balloons floating serenely in the sky, seeming to be heading in my direction.

The sight was mesmerising. Magical.

Much later we strolled along the esplanade where the St Kilda market is held every Sunday.

There were plenty of great stalls but one in particular caught my eye. 

It was called I’m with Muriel.

There I met Sharon and we spoke, like long lost friends. We talked about her ‘Seriously Just Look After Yourself in 2018’ calendar and how she created it.
I jokingly mentioned that she looked a lot like bad girl Rhonda from Muriel’s Wedding. Aptly enough, another movie about music and creating yourself.

We spoke of her passion, of her dream becoming a reality and how she wanted to expand the calendar to create other products. My interest and her enthusiasm and obvious passion was contagious.

Of course I bought a calendar.

I thought of my own blog, of my renewed passions and interests, and how they’re growing day by day. I thought about how my music is evolving and heading into a new direction.

Later that day, when I got home I checked Facebook and, very briefly, my WP comments.

One message from my blog buddy and musical collaborator Deb blew me away.

This is what she had just posted.

Whoah! Call it co-incidence, call it serendipity or perhaps it’s another sign that I’m on the right path, but what I do know is that when our hearts and minds are open signs seem to appear everywhere.

They definitely were this weekend.

So fly high, go after those dreams and turn them into plans and goals. Go after what you want. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do it, especially yourself. 

As 2017 draws to an end may we all look forward (and upwards) in excitement for what lies ahead.

Wishing you all a beautiful week as we all continue the journey.

May we continue to head in the direction that makes us feel good. 

Sailing in the direction of our dreams – a view from the St Kilda pier this weekend

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100 thoughts on “A Musical new Direction

  1. Wow.. What a wonderful Post.. Congratulations firstly Miriam to you and your Hubby for your 25th Anniversary.. Wonderful celebration..
    And loved the music on La La Land.. I went to see the film when it first came out.. 🙂 and enjoyed..
    Following our Dreams, is what we should all be doing, and those Balloons, also a sign for you, as you set our sights High and allow them to go with the flow…. 😀
    Loved the way synchronicity plays out.. I am always in awe at how it works, and your post in a way has played out in my own this morning too.. WHY?
    Well I have been wanting to write a book using my poems, and I have been itching too, to do more painting..
    And I have struggled with time management, as once I log into WP I am away with the fairies and fly here and there and everywhere and behold.. A day as flown by and no painting or anything else gets done..
    So in the New Year I intend to be flying less, and painting more.. 🙂

    We all need to follow those dreams, and I need to leave a book for my granddaughter to read one day, so she can say my Gran wrote that.. :-D. That is my Dream..
    And I need to weave it into being..

    So Thank YOU Miriam.. You have confirmed for me and been yet another of my ‘Signs’
    Love and Blessings and have a Magical Christmas..
    Love Sue xxx ❤ 🎁😁💖🎅🎁🧚‍♂️🥂😍

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much Sue for your well wishes and for sharing your dream with me, and with all of us here. I honestly believe that by putting it out there you’ve already taken that important first step of bringing it to awareness and making it real. Go for it!! I have a strong feeling that 2018 is going to be year of realising many dreams. And I wish you well, you’ll do it, I see an amazing book of poems coming from you …
      So happy that I could be that little burst of inspiration Sue. Love and hugs from me too and wishing you a magical Christmas as well. xo ❤️🙂💫

      Liked by 1 person

  2. How magical to awaken to the sight of hot air balloons in the sky! Music does so much for us- I would find it hard to live without it. Happy Anniversary- love you in front of the wings- you look so happy! (and you look great!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. First of all, very warm wishes to you and your amazing hubby on your 25th wedding anniversary. You guys surely marked this special moment of your lives in a really amazing way.
    And last, but not least, thank you so very much for sharing a great message as we are getting closer to the end of another year, whilst preparing to welcome a new one.
    I wish you and your family a very happy new year 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary, Marian. This is another very inspiring post. Thank you for leaving us with the message to keep our hearts and mind open to gratitude and all that is positive!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Happy Anniversary Mirium. This post bubbles over with enthusiasm as if the angel wings, music, balloons and excitement aren’t enough, I see you flying high for 2018! I appreciate the reminders and energy boost. Maybe I’ll find some dreams and excitement for 2018. Thank you. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Brad, I really appreciate your kind words and well wishes. Yes, I’m looking forward to 2018. Hope it’s a great year for you too, full of new dreams, aspirations and inspiration. xo 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. congrats, you are a well matched pair! Glad you had such a pleasant and eventful celebration.

    My dreams are coming to fruition … more in a personal email when I have time as I’ve just landed literally. Got loads of paperwork to get this dream off the ground and move south in a few weeks. My dream to get off grid and tiny is coming closer. A book I wrote ten years ago is about to be published, it’s happening at last.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG that’s fantastic. I’m so happy for you. Welcome back and yes, when you’re settled, I’d love to hear all the details about all the wonderful things happening with you. Talk soon. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What an amazing weekend you had…such memories to relive again and again. Your angel wings remind me of Taylor Swift’s lyrics, “darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream”…hehe. I’m still in awe of the hot air balloons!! We are definitely on the right path and it’s soooo exciting! Love that calendar too. How cool that is where the orchestra plays live with the movie, what a great idea….how rich that must have sounded! I love listening to orchestras, the strings and flutes and all of the instruments…it is magical! Happy 25th Anniversary to you and Doug too! Big Anniversary hugs xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my lovely friend. Yeah, we definitely had an amazing weekend, the orchestra was so powerful and made the film come alive even more. Love live music so much. And seeing those balloons the next morning and then your post was all a bit spine tingling. Now, just one thing, about your comment on those wings, are you saying … no I won’t go there! Lol. 😏 Big hugs back and thanks for the well wishes xo 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Totally digging the angel wings! lol

    How fun to see the movie with the orchestra! That’s a total throwback to when movies were first made and needed the orchestras to provide music since the movies didn’t have sound. What an amazing experience that must have been!

    Happy 25th to you and your beloved!

    *hugs* ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comment made me smile Ness. Me as an angel is a one off!
      The production with the live music was fantastic and yes, definitely a throwback to the good ole early days. Thank you so much for your kind wishes my friend. Have a wonderful week. Hugs ❤️xo


  9. What a magical weekend Miri! Yes, definitely some very clear messages for you – synchronicity at it’s best! It looks like you’ve had a wonderful weekend – Wishing you both much love and a BIG congratulations on a very special anniversary. The Universe is floating those dreams toward you just like the balloons – oh and how FAB are those calendars!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Wendy, thanks so much for your kind wishes. As I’m sure you gathered by my pics we had an absolute ball, it was all very relaxing and lots more wonderful memories to cherish. And those calendars, yeah they were fantastic. I actually thought of you when I was there, with your own brand and how you’re growing it. You’re doing such an amazing job too. Have a great week ahead my friend. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was lovely to see all those fabulous places you went to Miri – the show looked absolutely fantastic. Yes those calendars looked fantastic – I loved the designs. I need to do some more work on my stationery – a job on my list for the New Year. It was great to see you and Doug enjoying yourself after the ‘soggy’ month preceding it… You have a good week too Miri – I hope you’re managing to get a bit straighter.. xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks Wendy. Still trying to get things straightened out at this end. I have a feeling it may take some time but whatever, I’m not going to let it affect me. I’m just rolling with it. 🙃 Big hugs xo


  10. What a magical weekend you had, a great way to celebrate a milestone for you and hubby. I also loved the movie and the music and dancing in it. It sounds as though 2018 is going to be a great year for you, follow your dreams and they will become reality. Have a happy Christmas and best wishes for 2018

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow…as in wow…25 years…you are so.blessed and lucky…congratulations❤❤❤❤❤i am lost with words…as you know its a rare thing to find couple celebrating their 25th years of love and togetherness..that’s why…i wish the love that you both have will be the same love that will transcend to other couples..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww Mich, thank you, that’s such a sweet heartfelt comment. I know, it’s a long time. In fact, we were reminiscing last night and we both agreed it seems a lifetime ago, so much has happened since then, good and bad, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I do feel incredibly blessed … wishing you also much love my friend ❤️❤️ xo

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hello dear Miriam,
    I’m finally catching up with everything I’ve missed and my…so much.
    As always, a beautifully enriching post.
    A lovely description of your weekend away and congratulations again here on your anniversary.
    But the symbols and ‘chance’ meeting were the things that got my heart beat a little elevated. At the same time I could feel the crescendo of your writing increase too…with new ideas, inspiration and an intersection that was meant to be, with someone on your trajectory.
    I think the calendar looks like a wonderful idea and I’d love to follow her as I need some inspiration to move my photos off Instagram as my ‘next’.

    Wishing you well with your musical edventures however they manifest, but they will.

    Thank you for a lovely post my friend. Hugs from me 🙋🏻💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So lovely to see you here Di. Thank you my friend for your kind wishes and your wonderfully inspiring words. Yes, I do feel a renewed vigor and our weekend away and chance meeting only exemplified that. I wish you well too in your own next move, wherever it takes you and I’ve no doubt that, with your talent and enthusiasm, whatever you choose to do will be a big success. Lots of love and a big hug back from me 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very kind and very sweet dear Miriam.
        Thank you so much and here’s to many more ‘chance’ meetings for the both of us…
        Much love 💝🌈💝

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations on your 25 years. We married on the 19th Dec 92 also and so celebrated our 25 years as well. I loved Lalala land when I saw it and to have the score played by the Australian philharmonic – it must have been fantastic. Love you finding, practicing and keeping the passion – without passion I don’t think you are living.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. What a lovely post Miriam! Synchronicity showing us that we are on the right path is such a beautiful blessing. Happy 25th Anniversary!! It looks like you had a beautiful getaway. I watched LaLa Land on the flight home from Paris. It struck me with its chasing of dreams as I had just completed leaving the U.S. for the first time and there was something quite magical in having made it to that moment. I’m so glad that you are enjoying your path. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Belated thanks Amy, yes we had a wonderful weekend celebrating our anniversary and La La Land was very fitting. Glad you’ve seen it and can relate to its theme of chasing dreams. Dream on my friend as we head into a new year. ❤️


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