No Sheepish Matter

Remember sweet Lamby?

Our rambunctious little lamb, who left for greener pastures in the country six months ago.

She’s baa ack.

Only she’s not quite so little these days. And she seems to have adopted some baaad arse behaviours.

She’s a fully fledged sheep, with a girth as wide as a woolly mammoth and a fleecy coat that would make a dozen sweaters.

And she has an attitude to match

Look how pushy she’s become.

“Let me in”.

Seriously, does she not realise how many roast lamb jokes have been tossed around in this house?

She clearly has no idea, otherwise there’s no way she’d be trying to get into our kitchen.

A guest for dinner or the main course?
For those of you not acquainted with Lamborghini (AKA Lamby) she came into our lives last year, after she was rejected by her mum and my daughter brought her home from the farm she was working on.

When she was just a wee little lamb.

We bottle fed her and raised her and, over the following nine months, she wormed her way into our hearts … and our backyard.

She featured in many of my posts.

Harry and her become best mates and I think she grew to believe she was a dog.

Look how much bigger than Harry she is now.
On the hobby farm where she lives, she still (apparently) prefers the company of dogs to sheep.

Now, whilst a new fence is being built, she’s temporarily back in our yard.  It’s been an interesting fortnight, to say the least.

Her eating habits haven’t changed. Her appetite is verocious.

My lemon tree was just starting to thrive before she got to it again.

On the plus side my overgrown lawn has had a good mow so she’s saved me a job.

But if possible, it seems she’s developed even more cheekiness.

On Tuesday I went out and she tried to ram me. A full on head butt, and then a second one.

I thought maybe she was playing but, if she was, it was like a rugby tackle with a bear.

Then today it happened again and I realised it was no game.

Okay, enough!

Roll on the weekend when she’s picked up and taken home.


I still love my Lamby but I have a feeling if she stayed she’d become prime roasting mutton, infused with rosemary and mint.  Just kidding, I think!

Best she goes back to her own flock.

Sometimes it’s good to let go and not look back. Sometimes nice memories are best kept that way.

She came, she made an impact and she moved on. Like many things that come into our lives.

Things change, circumstances change, but we can still keep the good times in our heart.

That’s what I’ll be doing.

As Spring begins here in Australia I wish you all love and happiness and a colorful, delicious and fun month ahead, free of too many head butts and tackles. 

May we all continue to love and learn and enjoy the journey.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. – Anatole France

In response to: Ailsa’s Travel Theme: Animal Companions

114 thoughts on “No Sheepish Matter

  1. What a sassy character she’s become! Nobody likes a badly brought up lambkin 🙂 🙂 But wasn’t she adorable? Wishing you a joy-packed Summer, Miriam, as our year turns over. Radiant sunshine this morning followed by a thunderstorm with hail the size of golf balls! Bizarre!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sassy, ha, now there’s a great word for her. She’s certainly got some attitude, that’s for sure. 🙂. Wow, that’s some truly bizarre weather you’re having there Jo. Take care. x

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  2. Oh Miriam….she is adorable. I understand how attached you would have become to Lamby. But like you said, you can’t look back, Lamby must move on…. though she would have moved on earlier if she were at my place attacking my lemon tree!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is sooo cute! Your lamby is back and I just had to chuckle to see her trooping around your kitchen. It looks like she now wants to eat anything and everything 😀 I love my meat but I really hope lamby doesn’t end up as roast 😀 Happy Spring. Here’s to warmer weather and more sunshine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, no, for all the roast lamb jokes, she could never be anything but a chubby but still much loved pet sheep. She just has to go live someplace else before she completely eats me out of house and garden! 🙂 Yes, here’s to that warmer weather, can’t wait!


  4. What a powerful message, Miriam. There is a time, and a place and sometimes that is exactly the way it was meant to be. Lamby is adorable, and I am so thankful she had you guys to take care of her when she needed it most. She is, however, showing little gratitude with the lemon tree and head butting, but there is no question, she is eternally grateful your family helped save her life. PLEASE DON’T EAT LAMBY!!! haha. Roll on the weekend indeed. You are the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right, gratitude indeed. She has a funny way of showing it hey?Don’t worry though Tanya, we wouldn’t really eat her. She’d be way too tough haha. 🙂 Thanks for your great comment. Hope you’re doing well. x

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  5. Yes, she was CUTE little lamb, feeding her with a bottle must be a fun experience. How big has she grown! I agree with you that by the photos, she does have an attitude. How did she get into the kitchen? She must have found a way. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Such a cute post, Miriam. It must be hard to let her go and sometimes we have to make those difficult decisions. It’s spring there and we’re almost approaching fall here. We had a dip in the the temperatures and now it’s hot again. 🙂

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    1. Yes, it’s hard to let go but sometimes it’s the best thing. It’s the first day of Spring today Cheryl but it’s still cool. I think we’re in for a blast of winter weather again next week. Ah the joys …

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  7. A delight to read about Lamby’s visit, and what an impact she continues to make! Cute as a button a while back, now she’s lucky she isn’t mutton. She’s living on the edge, butting into a kitchen like that. Lamb and lemon…maybe not.
    Hope she makes it back to the hobby farm!
    Thanks, Miriam!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah PC, your comment made me smile. Living on the edge is such an apt statement … any more on the edge and she’d be in the next paddock!
      Yes, she’ll make it back to the hobby farm. I’m planning on giving her a send off party! 🙂


  8. Oh Lamby, how you’ve grown! And also grown a sheep-sized attitude, too!

    I bet she was head-butting you to let you know she was mad at you for sending her away. She missed that lemon tree!

    So glad you’re doing well! xoxox ❤

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  9. Thanks for the update on Lamby! I’ve been wondering how she was doing. I think the only thing wrong with lambs is that they grow up to be sheep, which aren’t nearly so cute and can certainly have attitudes. Do you ever read Jon Katz’s blog on Bedlam Farm? He keeps sheep for his border collies to herd, and he says some of them are nicer than others for sure.
    But I think you are right about letting to and not looking back. Sometimes we just need to keep our good memories!

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    1. Hi Ann, no I haven’t read Jon. Katz’s blog but it sounds interesting . Might have to check it out. Lamby’s not all bad. In fact last night we were outside, along with my neighbor and her two little boys, and she seemed happy with the company. Maybe it’s her way of being social. Regardless, two more days and she’ll move on. And I’ll head back out to tidy up my garden again! Have a good weekend. x

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  10. Hello dear Miriam, Lamby certainly has grown and sounds like she made her larger presence felt.
    I love your thoughts that we cannot return to how things were. Time changes and we change. Memories of the way things were are sometimes our best way of honouring special times. We need to allow things to move on with grace and our blessings. It’s never fun nor easy to start with…
    Such a thought provoking post, thank you lovely friend 💐🦋💕💕


    1. Thank you Di and I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply (and find) this comment. Yes, sometimes memories are enough and all we need to honor special times. 💕🌿She finally left this afternoon, and I must admit it’s very quiet now. Big hugs xo 💕

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      1. as long as it didn’t go to Spam. Sorry, I’m typing in the city and pressed send accidentally.
        I’m glad you have made peace with the situation with dear Lamby, my friend.
        Take care and sending you a hug in return…🙋🏻💜

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  11. You raise them, you teach them right from wrong, you show them manners and then you send them out into the big wide world and hope for the best!! 😉 Sounds like Lamby might have gotten mixed up with a rough crowd, maybe she had to be tough to survive, sometimes like we do. Remembering the good times and letting go of the rest is the best choice. People and sheep come and go in our lives for reasons, they have something to lend to the many fabrics of us. Some stay, some go but all are a beautiful piece in the blanket that keeps us warm. We don’t always understand why they had to leave at the time, but often later we realize it was for the best. They weren’t meant to be with us permanently, really we only have ourselves who are with us throughout, and we will grow and change with time. Lamby sure got big!! That big wide world can be harsh sometimes and so we grow our coat of wool to protect us. Other times we shed it and realize how heavy it was to carry around and how light and free we feel without it. Let’s focus on the what makes us happy and more happy will focus on us!! Big wool-free hugs xo

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    1. Oh how I love your words Deb. They are so true, so very true, in every respect and I absolutely love the analogy of that coat of wool and how heavy it is to carry around. I’m looking forward to eventually shedding mine and feeling lighter and freer as a result. Thank you my dear friend for such an insightful comment. You know me well. Big warm hugs back xo

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      1. You will, when the time is right and the wool is ready to be shed. It gives me immense pleasure to be able soothe you, take comfort where you can. For now the wool suits you. Big warm hugs my lovely lady xo 🐑

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  12. Miriam, I hope you lasted safely to the weekend and that Lamby is back on the farm now! Ahh…she was so cute when little and now looks a bit bewildered…wondering what had changed and not realising it is herself!! Yep, sometimes I definitely think it is best to treasure those memories and not to go back. Wishing you a lovely start to your Spring…September has been glorious warm sunshine, cooler early dark evenings. Xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. She’s still here Annika but my daughter will be taking her home tomorrow. She’s been behaving, though honestly it’ll be good to get my yard back. Enjoy your September sunshine. xo

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  13. Oh dear Miriam, I’m so happy to see Lamby is flourishing, but I agree back she goes to her own flock where she can head but to her hearts content. No roast lamb for this lovely girl, she is far too spoilt to end up that way.

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