Corners of Australia

Did you know there are four places in Australia where three states meet?

The most well known corner of the Australian outback is Cameron Corner, where the states of New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland meet.

There’s also the remote Surveyors General corner where South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory meet.

Haddon Corner is not far from Birdsville and finally there’s Poepell Corner, where Queensland meets South Australia and the Northern Territory.

NT sign (800x600)

Okay, geography lesson over. 

On our recent road trip we traveled over 9000kms and crossed over five state borders, however we didn’t turn any of these corners.

It just goes to show how vast Australia is.

Road signs 1 (800x600)

There was a lot of straight driving and the occasional corner.

Like the one onto the Plenty Highway, one of many highlights, heading across the red dirt track into Outback Queensland.

It’s called the Outback Way for good reason and is part of Australia’s longest shortcut.

There were few corners on this route, it was straight, vast and unending nothingness.  I loved it.

But Australia has a lot more than just lonely stretches of roads.


Drive long enough and you’ll reach some spectacular places. 

We’ve had loads of adventures over the years, some of them way off the beaten track, many close to home. 

Coffin Bay coastline (800x600)

We’ve explored the lone stretches of the Eyre Peninsula, where curved beaches adorned glittering waters, and we’ve ventured into quirky art galleries and red earthed corners of outback Silverton.

Silverton Corner (600x800)

We’ve walked to what seemed like the corners of the earth on top of Mount Buffalo and explored National Parks near and far.

With such a diversity of landscapes we’ll be traveling for a long time. There’s still so much we haven’t seen.

Every state is special and unique but Victoria would have to be the most diverse. I am biased though!

There’s always something amazing around the corner, but perhaps you could say that anywhere. You just have to keep your eyes open.

For all my love of travel, it’s good to be home. Somehow the ordinary seems extraordinary again and the small things bring me joy.  

Like the view over my back garden after a sun shower. This is my special corner, where I’m often inspired to write and play my guitar. 

Sometimes the best place to be is right where we are, in our own happy place.

We’ve all got one. It might be the sanctuary of our garden, the creative hub of our favorite writing spot, where the sun hits our back and makes us believe anything is possible, or that special café down the road where we feel so at home.

Where ever it might be, enjoy it and make the most of every day.

winnie the poo

I love Australia but since I’ve been blogging my world has expanded tenfold. 

I’m so grateful to know so many of you from all corners of the world.

“Remake the world, a little at a time, each in your own corner of the world.” –
Rick Riordan

one corner

Wishing you peace, light and love, from my corner of the world to yours, as we all continue the journey.

In response to WPC: Corner

111 thoughts on “Corners of Australia

  1. Lovely bit of trivia there, and Australia is indeed a vast country. I’ve lived here for a while and have yet to visit all the states 🙂 It would take you quite a while to roadtrip around Australia – and 9000km sounds like quite a journey already. Maybe another roadtrip at some point 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful post, Miriam. I love exploring Australia vicariously through you and sincerely hope to make it there one day. And I agree, nothing beats the feeling of coming home after a wonderful journey.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Wow! I love your writing corner, Miriam! The golden light of the sun catching the top of trees is glorious and what a wonderful balcony for music and writing…want any guests??😀😀 I enjoyed the meandering tone of your post, from the geographical details, to your travels and then the deeper philosophical thoughts. Likewise I’m so cosy in my corner of the garden, tapping away in the iPad. It’s wonderful to explore the world and equally special to return home and see it afresh. Have a great weekend relaxing at home and so glad you sound so much better! Xx❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Annika, thank you so much for your lovely comment, you’re welcome over here any time! We could see outside with a cup of tea and swap stories while the kangaroos graze away in the back paddock! 🙂 Yes, it’s good to be home. Have a lovely weekend, whatever you’re doing. xo

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Miriam, through your posts you have made me look at visiting Australia! Your trips have made it all sound so beautiful and free. As it is I will just travel with you guys in my mind and enjoy the wonderful descriptions. Your pictures as well are stunning and uplifting.

    You are as always including many words of wisdom and reflection. I love Winnie the Poh and people did come and visit him at his corner. 🙂 Your corner sounds so beautiful, these places are important for our body and mind..and creativity.
    I have one in the garden that definately is perfect and two in the house. Just to make certain.:))

    Wishing you all good things as you continue to settle back.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s good to have more than one special spot, sounds like you’ve got all bases covered Miriam, haha. 🙂 Thank you for your lovely comment and I hope one day you do manage to visit Australia, but in case you don’t you can just visit me. It’s much cheaper too! 😊 Warmest wishes to you xo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A lovely post Miriam – I especially liked your ending about expanding your own world thru blogging. We visited Australia years ago and while we spent a month there and visited some far corners, we never got to the west coast which I hear is fantastic. I suppose we’ll just have to go back one day! You live in a glorious country!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Tina, glad you got a taste of the country while you were here. There’s so much to see. Even we haven’t seen most of the west coast. Yes, as you said, you’ll just have to come back!


  6. I relate to the joy of exploring the world and also the joy of coming home and seeing my city with new eyes. Thank you MIriam for another inspiring message. May we all welcome travelers who pass through our daily lives with a kind smile.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I loved this post! Both the written sentiments and the supporting photographs were wonderful. Particularly drawn to the road trip and distance pictures – there’s something special about living in a place you can’t ever hope to see in one lifetime, but you know you’ll try anyway – and you can call it home!
    Thanks, Miriam!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Wishing you peace and love too Miriam from my side of the world ..i live literally at the other side of the world yet look what blogging/writing has made to us…

    Have a great week end..

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Couldn’t agree more about your comments regarding the corners of the world. Love connecting up with others as we travel around housesitting. Hopefully and with some organising, we will have to connect up with other bloggers. 9000kms does sound like a huge amount until you look on the map, as we did after doing approx that amount a few years ago 🙂 Peace and love from our corner which is has been Turkey for the last three months.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a lovely comment. You obviously share the same love and passion for travel judging by your adventures around the globe. Hope you keep enjoying. Peace and love back from down under 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. “Sometimes the best place to be is right where we are, in our own happy place” – beautiful line Miri… and you’re so right as I sit in my special place in our garden.. my Brilliance Within Hut – a place where I’m always at peace.. I can imagine you making beautiful music on your guitar sat in your special corner of your World – lovely! I’m also looking forward to hearing some of this great music that you and Deb are creating!! xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah Wendy, your Brilliance Within hut sounds like a very special place. How wonderful to have a space to feel so inspired and at peace. As for me, I’m loving putting my music to Deb’s words at the moment … look forward to sharing it sometime soon. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow – Amazing and I can’t wait to hear these songs!! With you and Deb joining forces, I can imagine these are going to be brilliant – what a fabulous collaboration!!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m realizing how huge Australia is, so much to see! And you’ve seen and experienced so much of your amazing country. I like watching House Hunters International, and love the shows on Australia. So beautiful! Loved your post and pictures Miriam! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  12. That was just beautiful, Miriam! Traveling is so wonderful and expands our horizons in so many ways, but there is still nothing like coming home. Where our heart belongs and where we feel that we are known and accepted for exactly who we are. I think one compliments the other….
    And after getting to know you and reading your wonderful blog, I have vowed that I will make it to Australia some day!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Wonderful post of your travel. I study the map quite well when my daughter’s friends asked me to recommend places to go in Australia because they knew that we were there. Yes, in order to describe the specifics, I had to name the sites and what to do for sightseeing. That was interesting. They actually went to all the places I recommended.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Hello dear Miriam,
    What beautiful images and thoughts about the vastness of our land. You are a very proud traveller and Australian.
    The quotes you have included are inspiring and I loved your little corner of solace. We all need reminding to be happy right where we are in the present moment because that’s all we are gifted.
    Thank you, another beautiful gentle post 💕🌈💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome Di and I’m so glad you contacted me so I could find your comment. How dare you be in my spam! Hope all your WP gremlins get sorted. I don’t think you’re the only one with comments disappearing. xo

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Goodness you travelled a long way in those 6 weeks. I love the look of the Outback Highway and those glorious beaches. Indeed there is no place like home either but travelling is indeed wonderful. I wonder what the Universe has in store for you now Miriam. 🌼

    Liked by 2 people

  16. I absolutely love that great big window you have that overlooks your garden. It is so inspiring, I can see why you love to be there to play your guitar. The Eyre Peninsula is gorgeous, the water is such a beautiful color. You had such a magnificent trip and added to your world in so many ways. Funny how we love to go somewhere but there’s nothing that feels as great as coming home. Hmmm I think I just inspired myself with another song…get that guitar and beautiful singing voice of yours ready. Warm homey hugs my sweet friend xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good questions Hugh. Along the east coast there aren’t too many time differences. Just half an hour difference between South Australia and the other states. We have a umber of ‘border towns’, in fact we have some right here in Vic/NSW like Albury Wodonga and Echuca Moama though as far as I know they’re in the same time zone. Have you ever been to Australia Hugh?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No, I’ve never been, Miriam. However, my sister lives in Brisbane and she was telling me that Queensland does not have daylight savings hours where they put the clocks forward and back. She says that in New South Wales they do use daylight saving hours so that during one part of the year there is an hour’s difference when going over the border between the two. Is that correct?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s right. We also have daylight savings hours here in Melbourne so in a few months time we’ll be winding the clocks back an hour (or forward, I always get confused).

          Liked by 1 person

      2. She mentioned that on New Year’s Eve, you can see in the New Year twice, by stepping over the border between Queensland and New South Wales. How cool is that?
        Thanks, Miriam. We’ll be putting our clocks back an hour in October, so I’m guessing they will be going forward in your part of the world?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry I missed this comment Agness. Yes, I would definitely recommend a road trip, there’s so much to see and it really is the best way to experience the diversity. Are you here on holiday?


  17. Hi Miriam,
    Your trip looks fantastic. I’m a keen Australian Travel lover, predominantly concentrating on travelling around Western Australia but your blog post is getting me excited about doing some more exploring in this amazing country over on the east coast. I know you mentioned above that you are bias in the view that Victoria is the most diverse state for travel and that along with South Australia they are the only states I have not travelled through yet! It’s great to get an insight to other traveller’s trips and plans. When there is so much to do in the state you live it in it becomes difficult to book to go elsewhere . Eyre Peninsula looks similar to Esperance in Western Australia If you have not been you should check it out on one of your future trips.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Ciara, thanks for your comment. I’ve just been over to check out your blog. It’s always nice to meet another fellow Aussie traveller. We live in an amazing country don’t we? So much to see, not enough time! 🙂 Here’s to the next trip. Happy traveling and blogging.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. I’ll be in your wonderful continent soon! Can someone give me some info on which blogs have the most info about Australia? I just want to know what I really need to know as a tourist to get the best experience. 😄. This pod showed up as the most relevant in my search criteria so I’ll be reading more of your posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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