Unusual: From the Outback to the Coast

You know you’re in North Queensland when you drive by a giant mango.

After weeks of being in the red dusty outback we’re now in sugarcane country and the land of fresh mangoes and avocados.


Oh and lots of coconut trees.

There’s so much to take in, often I just have to stop to take it all on board.

Sometimes it’s simply a matter of breathing deeply and embracing it all, just as I’m doing here with Uluru on my shoulders.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by nature?  That’s how I felt when I saw this magnificent Ghost Gum tree and I simply had to hug it.

It’s all about living in the moment, where ever we are.

That’s what this trip has been about for me.

I’ve savoured every single day of the past month we’ve been on the road.

From the simple joys of waking up to the sound of birds, to bitterly cold mornings that turned into gloriously warm spring days, every destination has held its delights.

We’ve experienced spectacular salt lakes, visited underground homes in Coober Pedy and  explored the ruins of Central Australia’s first town Arltunga.

We’ve eaten at a pub in the middle of nowhere that held unusual charms.

This pub, the Middleton hotel, has the distinction of being Outback Queensland’s most isolated pub. Population of the town, a total of just three.

We camped across the road at the ‘Hilton Hotel.’ Was it fancy? I’ll let you be the judge.

The Campground has nothing yet it has everything.

It has fresh air, huge skies, a never ending horizon with golden hues and a sense of peace that was priceless.

Not to mention cold drinks and cooked meals across the road.

We’ve seen plenty of unusual things on this trip, like this huge termite mound, the largest of many on the Plenty Highway.

After travelling across two states on Australia’s longest shortcut we are now on the coast of North Queensland.

It could be another world, yet it’s still the same country I call home.

The red earth and dust has been replaced by coral reefs and sandy beaches, blue skies and an ocean of never ending possibilities.

Today we were lucky enough to be able to walk to a lighthouse island that is usually inaccessible.

It was the only day of the year where the tide was at its lowest enabling people to walk across to reach it.

An ocean of impossibility that can become possible.

That’s what I wish as we continue our journey. That no matter where we are we look for the unusual and the possibilities of life, knowing that anything is within our reach.  

Nothing is perfect but with the right frame of mind we can always find the extraordinary, even in the ordinary moments.

I have to admit that not much I’ve seen on this trip could be classed as ordinary.

 I look forward to catching up with all of you and to lots of reading when I get home in two weeks. 

Till then stay safe and keep enjoying the journey.

Sharing  for The Weekly Photo Challenge:  Unusual

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.   Jim Rohn

105 thoughts on “Unusual: From the Outback to the Coast

    1. It really has been. I’m glad I could stir some outback love in you Kate. It really is a special part of Australia. 😊
      P.S change of date again, I’ll be in touch about our catch up.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Following you on this great adventure has been such a treat, Miriam, and I am just so happy for you guys that your eyes and souls are taking in all this breathtaking beauty! Your country is magical and is a wonderland of nature. One day I will get there to witness it myself. Enjoy the next two weeks and breathe in every last bit! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tanya, I’m so glad you’ve been along for the ride. I’ve enjoyed sharing my beautiful country with fellow wonder lusters like yourself. And I do so hope you make it out here one day as I’m sure you’d absolutely love it. Take care xo 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! That mango is more than giant 🙂
    In fact, everything is gigantic there. You’re in the Gulliver’s country, Miriam 😀
    A beautiful journey in a land of magic, my friend. I am glad for you.
    Mo-hugs and kisses ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much PC. Great to hear from you. Yes, two more weeks and then we’re home so I’ll definitely keep enjoying. You too, whatever you’re up to. 🙂


  3. Hi Miriam,
    Always so great to hear from you and your fascinating and beautiful post brings your part of the world to life. I enjoy your deep and reflective thoughts among the fun. You two really are having a marvellous tour as you words, photos and smiles bear witness too.
    Keep enjoying

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well. I always tell people that everything is bigger in Texas, but I think that we may lose that challenge in the mango and boomerang categories. Lovely lovely pics – all of them! And did you find that incredible starfish??? I’m jazzed when I find two clamshells that are still connected. 😉 Beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Louise. I’m definitely savouring and bathing in it, especially the heat, cos I know in another couple of weeks I’m going to be back in freezing Melbourne. 😎 xo

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  5. Wow Miriam. I am in awe. The nature looks magnificent! I can only imagine how amazing it must have felt being surrounded by it for a whole month. I’d love to have such a trip myself. Beautiful, beautiful places. That pub sounds interesting, I am fascinated by isolated places. Those starfish look exactly the same kind like we saw in the Philippines! Great blog post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. NZ is definitely worth visiting not that I am biased anything 🙂 We are based in Europe for the foreseenable future doing housesitting. Though we do go back to NZ for a few weeks each year.


  6. Wow Miriam! I was still stunned by the size of that ghost Gum tree when I saw that Termite Mound. Texas has nothin’ on the Outback;)

    And I love seeing your refreshed and invigorated smile in all these photos. This 30-day adult time-out sounds like great medicine!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow I reckon you’ll pass us on your way back down. If you see a dusty caravan with way too much gaffer tape that’ll be us. But then again we’re averaging 30 clicks a day so I doubt that we’ll be moving. Travel safe guys.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Your trip looks amazing! I’m so glad you are having fun and just enjoying all that nature has to offer! I think the effects of this trip will be with you for a long time after you return home, and I’m looking forward to reading all about it. Enjoy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ann, I hope you’re right. We’ve certainly seen some amazing places on this trip and met some very friendly people. Thank you. Sending you lots of warm ocean wishes from northern Queensland at the moment.

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  9. Hello Miriam,
    What an eye opening land of contrasts even for me as a fellow Aussie!
    Your adventures, words and images make our country sound awesome.
    As usual, a lovely, very thoughtful post. And those ‘big’ everything’s…so fun and unique, including that enormous tree…
    Great to see your happy face too.
    Happy rest of your travels my friend 🙋🏻💕💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Di, great to hear from you. Yes, you’re right, we live in an amazing land of contrasts and I feel as though I’ve barely scratched the surface. Still, it’s been fantastic and just whetted my appetite for more adventure. Take care and talk soon. 💕 xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome dear Miriam.
        Oh that appetite for travel…you’ve awakened it for sure now! May you have many new adventures 🌎
        Yes, we will talk soon 🙋🏻💕💕

        Liked by 1 person

  10. You look like you’re having an amazing time and I love your post of Unusual. Our country is pretty spectacular isn’t it? We’re off on an adventure to a new place next month and I’m so looking forward to it. Enjoy the next few weeks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for sharing with us this trip Miriam…and as always you made me wonder why i haven’t done something like this yet?.but i know maybe in time i will…

    And the ghost ghum tree….really amazing…looking at the picture itself is amazing..i could only imagine how it is you hugging it..

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Fantastic photos. I especially like the one where you are hugging the tree. It captures the awe of nature. You are spot on with your message about mental framework giving us the world we see each day. Some would find much to complain about the campground with bare dirt. You chose to see it beautiful and it is. Bravo for you Miriam and for showing others the way to embrace possibility.


  13. I love these photos. Beautiful scenery and a giant mango, go figure. Of course, we have a giant peach in Georgia. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to more.

    Liked by 1 person

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  15. That’s certainly what you call a ‘mango’ Miri! Fab photo’s of your wonderful trip. I really have learned so much about Australia – I had no idea that avocados are grown there. Avocados always remind me of my mum. She was one of the ‘food demonstrators’ who introduced avocados to the UK in the 1970’s. Crates of avocados would be delivered and she’d make some wild and wonderful recipes and go out to demonstrate how to use them all around the country. Thanks for inspiring a lovely memory! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Wendy, that’s so awesome. You mum sounds like she was quite an entrepreneurial woman. And I simply love avocados. I’m glad I was able to help rekindle such a special memory. Big hugs to you xo

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      1. The funny thing was Miri that at that time, I hated the look of the avocados and wouldn’t try her fab recipes. It’s only in the last few years that I actually decided I liked them!! Mum was very entrepreneurial but virtually gave everything away.. she never made any money bless her! Big hugs returned with love xx

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s pretty ironic isn’t it. I was much the same, never liked avocados until a few years ago.
          And how’s this for another similarity between us. Mum too was quite entrepreneurial but in a different way. She was an amazing seamstress and always helped others, gave away what she made for virtually nothing. I never appreciated what she did fully while I was growing up. Hugs and love to you my friend as I slowly head home. xo


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