Remembering Mum

You taught me love is everywhere

you taught me not to judge

you taught me to be true to myself

and never to begrudge.


You taught me to be honest

to always look for good

to accept other people

beyond our neighborhood.


You taught me responsibility

and to always do my best

that even when we sometimes fail

it’s just another test.


You taught me to be grateful

and how to make do

you taught me about respect

for myself and others too.


You taught me to cook pasta

a love of food you instilled

but something that I never got

was your intricate sewing skills.


You taught me so many things

how to forgive and how to listen

I may not have always agreed with you

but you were my inspiration.


Now you’re no longer here

there are no more life lessons

but I’m left with love and gratitude

and a lifetime of angel blessings.


snoopy missing you

This is my first Mothers Day without my mum.

There are times when she feels so close to me, as though she’s whispering in my ear, and other times I struggle to remember her voice.

What I will always remember though is her unwavering love, support and strength. 

She had the kindest heart, a beautiful smile and everyone who met her loved her.

Our framed gift to her last year
I’m not one for hype and commercialism but I couldn’t pass up the chance to honor her today. 

She taught me, through her actions, thoughts and words, what it means to be a good mother.243312-Snoopy-Mother-s-Day-Quote

Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing mums out there.

Sending you all lots of love and hugs.

Whether you’re a mum or not, go and hug soneone today.  Life’s precious and so are you. 

107 thoughts on “Remembering Mum

  1. Great poetry tribute to your Mum … how special you both are/were! You have her eyes Miriam and I am sure you share her qualities as a kind and loving mother … thinking of you as each little hurdle does bring grief but she lives on in your heart and mind. Am sure she is watching over you all .. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahaaaa
    Miriam you have a lovely ❤️ Mom and every word of you reminds me my own mom who is not there anymore but I feel her presence in every sphere of life….
    Lovely post..
    My regards to your sweet Mom 💋

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful tender post Mary!! Sorry that your mother can not be with you this Mothers Day– and thankful you have so many dear memories of her (learning to cook pasta!!). Thanks for posting the sweet photos of you two together. hugs from here!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy Mothers day. A beautiful poem for your mum. Your lucky to have such a great mum who taught you so much. I can see you were best friends as well. So beautiful. I can understand this is a hard day. Always remember, you had the fortune of having her in your life, in such a close way. It is a beautiful relationship that remains in your heart and memories for ever. Sending you a massive hug . Beautiful poem and a beautiful relationship.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Bella, yes I was blessed to have such a wonderful mum, in fact I said that to my sister just the other day! Yes, good happy memories sustain.
      Thanks so much for your beautiful comment Bella. Big hugs to you ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A very touching tribute to a truly beautiful soul, Miriam. How wonderful that today and every day your mind is filled with profound memories of her, that will help guide you forward for the rest of your life. What a gift she was. Happy Mother’s day, Miriam.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a beautiful mother you had! I love how your poem focuses not just on what kind of person she was, but on what she taught you, on how she lives on in you. My own mom turned 99 in February. My brothers and I will not have her much longer, but she will live on in us as well. I have bookmarked your poem. It is not only an excellent composition, but your mother taught you many of the things that my own did. I think those two ladies would have understood each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well firstly I feel honoured Paul, that you’d bookmark my poem. What a compliment. It was written purely from the heart and I meant every word, in fact there was so much more I could have said.
      99. Wow, that’s so amazing. Imagine the changes she’s seen in her lifetime. Yes, I’m sure our mothers would have understood each other. Treasure her (as I’m sure you do) while you still have her.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your mother! She sounded like such a wonderful person, and an absolutely perfect mom. I’m so sorry for your loss, but glad that you had all those lessons from her. Trust me, she would be very proud of the woman you have become!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Miriam, yesterday must have been hard for you. Virtual hugs winging their way to you. This post is a wonderfully moving tribute to your mother, such a beautiful poem and I had to smile at cooking pasta! I am sure your mother would have reciprocated with her own feelings of love and what you taught her over the years too…the photograph of the two of you by the water is lovely, full of love and closeness.😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This brought a tear to my eyes Miriam. What a stunning poem, and the photos of you and your Mum – you two are angels! ❤ I relate to your sentence that sometimes we feel the whispers of love in our ear…sometimes they feel so far away… I believe they move close when we need them the most. Here's to our parents past and present. Love and light my friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you’re right Hayley. When I was going through all that angst with my job there were times I swear I could hear mum’s comforting words in my ear. Thank you so much for your kindness my friend. Here’s to a peaceful and light heart for both of us. ❤️ xo

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  10. Oh Miri, what a beautiful poem and tribute to your mom. She looks like she has a kind heart which she so obviously gave to you. She will always love you, just because she’s no longer here physically, she’s always right there and all you have to do is be happy and you will hear her. If you pay attention you will see the signs she sending you, for instance that bird on your railing, um I think that was her. How blessed you were to have such a close relationship with you mom and so many wonderful memories. Warm hugs to you my lovely lady xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Deb, what a beautiful comment, thank you. Yes she did have a kind and gentle heart, absolutely no doubt about that. And what you said about the bird, hmm, it gave me goosebumps. Yes, I’ll try and be happy and remember her. Thank you lovely. ❤️
      On another completely different note, I’ve just been inundated with awful comments on old posts of mine that are clearly spam but not been filtered. It’s a bit unnerving. Have you had any issues with this?
      Big hugs Deb and hope you’ve had a much better day today xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. According to Abraham you can only hear your loved ones when you are happy, when you are sad you block them.
        Yes I have absolutely been inundated with spam, I was wondering what’s going on. In your settings under discussion you can put the key words or URL to try and block them, but I found it wasn’t working. Then if you notice where it has either their website or email listed there’s a small x to remove the URL, I’ve been clicking that and it’s been removing the URL and then I delete the message and empty the spam. Since I’ve been doing that I have had less spam today I did not have any for the first time in a long time. Try that.
        Yes today was much better than yesterday, thanks!! Big hugs xo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hmm, thanks for that Deb. Yes it makes sense that we can hear our loved ones when we’re happy, though now that I think about it when I was going through my job stresses I felt I could hear mum’s words of comfort some days.
          Rotten spam is being a bane today. It’s proving hard to delete. Might have to leave it for awhile and go mow my lawn, while the weather’s good. I’ll deal with it later. Hugs my dear. x

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Do what I wrote about clicking that x to remove the url it works!! Happy mowing…now that Lamby’s gone you have grass to mow again. Hugs back xo

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Hello dear Miriam,
    Such a beautiful tribute to your wonderful mum, and the things you learnt from her. How to be a good mum is the most prized of them all and I know you are one yourself…
    Your mum is surely there with you in spirit showing you the way. Much love,
    Di 💐✨💕

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m really sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad Christmas 2012. Christmas will never be the same again. It looks like you have some wonderful memories, these will be with you forever. Take care

    Liked by 1 person

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